titanusamarante · 22 days
Writing Progress
So the good news is that I'm making a ton of progress on the Gamera Monsterverse fic. The bad news is that it snowballed into a trilogy. (Real Heisei Gamera vibes there.)
Expect part one soon.
Also, Gamera has a TON of unused kaiju, and I used three along with some of my favorite Godzilla kaiju.
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titanusamarante · 22 days
I was born in Alabama, we used to pick blackberries and dewberries. And yeah, we used to find fruit fly larva in the berries. Especially the sweeter ones near the swamp, aka the best ones.. The flies would lay their eggs on the flower and the berries would literally grow around it until the larva ate its way out.
Most of us would either shrug if we were eating them off the vine or just pick em out if we were making a cake or jam. Extra protein and all that. It was just a part of life, and they never made anyone sick or even changed the flavor.
And honestly, I'd rather have the occasional larva than the overwatered and overpriced flavorless blackberries from the store.
But yeah, stuff like this is why you cover your plate if you're away.
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This is going around facebook and mostly being shared as "WHY YOU SHOULDN'T EAT MEAT" but these are fresh, brand new obviously not roasted fly eggs. A fly landed on someone's food and laid all its eggs after said food had been sitting out. That, or these photos are of meat directly out of the garbage, and it certainly looks pretty slimy. Not to mention, if you're scared of eating insect eggs (or whole insects), and especially maggots, I have bad news about almost all fruits and vegetables
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titanusamarante · 22 days
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titanusamarante · 28 days
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hmm, i think i have something useful around here
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let me just consult my EDGEWORTH SCRAPBOOK
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titanusamarante · 28 days
There's copycat recipes online for both Starbucks and McDonald's. And they're too expensive anyway, especially Starbucks. You can literally make it cheaper and fairly easy at home. Even in most food deserts. I've made both with Dollar Tree and Dollar General ingredients.
Get involved in finding some great foreign artists. Sometimes they even have wacky videos.
Boycotts like this are not that hard people.
"cant boycott McDonald's because it's my comfort food"
"cant boycott Starbucks because it's convenient for me to eat breakfast there and I need my little treats uwu"
"cant boycott Eurovision because I like the music"
damn. cant do shit. almost like it means nothing to u
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titanusamarante · 29 days
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titanusamarante · 1 month
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An event from the story known as the Ruhr Uprising of 1876. Brandt and other groups rose against the Kaiser, only to be utterly crushed. This led to his exile in England.
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titanusamarante · 1 month
Japanese social cues are a nightmare for autistic folks. Even those who grow up around said extremely nuanced social cues can fail miserably. And, even though there's subtext that Shuro isn't exactly neurotypical himself... Yeah, there's ableism going on. Can't deny that.
Meanwhile. Both Touden siblings were absolute social nightmares at him from the word Go. I mean, holy shit. I grew up in an isolated farm town. I've SEEN that situation IRL. Like, you know they don't KNOW they're being racist. But it's still frustrating. You have to kind of come out and say it bluntly. Which Shuro didn't because Japanese politeness kind if doesn't allow for that. Or have someone with a TON of people skills say it for you, which he didn't have.
It's a terrible culture clash and those two needed a good mediator.
I still lowkey don't like Shuro, but that has more to do with the fact that he's totally doing the whole 'manic pixie dream girl' thing at Falin. And the whole slavery thing, but he's at least making attempts on that front.
I understand Shuro, but still wanna throw orbeez at him, you know. Just like there's times I lowkey wanna bonk Laios with a nerf sword.
My stance on Shuro discourse
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titanusamarante · 1 month
Didn't the animators get treated like garbage on that movie. Also...WHY??!!
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If you didn't know already then you will never in a million years guess which cg animated movie is now getting a spinoff series only years later
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titanusamarante · 1 month
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"Remember when we first met?"
"Yeah... Those were the days."
Happy 60th, Mothra vs Godzilla!
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titanusamarante · 1 month
Took a  small break from writing to try out Stray Gods. It's been sitting unplayed on my computer too long, so I tried it out. I'm an hour and a half in.
Definitely should've played it sooner.
Pan and Freddie have my heart already. I'm too bi for this game...
