toplisting · 2 years
What’s My Checklist Before Investing in a Company
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This Post is without any edits. I’ve written this in a free manner.
This Post is Heart to heart. So, I have to maintain the originality.
I kept this post – Short, Crisp, and Simple. I hope you enjoy reading.
I deeply admired Charlie Munger and Peter Lynch.
Most of my ideas come from Reading Newspapers and having the curiosity to know.
Before Investing, I use a combination of these checklists. Because every company is different from the other.
All are my random thoughts, ideas, plans, and imagination.
Notes before the start.
I don’t Invest too much, I invest in a few companies, which I love them. And want to hold for a longer period of time.
Strictly follow – the Warren Buffett rule – you have only the 20 tickets rule.
You check this rule in the Charlie Munger Post.
I see Investing activity as ownership.
I don’t like more diversification. It reduces my Investment amount in my favorite companies.
And You’ll notice brackets – are my comments for that particular point.
So, Let’s start the reading.
Only Choose the perfect company.
Circle of competence: (Very Important Point. I don’t usually invest out of my circle. How to increase the circle through continuous reading)
Company Operation (must be Simple, Easy, and Understandable.)
Reading Annual reports and (D)RHP: (More insights, more success.)
Insight from newspapers – You will get to know about various things on various topics.
Consider these factors
Requirement from Investors
Continues reading
Improve your accounting skills
Think more in a non-business way.
Waiting is far more important than timing.
Remember How Compounding Interest works.
Developing critical thinking has its own benefits.
Avoid people’s hot tips it may damage your money.
Perfect company features
Also, think like an owner what are the steps you would have taken, if you were the management. & How to decrease the competition.
Promters’ Pledging (Important Point, Low or No Pledging Prefer.)
Most important check – (Company’s operations are ethical in nature)
Environment – (How a company is supporting mother nature. Because it is important from everyone’s POV.)
Social – (How a company is having relations with its employees and customers)
If accessible you can talk to employees if you visit the stores. (This is Peter Lynch’s Tip)
Strong Economic Moat – (Because to stop the competition, Note: it has to be Strong in nature. more read here –Economic moats)
You know very well about that particular company. (Both Internally and externally). Test yourself by asking questions. if your answers satisfy you. then you can go ahead.
Management: Management mindset & goal-oriented, Are people are ethical in practice. Do they charge a high salary? Their views about the past, present, and future.
If Management is heavily invested, then it is a positive point.
If there is no Vision & Mission, then leave the company.
While reading & thinking, if you are able to make a story about the journey from the start till now, then it is a good sign. And if the story is not perfect, then leave the company.
I do check if any big names like Tata, Adani, Bajaj, RPSG, Ambani, etc have invested. Again a + point. But it is not necessary. because usually, mindsets are different.
CSR has a role to play. Don’t neglect it.
Sales are increasing.
Profits are increasing.
Economics moats are increasing. (then invest more)
Consistent profits in the past. (A rare sign though also it is not mandatory. because it is impossible to achieve. remember COVID-19.)
Large Distribution networks (like – ITC, HUL, coca-cola have, Adani Trans have)
No or few competitors (the less it is, the better)
Check Competitors’ annual reports. (you’ll get to know various important things.)
buy at intrinsic value (Wait for the correction.)
Only sell when economic moats are weakening. (my personal choice)
Company’s Products have huge buyers (so, the company won’t be too much dependent.)
Company Products fulfill peoples’ regular wants. (like FMCG, Jio recharge, Petrol. it’s a Plus Sign)
Company opens new stores on a Quarterly basis. (It shows confidence, growth, and prosperity)
Key people of the company are heavy investors in it. (CEO, CFO, Company Secretary, etc)
Buy-Back of shares too often.
Brands are widely recognized. (It helps in sales)
Sound balance sheet (not necessary because if this is the criterion then Investing would be a cakewalk.)
Good cash deposits (show backup)
Low long-term debts (Inverse relationship – less debt, more profit)
Able to generate cash from operating activities (I would say, bare minimum)
No Foreign Investors, No Mutual fund companies, no Govt. companies are the shareholder – It has more chances of success because when big investors come, it increases the share price.
