tired-lamb · 2 hours
if any tlg fans have roblox i HIGHLY suggest going on The Lion King & Guard Roleplay because it's so freaking funny 😭😭😭
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tired-lamb · 2 hours
beshte: “we’ll take care of this!”
bunga: “YEA! wait, how?”
beshte: “only one thing to do.”
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tired-lamb · 14 hours
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kiara from the lion king moodboard 🦁
requested by @tired-lamb!
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tired-lamb · 14 hours
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obligatory happy birthday to this guy. this dude. Iwaizumi Hajime. literally translated rock-chan. happy birthday pal
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tired-lamb · 19 hours
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TLK: Saturn
"Does it bother you?" "Hmm?" "When someone judges you based on the actions someone else did in the past? Expecting you to be like them instead of your own self" "...Yes."
You really think i was going to spare Maadili of the prejudice the TLK characters seem to have to anyone that has even a tiny resemblance of a villain they've faced off?
Trauma for everyone!
And more about how Moyo and Maadili will bond in the future and how it will strength their relationship.
A reminder that Moyo is Aroace, so im exploring how he is going to have Maadili as his partner and her accepting his sexuality as well.
Happy Pride :D
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tired-lamb · 1 day
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@spinnysocks yer gonna give me a heart attack
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tired-lamb · 1 day
My name is mohammd, married and a father of four children between 5 and 13 years old. I live in the nourth of Gaza strip, precisely in the region of Gaza, next to Al-Shifa Hospital which suffered and still suffering very heavy damage because of the harsh bombings. Everything has been destroyed. Houses, schools, buildings, hospitals, shops, mosques, churches, means of transportation, etc
Unfortunately, my house was not spared. Actually, my family and I are living in makeshift tents in very precarious conditions. Food is very restricted, water and medications are rare. Hygiene products are non-existent. Life has stopped. Having lost everything, we decided unwillingly to leave Gaza for Egypte in the research of security and peace. This will allow us to heal ourselves, to regain strength, serenity but above all it will allow my children to continue their education and have a normal life. This is why I created this page to collect donation with the help of my My friend Mhammed is in Belgium The actual price to leave Gaza strip is 5000 dollarsper adult and 2500 dollars per child. PS: Hoping for a definitive ceasefire. If it's the case, we will remain in Gaza and this aid will partly allow us to rebuild our house.
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tired-lamb · 2 days
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Members of the Navajo nation drape the Palestinian flag across their land, 2019
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tired-lamb · 3 days
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I Will Not Apologize
Happy Pride, ya'll.
$3 download (includes version where you can color in your own Pride flag. Limited restrictions, mostly don't be a fascist or major company: https://ko-fi.com/s/ac6c284e8c
Prints: https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/mxmorgan/
Shirts: https://mxmorgan.threadless.com/mens/t-shirt/regular
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tired-lamb · 3 days
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tired-lamb · 3 days
everyday I get more and more delighted upon finding other ppl who still enjoy the lion king and the lion guard
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tired-lamb · 3 days
kiara your brother is adorable I need to adopt him
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tired-lamb · 3 days
no bcoz this scene is so stupidly funny to me. wow its a bunch of vines (shifts it just a little) WOAHHHHHH THERES SMTH BEHIND IT
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tired-lamb · 3 days
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Snapdragon AU - @bluesgras
True Colors AU - @v-albion
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tired-lamb · 3 days
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Happy pride everyone , this month Zionists and Israelis will be making posts like these to justify their treatment of palestinians. don’t fall for it, this is pink washing. the term "pinkwashing" was literally coined specifically for Israel.
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if they refuse to protect their own queer israeli, why should we let them cast judgement against queer people who actually want to stop their genocidal mania?
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Don't let them use LGBT rights, which they do not believe in in the first place, to make people support their slaughter of innocent civilians.
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tired-lamb · 4 days
not me thinking about Mufasa's spirit playing with cub Kiara in the opening of lion king 2, her playful swatting at his breeze the first clue of her fire, her fun, who she is as Kiara before she was ever told she'd someday be queen
not me thinking about Mufasa watching helplessly as his son stifles Kiara, worriedly insists she walks in his paw prints- literally and figuratively- no exploring or adventure, no forgetting her future duties.