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titanusamarante · 1 month
This is a striped hyena appreciation post
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titanusamarante · 1 month
Every time I remember an Autobot or Decepticon bitch about being stuck on Earth, Animated and Prime are the most frequent, it makes me laugh thinking how easy they got it. Imagine any iteration ending up on a version that is much more chaotic than the norm. Especially if the dangers are hidden or completely normal to humans.
We got JoJo's Bizarre Adventure where you literally can't trust even a simple POWER OUTLET. From stone masks that could turn people into eldritch vampire, pieces of Jesus Christ could give people powers, and martial arts which either turn the circulatory system into a sunlight generator (Hamon) or using the Golden Ratio to shred even dimensions (Spin).
I'm not forgetting about Stand Users either. Every sentient creature could become a Stand User, someone who can project a psychic manifestation of their fighting spirits that could look like anything with abilities that range from giving positive encouragement to stopping time. That weird individual on the street could dissect Megatron into pieces with fucking zippers through their Stand.
How about Resident Evil where the constant threat is viral infections? I'm not talking about the standard zombie virus either. We got mutant undead creating ones, parasitic worms/insects, to fucking hivemind mold. All guaranteed to least spawn mutants like giant man eating salamanders, evolving fanged blobs and even an eldritch dinosaur.
They have to constantly decontaminate base than just troops as a simple small strain could turn a rat into a dog sized menace. Plus all those zombies guts and blood they have to clean up if an infected did get inside. I'm pretty damn sure humans are no longer the gross squishies compared to that.
Last best addition to add is the 'Kaiju Series' i.e Kaiju No. 8, Godzilla/King Kong Monsterverse, and Pacific Rim. Normal Earth fauna doesn't cause much compared to this as kaiju practically made themselves home here. The bots aren't exactly prepared for megafauna being a constant presence and frequent threat.
Kaiju are territorial so their respective ships will get attacked if spotted too close to the creatures' home. Some may also feed on metal and think either faction are potential food. The humans here could potentially kick their afts like Kaiju No 8's Defense Force or Pacific Rim's Jaeger Pilots.
Never take what you have for granted. In the Autobots and Decepticons cases, that is a normal simple Earth. The other possibilities could be much worse.
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titanusamarante · 1 month
The worst thing that ever happens to MONARCH will be when Godzilla realizes that they're actually interesting. Like... y'all think this lizard is getting in the way now? Wait until he starts reacting to MONARCH like a giant, spoiled cat who expects them to entertain him at his leisure. Wait until any sort of mobilization results in the big honkin' son of a bitch rolling up in a tsunami on the off chance the humans do something worth seeing.
Training exercises become disasters because the newbies aren't good at keeping a low profile and it's hard to give your best performance when Godzilla is eyeballing you from half a mile away.
MONARCH won't be clandestine by choice anymore. It'll be to dodge their weird, scaly #1 Fan and his embarrassed wife.
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titanusamarante · 1 month
TERA and the class was reaper. I didn't think about it much during my weeb days, but that game had a weird obsession with Elins (the all female race of prepubescent looking cat and rabbit girls).
There were a lot of cool races and classes, but the fanservice...
I am trying to quit blizzard games wholesale because the company is garbo, but the biggest hurdle for that so far is that no other game series has the Dark Ranger class fantasy I'm looking for. You know, cloaks and bows and dual blades and smoky purple magic. I can't seem to get that anywhere else.
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Anyone else know where I should be looking?
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titanusamarante · 1 month
The Devilman OVA dub is a meme for a reason. It and Cyber City Oedo 808 are treasured Oldtaku classics.
80s anime dubbing is truly a lost art form
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titanusamarante · 1 month
Kind of hilarious to me how poorly the title "Mob Psycho 100" localized to English-speaking areas. To someone whose first language is English, it scans as:
Mob (Yakuza, Mafia)
Psycho (violent person with "crazy" behaviors)
Thus: a particularly violent member of organized crime.
But in Japanese it scans as:
Mob (background characters in crowd scenes in manga or anime)
Psycho (short for psychic)
Thus: a psychic who looks/acts like someone you'd never pick out of a crowd scene in a comic.
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