tirednowhasablog · 2 years
Friendly reminder that LGBTQ+, Queer, and LGBT+ are the preferred terms for the community (x).
Friendly reminder that Queer is approved by 72.9% of the people, and the groups who don’t prefer it’s use as an umbrella term are straight people, exclusionists, transmeds, truscums, sex-negative people, and sex work critical people (x).
Friendly reminder that aros and aces are excluded only 9.2% / 8.1% of the time respectively while being included  78.9% / 81.2% of the time (x)
Friendly reminder that exclusionists are in the minority and aro/ace people are included in the LGBTQ+ community by the people within the community.
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tirednowhasablog · 2 years
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Here is another sneak peek of the first card. Full reveal soon!
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tirednowhasablog · 2 years
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tirednowhasablog · 2 years
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tirednowhasablog · 2 years
supporting ezgender is not a good idea with his antisemitic stances and the one time he told a kid to kill herself. implied anyway. hes also known to use paranoia as an excuse to abuse ppl and has never allowed ppl a chance to learn and grow from problematic behavior. hence his permanent abd public callout list.
It's almost May.
You know what I worry about in my life these days? Paying bills. Making it to work. Drawing. Getting my car inspected. Filtering out media disinformation about Ukraine. Pursuing medical transition. Meeting with friends on the weekend.
You know what I don't worry about?
Whatever is happening on this hellsite.
No offense, but what happens here has absolutely, resolutely, NO impact on my life. No influence. None.
It is not my job or responsibility to keep up with drama, with who is bad or good, who can make what flags, who can coin what term, or who said what and when.
If this matters to you? I understand. This impacts you? I empathize. But to expect me - me, who has been gone and inactive for months, almost a year now, to remember anything about ebgender or whoever, as if they or their actions have any relevancy to my life, as if I keep up with what goes on here, is starkly detached from reality.
I apologize for my coldness. I'm not saying what they have done isn't wrong, because it is. I'm not saying I don't care, because abusers shouldn't be given a pass. I'm asking you, personally, why you think I "support" or in any way even acknowledge whoever this is, after I have shown little to no interest in this place.
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tirednowhasablog · 2 years
Yo i found u on lgbt wiki saying u coined the gender term Eshed but i can’t find any post abt it so i was curious if you have one somewhere?
Not on here.
I have a post of it on my personal Discord I should be able to find again, if you need it.
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tirednowhasablog · 2 years
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tirednowhasablog · 2 years
in all seriousness it's very alienating knowing theres Something Wrong With You. like seeing your mental illness come through in your behaviour and thought processes and knowing it's irrational and unhealthy, knowing other people are reading you as weird or stupid, and not being able to do anything about it is such a lonely experience
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tirednowhasablog · 2 years
Capitalism may have convinced you of the opposite, but sick, injured and disabled patients aren't CUSTOMERS in healthcare. We're not "clients" in the same way someone's a client of like, a restaurant, supermarket or nail salon. For fuck's sake.
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tirednowhasablog · 2 years
I love how all of the Batman villains are like “ah he’s not at the manor, it’s defenseless! and then alfred just racks an AK-47 and is like pull up bitch
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tirednowhasablog · 2 years
Rich People: "I need to protect my profits from competition. Government, enforce my patents."
Rich People: "I need to protect my property from thieves and trespassers and I can't afford to hire private security at all my properties. Government, hire police officers to protect my property."
Rich People: "Hiring employees is too expensive. Government, put people in prison so I can use them as slaves."
Rich People: "I don't want my employees to work for my competitors. Government, enforce my non-compete agreements."
Rich People: "How dare you expect me to pay taxes so poor people can survive! Government is bad! Poor people need to learn how to be independent like me and not rely on government!"
