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That's sweet.  During my sophomore year I had a lot of time on my own, for various reasons, and I put on headphones more and more.  I definitely expanded my musical horizons, so to speak.
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Glee as in show choir, yes.  The ex-head-cheerleader in me still cringes sometimes when I talk about it, but I wouldn't take it back for the world. Oh, the Warblers!  Two of my closest friends used to be Warblers, so I know a bunch from that group, too.  Small world, isn't it?
I used to travel with my parents every summer, and we went all over the world, but Italy was always my favorite.
I see some familiar faces and some not so familiar...
Trust me, I grew up on The Beatles. My parents were hippies back in the day and my Dad was in love with John Lennon, so It kind of holds a special place in my heart. They still have some hippy like qualities, and my Dad usually has their music playing whenever I visit them, so theres’ that.
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Glee as in singing? That’s cool. I think my safe haven is lacrosse. I’m not big on the whole singing in groups…besides, I’m not really the best singer. Funnily enough, my friends are Warblers…and some of the girls on the Lacrosse team as well.
Funny you say that, I’ve always wanted to visit Italy.
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You'll figure it out.  You're probably the most level-headed person I know.  Admittedly, I know a lot of very very very emotionally volatile people, but still.  When the time comes, you'll know.
You're talking to the girl who had boyfriends on and off since the summer before ninth grade.  I'm not good at being single, but I'm working on it.  Just, work on it.  Get to know yourself a little better without someone else muddling everything up; who knows what you might find, right? 
This is a blessing, even if you can't see how yet.  Trust me.  You'll come out better for it.
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It's so hot I think I'm melting
Yeah, you’ve got a point there. I’m just trying to decide between the two. I do think that California would be a wonderful change of scenery, honestly. I just don’t know if it would be the right place for me. So many decisions. Good thing I’ve got some time.
Yeah. I’ve got Roxie, she keeps me company and keeps me from being alone. Same with all of the Warblers — they’re all quite wonderful.  Even Hunter, at times.  But it’s just the whole being single thing. I don’t know. It’s weird.
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Just don't forget that college is huge.  Chances are you won't be running into people unless you're really trying to, and even then it's hard.  Don't let someone else dictate what you want, okay?
That's why you have us!  I mean, I'm probably not the best choice for company for a lot of reasons, mainly location, but there are plenty of people who love you back home.  You don't have to feel alone.  That's what glee is all about: family.
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It's so hot I think I'm melting
I’ve still got a year to go. I can’t wait to get out of here. I’m thinking NYU or maybe UCLA… But the latter might not be a good choice.
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I dunno. It’s just… being alone gets to me sometimes.
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That's really saying something, considering you have a Harvard boyfriend.  You're still the sweetest, which should count for much more than people seem to give you credit for.
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A couple of weeks at the earliest.  I've got a few tests coming up and it's hard to justify spending so much on flights just to spend a weekend in Lima, no matter how much I want to.
It's so hot I think I'm melting
I won’t lie, Quinn, you’re still the smartest person I’ve ever met. I’m really happy you’ve been doing well. When do you think you’ll be able to come back to Lima?
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Clean slates are the best part of college, I think.  No one knows who you are.  You'll love it.
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Miserable?  Do you want to talk about it?
It's so hot I think I'm melting
Yeah, well, I’m just glad to be starting off all new. Although I’m really miserable, not gonna lie…
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Tell me about it.  It's good, too, though.  Fresh starts all around.  It's like free drinks for the whole bar.
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It's so hot I think I'm melting
Yeah, I suppose so. To each their own.
Yeah, we’ve had our fair share of drama and bad news and.. heartbreak to last us all a lifetime.
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Thank you.  It's served me well, I suppose.
The Beatles, huh?  This might be the beginning of a very beautiful friendship if your music taste is anything to go by.
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Crazy is an understatement.  You're right to want out, for sure.  The only good part about high school for me was glee and all of the people I met there.  Make your friends and take them with you to college however you can, would be my advice, but leave behind the rest.  It's all dead weight.
Skipping town, huh?  Italy is beautiful if you wanted to go there, especially Florence.
I see some familiar faces and some not so familiar...
