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@genderfluid-envy @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion
Campfire story time! Love the TMNT Shell so much~
Cabin 8 let’s go!
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Local cryptid found snacks! Some campers are sharing smores others are just scavenging for them!
@spacemimz & @belleyellsaboutturtles seem to be none the wiser...
Sector 8, Cabin 15: The Fire Nation 🔥 @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion
~ Cadoo 🐾
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Several questions! What counts as an AU (can it just be adding a fan character with a story)? Will there be another one of these reunions? And can unknown, small artists bring their AUs if this happens again?
Anything that deviates from canon is considered an AU! Your AU qualifies if it has any content made for it- from a post outlining the concept to character designs to a fic or comic! Just something to prove it exists and that you're thinking about it!
Should this event go well, there could very well be another one next year! I know the mods, and I certainly hope it goes well this year!
Of course! As a relatively small artist, this struck me as disappointing in the bigger comps, and I wanted to address it with this reunion.
I hope I answered your questions, and thank you for asking!
- Moth
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Question: how does everyone show up to camp? Is it an alternate universe? Was it by portal? Is it free reign real estate? What do the borders outside of the camp look like? Is there an outside?
Okay so maybe it was a lot of questions
HOW DOES EVERYONE SHOW UP TO CAMP: everyone's turtle tank (or if there isn't one) their instincts guide them to a gateway opened roughly near their home. It pulls like a tether, even those with a turtle tank it pulls them in to the tank and the tank brings them here! Same went for the counselors who existed here for a few weeks prior than the counselors, they were brought here by the crystals and after a certain... accident, the gateways were open to the campers but it's very specific about who it brought in...and why
IS IT AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE AND WAS IT BY PORTAL: for some it was by portal but it's mainly a tether, like their souls are linked to the wonderful colored rocks, an alternate universe? More like a pocket dimension.
IS IT FREE REAL ESTATE: the camp is made for a purpose, the crystals WANT you to do these, they have chosen the counselors for a reason and the campers for a reason as well.
WHAT DO THE BORDERS OF THE CAMP LOOK LIKE : it is a massive geode like cavern, filled with crystals, moss, a lake, it's own ocean and pre built buildings. The cave gives gifts to those who are kind to it...the cave is...sort of alive and there is an entrance and an exit but it's blocked by some force, keeping everyone inside. But there is plenty of air so don't worry!
IS THERE AN OUTSIDE: yes. But it's...not liveable. There aren't trees here, there isn't oxygen outside. The cave inside has moss that provides air but again, it's better to be in the cave than not...
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- Three
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Hey there! I submitted only recently and now I have a bunch of asks but I am completely unaware of what is actually happening. What are cabins? How do I know which one I am in? What are the rules?
Pls help I am very confused
Firstly, I would check this blog's masterpost, as well as the event updates in the discord server. (you're in there, I believe)
Cabins are how we divided all participants up, and they are the teams for the rest of this event.
A message in the server (under event updates, I think) was made about who is in what cabin. If you can't find it, @ me in the "ask a mod" channel and I will dig it up for you. I'm M0th.
I'm sorry this has been so confusing for you, we didn't intend it as such. If this event happens again, we will take better precautions.
- Moth
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Sorry I’m still slightly confused about getting the two points…
If I (not the leading rep of my cabin) made art of my character telling a story or something with another Cabin’s rep’s au would that give both cabins 2 points?
And if I made art of my rep’s au how many points would that be?
Sorry if this doesn’t make sense! Also I hope you have a wonderful day!
If you make ANY art/writing/ect post for the campfire event, (even posts with just your AU!) it is worth at least one point to your cabin.
If that post crosses over with another cabin, it will give that cabin at least one point as well.
If you crossover with a representative, the points given will increase to two- if the representative is of another cabin that is two points for your cabin, and two points for theirs.
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Okay sorry, this might just be me being incredibly stupid and illiterate but I have a question about Cabin Representatives,
Is everyone in that cabin making art for their Reps or are the Reps making art for the rest of the cabin. Or is it like a team event where we all colab on one drawing? (or do we as a cabin choose?)
Im rly sorry, i've never done anything like this before and i'm not quite sure how everything works yet! 😓
The idea is that your cabin makes art, writing, or whatever you like for the representing AU.
You certaintly can collab on a thing if you and your cabin would like to!
The idea is to encourage crossovers with other creators, but to give an emphasis on those who are representing that way every person has a time to be in the spotlight.