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tirednowhasablog · 2 years
If I wanted to make the LGBTQ+ community a safe place for people I simply wouldn’t attack/demonize other minority orientations
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tirednowhasablog · 2 years
Earn it act
Hey besties,,,, have you heard of the earn it act?
tw mention of porn (not in detail), sexual harassment a new bill called the EARN IT act is currently in senate right now. it’s being advertised as a way to ‘protect children from explicit content’, but the reality of it is that its super dangerous.  if it’s passed websites like tumblr,  archive of our own, wattpad, twitter ect., will be held legally responsible for the content that it’s users put out. one of those consequences being that anything considered ‘dangerous to children’ must eliminated or be sued. bc this bill is backed by a queerphobic group, this includes ANY LGBT+ content, education about one’s sexuality. if this bill passes then companies will be forced to destroy encryption bc the bill is not specific at all about what it wants moderated. for the record, that’s the thing that keeps the government from looking into people’s personal DMs, images ect., ect., this means people talking about their trauma, being queer, activists for human right’s data will be free game. its SUPER dangerous. would you take resources from me to help, or at least spread the word around as much as you can? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xcjeKqml8QbqiaTfDiciMQ5AnjxoVHh6T6sAMM5D2EU/edit
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tirednowhasablog · 2 years
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tirednowhasablog · 2 years
theyre shutting down the lgbta wiki (and literally all other non-ezgender term wikis) in favor of a “fandom verified“ wiki that only has “officially and medically verified“ terms on it. most of the pages’ first sources are from webmd. you cannot make this shit up
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tirednowhasablog · 2 years
here is a google docs version of the alterhumanity blog post from the lgbta wiki. this is a good source for me and i'd assume it is for others as well. i'll be trying to grab some of the other pages on more "obscure" or "non-queer" identities while i can
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tirednowhasablog · 2 years
The Ezgender Wiki has left Fandom as a platform and is now on Miraheze as the MOGAI Wiki. We denounce the Fandom Wiki and discourage you from using it.
Why? On January 18th, 2022, the future merging of all LGBTQI+ Wikis was announced by a member of Fandom’s Staff. The sole exception to this merge is the Ezgender Wiki, which was intended to remain to hold xenogenders. This change was not discussed whatsoever with Ezgender Wiki Staff, and wasn’t our choice. You can read where that was announced here, and my original announcement about it here.
It bears repeating: Fandom Staff didn’t discuss this with us AT ALL. They didn’t tell a single one of us on our Mod team that we would be absorbing the content of over a dozen Wikis. As a result, our Wiki and Discord were abruptly flooded with hundreds of new users. Before this announcement, we had 90 active users and 5 mods (2 of which were on their FIRST DAY as mod). We were faced with a flood of trolls as a result, in addition to just generally being overwhelmed.
Even if it were acceptable that Fandom Staff was giving tons of communitites little to no notice that they’d be essentially deleted and Fandom would make a new “LGBTQI+” Wiki that would only hold “””officially recognized””” identities and already has been shown to be full of lesbiphobia, intersexism, and other issues - Even if that were somehow okay… The way everyone involved has been treated is unacceptable. We didn’t matter enough to Fandom for even a heads up. I am the one that created the Ezgender Wiki, and I had to find out that this was happening secondhand, through the Wiki’s forums. 
Fandom Staff has both completely disregarded its users and doubled down on the position that this was all for the best. 
What Should We Do Now?
This is the link to our Miraheze Wiki. All of the content from Ezgender has been transferred there, all that’s really changed is we’re on a different WIki host now. This will definitely be a big change, but we’re going to do our best to make it easy on everyone. The Main Page and About page have links to resources, and you can join our Discord for quicker responses to questions.
We ask that you abandon the Fandom Wiki and join us in protesting Fandom’s treatment of us. I would personally suggest changing your Fandom account’s avatar to one of these icons and commenting on the original announcement that this was unacceptable before abandoning the account. There’s some links to contact Fandom in this post if you’d like to do that, as well.
Signal boost that this happened. What Fandom has done here is unacceptable. Transphobia, homophobia, lesbiphobia, intersexism, among many other things + a complete lack of care for the people who use the site. To top it all off, Fandom also has a rule that once it’s announced a Wiki is moving to Miraheze, that announcement can only stay up for two weeks. We’re going to be relying on word of mouth to keep this going. Please make anyone who you think might need to know aware of this.
Please be aware that from this post, we can no longer guarantee anything that remains on the Ezgender Wiki is accurate, safe, or moderated.
- Ez / Kris
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