The company’s vision & mission is achievable.
Promoters’ holding is increasing y-o-y. (+ sign)
Simpler is the business Better it is.
The user of technology not the maker of technology. (you know the why. Cheer up yourself)
Location importance in Hotel Industry. (IHCL has it. you can study – IHCL)
Technology (Less involvement prefer.)
Environmental concern (V.I.P.)
How raw material is obtained. (Prefer an easy way)
Economic moat (you should know the difference between strong and weak)
Circle of competence (strict to it.)
Ethics (V.I.P.)
More Patience
Maximum Patience
The End.
Thanks for reading What’s My Checklist Before Investing in a Company.
This Post has a continual nature,
so I’ll be updating it from time to time to add more information. So keep coming to read.
If you like this Post
Do Share & Do comment.
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toplisting · 2 years
Adani Group Complete List of Businesses & Analysis 2022
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This is Adani Group Complete List of Businesses & their Analysis,
It will help in understanding the business system in a better way.
Adani Group is successful because of its in-depth understanding of local markets,
extensive experience in domestic trading, and
advanced logistics network in India,
You’ll be surprised to know various interesting facts that
It has Ports, Airports, Natural Gas, Power, Transmission, Edible Oil, and much more.
So, to know more Let’s start the reading.
Adani Enterprises YES
Adani Ports and SEZ YES
Adani Green Energy YES
Adani Total Gas YES
Adani Transmission YES
Adani Power YES
Adani Wilmar YES
Adani Housing Finance Pvt Ltd NO
Adani Capital Pvt Ltd NO
Adani Realty Pvt Ltd NO
I’ve discussed them in-depth, visit my website for a better reading experience.
Adani Enterprises
The flagship company of the Adani Group.
People generally think Adani Enterprises is in the business of managing Airports only;
Adani Enterprises Limited has diversified investment in the fields-
Airports Management
Solar Manufacturing
Extraction, Supply Natural Resources (Mining Biz)
Road, Metro, Rail Manufacturing
Data Center Management
Water Infrastructure Projects
Defense & Aerospace Manufacturing
Visit the website for in-depth analysis for free - TopListing
Dream Company for many reasons for many people in the market.
I’ll discuss them one by one.
So, Continue your reading. :) 
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toplisting · 2 years
Complete Companies List of The RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group
Complete Companies List of The RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group
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RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group has a diversified Portfolio
This is a Super Simple Post on The Companies List of The RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group in 2022.
You’ll be surprised to know if you look at the list, Marvelous Companies are Under the Group.
The RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group is one of India’s fastest-growing conglomerates with a significant global presence.
With The Plain Fact – The Group has 27+ COMPANIES and 44500+ EMPLOYEES as of FY21.
Mr. Sanjiv Goenka
The Chairman of the Group is Dr. Sanjiv Goenka.
In 2010, The Group Businesses were divided between Dr. Sanjiv Goenka and his Brother Harsh Goenka.
RP-Sanjiv Goenka group was founded in 2011 with Dr. Sanjiv Goenka as its Chairman.
The Group is doing well, With a US $7 billion asset base and US $4 billion revenue in 2021.
for a better reading experience. :)
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toplisting · 2 years
Who are The Owners of The IPL Teams 2022
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This is a Super Simple and Insightful Post on The Owners of The IPL Teams in 2022.
IPL matches are no less than Indian Festivals for us, As We are a cricket-crazy nation.
As I was watching IPL matches, A thought came to me, who are the real owners of these IPL Teams.
So, I decided to make a post on this. So, let’s start the reading.
Well, Do you know? The IPL headquarters is at Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai, Maharashtra.
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for complete information
please visit TopListing
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toplisting · 2 years
Charlie Munger Books Recommendation Top 50
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Charlie Munger Books Recommendation List
Rules by Which a Great Empire May Be Reduced to a Small One.
Ben Franklin
Getting to YES, Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In.
Roger Fisher
Common Stocks And Uncommon Profits
Philip Fisher
Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters.