Mufasa, who pulled his young son in and dropped his own smaller duties as king to play pouncing with young Simba
now seeing Simba stop Kiara's playful pouncing with a restraining paw over and over again- The pain and fear that Mufasa's death scarred Simba with, now hurting Mufasa's granddaughter too.
(but not forever. not if Mufasa can help it)
Simba's shame and guilt at his dismissal of what it really means to be king, pressed onto his cub, his heir, his responsibility, weighing Kiara down even when she's still so young, isolating her not just from Simba but from herself- Kiara watching a baby bird try to fly and get chased back to the nest, her heartbroken face, her GLEE when the little bird is flying on it's own later...
and her helpless, bittersweet happiness as it flies away, doing what she can't do- not because anyone is physically stopping her but because she's been taught to stop herself.
Mufasa, watching Kiara get to be herself for the first time as she makes a new friend, as they save each other, as she is BRAVE in the face of danger, STRONG and SMART enough to make sure both she and Kovu escape it, and... proud of herself, finally. For doing something as herself.
Kiara so happy to finally play with a friend, before other old pains interrupt and separate them
and this is when Mufasa reaches out to Rafiki with a plan. A plan to heal the break in the pride lands, yes, but also- a plan to give his granddaughter some HAPPINESS. A way for her to have more in her life than just being queen
(or even... to not be queen)
Kiara gets a choice. Her grandfather makes sure she does, and that she knows it's hers to make
In helping nudge her and Kovu together, Mufasa leads them to the moment- after Simba refuses to listen to his daughter again, running from old shame and blindly chasing his father's legacy- as the stars watch over Kiara running from Pride Rock, finding Kovu, the two of them laughing as they chase each other through the ashes of past destruction-
(the simple joy of enjoying life together, Kiara's gift to Kovu, another cub who didn't really get to be one and has to learn who he even is now, all this time later- just she does)
there is no sign given to Kiara. No reminder to go home
no request from Mufasa that she heal the wounds Simba and Zira keep choosing to rip open
she could go. She could go, like Kovu says, leave and start a life with someone who she's happy with as herself, who loves her FOR herself, without needing her to be queen-
finally, for the first time in her life, she could be free. The joy that should have been hers as a cub, gifted now, under the silently watching stars
(she is Mufasa's grandchild without being anything else)
she chooses to see others in her own reflection. she chooses to go back- laughs softly at the idea of leaving-
(Simba passed Mufasa's words down to her, the part of Simba's father that Scar couldn't kill, that Simba wouldn't let die, the understanding that grandfather and granddaughter share without ever having met- that makes them the great king that he was, and the great queen she already is proving herself to be)
but that WAS her choice to make
to be queen. to go back. to again try making Simba listen
to reach out a paw to Zira after Zira tried murdering her father again right in front her- after Kiara leaped in the way- a queen is brave and strong when she needs to be
but a king or queen must be more than that
Mufasa, looking up at his brother (who's resentment he knows well) begging for and trusting Scar would reach down and save him-
Mufasa's granddaughter, looking down at Zira (who's hate she has felt so personally) and reaching down desperately, begging Zira to let Kiara save her-
a circle completed. an old hurt, finally healing
(for those that choose it. Scar and Zira with claws out, losing themselves as they cut themselves off from those around them)
Mufasa couldn't be there when Kiara was a cub, to laugh as she pounced at butterflies and forget everything for a game of chase. He would have loved to see Kiara the silly, the playful, his granddaughter before anything else- like he did with his son
His not being there is what kept Simba from being able to be there for her either, what caused Simba to hurt his own cub without even knowing it, lectures in place of jokes and worry that cut between them like a gorge neither could cross alone
but Simba listens to Kiara in the end. when she reaches out to him, again, finally he reaches back
Simba ends up on Pride Rock with his daughter, with the lion she loves welcomed into their family, along with all those Simba once banished. two generations side by side
and Kiara is finally happy to be there
that is when Mufasa tells Simba he has done well. As a king? As a father
it wasn't just the pride lands that needed healing
Kiara is happy now
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tired-lamb · 4 days
which movies have you watched the most amount of times? they dont have to be your actual favorite movies, just the ones youve rewatched most. for example: mine are the final destination movies and scream
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