tmdthumbler · 3 months
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Ah, Gabriel Angelini, from Webtoon's The Mafia Nanny. The Mafia Giant, more like. He's huge.
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Imagine if Davina was just a tiny little nanny/hacker. Mikey would be quite the challenge, too. Ooh, the possibilities are endless!
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Edit: Had to add one more, lol.
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tmdthumbler · 4 months
Somebody needs to make a G/t fanfic of these two: Dr. Beek and Terron Vogel, from Sable Curse, by Little Melon, on Webtoon. They would be adorable! Dr. Beek is just a gruff marshmallow of a teddy bear. He already refers to Terron as Little Bug. I just might have an idea, muhahaha!
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How Dr. Beek first appears, huge and intimidating. Sneaking into the kitchen at night, trying to catch the strangely smart cookie thief...
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Stealing his awesome baked goods, only to be discovered at last...
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"HEY! Why, you little...! So you're the little thief who's been stealing my food!"
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Terrified, Tiny Terron drops her food as she gazes up...and up...and up at the noticeably angry giant!
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Seeing Tiny Terron shaking, his big heart melts immediately.
She's so...CUTE, he thinks to himself. I wonder...could she fit in my vest pocket?" 🥺
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He falters, sorry for frightening her so. She reminds him of a tiny hummingbird...or a bug. A cute little bug, that is.
"S-Sorry...I didn't mean to scare you! I just wanted to know how and why my stuff kept disappearing! I...I'm not gonna hurt you!"
Unsure what to do, he hovers above her. He desperately wants to pick her up and hold her, but is worried about accidentally hurting her if she suddenly panics and tries to run.
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Caught red-handed, Terron continues to stare up at the pale giant. Swallowing hard, she tries to appear defiant, dignified and unafraid, despite being surrounded by large crumbs. She's too full to run, and knows that even if she wasn't, those huge but somehow deft mitts of his would capture her easily.
"So..." she said, "...if you're not here to squish me, then what do you want?"
To be continued...?
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tmdthumbler · 1 year
Reposting this after some improvements.
I'm so bad. I'm a fan of Dreaming Freedom, and after looking at images of Siyun like these, I suddenly wondered, what if he was huge? Can you imagine how much fun he would have teasing Jeongmin if she was tiny? So here's a quick little prompt that came to mind:
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Waking up, somewhat confused, you feel strange, like you're too small for your body. You want to stretch, and badly.
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Suddenly realizing the only person you care about is quickly getting smaller and smaller...or are you growing bigger and bigger?!
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Oh. Of course, you're dreaming. Jeongmin is still asleep, but now she fits in the palm of your hand! She's always been cute, but now she's even cuter!
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You can't help but want to tease her a little. You stroke her back with your pinky finger to wake her up. Won't she be surprised?
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"MINE." Your face completely envelops her vision, even as your fingers completely surround her tiny body. All she sees is you. All she knows is you. There's nowhere to run or hide. Her trembling figure just excites you even more. She's such a precious little thing!
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Her little cries are just. So. Stinkin'. CUTE. Just like a hummingbird. She attempts to escape, but you immediately tighten your long fingers around her wriggling form. Adorable. Just adorable. You want to play with her more!
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Suddenly, she vanishes, and you feel yourself being shaken awake. You'd both fallen asleep on the couch again. She's not happy.
"No more monster movies for you!" she said. "Don't you ever do that again!"
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Aww...it's over already? You can't help but feel disappointed.
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You hug to reassure her, knowing full well you can't wait to try again soon...that was fun!
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tmdthumbler · 1 year
Adam Bahri, from The Guy Upstairs, can look Enormous when threatened.
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I saw this panel:
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And I couldn't help but picture something like this:
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Sorry for the crude art, lol. Oh, the things the imagination can do! 😳😱 Run, Rozy! 😆
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tmdthumbler · 1 year
Speaking of giants in Webtoon's I Love Yoo, here's some appreciation for the original hot giant man with wrinkles, Randulph Skuli Hirahara.
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tmdthumbler · 1 year
And here's a little appreciation for Nol/Yeong-Gi, from Webtoon's I Love Yoo, and many of the times he's looked like a giant!
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