thingspharahsays · 1 year
btw I'm lesbo
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thingspharahsays · 4 years
Hey, this may be kind of a stupid question, but is the group of "things[overwatch character]says" still a thing/still active? I used to follow most of you guys but your blog is the only one i follow who's updated even remotely recently, haha. Also, if you guys are still a thing, are you an official group? How would someone join if they wanted to? Thanks in advance
Out Of Character:
Do not worry, friend, this is not a stupid question. Tbh I ask this myself sometimes.
I used to be in a big ol' discord server with all of the other blogs, and we would talk about the game and updates and fun stuff we were posting. There were some really nice people there (there were also a couple of nuts but don't tell them I said that), and I'd like to think I got along well with them. Tracer and Junkrat were always the nicest to me.
We were never really an "official" group, but we were pretty well organized, and there was a clear hierarchy in the discord. There were a few times when the people in charge would try to enforce the (rather arbitrary) rules anytime someone (usually me) said or did something that didn't exactly fit the character they were playing. As you can imagine this happened often.
As for now, I'd like to say that we're all good friends who still talk and play Overwatch together...
But we're not.
A while back, after a series of members began shutting down their blogs, the discord server just kind of... dissapeared. There was no more hierarchy, no more arbitrary rules, no more anything. Did they kick me out, did they delete the server, I never found out.
The people I had been talking to for over a year just up and vanished. And we really haven't spoken since.
I've tried to keep up with this blog, it hasn't always been easy. I'm in college now, and honestly I haven't even been playing Overwatch for a long time. I've kinda lost all interest.
I really can't say for certain which blogs are down and which ones are still active, I kinda haven't interacted with any of them for a while. At this point if you want to join, you can probably just make your own blog and unofficially join.
I'm glad you still have interest in this blog and our little community type thingy. It's nice to know someone appreciated it.
In Character:
PEaMnut Butte R
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thingspharahsays · 4 years
Hi, I would like to add my two cents on this since I feel partially responsible for how things went down.
I was the person who started at all I remember it vividly, I was cleaning my bathroom in april 2017 and thought “what if a pharah blog but as shitposts” and immediately made it. Not sure how my friends found out about it but they were after me the first ones to make thingsoverwatchsays blogs after me because they thought it was a funny idea.
Fast forward a little and I was gaining rapidly followers and with that the first blogs that weren’t my friends showed up as well and started interacting with us. And so a discord server was made as well and here is where I think things were wrong again. My friends and I were one of the few adults and I think mostly me should have made and moderated that server because it was my thing and with that my responsibility but I was very apathetic about everything back then. Like no offence but a bunch of teenager in control is just bound to end bad, especially with so many of them in one place.
And with that a problem accured as well, people misunderstood the meaning behind these blogs. They were meant to be pure shitpost blogs but people started doing regular RP and that’s were the “community” was a little cut in half.
Some weird things started happening for example someone invited their weird late 20′s boyfriend who send reaper in lingerie to kids that were half as old as him. I left the server not much later afterwards because said person also turned out to be a snake who was in my friend group. Most of my friends and I left the server so she thought it was smart to tell all of you that she got kicked out of your groupchat when she actually just took her stuff and ran when we confronted her with all the stuff she did.
But I digress, there were a lot of weird things happening and a lot of questionable choices made that I don’t want to list here because said people probably look back at it being silly on their own already. And I just think and hope maybe things would have been better if adults made these choices. Nonetheless I just want to say it was a fun and memorable time during a not so nice time in my life. Thank you for reading.
Hey, this may be kind of a stupid question, but is the group of "things[overwatch character]says" still a thing/still active? I used to follow most of you guys but your blog is the only one i follow who's updated even remotely recently, haha. Also, if you guys are still a thing, are you an official group? How would someone join if they wanted to? Thanks in advance
Out Of Character:
Do not worry, friend, this is not a stupid question. Tbh I ask this myself sometimes.
I used to be in a big ol' discord server with all of the other blogs, and we would talk about the game and updates and fun stuff we were posting. There were some really nice people there (there were also a couple of nuts but don't tell them I said that), and I'd like to think I got along well with them. Tracer and Junkrat were always the nicest to me.
We were never really an "official" group, but we were pretty well organized, and there was a clear hierarchy in the discord. There were a few times when the people in charge would try to enforce the (rather arbitrary) rules anytime someone (usually me) said or did something that didn't exactly fit the character they were playing. As you can imagine this happened often.
As for now, I'd like to say that we're all good friends who still talk and play Overwatch together...
But we're not.
A while back, after a series of members began shutting down their blogs, the discord server just kind of... dissapeared. There was no more hierarchy, no more arbitrary rules, no more anything. Did they kick me out, did they delete the server, I never found out.
The people I had been talking to for over a year just up and vanished. And we really haven't spoken since.
I've tried to keep up with this blog, it hasn't always been easy. I'm in college now, and honestly I haven't even been playing Overwatch for a long time. I've kinda lost all interest.
I really can't say for certain which blogs are down and which ones are still active, I kinda haven't interacted with any of them for a while. At this point if you want to join, you can probably just make your own blog and unofficially join.
I'm glad you still have interest in this blog and our little community type thingy. It's nice to know someone appreciated it.
In Character:
PEaMnut Butte R
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thingspharahsays · 5 years
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thingspharahsays · 5 years
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Angela calling Fareeha to come pick her up from this new brawl. 
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thingspharahsays · 6 years
What do you have to say about Jeff nerfing your wonderful girlfriend?
wrestle with jeff, prepare for death
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thingspharahsays · 7 years
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thingspharahsays · 7 years
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thingspharahsays · 7 years
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thingspharahsays · 7 years
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thingspharahsays · 7 years
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thingspharahsays · 7 years
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thingspharahsays · 7 years
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thingspharahsays · 7 years
c’mon and slam and welcome to the jAM
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thingspharahsays · 7 years
(@hanatakeatriptothepharmercy) hello! so i drew this lil comic thing inspired by some of your posts... more specifically, the puns angayla, far-eeha and pharahway. is it alright if i simply link to the aforementioned posts / tag you as credit when i post the comic? [for the owner : i love this blog you're bloody hilarious]
jep that’s okay!
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thingspharahsays · 7 years
hello has anyone seen mercy today?? she took something from me
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thingspharahsays · 7 years
how do you know
hello has anyone seen mercy today?? she took something from me
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