Well....I feel like I’m back in 2011.
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Wow I havent been on here for a long long time. 
I got so annoyed by the constant “My opinion is correct, you’re all shit” rubbish, and the ridiculous amount of porn blogs clogging up everything else that I took a good long break from Tumblr.
I’d like to be back. Really, I would!
Not sure where I left off, but I’ve moved house and I’m going back to education to train to become a teacher. It’s all go right now. I just completed an online exam which I aced! 
Everything is looking up - I hope all of you are feeling fabulous <3
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Remember that time Daleks and Cybermen had sass-off?
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It was very sad for me.
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It just keeps getting better!
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harry potter books rated by mcgonagall
sorcerer's/philosopher's stone: cries for james and lily, also absolutely cannot believe that dumbledore is leaving a baby on a porch in england in november. 8/10
chamber of secrets: condescends lockhart into going into the chamber alone, then turns around and is like "great so that got rid of him" 10/10
prisoner of azkaban: "you look to be in perfect health to me, potter, so i'm sure you won't mind me setting you homework. i assure you that if you die, you need not hand it in." bamf. says "not today" to the god of death." 11/10
goblet of fire: there's that one time she puts a hand on harry's shoulder while her voice shakes. lov it lov her. 9/10
order of the phoenix: unfortunately is part of the union of "adults denying traumatized harry any information." this, however, is offset by "have a biscuit, potter." 7/10
half-blood prince: in her temporary stint as headmistress, she gets more done than dumbledore did in fifty years. amazing. 100/10
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The end is SO satisfying.
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I decided to look through Jeremy Stolle’s vines because there are some quality stuff about PotO there and I think I’m dead now
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Y'all can gush about m night shyamalan all you want but the biggest plot twist I’ve ever witnessed is Ben stiller releasing some crusty mummy from a sarcophagus and it ending up being the fine ass Rami Malek
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Pinky and The Brain Voice Actors Read Through the R-Rated Opening Scenes of Pulp Fiction
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“It’s easy to forget now, when we’ve come so far, where now marriage is equal under the law—just how much courage was required for Ellen to come out on the most public of stages almost 20 years ago. Just how important it was not just to the LGBT community, but for all of us to see somebody so full of kindness and light, somebody we liked so much, somebody who could be our neighbor or our colleague or our sister challenge our own assumptions, remind us that we have more in common than we realize, push our country in the direction of justice. What an incredible burden that was to bear. To risk your career like that. People don’t do that very often. And then to have the hopes of millions on your shoulders. But it’s like Ellen says: We all want a tortilla chip that can support the weight of guacamole. Which really makes no sense to me, but I thought would brighten the mood, because I was getting kind of choked up. And she did pay a price—we don’t remember this. I hadn’t remembered it. She did, for a pretty long stretch of time—even in Hollywood. And yet, today, every day, in every way, Ellen counters what too often divides us with the countless things that bind us together—inspires us to be better, one joke, one dance at a time.” —President Obama awarding the Medal of Freedom, our nation’s highest civilian honor, to Ellen DeGeneres yesterday, along with 20 other Americans who have contributed to their fields.
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Watch: Khizr Khan tells his son’s story in powerful new ad
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