toontownwitch · 9 months
It is tempting to just find spells online and use them exactly as is. PLEASE DON'T DO THIS! You are opening the gates for bad things to happen.
In the 13 goals of a witch, number 7 states to keep your words in good order. Not to is to practice a chaotic form of magick.
If you were to use the chant below in a spell, you would be inviting the negative words to take effect in your spell. Your spell would not have your desired outcome.
Example of a badly worded spell:
"Happiness I call upon you,
Bring with you your magick too,
For I am unhappy and wish not to be,
Grant me your power to live in peace and harmony,
So mote it be!"
To be more specific on what is wrong with this spell is the part where it says, "for I am unhappy and wish not to be." You would be inviting more unhappiness into your life. A good way to change up the chant to get the desired outcome of being genuinely happier in life is just taking that line out altogether.
When you are using a spell or a chant for a spell, you want to make sure that you are only speaking the things you want to happen. If you want to be happy, only talk about that. Say how you are happy currently, that you live in peace and harmony. Don't say I want to be happy. Say I am happy. It's sort of a way into tricking your brain to start believing it. But also, if you tell the universe that you are happy, it will start to send you vibes that are in line with you being happy, and then you really will be.
The universe is very literal. It will twist your words and give you the opposite. You need to be as clear as possible in your intentions. This also applies to your thoughts, goal number 6 in the 13 goals of a witch, and your thoughts are vibrations that you send out into the universe. Whatever types of energy you send out, you will get back times 3.
So please, for the love of whatever God's or Goddesses you believe in, watch your thoughts and words!
Spell found on pinterest, by @mysteriouswitch
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toontownwitch · 1 year
The Intersection of Witchcraft and Feminism
Witchcraft and feminism may seem like two completely separate movements, but in fact, they share a deep and complex relationship. Both movements are concerned with empowering individuals, challenging oppressive systems, and promoting personal autonomy. In this blog post, we'll explore the intersection of witchcraft and feminism, and how the two movements have influenced and supported one another.
Historically, witchcraft has been associated with women, and in many cases, seen as a form of rebellion against patriarchal authority. In the early modern period, women who were accused of witchcraft were often those who had violated gender norms, such as being too outspoken, too independent, or too sexually active. By embracing witchcraft, these women were able to reclaim their power and assert their autonomy in a society that sought to suppress them.
Similarly, feminism emerged as a movement to challenge the patriarchal norms that had relegated women to second-class citizens. Feminists sought to empower women by promoting gender equality, reproductive rights, and the freedom to express oneself without fear of judgment or persecution. By challenging traditional gender roles and advocating for social, political, and economic equality, feminists sought to create a more just and equitable society.
Over time, the two movements began to intersect and inform one another. Feminist activists began to embrace witchcraft as a means of asserting their power and challenging oppressive systems. They saw witchcraft as a way to connect with their ancestors, reclaim their heritage, and challenge the dominant narrative that women were weak, submissive, and powerless.
At the same time, many witches began to incorporate feminist principles into their practice. They saw witchcraft as a way to challenge patriarchal authority, promote gender equality, and empower women to take control of their lives. They used witchcraft to heal from the trauma of oppression, and to create a sense of community and solidarity with other marginalized people.
Today, the intersection of witchcraft and feminism is more vibrant than ever. Feminist witches are using their magic to fight for social justice, environmental conservation, and reproductive rights. They are creating safe spaces for marginalized communities to come together, and challenging the dominant narrative that women are powerless and weak. By embracing witchcraft, feminists are reclaiming their power and asserting their autonomy in a world that often seeks to suppress them.
In conclusion, the intersection of witchcraft and feminism is a powerful and complex relationship that has evolved over time. Both movements seek to empower individuals, challenge oppressive systems, and promote personal autonomy. By embracing witchcraft, feminists are reclaiming their power and asserting their autonomy, while witches are incorporating feminist principles into their practice. Together, they are creating a more just and equitable society, one spell at a time.
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toontownwitch · 2 years
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Palmistry guide, reading the lines on hands are another form of divination. So here is my simple guide to it.