Thanks. I actually like the name Lucy. It reminds me of The Beatles song ‘Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds’ and I really like The Beatles so there you go….but Quinn’s a pretty sweet name to go by as well. 
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I think High School experience is crazy for everybody. I just can’t wait to graduate. Psychology huh? That’s cool. Before I really didn’t know what I wanted to do. I like Traveling though, and my friend, Hunter suggested that I travel abroad, so I might look into that. 
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Sounds like the New Directions I always knew and loved.  It wouldn't be the same without all of the insanity.
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I've been great!  I dropped some dead weight in my life, maxed out my credit card at the mall, and joined three new clubs on campus.  It's been busy, but I've always been better busy.  Idle hands are the devil's tools, or so they say.  More like playthings, I think, but it's the same sentiment.
It's so hot I think I'm melting
You know it!
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Everyone misses you. A lot. Everyone’s dating each other or fighting or trying to stay on Tina’s bad side. Just one more year and I can be in college like you guys! How’ve you been, though? I really miss you?
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Sweet, but that won't stop me from counting calories every once in a while.  You can eat whatever you want and you'll still be tiny; not everyone is so lucky.
Definitely good news.  I wouldn't wish that upon anyone, and I think we've had enough bad news in the past couple of years to last a lifetime, don't you?
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It's so hot I think I'm melting
You’re pretty no matter what, Q. You shouldn’t be worried about things like that, honestly.
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No, no surprise pregnancies as far as I’m concerned. Everyone’s good here, which I think is good. 
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Essie for Esther is actually pretty cute.  Fair enough, but Quinn isn't my first name, so I guess you caught me there.  It's actually Lucy, but I changed it when I got to high school.  You can get a lot of ugly rhymes out of Lucy, but I've always been partial to my middle name.  Quinn, win.
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Yale is a dream come true.  High school was crazy but I managed to keep up a good enough GPA, and I'm so glad I did.  It's lonely, sometimes, but I've had worse.  I'm majoring in psychology, so I hope to go into therapy or maybe counseling, depending on how the economy is looking when I graduate.
Do you have any college plans yet?  Ideas?
I see some familiar faces and some not so familiar...
Yeah, it’s short for Esther, but I really don’t like that name. Quinn’s a pretty unusual name as well. Yale huh? You must be pretty damn smart to be accepted there. What’s your major? Nice to meet you too…
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Hey, chicken legs are better than thunder thighs.  Trust me, I've been there and I am never planning on going back.
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Let's not talk about that, though.  How's everyone back home?  No new surprise pregnancies, I hope.
It's so hot I think I'm melting
I feel you there. I don’t even know how I do it, honestly. I hate being all sweaty and gross, it makes me feel disgusting.  I’d wear shorts every day if I could, but I’d probably scare everyone off with my weird chicken legs.
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You're the sweetest, Roxie.  
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How is everyone back home, anyway?  It's been a while since I've been around.  Busy college life, and all that.  You know how it is.
It's so hot I think I'm melting
If I was with you, I’d get you ice cream, Q.
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I couldn't stand to where a uniform; I don't understand how you people do it.  I live in sundresses and that's about it.  Much better for this weather, if you ask me.
It needs to just cool down.  I think I might be sweating, and I hate sweating.
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It's so hot I think I'm melting
It’s pretty hot up here too, Q. It really is awful and I’m stuck wearing a uniform most of the time in the heat. Ridiculous.
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It's so hot I think I'm melting
It's dry, too, which is just a nightmare for my skin.  I wish my roommate would run and get me some ice cream, but sleeping beauty has been unconscious for two hours now and she is not a morning person.  Not even at night.
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Essie?  That's an unusual name.  I'm Quinn Fabray, freshman at Yale and McKinley High alumni.  Nice to meet you, I think.
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I see some familiar faces and some not so familiar...
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So I should probably make an introduction for the people who don’t know me. My names Essie. I’m seventeen and I’m a senior at Crawford. I’m apart of the girls lacrosse team, and I’m pretty kickass if I do say so myself. I like a lot of shit, so if you’re cool with me, chances are I’ll be cool with you as well.
Feel free to say hello I guess.
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Remember to let her under your skin
Then you’ll begin to make it
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