Matt Ridley
The Warren Buffett Portfolio: Mastering the Power of the Focus Investment Strategy
Robert Hagstrom
Cicero's Discourse of Old Age
Ben Franklin
Living Within Limits:
Ecology, Economics, and
Population Taboos
Garrett Hardin
The Wealth and Poverty of Nations:
Why Some Are So Rich and
Some So Poor
David S. Landes
Ice Age
John & Mary Gribbin
Robert Cialdini
Frank Portnoy
Deep Simplicity
John Gribbin
Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary
Edited by
Jack Lynch
Paradise Lost (1667)
John Milton
The Wealth of Nation
Adam Smith
The Language Instinct
Steven Pinker
Milgram Experiment
The Intelligent investor
Benjamin Graham
Jack Welch
Man To Match My Mountains
Irving Stone
The Selfish Gene
Richard Dawkins
Poor Richard Almanack
Benjamin Franklin
Process and Reality
Alfred North Whitehead
Edited by: David Ray Griffin
Collapse: How Society
Choose to Fail or Survive.
Jared Diamond
Shaping the Managerial Mind
Peter F Drucker
The Affluent Society
John Kenneth Galbraith
The Jungle
Upton Sinclair
Principles of Microeconomics
N. Gregory Mankiw
The Jungle Book
Rudyard Kipling
Captains Courageous
Rudyard Kipling
Gunga Din
Rudyard Kipling
The Principles of Political Economy
and Taxation
David Ricardo
The Moral Consequences of
Economic Growth
Benjamin M. Friedman
The Morals of Confucius,
Chinese Philosopher 1691.
How the Scots Invented
the Modern World:
The True Story of How
Western Europe's Poorest
Nation Created Our World
I Everything in It
Arthur Herman
Models of My Life
Herbert A. Simon
A Matter of Degrees:
What Temperature Reveals
About the Past and Future
of Our Species, Planet, and
Gino Segre
Andrew Carnegie
Joseph Frazier Wall
Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies
Jared M. Diamond
The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human-Animal 1992
Jared M Diamond
Three Scientists and Their Gods: Looking for Meaning in an Age of Information.
Robert Wright (1989)
Only the Paranoid Survive
Andy Grove (1996)
Les Schwab: Pride in Performance.
Les Schwab
Men and Rubber: The Story of Business
Harvey S. Firestone
No two Alike.
Judith Rich Harris
For better reading experience visit 
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toplisting · 2 years
Charlie Munger – Investing Principles Checklist
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“No wise pilot, no matter how great his talent and experience, fails to use his checklist.”
This is a super simple post on Charlie Munger’s Investing Principles Checklist.
These checklists will help you in Investing, Life, and Decision making.
He put emphasis on these-
Intellectual Humility
Analytic Rigor
To read full 
Visit my website - TopListing 
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toplisting · 2 years
Charlie Munger Investing Approach In The Simplest Manner
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Charlie Munger’s Investing approach is unbeatable.
He consistently outperforms the larger investment communities of the world.
The Most Important Question arises, Why use Charlie’s method of Investing?
Because if you buy something because it’s undervalued
then you have to think about selling it when it approaches your calculation of its intrinsic value.
That’s hard.
Because you have to find again undervalued Companies to invest in.
Your Money gets unnecessarily divided into many companies.
and couldn’t reap compounding benefits properly.
But, if you can buy a few great companies, then you can sit on your ass.
That a good thing.”
This kind of investing has its own benefits that:
He Believes a successful investment career boils down to only a handful of decisions.
You’re paying less to brokers,
You’re listening to less nonsense,
and if it works, the tax system gives you an extra one, two, or three percentage points per annum.
Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger are alike & business partners,
they use each other examples and anecdotes to teach us.
If you are looking for one or two lines answer to skip the whole post, then I would say,
Preparation, Patience, Discipline, and Objectivity.
Circle of Competence + Economic moats + Intrinsic Value + Waiting.
These are Charlie Munger’s main things that he generally follows while Investing.
Let’s read and understand more.
Charlie Munger uses the Circle of competence.
The number one idea is to view a stock as an ownership of the business and
to judge the staying quality of the business in terms of its competitive advantage.