(My heart line is long, which is pretty common for empaths)
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toontownwitch · 2 years
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Full Moons 🌕
WITCHY DESIGNS STORE: https://www.redbubble.com/people/lavendulamoon?asc=u
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toontownwitch · 2 years
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So, like most poeple… I thought there wasn’t much to know about pendulums. They’re a simple divination tool to draw knowledge from your intuition, and that’s basically it. Neither did I expect to learn much, when I tuned in to a free pendulum workshop a while ago. But I ended up being pleasantly surprised. And as it turns out, there was a lot that I actually didn’t know.
Did you know that there are simple ways, that will greatly improve the accuracy of your pendulum reading? And that there’s a reason why they’re mostly sold in 3 basic shapes? Neither did I, that’s why I thought it might be useful to spread the knowledge.
What type of crystal should I choose?
The first thing that you want to know, is that the type of crystal does have an effect. But it has more to do with you as a person than anything else.
Clear quartz- is often recommended for beginners, because it has a very pure and neutral energy. Black obsidian- if you’re someone who doesn’t like vague answers. Amethyst- If you have difficulty trusting your intuition. And could use a little guidance, to connect with your higher self.  Rose quartz- if you’re a sensitive person, who needs a gentle touch. And so on, and so on…
What kind of shape should I choose?
The second thing you want to consider is the shape of the pendulum. It is true that basically anything can be used as a pendulum. Even if it’s just a paperclip on a string. (and yes, you can definitely make one yourself) But there’s a reason why they’re mostly sold in 3 basic shapes.
Point The point, is the most basic of all shapes. A point shaped pendulum will draw insights purely from yourself. Natural points are recommended for beginners, because the energy will flow with the direction in wich the crystal grew (base to tip). Assuring that it’s drawing the energy from you, down into your pendulum. This also happens to some degree with points that have been cut and polished. But the energy could flow in any given direction, depening on how it was cut. Which could make it more difficult to some.
Sphere The second shape is the sphere. Most spheres will still have a metal point attached to the bottom. But the energy field of the sphere will pick up more from it’s surroundings. This makes a sphere pendulum easier to influence. But for this reason, it is especially usefull for dowsing energy fields. Let’s say you had a visitor over with a rather lingering presence. A sphere shaped pendulum will help you find the areas in your home, with the most energy build up. So you can cleanse it properly and effectively. 
Merkaba The last one and probably the most “advanced” pendulum shape is without a doubt the merkaba. The merkaba is similar to the sphere in a way that they pick up influences from their surroundings. Except the merkaba has a much wider range. A merkaba pendulum will allow for your guides, spirits, ancestors, etc, to assist you with your reading. For this reason, I also believe that it’s an excellent shape for spirit communication. 
(A little note on this one. If you plan to work with energies from outside. I would personally not suggest using a pendulum that is made out of a highly protective crystal. Such as labradorite, rainbow moonstone, or black tourmaline. It would only have an adverse effect… because you want them to reach you, and not shield yourself from them.)
A short ritual, to get you in the right mindset:
Now before I start, I wanted to say that I encourage you to make this ritual your own. This is just a guideline, to get you started :)
Step 1: Get your mind in a calm and relaxed state. The mind is a pretty chaotic place. Taking a few moments to relax your mind, will increase the accuracy of your readings. Make sure you’re in a comfortable position. Take a few deep breaths, slowly drink a glass of cold water, or drink some tea, meditate for a minute (if that’s your thing). What ever helps you to calm your mind. If you like to go a little extra, you can burn some incense or palo santo. Surround yourself with a couple of crystals that will help you with divination. (amethyst and fluorite for connecting to your intuition, celestite or blue calcite for a calming effect, selenite to filter out mind chatter… etc)
Step 2: Getting acquainted. You can skip this first part if you’re already familiar with your pendulum. But if this is the first time you’re handling it. I would encourage you to always ask your pendulum first, to show you the answer for yes and no. It’s quite similar to when you program a new crystal, by giving it a specific purpose.
The second action acts as a warm up. You’re going to ask your pendulum a couple of varification questions (two usually does it). Example: “Is it [insert day of the week]?” “Is my name [insert your name]?” And see if they give you the right answer. You don’t start asking questions to someone, without introducing yourself first either. So it’s a good thing to get you and your pendulum re-acquainted, before you get started.
Step 3: Where do you want your insights to come from?
Are you seeking insights from within yourself or your intuition? Are there any ancestors or spirits that you’d like to work with? Do you work with spirit animals, or angels? Consider this before you start, and state it out loud. It doesn’t have to be long, but be specific. It’s something as simple as providing the right source to do your research from. You don’t open up a cookbook, if you’re looking for answers about quantum physics either.
