tpwrarchive · 9 years
After recent messages on the dash I'm here to perk everyone up and bring some cheer! Random love anon here to remind you that you are beautiful and wonderful! Enjoy what you do and share your joy! LOVE AND PEACE AND HUGS ALL AROUND!
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I appreciate this a lot, nonny. I think Jess deserves these more than me, but it's nice that you took the time to send this. I think this is the best note to end this blog on.
I fantasize about coming back, but if I do, it will be somewhere else. I'm really grateful to everyone that hung around all this time. You guys meant a lot to me during times when things were rough. I hope I was able to do the same for you sometimes. I tried to share my joy.
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tpwrarchive · 9 years
I've been doing a lot of thinking the last few days. It's been three weeks since my last post here. The time has flown. But I have missed being here a lot.
But anyway. Since I got this message from Chai I've been doing a lot of thinking. It's obvious that people didn't want Jess around, and did their damnedest to get her to leave. She was chased off of-- fuck. I lost count of how many blogs. At least three. I did my best to support her, and hung around myself, even after it became increasingly obvious that I was not welcome either. (Despite not getting anons telling me to kill myself. I can only assume it's because I don't give a shit about some coward's opinion.) I told myself that if people wanted to believe whatever erroneous bullshit they were told about me, they weren't worth my time. Ultimately I decided putting effort into this blog wasn't worth my time.
Then I spoke to Chai. I realized that, you know, I was that person once. I just believed whatever I was told, that she was a shitty person, that she and her friends were thieves, that they should be avoided at all costs. I believed it, at the time, because I believed the group of people that accepted me were, on the whole, good people. Am I saying they're not good people? No.
They're just people. And so is Chai. Is Chai innocent? I doubt it. But neither are the rest of them. And why do they get to decide who stays and who goes in this fandom?
Why do we sit idly by and watch other people get bullied? Well, of course, some of us are afraid we'll get railroaded off of our blogs, too. It's no fun. I wish that I could go play with everyone, you know. That's all I ever wanted here. Minor conflicts and misunderstanding blow up into THIS, into people leaving, into anonymous abuse. Why? Because nobody talks about it and nobody speaks up.
"What's the harm?" I can hear some of you saying. "It's just RP." Except it's not. Let's not forget how recently we let a sexual predator lurk among us, pretending we didn't know anything while he took advantage of several women, at least one of which was a minor. People were afraid to come forward because of who he was friends with. Because coming forward so often ends in disaster. Because the people they had privately confided in brushed them off. But once someone did, suddenly they had support. People came forward with their own stories. He was shunned.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't be quiet when injustice is happening. Don't believe everything you're told. And give people the benefit of the doubt, too. And don't be afraid to speak up when someone is treating you like shit. Because it's not going to stop and go away if you ignore it, no matter what your third grade teacher liked to tell you. You might be surprised to find that others have had the same experiences, and that you can be the one who brings about change.
I wish I had spoken up more. The times when I did, people came to me and thanked me for doing it. I'm not perfect. I can be an unreasonable bitch. I shut people out very quickly, because I've been burned in the past. But I have the capacity to admit when I'm wrong, to grow and change and become a better person. And so do you.
Let's have a public accounting. It's too late for Jess, and I imagine it's too late for me. But I was encouraged by seeing people associating with Chai. I would like everyone who sees this to sit back and think about someone you were quick to judge in the past. Think about a time when you ignored injustice, or let yourself be treated badly. How did you handle it? How will you handle it if you see it again?
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tpwrarchive · 9 years
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tpwrarchive · 9 years
part of me doesn't want to be "driven off" by people who don't even know me/Jess, so I dig my heels in. because i legit don't give a shit about the opinions of people i don't respect.
but part of me has been looking for an excuse to be done for awhile. it's like once a month there's something, and i never really got the experience i signed up for. rp has become a tedious obligation that pulls me away from things i would rather be doing.
but i did meet some amazing people and that's why i've stuck around. that being said, all of those people know how to reach me on skype and other places. my life is different than it was when i created this blog, and i feel like i need to move on and embrace the opportunities that are out there for me. 
i'm really sorry to the people that this disappoints. i know some of you look forward to interacting with me and i did my best to reach out to you when i could. and man i know how frustrating it is when you go out of your way to put effort into a thread for someone and then they disappear. it's happened to me more than once!
my personal
my art blog
my twitter
anyone who would like to stay in touch is encouraged to reach me in those places. Goodbye is never forever in the shithole that is roleplay but i would like it to be. I can express myself creatively in other ways. if i do come back, i will be private and super selective. so might as well call it goodbye.
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tpwrarchive · 9 years
Considering my participation in a recent thread that has upset a character's mun who was implicated, I feel that I should apologize. while it did occur to me that it was delicate subject matter (that I warned for), I didn't consider that the involved character's mun would be upset by it. That was shitty of me and i will take more care in the future. The thread has been deleted. In general I must say I would like to move on completely from past plots and pave a new path for my own character, and I would like for my partner to be able to do that too. I must also say, however, if the shoe were on the other foot, you would have liked for the matter to be handled privately. And to those sending anon hate, that doing so on another person's behalf is a shitty thing to do, and doesn't really help the situation. Because they just look like they are representing her opinion that she's relayed to other people. That's all I'll say publicly on the matter.