How to find a Circle of competence?
If you cannot respond legitimately to the next question, you lack true mastery and are likely outside your “Circle of Competence.”
Charlie Munger has three baskets for Investing:
Yes, No, and too tough to understand.
To identify potential “yes” candidates,
Charlie looks for
an easy-to-understand, dominant business, franchise that can sustain itself and thrive in all market environments.
He knows that there is no such thing as a riskless investment candidate;
he’s searching for those with few risks that are easily understandable.
Note: few companies survive this first cut.
For him, Technology Sector is too tough to understand, so he leaves this.
Heavily promoted “deals” and IPOs earn immediate “no’s.”
Those that do survive this first winning are subjected to the
screens and filters of Charlie’s mental model approach.
NOTE: Charlie Munger does not use his Laptop or Electronic Gadgets for Investing.
He takes into account all relevant aspects, both internal and external of the company and its industry.
Charlie treats financial reports and their underlying accounting with a dose of skepticism.
they are merely the beginning of a proper calculation of intrinsic valuation, not the end.
The list of additional factors he examines is clearly endless such as
The potential impact of changes in technology
The current and prospective regulatory climate
State of labor
Customer relations
Competitive strengths and vulnerabilities
pricing power
environmental issues
And, Notably, The Presence of Hidden Exposures
Financial Scrutiny
He recasts all financial statement figures to fit his own view of reality,
the actual free or “owners” cash being produced,
inventory, and other working capital assets,
fixed assets,
intangible assets such as goodwill,
He also completes an assessment of the true impact,current and future,of the cost of stock options,pension plans, andretiree medical benefits.
He applies equal scrutiny to the liability side of the balance sheet.
he might view an obligation such as insurance float-premium income
that may not be paid out in claims for many years-more properly as an asset.
Part – II of this Post – Visit - Toplisting - Charlie Munger – Investing Principles Checklist.
Management Scrutiny
He especially assesses a company’s management well beyond conventional number crunching-in particular,
the degree to which they are “able, trustworthy, and owner-oriented.
Is the management made up of people Munger and Buffett are comfortable with?
For example, how do they deploy cash?
Do they allocate it intelligently on behalf of the owners,
or do they overcompensate themselves,
Above all, or pursue ego-oriented growth for growth’s sake?
Economic Moats Scrutiny
He attempts to assess and understand the competitive advantage
in every respect-products, markets, trademarks, employees, distribution channels, societal trends, and so on and the durability of that advantage.
Superior companies have deep moats that are continuously widened to provide enduring protection.
Both Charlie and Warren think in terms of Economic Moats
if the moat is widened every year’ the business will do very well.
When He sees a moat that’s tenuous in any way it’s just too risky.
He does not know how to evaluate that. And, therefore He leaves it alone.
In this vein, Charlie carefully considers “competitive destruction” forces as well.
Intrinsic Value is there
Finally, Charlie seeks to calculate the intrinsic value of the whole business and,
with allowance for potential dilution,
This latter comparison is the fundamental purpose of the whole process-comparing value
(what you get) with price (what you pay).
Investment variables, go through their own process of elimination.
By the time he finished with his analysis.
He has reduced the candidate to its most salient elements and
achieved a remarkable degree of confidence in whether to invest or not.
Close Calls No Hurries
But Charlie does not immediately rush out and buy it.
Knowing that a necessary companion to proper valuation is proper timing,
he applies yet a finer screen, a “prior to pulling the trigger” checklist,
which is especially useful in evaluating what he refers to as “close calls.”
The checklist includes such items as:
is the price Iow enough?
If it is cheap enough to buy,
is it cheap for the wrong reason or the right reason?
What’s the flip side?
What can go wrong that He hasn’t seen?
What are current price, volume, and trading considerations?
What disclosure timing or other sensitivities exist?
Do contingent exit strategies exist?
Are better uses of capital currently or potentially available?
Is sufficient liquid capital currently on hand or must it be borrowed?
What is the opportunity cost of that capital? And so on.
