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If it has to be my home, maybe it can be yours too
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the so-called charismatic detective
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At the first arc of p5r again!!
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tricky words I always see misspelled in fics: a guide
Viscous/vicious – Viscous is generally used to describe the consistency of blood or other thick liquids. Vicious is used to describe something or someone who is violent. 
Piqued/Peaked/Peeked – To pique someone’s interest is to catch or tease their attention. When something peaks, it reaches its total height or intensity. To peek (at) something is to look briefly, or glance. 
Discrete/Discreet – this is a tough one. Discrete means to be separate, or distinct, i.e., two discrete theories. Conversely, when someone is discreet, they are being secretive or cautious to avoid attention. 
Segue/Segway – one is a transition between things, the other is a thing you can ride at the park and definitely fall off of.
Conscious/Conscience/Conscientious – to be conscious is to be awake, i.e., not unconscious, or to be aware of something. Your conscience is the little voice in your head telling you not to eat the entire pint of ice cream. Finally, to be conscientious is to be good, to do things thoroughly, to be ruled by an inner moral code. 
Hope this helped! Please add more if you think of them!
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so, this is what i was working on before i was .. distracted-
its not connected to the totk rewrite, but born out of the idea of rauru being a full blown villain (like i thought for a good part of the game .. lol), had the idea of him giving you his arm so he then stays with you as a companion, and tells you stuff that isnt true throughout the game without you knowing its all false, the more you folow his advice the more those arm tattoo things spread (just like those weird falling rocks do to their environment in the game)-
at first i though it would be neat to have him slowly try to take over links body- sort of like dormin in shadow of the colossus kinda deal- but that would be hard to implement, so maybe hed just sap your energy until he has enough to fully rebuild himself at the end (or maybe even use ganondorf for it instead idk, didnt get that far) all the while you go around collecting the enigma stones not knowing hes making you do the dirty work for him on his path to reclaim ultimate power over this world and rebuild his ancient dreamland fantasy
not gonna work any further on it, already got too much to do and after all that i have lost interest in it :/ i really like the idea of villain rauru though ..
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[Amazing digital circus spoilersss]
Gummigoo bro- It's like. I was half expecting it. But it still fucked me up😭😭
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this-is-a-username124 · 2 months
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p sure someone already did it but i needed to get this out of my system
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this-is-a-username124 · 3 months
To anyone wondering if it's worth it to tear down fascist posters or whatever. I spent a few months last year engaged in silent battle with another student at my school who was putting anti trans stickers up everywhere. I had it down to a system where every night I would walk the five block radius they went up in, and tear down all the ones I could reach, and use a stick to put duct tape over the others. Like, within hours of the stickers going up, I would have already purged the whole zone. I knew the basic schedule of whoever put them up based on when and where the stickers appeared. I probably could have found them in person if I'd wanted to. And I told all my classmates and friends what the stickers looked like and got them to rip them down too. And after a few months of this, the stickers slowed, and then stopped forever.
My point is, a lot of this fashy or right wing stuff is one local weirdo. And if you pay attention, and do a little light organizing with your friends, you can basically make their efforts into a giant sisyphisean exercise in misery. You control your streets!
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this-is-a-username124 · 3 months
As much as I love Frida x Hilda or Johanna x Kaisa, I also don’t think it’s appreciated enough how little romance there is in Hilda. The show doesn’t focus on romance, and it’s not a one off plot device either. None of the characters visibly have a crush on Hilda and Hilda doesn’t visibly have a crush on any of the characters. The only romance we’ve seen is Tildy and Peter, I think Alfur and the one elf (her name is Adaline apparently) had a couple moments, and Hilda’s grandparents in season 3.
Romance isn’t necessarily a bad aspect of most tv shows, but it’s heavily relied on for plot relevance, but Hilda doesn’t need it to thrive. It’s just focusing on Hilda and her adventures with her friends and her mom. It’s refreshing honestly
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this-is-a-username124 · 3 months
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this-is-a-username124 · 3 months
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this-is-a-username124 · 3 months
Just... just a dialogue drabble about love. It started out as just a kind of brain dump on familial love being precious and sacred, and then it spiraled into.... well, this.
"Familial love is something sacred. It, out of all forms of love is perhaps the most sacred, and when destroyed, it is the most devastating."
"What about romantic love?"
"Wrong question."