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tpwrarchive · 9 years
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tpwrarchive · 9 years
His brow merely furrowed in reply to her question. He knew what sort of awful things could happen, but they weren't polite to speak about in front of a lady. Even a good friend.
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"I admire you for your ability to see the good in everyone, darlin'. I really do. I just hope it don't bite you in the ass someday."
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"Awe, what’s the worst that could happen? Sometimes, people appear a lot meaner than they actually are… and, I mean… everyone has a little tenderness in ‘em!"
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tpwrarchive · 9 years
xuofhearts Thinnest? It’s like he’s implying that she is too small, but there isn’t anything she could do about that. It’s just her body, her frame. Her diet, her personal trainer, her— Ugh. She sighs, and flips a lock of hair out of his face. "I’m going to hold you to that, you know," Xu tells him. "When I’m all swollen up and hormonal and gross."
"Oh yeah, baby. I can't wait. I hope your ankles get all swollen so none of your nice shoes fit. You're gonna look great wearin' Uggs in court," he laughed, fully expecting to get a swat for that one.
The truth of the matter was that he loved her, and that meant she could be covered in zits, wearing a potato sack, and he would still get it up for her. But how to explain that without sounding cheesy?
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tpwrarchive · 9 years
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"For now he is, maybe."
"but he’s sweet— to me!”
the leah sterling story
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tpwrarchive · 9 years
Locke's face fell blank. This was the heart of the matter. Syldra was sick-- sick enough that Faris went back home.
Immediately, Locke was on his feet, pulling Faris into his arms.
"You're not on your own," he breathed, face pressing against their hair (they had cut it even shorter--). "I know it may seem like it-- and I'm sorry. But you ain't on your own. You have me 'n' Xu-- and, dammit, you seemed plenty happy with the fuckin' houseboat when we got it."
The jealousy? Locke didn't address it. If the shoe were on the other foot, he'd likely feel the same. But neither he nor Xu could have anticipated things coming down so hard on Faris. And Faris, by nature, was good at pretending they were just fine when they weren't. Only now, it seemed, was the facade cracking.
"If you want to go back... we can getcha there. Xu has plenty of air miles, and we got cash. Let us help you, Faris... Let me help you. It's the least I can fuckin' do."
You should have— 
They stared at him for a long while, wondering if he’d actually realised what just came out of his mouth. He’d left them behind like a sacrificial lamb, with out a fucking word and he was spewing should have’s !?
The apology came a moment too late and they couldn’t hide the look of abject betrayal on their face fast enough for him not to notice. 
"So y’ fucking should be," They weren’t wholly joking with that, nor the roll of their eyes, or the exasperation in their tone. "I’d have called had y’ not been half th’ fucking way around th’ world wi’ out so much as a ‘good bye, Faris, see y’ in a few months after you’ve spent several days in holding, having y’ name dragged through th’ mud while dealing wi’ the fact the man y’ loved was an addict and did a runner’.
"Still not mad, by th’ way. Annoyed, disappointed. Not mad, mind."
Biting the inside of their cheek, they closed their eyes - squeezed them shut and for a second tried to calm whatever horrible thing was bubbling within them. 
"No, fuck that. I’m jealous. You got t’ run away. Y’ got to go and fucking— spend time in europe, in posh hotels wi’ a pretty bint on y’ arm, and now y’ get a woman that loves y’ and a fucking baby and I’m stuck with a  house boat, and a failing degree, on my own.”
Another agitated hand swept through their hair and Faris sighed. 
"And Xu calls me back, t’ tell me how happy y’ both are, if a little concerned, and meanwhile Syldra is sick, and I cannae afford air fare back.”
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tpwrarchive · 9 years
-wanted to get him a gift in return for the sweet, sweet chocolate that was amazing and wonderful, but it's short notice, so they run him a hot bath and make him a coffee and a bacon sandwich for when he gets home-
Truth be told, it was heaven. Walking in from the bracing cold with chapped lips and reddened cheeks, he wanted nothing more than warmth, love and a full belly.
He devoured Faris before the sandwich, however.
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tpwrarchive · 9 years
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tpwrarchive · 9 years
"Say, Locke? What's your favorite song?"
"Gods..." For a moment, he got a far away look in his eyes.
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Licking his lip, he glanced back at Leonora. "There was this tune my grandma always used to play... Deceptively simple, like? I learned it after she lost her sight, played it for her all the time. Rachel loved it, too. I... Well... I haven't tried to play it for a long time. Maybe I will, the next time we're near a piano..."
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tpwrarchive · 9 years
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tpwrarchive · 9 years
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The Musketeers, 1x01 "Friends and Enemies"
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tpwrarchive · 9 years
Can you reblog if you don't mind me coming into your ask ic, even if we've got a thread?
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tpwrarchive · 9 years
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Locke (FFVI) | カトウ
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