Now that you have that sorted out, I’d say you’re ready to start your reading. Ask what ever you want to know. But make sure they can be answered with either a yes or a no. I personally find that it helps to ask your question out loud once. And try not to think too much about it, after that. Just feel, and just be. If the answer is unclear, you can ask your pendulum to be more precise. 
What to do after you’re done?
After you’re done, make sure you thank your pendulum for it’s service. And to thank any spirits or energies, that you have called upon you for guidance. Briefly cleanse your pendulum (I’d say smoke cleansing is the safest method with crystals). And store it away in it’s rightful place.
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toontownwitch · 2 years
˚*✧˚*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✮ ˚*✧˚*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✮ ˚*✧˚*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✮ ˚*✧˚*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙
🌈Colour Magic🌈
˚*✧˚*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✮˚*✧˚*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✮˚*✧˚*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙*˚✮˚*✧˚*•̩̩͙✧•̩̩͙ ˚
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protection, self defence, breaking bad habits, banishing, strength, Grounding, wisdom, learning, safety, reversing, uncrossing, unhexing, repelling dark magic and curses, negativity, pride, defense; death, darkness, loss, confusion, blindness
ELEMENT: Air & Earth
DAY: Saturday
PLANET: Saturn & Pluto
TAROT: The Queens & The Three's 3
abundance, animals, family, friendships,stability, earth magic, balance, House blessing,pets, earth, concentration, material goods,locating lost objects, real estate, food; financialcrisis, poor investments; grounding and centering, connections to nature, strength,generosity, charity, security, friendship;Something ending but something new beginning
TAROT: The Pages &The Tens
dreams, spirituality, intuition, healing, peace, loyalty, wisdom, sleep, clarity, patience, understanding, travel, communication, calm, forgiveness, will power, focus, forgiveness,good fortune, truth, fidelity, patience, harmony at home, organization, removing negativities, sincerity, confidence,faith, laughter, joy
PLANET: Mercury & Neptune
TAROT: The Hierophant & The Cups Suit
🪙Silver 🪙
lunar energy, improves psychic abilities, intuition, dreams, reflection, Stability, psychic awareness, victory, meditation, communication,gambling luck; may relate to soulmates
ELEMENT: Water & Air
DAY: Monday
TAROT: The Moon
solar energy wisdom, fortune, confidence, personal strength, enlightenment, brings financial gain and wealth, attracts happiness, Great fortune, abundance and prosperity, Male energies, understanding; divination; fast but temporary luck, positive energies, justice, health, attraction; happiness, success, winning, victory
DAY: Sunday
TAROT: The Sun
🌹Red 🌹
assertiveness, passion, energy, sex, creativity, courage, charm, maximises vitality, personal power, lust, health, sexual love, strong energy, balance, harmony, protection, vitality, strength, survival, fertility, sex;danger, war, fire, conflict, sports, independence, competition; joy, leadership,confidence, combat, confrontation
SEASON: Summer
DAY: Tuesday
TAROT: The Cups & The Fives
ambition, success, pursuits, concentration, happiness, justice, creativity, flexibility, fast action, profound change, positive energy, Creativity, self-expression, intellectual matters,overcoming addiction, legal matters/justice, joy,business success, vitality, fun, action,opportunity, celebration, investments, invitations and welcoming, self-esteem
DAY: Wednesday
TAROT: The eights
abundance, intelligence, memory, confidence, mental health, charm, studying, beauty, clarity, persuasiveness, Pleasure, success, happiness, learning,memory, concentration, persuasion,inspiration, imagition, solar magic,confidence, air, travel, flexibility, new friendships, productivity, humility
PLANET: Mercury & Sun
DAY: Sunday & Wednesday
TAROT: The knights & The Sixes 6
growth, fertility, wealth, harmony, prosperity, health, luck, financial abundance, nature, abundance, money, physical andemotional healing, luck, marraige, nature,acceptance, increasing love and trust, new beginnings, hope, peace, harmony,grace, partnerships, alliances, dating and courtship, inspiration, greed, envy, sickness,jealousy, mistrust
PLANET: Venus &Jupiter
DAY: Friday, Thursday & Wednesday
TAROT: The Emperor, The Sevens, & the Aces
