“Finding someone you love and who loves you back is a wonderful, wonderful feeling. But finding a true soul mate is an even better feeling. A soul mate is someone who understands you like no other, loves you like no other, will be there for you forever, no matter what. They say that nothing lasts forever, but I am a firm believer in the fact that for some, love lives on even after we’re gone.”
Cecelia Ahern, P.S. I Love You
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“She will always be my one true north the brightest star at my sky who guides me through all I’m worth. Thousands of maps people gave me in search for the girl of my safest dreams and nothing compares to the feeling of drawing impossible lines each day for someone I already know is real. She will always be my one true north the angel who’s taught me the honesty of death becoming birth. Signs are everywhere, she says if you choose to open your heart to the sadness that washes away the pain of hanging on to the happiness that’s not meant to be yours, and only then can you see infinity without suffering. She will always be my one true north, my home for every road I take and my greatest blessing for each time I wake.”
— Juansen Dizon, My One True North
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“Fridays are made for loving you, Saturdays for loving myself and Sundays for loving the universe for all the love it has given me.”
— Juansen Dizon
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“The ground fell out somewhere and all the grass and dirt and mountains fell out with it. The ground fell out somehow while we forced ourselves to sleep at what we remember as a reasonable time. Now it’s all water. You and me and him and her, our smiles are too weighed down by all the water. The whole last year, and the future too the whole tangle of theories we once entertained ourselves with. Now it’s all water.”
— a. h. // our last trip to the beach for a while
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“the world is ending and all i can think about is why i keep chasing love when it has given up on me long ago the world is ending and all i can think about is whether or not i’ll fall in love and whether or not he will be a gentle man with a soft smile and kind eyes the world is ending and all i can think about is whether or not this emptiness will ever be filled with love from someone again”
— a.k. | crappy poetry written in sweatpants
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Sometimes I'm still angry at you for leaving me, the one that stood by you and gave you everything for so long. Sometimes I'm still angry at you for what you did to me. Sometimes I'm still angry that you're giving her the life we planned together. But then, I begin to think about all the things that losing you has taught me. I learned to love myself and to put me first. I will no longer let you control me. And one day I'll meet someone that will treat me the way I deserve to be treated, the way you never did. Sometimes I'm still angry at you for leaving me, but losing you was the final straw in becoming myself. As much as I hated you once you left, I'll always love you and hope the best for you. I hope she's everything you want. I hope she's enough to keep you sober. I hope she gives you something worth fighting for, something I never was. -I'm still trying to forgive
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Some people wouldn’t know love if it caringly caressed their cheek, tenderly touched the places others either left scars or left ignored. Maybe they see softness as weakness, or are too full of bitterness, or anything warm raises their suspicions, or they equate love with total submission. But their inability or refusal to recognize love in no way cheapens or detracts from yours, dear heart.
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Sometimes the depth of my sorrow is too much to voice or to even let me breathe. As furious tears course down my cheeks, an endless fury consumes me. The feeling of helplessness has never been one I can take and being a fool once again drives me insane. Why must I always hope against insurmountable odds just to have my heart crushed once again? Why the hell do I want so much to believe your lies ? Maybe it is because hope has never left me and this desire beyond all to be able to trust you, to be able to tell my heart that its love was not misplaced and that one day you will change and honor my trust and all the sacrifices I have made, but I must kill this lying hope that fractures me to my core. Rip it away and lay it to waste. Tear asunder the cords that bind me . You steal from me the innocence of a pure love’s trust and place in my heart such bitterness I cannot swallow past the knot in my throat. The salt of my endless tears stings my cheeks and I cannot help but think you do not deserve me. I want to scream my rage at the sky and erase all of this. The day I met you was a cursed day indeed. Some people are just toxic and poison every good thing. Some people I think deserve no mercy for the only thing they do is treat a priceless gift like garbage .
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I just realized I am not the one for you and it hurts more than I ever thought, I would have breath to say.
I am not the one for you so this dance must end.I must staunch the flow of love from my heart and learn to hold it in.
It is so sad to know sometimes things don’t work like we think. Love’s magic fails if it is not a two way street. Fairytales dont tell you that shit.
I am not the one for you.I failed to see through eyes that were so full of love that blinded they have been.
Maybe I tried too hard, loved you too much and thought that would be enough
Now I must find a way to put back together the pieces of this broken heart.
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“I am haunted. All my dreams are nightmares.”
— Susan Sontag, As Consciousness Is Harnessed to Flesh (via the-book-diaries)
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““Life is meaningless.” and some days these words bring a smile to my soul because I just need to be happy. I just need to have my fun under the sun before I cease to exist and I think that’s beautiful.”
— Juansen Dizon, Cheerful Nihilism 
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“I feel like I’m the only one trying to keep us together. It’s not a good feeling.”
- nail-in-the-wall (Just a random thing I wrote while ago for no apparent reason.)
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“I don’t want to lose you. I’ve lost too many people already.”
- nail-in-the-wall (I have abandonment issues and ebbs is leaving so I need to work through it and sort my head out. I can’t let my past define me cos he loves me and I trust him not to hurt me.)
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“You left before I had a chance before we had a chance what a shame we didn’t meet sooner I thought as I pressed the gas pedal to the floor maybe we will have a chance on the other side”
— @sixwordssayitall
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““You just fulfilled every fear I ever had. You left me””
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“I don’t get starting a romantic relationship only for the holidays. I mean I get the motivation behind it, like lonesomeness; or wanting someone to give you gifts; or the dread of attending another party or family gathering without a plus one. But I couldn’t do that to someone, be a couple for Christmas or an item until the new year to have lips to kiss at midnight and then time’s up…new year, no you! I don’t enter into relationships of any kind lightly nor for superficial reasons. I am committed to making them last, season after season, in it for the long haul.”
— Mistletoe madness and the midnight kiss goodbye are not my style
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