If your art/story/ect. crosses over with or is about the representing AU it will give you two points. If you post art with another cabins AU it will give both cabins a point. If you post art with another cabins representative, it will give both cabins TWO points
I hope this made sense!
- Moth
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First and foremost, our first event is upon us:
"Campfire Stories!"
Simple as it sounds -- AUs from all cabins will gather round, roast marshmallows on an open flame, tempt your arson-leaning tendencies, (you know who you are) infodump about your AU's various tragic backstories to your fellow cabin members... What more could you want?
This event continues until June 16th!
Second - Cabin Representatives! I'm going to explain them!
Each event, one person from each cabin will be chosen to... well... REPRESENT your cabin.
As cabin mates, your job will be to learn about their AU, and make content befitting of their AU(s) and the event theme! (Maybe your AU can spook them with your thrilling story, or maybe offer their AU a comforting s'more after their own sad story!)
Content for the AU made by the creator of that AU will earn your team one point! Content made by their cabin mates, OF THE REPRESENTING AU('s) will earn your cabin two points!
If you make content with or for another cabin, BOTH cabins will get a point. Tag this blog (tmnt-fandom-family-reunion) in all posts, and remember to include your cabin name/number in any posts! It helps us tally points up better!
Cabin 1: @allmightyscroll-swag
Cabin 2: @silver-fire-wolf-pokemon-lover
Cabin 3: @lartiel
Cabin 4: @locnessnestle
Cabin 5: @iobsesswaytoomuch
Cabin 6: @wingstobetorn
Cabin 7: @curlyquest
Cabin 8: @genderfluid-envy
Cabin 9: @icequeenabby
Cabin 10: @allyheart707
Cabin 11: @merakimagic
Cabin 12: @exhaustedwriterartist
Cabin 13: @karonkar & @owliedoesnothing
Cabin 14: @wandering-ghost
Cabin 15: @theartofeverything
Cabin 16: @moth-boi-lycan
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if someone who got into the event submitted multiple aus, does that mean all aus they submitted got in? And would that mess up the cabin system at all?
This time, I believe so!
We checked all AU's to make sure they fit the bill, including people who double or triple submitted!
It does not mess up the cabin system, since it goes by creators, and not AUs.
Good question!
- Moth
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Heya! :D
So, I entered two aus and I was wondering how I can....I guess you could say use both of them! Like, can I switch between using them whenever, or can they both be interacting with each other?
Sorry if this question was already asked, I just don't want to mess anything up while drawing things for this. TvT
Well, aren't you timely? I was going to explain this today in the discord, but I'll just explain it here instead!
With multiple AU's, you can kind of just do whatever you want. There will come times in the events where your cabin mates will do stuff with your AU's (that I will explain later today) and you can tell them what you'd like them to be doing when it comes to multiple AU's!
It's largely very free reign, just have some fun!
Good question!
- Moth
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Did you find the way to put the discord link again?
I want to enter there :(
(no I totally didn't forget, why would that happen)
This one should work!
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I made cookies for the @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion discord server
and uhh...
cookies turned out great btw
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Should we @ you in propaganda like in the tmnt au comp? Or just the stuff for the themed prompts? (if at all)
Thanks for running this awesome reunion!
@ me in whatever you make regarding this reunion, whether it's propaganda, themed content, etc!
I wanna see it all!!
I've absolutely loved seeing what you guys are doing!!
- Moth
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Hey, the answer to this ask confused me- it was said that non participants shouldn't join on the post linking the server, has that changed?
The mods and I have just discussed it - at the time, we had a sneaky lil' guy, who snuck in! They are our resident burglar!
Because of this, I said that this would apply to any who joined without being listed participants - this was without consulting my fellow mods, an error in judgement on my part.
We've decided to keep the server completely closed to non-participants now, and the post you mentioned has been edited appropriately. I apologize for any unnecessary confusion.
- Moth
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How early on can we start @ you for points?
As soon as we announce the first theme! Which will hopefully be today or tomorrow!
- Moth
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Is it too late to join this?
Unfortunately so!
Submissions closed just yesterday!
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Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I noticed some people in the discord were listed as campers of their cabins. How do you “join” your cabin?
You will be assigned your cabin by myself or another mod after you join the server! Making an intro with your cabin number expedites the process!
Cabin numbers can be found in the post where all participants were tagged.
Good question!
- Moth
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