manifestation, wisdom, divination, intuition, healing, meditation, spiritual enlightenment, hidden knowledge & secrets, connecting with higher self, influence, spiritual power, insight, clarity; tension; drive away evil, change luck, independence, break a habit; toxicity that needs to be treated/removed
PLANET: Saturn &Jupiter
TAROT: The Chariot & The fours
beauty, romance, innocence, partnerships, joy, generosity, unconditional love, self-compassion, empathy, kindness, understanding, friendship Love, compassion, nurturing, femininity, spiritual and emotional healing, protection of children, domestic harmony, self-improvement, maturity, self-love, calming, sex, morality
DAY: Friday
SEASON: Spring
TAROT: The Sevens
healing, cleansing, truth, purification, meditation, innocence, Unity, purity, cleansing, peace, balance,spiritual healing,consecration, balancing home and business life, may be an omen of loss, death and heartbreak
ELEMENT: Spirit & Air
DAY: Monday
TAROT: The wands, Temperance,high priestess & death
this is just a brief breakdown of a few colours 🥰 if you have anything to add please don’t hesitate! And of course please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns ✨ merry meet!~B
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toontownwitch · 2 years
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Beginner Witch Tips
Read. Before you even think about practicing magick, you need to study. It sounds tedious, I know, but witchcraft is not a trivial undertaking. 
Start a grimoire/Book of Shadows/Journal. You’ll need a safe place to keep all of the information you’ve gathered safe, and a grimoire (as I call mine), is essentially a notebook for that exact purpose. It doesn’t have to be fancy (though you’re welcome to make it as ostentatious as you like), – it can be a bullet journal if that’s easy for you. Within your grimoire, you should keep all gathered information, spells, failures, successes, records of work you’ve done, etc,. Anything that pertains to your craft.
Don’t put pressure on yourself to pick a path. You might see a lot of witches who class themselves as one thing or another, e.g., storm witches, kitchen witches, elemental witches, spirit/divination witches; green witches; cosmic witches, and so on.That is cool and their prerogative, but you will also see witches known as eclectic. Eclectic Witches, are simply witches who choose to practise many different types of magick and forge their own path, instead of following only one, or following a pre-established path. Basically, there is no need at all, whatsoever, to label yourself. With many of us, our paths found us in time. 
Research paths, secular witchcraft and religious witchcraft.Witchcraft alone, is a practice. However, some paths are indeed religious, such as Wicca. Make sure you know the difference before you begin actively practicing and before you decide on your path, if you do choose to do so.
Carry a little notebook on your person.You can’t always carry your grimoire with you, so I personally like to carry a tiny little notebook with me, for those moments when inspiration takes me, or if something captures my imagination or attention. You can add it to your grimoire/BoS later.
Oh, and one more thing: don’t ever stop learning and reading and recording. Witchcraft is a path of continuous learning.
Things to Research:
Herb and crystal correspondences, e.g., such as color and planetary.
Sabbats (also known as “Witches Sabbaths”) and esbats.
The basic tools of witchcraft.
Altars (if you’re so inclined).
Lunar phases.
Divination, e.g., tarot, runes, pendulums. 
Witchcraft and deities (if you’re so inclined).
Traditional witchcraft practises, such as circle casting.
SAFETY! What is safe to use/burn/touch/ingest. There are lots of poisonous and potentially fatal plants and ingredients out there.
Easy/budget magick/witchcraft.
The history of witchcraft, including lore, myths and tales.
The importance and use of the elements in magick
Research cultural witchcraft. Make sure that your practice does not steal from closed cultures. 
Easy Practices for New Witches:
Grounding – grounding is the act of centering your energy and focusing it within yourself. You can ground yourself by being out in nature and using visualising techniques that tie your energies firmly into the ground (very traditional method), or by finding a quiet place that you are content in and meditating.
Sigil crafting/creation.
Dream interpretation.
Charging jewellery/crystals/objects/sigils.
Using glamours in makeup/cosmetics/everyday wear.
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toontownwitch · 2 years
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Beginner Witchery
Disclaimer: Witchcraft is NOT a religion! It is a practice, or skill. Anyone of ANY religion can be a witch!
