thoughtsteam · 6 years
me watching monsters inc as a kid: how did it take so long for anyone to figure out that human child laughter not only produced energy like screams, but was more effective, and that children aren’t actually dangerous at all?
me watching monsters inc now: monsters incorporated, a multi-billion dollar corporate giant, stood to make extra profits off a scream shortage because low supply with high demand makes it possible to charge a fortune for a necessary commodity and everyone has no choice but to pay the high prices because they can’t go without electricity. Therefore Monsters Inc, as well as any other major powers that may have existed at the start of the era of using scream energy, fabricated the idea that only screams could generate sustainable energy sources in order to create artificial scarcity, because laugh energy was far easier to obtain and far more efficient, and therefore stood to lower the value of energy due to surplus. They also fabricated the idea that human children were toxic, in order to a) make other monsters too afraid to go near them to do research and possibly discover the secret of laugh energy, and b) to make monsters so afraid of going near them that there is a shortage of scarers, making it harder for rival companies to rise up and create competition. Even in the monster world, capitalism is based on lies, greed and cruelty, and even monster companies have no qualms about using and abusing children to maximize profits.
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thoughtsteam · 7 years
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thoughtsteam · 8 years
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Blame the algorithm
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thoughtsteam · 8 years
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Veterans Ask Native Elders For Forgiveness At Standing Rock.
I never thought I would see this day when a white man apologizes for the tyranny and oppression of Native American population. This is so powerful. This is the nation that I want - responsible, compassionate and that learns from its mistakes.
God bless them!
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thoughtsteam · 8 years
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thoughtsteam · 8 years
hey all, i need to get real right now, because a friend filled me in on this only this morning. it feels like no one has heard this news, and that’s probably because no one is reporting it due to election overload. trump’s victim has dropped the charges. let me make this clear: she had 2 sworn eyewitnesses to the literal rape (do u know how rare that is?) so we know the case itself had some definite identifiable merit going in, and 2 days before dropping the charges jane doe was going to break her anonymity. it’s reported that she received so many death threats in the hours between announcing that action and holding the press conference to do so that her safety became a serious concern and the press conference was cancelled. later, on the 6th, she dropped the charges altogether. it’s not going to trial. 
do i think this is a coincidence? no fucking way. do i think he’s a rapist? most definitely; i don’t need a trial to recognize the truth. but we do need to reflect on the fact that this is what rape culture looks like: a world in which a woman can’t get justice for her childhood sexual assaut, because it would mean suing the president-elect of the united states and would put her life in serious danger. the lawyers were unclear as to why she dropped the charges, but it’s my firm belief that, like many survivors of assault, the pressure of laying her story out in front of the world became overwhelming, especially with so much at stake. it’s scary enough to press charges against ur rapist if ur both average people. if he’s gonna be the president? hahahahaha fun. 
i’ve been sending good thoughts her way, and i don’t want to be the bearer of bad news like this, but i’ve seen so many people already talking about organizing around this rape case and it’s not even happening, y’all. this is almost worse than his win, tbh. i’m in so much pain for all of us, especially jane doe and those of us who needed to see him stand trial for this. 
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thoughtsteam · 8 years
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thoughtsteam · 8 years
Millennial Sisyphus keeps entering all the information from his resume into the web form, only for it to delete everything when he tries to move to the next page. He just goes back and types it all up again, over and over again, forever, and he never gets a job.
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thoughtsteam · 8 years
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thoughtsteam · 10 years
Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation are people who want crops without ploughing the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning; they want the ocean without the roar of its many waters. The struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, or it may be both. But it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.
Frederick Douglass (via jacobwren)
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thoughtsteam · 10 years
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#FergusonSpeaks http://www.upworthy.com/one-of-the-biggest-racial-injustices-of-our-time-as-told-by-those-living-it?c=fea
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thoughtsteam · 10 years
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thoughtsteam · 10 years
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Source: twitter.com/imransiddiquee
Wish I would’ve gotten to this sooner since it’s late to be posting, but I really love this particular message and the discussion around “being a man” and how it relates to the treatment of women as well as gay men (or anyone else perceived as “less” / equivocated with being undesirably weak)
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thoughtsteam · 10 years
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requested by beccayeahhh
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thoughtsteam · 10 years
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UKIP have the same colours as the Standing at the Back Dressed Stupidly & Looking Stupid Party from Blackadder.
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thoughtsteam · 10 years
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sad ghost club  by Lize meddings
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thoughtsteam · 10 years
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