"...I... okay....Why, then. Why is Familial love sacred, why is it the most sacred? Why is it so devastating when broken? "
"Because it is something that not only creates, but it shapes as well. Romantic love can create a child, but without familial love that child may be left to agony and pain, with fractures that can haunt them for the rest of their life. If you break up with a romantic or sexual partner, there is pain, but you may move on with little repercussions. If you are torn from your mother, your father, your guardians, your siblings, you may be shattered for the rest of your life. You can walk away from a relationship. You can run if you need to write papers to ensure distance. From a family, you have to sever chains. Slice away the umbilical cord that chokes you as it feeds you. Not everyone survives the process. Not everyone can hold their breath until they can outlast starvation, so they either cut to early and starve alone, or they choke, suffocate and die.
Those who escape, have eyes that burn darker than eyes that have seen war. They are resilient to destruction and should they find a way to find themselves from the ashes, they are vicious in all they love. They know what wrongs were committed, and if they can move past that, if they can free themselves from making the same mistakes.... Well. They're better off for it. You do not have to fight that kind of battle in a romantic relationship. Not when you are still a child."
"I don't think that's true. Abusive relationships can happen between romantic partners as well."
"But is it really romance then? It's just a twisted echo of the familial relationship, panted in reds and pinks and gold. Those flimsy colours of romance. There is one person in power, and they use it against the person who is viewed as having less. Romance is between equals. Family is not."
"Family aren't equals? What about found family? Are they not equals?"
"If you're describing a troupe of friends, then well, there's your answer they're friends. The "Family" aspect comes from how you protect and support each other. No one can have constant power. Their mood will drop sometimes, a wave of depression would overcome them or maybe they'd have an anxiety attack. The other, or others would help, but they wouldn't kiss in the way that you would a romantic relationship, they wouldn't profess their love, they would sit and talk about all the favorite things of that person who is feeling low. They would hug and tease a little, apologizing profusely if they've overstepped. They'd buy that person their favorite foods so that they have something to eat while they sob out all their problems. And then they'd buy them another when they drop it because of their hiccups and sniffles."
"but a romantic partner can do that too. They can do that and provide even more love on an even more intimate level."
"But that's just the thing isn't it? Romantic, love hinges on that more intimate level. Sure, they may not be the same all the time, but they both have that kind of basis. Romantic love has a deeper inexplicable connection that can draw a person back every time. It is built off of the fact that you've picked this person to be forever, or maybe not forever, maybe to just simply be yours for however long that'll be. Family is a bond that anticipates the separation. That you will not be together so tightly forever. That they will not be yours for however long you can hold on to them. Children will grow up and seek other partners. Siblings will have different friend groups that may estrange them. When they return to one another it is not because they choose them. It is not because they wish to have 'what is theirs' it is because Family has strings that last. They are not strengthened or weakened by whether or not you share the same bed. There is a respectful distance around each person in a family. One that can be invaded when wanted or needed but one that isn't constantly invaded."
"But surely.... Wait. Why do you focus so intently on this love?"
"Why is it worse off to be seen as a friend rather than a lover? Why is the 'friend zone' seen with such derogatory connotations? I don't want a romantic relationship. Can't I just have friends? Can't I just value that as something sacred and profound? What if I love you as a friend more than I could ever love a romantic partner? What if declaring you my friend is equitable to a romantic partner getting down on one knee and proposing? Why can't my love be valued? What if one day, I could romantically fall in love with someone, but it was only when we were friends first, and I never knew because no one wants to be friends instead of lovers?"
"I... Don't know. I'm sorry."
"Don't be. It's not your fault. But... It's not mine either."
"I have a kit here. From when I was a kid."
"It's one of those friendship bracelet kits. The kind with braided string and beads. I never really liked the rubber band ones."
"Friendship bracelets?"
"... I think that's the wrong question."
"...'Why', then."
"Because I think that even if calling you my friend is going to be like a marriage proposal, we should have something to symbolize it. A married couple can have their wedding rings. We'll have friendship bracelets."
"I...I Love you.... Oh! Er, but not—"
"Pfft, hahaha! You don't need to tell me that!"
"Sorry, sorry. Force of habit..."
"...I love you too."
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this-is-a-username124 · 3 months
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this-is-a-username124 · 3 months
Clover Timeline! (+ personal adult Clover design for your troubles)
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Also before anyone says it I’m well aware that last textbox refers to Chara’s tomb and not Clover’s but. Please let me have this.
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this-is-a-username124 · 3 months
Gasp...the phantom miis....
(Just silly tomodachi life things :P)
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this-is-a-username124 · 4 months
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All-Out Attack | Persona 3 Reload
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this-is-a-username124 · 4 months
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