There are a few steps to becoming a witch, and the first is taking an interest, which you obviously have and its led you to my post. Many things lead people to magic! Maybe you’ve always felt a strong connection with Mother Earth and her lovely inhabitants, or maybe your friend is a witch and recently has been open about it with you. The second step is exploring the craft, Reading witchy books and blogs, and gathering information. The final steps are to start calling yourself a witch and start practicing witchcraft. Those steps are interchangeable, it doesn’t matter what comes first.
When it comes to learning more about witchcraft, a lot of baby witches ask me the million dollar question… “What do I study first?”
Theres no exact order you need to follow. I’d advise you to be respectful to magick, to the elements and to mother earth. Start being more aware of all she gives us, if you aren’t already.
Here are some things you can do/look into to get yourself started:
Witchblr. DON’T UNDERESTIMATE WITCHBLR. There is so much information on witchblr, its really amazing. 
History of witchcraft. Studying the roots of the craft is so interesting to do! Its really cool to hear the origins of everything we do.
Crystals. Crystals are my FAVORITE, my collection is always growing and i pick specific ones to carry based on what i need the day of.
Divination Methods. There are several ways to divine, and its really nice to get some insight from your spirit guide/the universe. Studying the origins of these methods is also really interesting.
Herbs. Herbs are awesome and you can use them for everything, be it magick or mundane. They are great for using in spell jars, teas, baths and etc.
Dreams. Study what they mean, why they’re important and how you can benefit from listening in to the deeper messages they hold.
Keep a dream journal! Start recording everything you can remember as soon as you wake up.
Grounding. I think everyone should ground themselves at least once a day, it makes you feel so balanced.
Celestial Bodies. Each planet has a different energy, and you can use these energies potentially.
THE MOON. The moon has so much energy its so powerful and i love feeling it shine on my skin. Its phases have significant effects on us and on our spellwork.
The elements. Each element brings a different energy, and when you cast circles you typically call on each element. its nice to know about these energies and find which ones you click with the most.
Altar Tools. 
Deities. Study the different pantheons, see if one appeals to you. if not, its ok, not everyone works with them.
Meditate. Get in tune with yourself. Thats the best thing you can do while on this spiritual journey.
Different Alphabets
Types of spells
Types of magick
Famous witches.
A few more tips from me:
Keep journals. yes. plural. one for dreams, one for your general day to day feelings and to record your growth spiritually, one for the crystals and herbs you collect (or one for each), one for your studies. You CANNOT record too much! Take notes on everything.
never do anything you don’t feel comfortable with.
Never rush ahead of yourself. Take your time with learning about the craft, you will thank yourself in the future.
Use what you have! You don’t need supplies to be a witch or have a successful spell. Its all mental and about your flow of energy. you just need YOU.
your craft is your own, do not feel pressured to be more like witches you admire, do whatever feels right to you.
unless you follow a specific tradition, there are no rules in witchcraft. There is a lot more freedom in witchcraft than you may realize.
DOn’t ever shame other witches. Best example: Some witches curse, some don’t. 
i know i said this earlier, but be respectful. always remember to thank mother earth for everything she supplies us with.
Always say goodbye to any entities you call into your circle.
NEVER be scared of spirits. they are all around us, all the time, they only make themselves known sometimes. fear can feed them and help them grow in strength.
don’t worry about a title, you don’t need to scramble to find our what kind of witch you are. you will just know eventually based on what you do most in your practice, it will take some time.
Please add to this so any baby witches can see what you have to say and be informed!! You can also submit a post to my blog.
I will add to this post in the future, i hope it was helpful.
Blessed be!
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toontownwitch · 2 years
Wheel of the Year: Overview
The Wheel of The Year comes from Pagan/Wiccan peoples, and dates back to a world before Christianity. A world where, in my opinion, people were happier.
The Wheel of The Year used to be used as a means of survival, telling the people when to fish and hunt, when to plant and harvest, even when to start canning and drying food for winter. Now we honor our Witchy/Pagan ancestors by celebrating, and giving thanks to The Wheel of The Year.
This collection is made up of eight different holidays, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lammas, Mabon, and Samhain. Each have a place in the story of the God and the Goddess. The story doesn't really have a beginning or an end, aka "Wheel" of the year. Here's the story:
The Sun King
As the Sun, the God’s life explains the presence and strength of sunlight throughout the year.
The God is born at Yule, the darkest day of the year and when the sunlight is at its weakest. His birth provides the promise of light to come.
