tiffany-smith · 3 hours
I can’t believe Harrison Ford is Harrison Ford’s real given name. Harrison Ford sounds like the name of a character who would be played by Harrison Ford.
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tiffany-smith · 2 days
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tiffany-smith · 2 days
Vaarsuvius?? Offered unlimited power?? I wouldn't have let V in the same room with the Ring, let alone trusted V with bearing it 😭😭😭
Even after her character development, the only thing that would change is that V wouldn't trust V's SELF with the Ring lshglsfjdm
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tiffany-smith · 2 days
She didn't want kids because she LOVED her kids so much that she thought they'd be better off not existing than going through the terror of the Hunger Games.
When they could exist WITHOUT going thru that?? She did it! She loved them!
saw a take that was like “katniss says she doesn’t want kids so she should’ve gotten to not have kids in the end” and wanted to shake it like do you know anything? Do you understand anything??
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tiffany-smith · 2 days
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tiffany-smith · 11 days
nonbinary people in Paris fucking love Luka Couffaine because he takes one look at em and goes "oh I get your gender it's..." and plays a sick fuckin guitar solo and it's like finally someone Gets it
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tiffany-smith · 11 days
Woke up to Owen Lars thoughts. Specifically re: C-3PO.
Our guy Owen has avoided owning a droid for 20+ years because they remind him of Shmi. He’s had to deal with the Jawas the whole time and knows it would go a hell of a lot better with a translator, but every time he thinks about getting a protocol droid he thinks about Shmi. About how she doted on that insufferably annoying droid because it was her last connection to her son. And he decides he can go another year relying on gestures and paying more than the parts he’s getting are worth.
But now he only has Luke’s help for one more harvest and he’s not getting any younger - his joints ache more and more with each sandstorm - and he decides it’s time to face his ghosts. He can’t avoid reminders of the past forever. He sends Luke for some droids.
And the boy comes back with C3P0
The droid doesn’t look the same - he’s been treated to some upgrades over the years and some fancy gold plating they couldn’t have afforded to give him - but he gives his designation and it’s not just a similar robotic voice dragging up memories that both haunt Owen and remind him of better times. But it’s him, without a doubt. C-3PO human cyborg relations. Shmi’s most prized possession. Returned back to her home and final resting place, back to the last piece of her son.
To Luke.
And when the stormtroopers break down the door and pour in, he has a moment of pure relief that Luke isn’t home. That this time it won’t be a Skywalker’s body found broken in the desert.
He should have known. An R2 unit had rolled up and interrupted Shmi’s humble funeral and Anakin had swept away to whatever dangers waited for him in the stars. He’d brought the two droids with him and the Lars were left to mourn and heal and carry on under the harsh suns. They looked after themselves and weathered the heat and the sand like everything else that was born, and fated to die, in the desert.
But not Luke. Luke wasn’t born on Tatooine, even though the boy has the desert in his blood. Owen sees the same relief written in Beru’s eyes as he takes her hand. Luke isn’t going to die here.
He has the stars in his blood too.
Owen just hopes the boy will meet a better end than his father. That his story won’t end so soon.
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tiffany-smith · 12 days
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tiffany-smith · 13 days
No Candidate would be CONSTANTLY being accused of being selective with their boos I think.
Also, No Candidate is just Haymitch Abernathy from the Hunger Games and you can't convince me otherwise.
Idea: political system where there are no elections as such--you can pledge your support to a candidate or representative (or to no candidate) at any time; as long as they have support above a threshold, they'll be seated in the legislature, modulo whatever necessary bureaucratic delays are required for them to get an ID badge and an office and shit. Candidates' votes in the legislature are weighted by the number of supporters they have; if they fall below a certain threshold, they lose their seat. You can designate alternative candidates, STV-style, if your preferred candidate doesn't currently have enough support to hold a seat.
Pros: legislature would be very responsive to the electorate's wishes; with modern technology it would be very easy to very precisely weight the vote of representatives, meaning candidates' or parties' voting power in the assembly would extremely closely track the preference of the electorate.
Cons: Lots and lots. It would be hard to make voting truly anonymous, because you'd have to track people's identities to transfer their voting allegiance correctly--voting is not a periodic one-off system anymore, but persistent. It would require a complex IT system to administer, which would be fraught with peril. For people who worry about the changeable whims of the masses, this would basically be the worst possible voting system.
But I think it would be kinda fun if you could track politicians' voting power like a stock price. Would give political commentators so much fodder for their commentary.
Plus you could have No Candidate be represented by, like. A loud messy drunk in the back of the chamber who randomly boos people when they try to speak and votes against everything. And the more people are voting for No Candidate, the louder his microphone is turned up.
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tiffany-smith · 17 days
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tiffany-smith · 17 days
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tiffany-smith · 18 days
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tiffany-smith · 18 days
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tiffany-smith · 19 days
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tiffany-smith · 19 days
Blond Sweetheart Tourney: Round 2, Poll 31
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Propaganda from submitters Under Cut
Elan the Bard
Elan is a Chaotic Good bard who is very much a Himbo: cheerful, reasonably useful in a fight, kind, and stupid. He always believes in his teammates (even when he really shouldn't), his role as the part bard leaves him always an encouraging voice, and he even fills in for their leader Roy's failures and reframes his actions as inspiring and positive for the entire team.
Pardon me; peer-reviewing your tags so they can be reblogged as Elan propaganda. I'm also just very impressed at how Elan has grown into filling in for Roy's flaws and spinning his stories to make everything seem good and hold the entire team together. He really is the heart of the team, and everyone likes him. And when he was separated from his girl with no way to contact each other, their relationship remained strong! They remained entirely faithful and devoted and got right back together once they saw each other again.
She's really sweet and kind, she just wants to start a life with Seymour and look after him but she's too scared to leave her abusive boyfriend.
Everyone go listen to Somewhere That’s Green right now! (only if u want to of course) [with youtube link]
audrey fulquard sweep! audrey is so sweet and deserves the life of her dreams
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tiffany-smith · 19 days
Read Pool of Radiance this week and it head-hops SO much but honestly? Either its really well-done or sometimes it just doesn't matter.
Tbf ot headhopped ALL the time and VERY consistently it wasn't just. One random slip-up here or there like it WAS obviously on purpose but like. You can totally do it ig.
Reading weird poetry and short stories and unapologetically strange novels really does teach you that a lot of stuff people teach you about writing is just not true. Almost anything someone tells you must happen when you’re writing has an exception and writing advice has trends and fads just like anything else.
I was struggling to find where I fit as a writer until I found writers like Daniel Olivias who wrote short stories in ways I’d never seen before. I owe a lot of my current inspiration in my writing to Latin American magical realism writers. Finding magical realism and surrealism really opened doors in my brain that had been shut before.
You can get weird with it. You can get weird in content, weird in form, weird in structure. You don’t need a plot. You can tell a story backwards, you can just sit in an idea, you can explain, overexplain, skip explanation, get political, start ideas, end ideas. No ifs ands or buts you can just throw traditional story structure out the window.
I know what kind of writer I am now. A weird one. You don’t have to be held to standards of predictability, genre fiction, markets, tropes. You can just do whatever. Truly. Honestly. Completely. For ten words or a hundred thousand.
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tiffany-smith · 19 days
If you see this you’re legally obligated to reblog and tag with the book you’re currently reading
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