For conclusion visit my website - TOPLISTING
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toplisting · 2 years
How To Know Whether Economy Is Good Or Bad For Investing
This Is a Super Simple Post on How To Know Whether the Economy Is Good Or Bad For Investing. 
Get all the information with proof.
I’m sure you heard people discussing whether it is a good time to enter the market or not.
Everyone wants to know the perfect time to enter to book profit from the market.
Well, In this post I will tell you some of the best indicators to solve your problem.
So, Let’s start the reading - Full Blog
Website - TopListing
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toplisting · 2 years
Complete List of All The Airlines in India 2022
This is a super simple and information-rich post, Get a well-crafted Airlines List operating in India 2022.
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In the list you will get to see:
Complete names of Airlines,
Their Companies’ logo
Who is the Owner(s),
Whether Listed company or not listed in the stock exchanges (BSE, NSE)
Founded In,
Headquarter of the Airline(s),
View More Option
Tata Sons group is dominating India’s sky. As it manages the boards of Air India, Vitara, AirAsia, & Alliance Air.
On an individual basis, Indigo Airline holds 55.5% of the market as of Jan 2022.
Let’s find out more.
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toplisting · 2 years
Annual Report Terms With Their Simple Meaning
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This is a Super Simple Post on Annual Report Related Important Terms.
It’ll help you in understanding the sentences while reading Annual Reports.
Annual Reports uses certain definitions and abbreviations which are unfamiliar to a normal man.
So, In this Post, I’ll jot down DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS in simple words.
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toplisting · 2 years
Apollo Hospitals Ltd Analysis for Investing in 2022
This is a Super Simple and Informative Post on Apollo Hospitals for Investing analysis.
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The Indian healthcare industry is one of the most knowledgeable and professional industries in the world.
The economic growth of any country can be enhanced by healthy citizens and a disease-free society.
Apollo Hospitals Limited is one of the largest private healthcare services providers in India. With a network of 71 Hospitals and 1175 retail healthcare outlets.
In this post, I will discuss these topics, one by one
General Information
Private Hospital vs Public Hospital
Insights Healthcare sector in India
Good Points of Apollo Hospitals for Investing
Bad Points of Apollo Hospitals for Investing
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toplisting · 2 years
Complete List of Stock Exchanges of Every Country With Regulators
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The world number 1 stock exchange is NewYork Stock Exchange with more than 28 Trillion Dollars Market Capitalization.
See: Full Post Here
NewYork Stock Exchange is in America. And the Second biggest stock exchange also belongs to America i.e. NASDAQ.
New York Stock Exchange NASDAQ Shanghai Stock Exchange Euronext Japan Exchange Group Hong Kong Stock Exchange Shenzhen Stock Exchange London Stock Exchange Bombay Stock Exchange (India) National Stock Exchange (India)
Let’s find out more.
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toplisting · 2 years
Complete List of Tata Power Plants Locations in 2021-22
General Information Tata Power
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This is a super simple list of Tata Power Plants Locations Worldwide. Get additional information about the company in the post.
Tata Power company aims to phase out coal-based capacity and expand clean and green capacity.
The company has begun to expand in the Energy as a Service (EaaS) space in FY21.
General Information Tata Power
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Plant Locations of Tata Power & Group Companies
Solar Plant of Tata Power & Group Companies
Transmission and Distribution Plants of Tata Power
Get all the lists at TOPLISTING
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toplisting · 2 years
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toplisting · 2 years
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toplisting · 2 years
IGL Perfect Growth Company to Invest
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From rising temperatures to growing incidents of natural disasters, sustainability concerns loom large.
 IGL company ensure a steady supply of eco-friendly fuel.
In this post you’ll get to know whether to invest in IGL or not.
I’ll discuss these topics one by one.
General Information
Financial performance
Good points
Government Initiation to boost the Industry
Bad Points
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toplisting · 2 years
From rising temperatures to growing incidents of natural disasters, sustainability concerns loom large. 
IGL company ensure a steady supply of eco-friendly fuel.
In this post you’ll get to know whether to invest in IGL or not.
I’ll discuss these topics one by one.
General Information
Financial performance
Good points
Government Initiation to boost the Industry
Bad Points
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