As he grows, the God becomes stronger and more powerful, just as the sunlight strengthens and peaks at the summer solstice. Once he reaches the height of his power, the God starts to age, weaken, and eventually dies at Samhain.
However, we are not to worry because he will be reborn again at Yule, and spread light to the world yet again!
The Earth Mother
As the Earth, the Goddess is steadfast and ever-present. She is a constant, guiding force in the universe.
The Goddess and God are lovers, forming a union and conceiving at Beltane. The Goddess nurtures her pregnancy throughout the warm summer and autumn months.
As Samhain arrives, the God has died. However at the next sabbath of Yule, the Goddess gives birth to the infant God! Exhausted, she falls asleep and rests until Imbolc at the first of spring, where the Goddess and God resume there relationship as lovers and the cycle continues!
The eight holidays can be split up into the major Sabbats and the lesser Sabbats. The lesser Sabbats consist of the summer solstice , winter solstice , the spring equinox and the autumn equinox. The major sabbats are the other four between the solstices and equinoxes respectively.
A quick description on each of the holidays: (I'll go into more detail of each in later posts)
When: October 31st- November 1st
Focus: Composting
The veil between worlds is thinnest. Accessing magic is at its peak.
Decorate your Alter with: Acorns, apples, black candles, brooms, pumpkins, cauldron, fall herbs, nuts, berries, and pomegranates.
When: December 21st- january 1st
Focus: Resting
Embracing new beginnings, spread the message of peace and love.
Decorate your alter with: bells, candles, elves, evergreens, lights, holly, mistletoe, pine cones, wreaths, yule log.
When: February 1st and 2nd
Focus: Rejuvenating
Celebrating the nature that is preparing to grow. Also known as the "Feast of Pan."
Decorate your alter with: Brigid, cross, candle wheel, dish of snow, evergreens, grain dollies, flows, sun wheels, white flowers.
When: March 21st
Focus: Balancing and planning
A celebration of fertility and the coming of spring time. New ideas sprout.
Decorate your alter with: Balance, baskets, budding twigs, bunnies, spring water, chicks, coloured ribbons, eggs, four leaf covers, flowers
When: April 30th-May 1st
Focus: Fertility and love
The union of male and female energy is renewed. Joyful celebration filled with life, music and dancing.
Decorate your alter with: Acorns, antlers, baskets, blooming flowers, herbs, candles, cauldron, floral crowns, may poles, sticks seeds, wreathes.
When: June 21st
Focus: Energizing and growth
The sun is at the height of it's power. Great abundance of life and greens.
Decorate your alter with: flowers, herbs, fruits, vegetables, mirrors, sun symbols, seashells
When: July 31st-August 1st
Focus: Celebration
Giving thanks to the first corn and grain of the season. Enjoying life and the fresh harvest.
Decorate your alter with: Barley, bread, corn, cornucopias, gourds, scythe, sunflowers, sun wheels.
When: September 21st-23rd
Focus: Balancing and harvest
Honouring the change of seasons. Giving thanks to the harvest.
Decorate your alter with: Cornucopia, apples, squash, corn, pumpkins, herbs, leaves, animal totems.
There is so much more to learn about the Wheel of the Year! I hope to share with you soon each of the holidays as they come up.
The sun kind and the mother earth:
More about the wheel:
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toontownwitch · 2 years
Chakras: How To Unblock Them
Unblocking your chakras can be overwhelming at first, especially when you are just learning. Don’t worry, it’s actually pretty simple. Here are a few different ways that you can open/balance your chakras. 
Tapping: The practice of tapping, or EFT, works by using your fingertips to tap on certain meridian points throughout your body. The motion of tapping and repeating affirmations can help to let go of certain emotions that may be blocking your chakras.
Chakra meditation: Chakra meditation can be a powerful technique for you to employ at home. It involves bringing attention to yourself and focusing on your awareness.
Yoga: When a chakra is blocked, movement can be beneficial to releasing it. Yoga is a fantastic way to do this as it encourages the flow of energy back into your body.
Nutrition: Including certain foods in your diet can help you to clear your energy system. Each chakra correlates with certain foods so introducing these into your daily meals can really go a long way to rebalancing your system.
Go out into nature: This is one of the easiest ways to unblock your chakras. Spending time outdoors, walking barefoot in the grass, is a wonderful way to reconnect with nature and absorb its healing energy – keeping you grounded and at peace.
Take deep breaths: Taking deep breaths with intention is very effective for restoring your chakras to their natural and harmonious state. As you inhale, direct your energy to the chakra. As you exhale, allow awareness to relax into it.
Yoga poses: Tree, Mountain, or Warrior poses
Meditate: invision the colour red, hold hematite near your pelvis, or tap your pelvis.
Foods to eat: Red apples, tomatoes, beets, pomegranates, strawberries, raspberries, sweet potatoes, potatoes, carrots, turnips, garlic, parsnips, onions, rutabaga, ginger, turmeric, eggs, beans, nuts, lean meats, paprika, cayenne, horseradish.
Affirmations: “I am safe.“I am grounded.” “I am financially secure.” “I am taken care of.” “I am always provided for.”
Yoga poses: bridge pose, pigeon pose, lizard pose
Meditate: invision the colour orange, hold Tiger’s eye to your belly button, or tap your belly button area.
Foods to eat: Carrots, mango, oranges, orange peppers, peaches, apricots, sweet potatoes, salmon, flax, almonds, walnuts, sesame, coconut, cinnamon.
Affirmations: “I am creative.” “It’s safe to express my sexuality.” “I am comfortable in my body.” “I am in touch with my feelings.” “It is my right to be joyful and find pleasure.”
Yoga poses: boat or triangle pose
Meditate: invision the colour yellow, hold Tiger’s eye to your stomach (under your diaphram), or tap your stomach.
Foods to eat: Banana, pineapple, corn, lemons, yellow curry, oats, brown rice, spelt, rye, farro, beans, veggies, sprouted grains.
Affirmations: “I am powerful.” “I own my power.” “I am strong.” “My work has an ease and flow.” “I honor myself.”
Yoga poses: camel pose or wheel, cow face pose, humble warrior pose
Meditate: invision the colour green, hold rose quartz to the middle of your chest, or tap your chest
Foods to eat: Kale, broccoli, spinach, chard, dandelion greens, parsley, celery, cucumber, zucchini, matcha, green tea, avocado, lime, mint, peas, kiwi, spirulina, green apples.
Affirmations: “I am open to give and receive love.” “I love and accept myself.” “I forgive myself and others.” “I am fully open to love.” “My heart is full of love.”
Yoga poses: plow pose, fish pose
Meditate: invision the colour blue, hold aquamarine to your throat, or tap your throat. 
Foods to eat: Blueberries, blackberries, coconut water, herbal teas, raw honey, lemon, apples, pears, plums.
Affirmations:  “It’s safe to express my needs.” “I love to use my voice and express myself.” “I speak my truth freely.” “I trust others.” ”I am honest about who I am.”
Yoga poses: forward fold pose, folded eagle pose
Meditate: invision the colour purple, hold amethyst to your forehead/ between your brows, or tap your forehead/ between your brows.
Foods to eat: purple grapes, purple kale, blueberries, purple cabbage, eggplant, purple carrots.
Affirmations: “I trust my intuition.” “I experience clarity every day.” “My thoughts are peaceful.” “I am connected to the divine.” “I know my own voice.”
Yoga poses: savasana or corpse pose
Meditate: invision the colour white, hold clear quartz to the top of your head, or tap the top of your head. 
Foods to eat: For this one there is no food to eat. With the crown chakra it is about detoxing from all the unhealthy foods you put into your body. You can however, use essential oils such as, sage, lavender, frankincense, juniper.
Affirmations: “I am a divine being.” “Everything is connected.” “I am connected to the universe.” “All is well.” “I am at peace.”
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toontownwitch · 2 years
Chakras: The Basics
The word Chakra means “disk” or “wheel” and refers to the energy centers in your body. To function at their best chakras need to be open and/or balanced. If they are blocked, you may experience physical or emotional symptoms related to a particular chakra. 
There are seven main chakras that run along your spine. They start at the root, or base of your spine and extend up to the crown of your head. Some people believe that there are at least 114 different chakras in the body. 
Click here to learn how to unblock your chakras!
The root chakra is located at the base of your spine (tail bone). It provides you with a base or a foundation for life, and it helps you feel grounded, and able to withstand challenges. Your root chakra is responsible for your sense of security and stability.
The root chakra can be represented through the use of the colour red, the element Earth, or the stone Hematite. 
If your root chakra is blocked, you may have problems with your feet, legs, rectum, tailbone, and immune system. You could experience issues with the male reproductive parts and prostate gland. A blocked root chakra may also present itself as degenerative arthritis, knee pain, sciatica, eating disorders, and constipation. And finally as stress related to money and financial security.
The sacral chakra is located just below your belly button. This chakra is responsible for your sexual and creative energy. It’s also linked to how you relate to your emotions as well as the emotions of others. 
The sacral chakra can be represented through the use of the colour orange, the element water, or the stone Tiger’s eye. 
If your sacral chakra is blocked you may have physical issues that include, sexual and reproductive health issues, urinary problems, kidney dysfunctions, hip, pelvic, and lower back pain. And mental issues that may include, an inability to express emotion or desire, and a constant fear of betrayal. 
The solar plexus chakra is located in your stomach area. It’s responsible for confidence and self-esteem, as well as helping you feel in control of your life. 
The solar plexus chakra can be represented through the use of the colour yellow, the element fire, or the stone amber. 
If you are experiencing a blockage in your solar plexus, you may have physical issues such as, digestive problems, chronic fatigue, pancreas and gallbladder issues. And mental issues such as an unrelenting inner critic, and a constant fear of rejection. 
The heart chakra is located near your heart, in the center of your chest. It comes as no surprise that the heart chakra is all about our ability to love and show compassion.
The heart chakra can be represented through the use of the colour green, the element air, and the stone rose quartz. 
If you have a blockage in you heart chakra you may have asthma, upper back and shoulder problems, arm and wrist pain. Any you may over-love to the point of suffocation, jealousy, and betterness. You may have a constant fear of being alone. 
The throat chakra is located, in the throat. This chakra has to do with the ability to verbally communicate.
The throat chakra can be represented through the use of the colour light blue, the element sound/music, and the stone Aquamarine.
If you have a blockage in your throat chakra, you may have, thyroid issues, sore throats, ear infections, neck and shoulder pain, issues expressing yourself, and a constant fear of being out of control.
The third eye chakra is located between your eyes or eyebrows. This chakra is in control of your gut instincts. That’s because the third eye is responsible for intuition, and is linked to the imagination. 
The third eye chakra can be represented through the use of the color dark blue or purple, the element light, and the stone amethyst. 
If you have a blockage in your third eye chakra you may have, headaches, blurred vision and eye strains, sinus issues, moodiness and stubbornness.
The crown chakra is located at the crown of your head (the very top part). It represents your spiritual connection to yourself, to others, and the universe. It also plays a role in your life’s purpose. 
The crown chakra can be represented through the use of the colour violet or white, the element spirit, and the stone clear quartz. 
If you have blockage in your crown chakra you may have, rigid thoughts, analysis paralysis, and a constant fear of alienation. 
If you are having serious health problems, please see a health professional. Healing/opening your chakras will not get rid of diseases, symptoms, or major health issues. Please take care of your body, go to the doctor, drink your water. be logical when it comes to real health issues, always rule out major problems first!! 
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toontownwitch · 2 years
Introduction To My Blog
Hello everyone, 
I wanted to start a blog about my journey within witchcraft, as I learn new things. I know that maybe I'm not the most knowledgeable, but if I blog about my progress, I am more likely to learn new things. 
I started learning about witchcraft in 2016. It was slow going, and I definitely did not practice. I started to accumulate knowledge, writing everything down in spare notebooks and on any piece of paper I could find. I have since found better ways to keep my research organized, and easily accessible. Moving from a pile of papers to dedicated notebooks and binders for each topic. 
Notebooks just so happen to be one of my favorite things on the planet, so having a great reason to buy more doesn't bother me any. I have a binder filled with a bit of witchcraft history, spells, herbs and their uses, and a few other subjects. I have a notebook dedicated to tarot readings I do. One is used for making my final grimoire. 
I figured that making a blog in the style of an online book of shadows for me and my friends (you know who you are) to utilize would be a great idea.
In the blog posts to follow there will be spells, recipes, spell ingredients, info about stones/crystals, herbs, the wheel of the year, and a bit of history. I'm really looking to flaunt my knowledge to the people I know. 
I hope you are looking forward to learning the subjects in which I want to teach you. Until next time, blessed be!!
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