traditionale · 4 years
Cora smiles patiently and waits until the boy looks okay again before she starts to speak again, “Just that this figure, she’s extremely old. Her date is carved on the bottom, all the way to 1910,” she repeated, with less detail. “Are you looking for something in particular?” 
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        he lets out another throat-clearing groan of exasperation, wiping his nose with the back of his hand as he peers at the date etched on the sole of the figure. ‘   creepy. in a cool way. d’you think she’s haunted ? d’you think anything’s haunted here ?   ’ casually spoken but no less curious, peering around as though the store’s rife with potential for spookiness. however, the vibes are sort of ruined by knowing it’s managed by his cousin. ‘   not really. hoping something will just jump out and grab my attention.   ’ it seems like the perfect transition to a corny pick-up line, but thankfully it never materializes.
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traditionale · 4 years
task 1
@traditionale​ : Matthew
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“Well what a turn out…” Glancing at the flyer, she moved closer to the boy in desperation about a lost dog, which was the only reason Adriana would be up so early on a day like this. “I came for the dog, the dog only. Where did you last see it? Did it just ran off? Are you a bad owner, is that why the dog decided to run away?… You know what, who cares? It’s probably lonely and cold and we better go and look for the damn dog right now.” With a hand resting on her hip, an eyebrow was raised in a bit of a judgemental stare. After all she had a soft spot for animal and mother nature and she couldn’t help to wonder why would the dog run away, and if by any means it was due to some sort of negative reasons the person in front of her better be good at running.
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      what a flop, he would’ve thought that a sunday would have at least brought more of the elderly out. a non-strenuous stroll with the added bonus of being a decent human being. however, after fifteen minutes holding a poorly drawn sign like the taxi cab drivers that wait at the airport for certain people, he’s about to start the expedition by himself. pudge is a free boy, often wandering off with the promise he’ll be back within a day or two, at most. it’s the morning of the third day, and he’s been frantically trying to avoid thinking worst possible scenarios. he’s about to, when a stranger comes hopping up, determination etched in her expression. perfect. ‘   no, no i swear i’m a good dog dad. he’s kinda a different dog. i let him go off sometimes, but he always comes back. except now. i’m hoping he just got lost but ...   ’ he prattles off, worry coating his tone, before he offers a grateful smile. ‘   thanks. by the way. everyone else in this town is a dick apparently.   ’
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traditionale · 4 years
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it’s CONTRADICTORY. how the months pass, putting more space between how they were and how they are now, and yet sawyer’s struggle in KNOWING only amplifies with each day. it’s easy to calculate how to act post a break-up. but they weren’t there anymore. nowadays it was more post the post break-up  —  and that’s where she faltered. you weren’t supposed to be friends with your exes  ( lesson learned )  but cutting ties altogether was more daunting than anything.  “  oh, i haven’t seen it.  „  more rom-com than action, more cultured with lou than single.  “  anything john travolta post-grease is just… like, really upsetting.  „  her first crush, persisting to this day  —  how couldn’t she mourn his fall from grace?  “  it’s kinda like his face melted or something… but i guess that made him a top candidate for that one.  „
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      a small smile comes to the fore, his cheeks swelling before he remembers he needs don the air of someone stoic and unaffected. it gets tiring, and he can’t remember why he has to do it in the first place. ‘   he already had that face in grease. it just got worse.   ’ he points out, something about the superhero chin and slicked hair didn’t bide well with him, or maybe it’s the juvenile jealousy that comes from sawyer talking about anyone but him. after all, he looks nothing like john travolta, but maybe he should consider himself lucky. ‘   what are you gonna get ?   ’ he asks, he’s torn his gaze away from her scanning across endless fluorescent spines, it makes it more casual that way. or perhaps it makes an amateur attempt at disinterest, even though he really wants to know, because he knows whatever she chooses will be the perfect candidate for a relentless teasing. 
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traditionale · 4 years
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      not quite friends but far from strangers, wading in the limbo between. though there’d been a walk that felt like it, companionship -- -- her small talk a comfort in the moments before he’d get tangled in her gaze and have to unstick himself and put on a class-act where he finds interest in the toes of his scuffed converse instead of her. he sees her in his periphery, and the words that line the back cover of the dvd case become white noise to his heartbeat and the effort it takes to not look over. too late. ‘   hey.   ’ he sputters out, lips tweaking slightly. he flippantly waves the dvd in the front of him, reading the title out casually as though he hadn’t just been studying it for the past five minutes. ‘   face-off. apparently nicolas cage and john travolta switch faces and it’s really gnarly.   ’
                                                                                          @hellrisen​ !
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traditionale · 4 years
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        depending on his mood, sometimes he doesn’t mind the music they play at the rink. other days, headphones will sit snug over his ears, the volume loud enough to ensure premature hearing loss. today feels different, it’s a good day. the clack of skates against varnished hardwood eases his tension, and even the yelps of kids just learning aren’t as irritating as he usually finds them. then, there’s dylan who comes into his periphery more often than he’d like, speeding past him without a care, and maybe it’s her carelessness that makes him care. ‘   fucking christ.   ’ he mutters, audible enough to get a rotten glance from a holier-than-thou parent, but more importantly, loud enough for her to hear. 
                                                                                 @eclipteds​ !
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traditionale · 4 years
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   sienna scoffs, seat belt pulled over chest. the radio sputters on, some ancient rock and roll tape of her father’s she stole back in high school, one that she’s never had the heart to take out. usually, she just switches to radio.   “   yeah, the life of a BUM maybe.    ”   sienna WISHES she didn’t have to pay rent, but now it’s a store and an apartment instead of just the latter.   “   living in your dad’s basement, sleeping with the boss to get out of having to stock the extra crate of baby food … some people might consider you a loser, matty.   ”   she flashes him a grin, and head is tossed over her shoulder, staring out the back window for a long moment as she pulls out of the parking spot.   “   even if i so graciously — since those juicebox days — have always been the kind of person to show you what life is REALLY like. staying up past bedtime and drinking.   ”   not exactly wholesome life lessons.   “   can you believe sawyer and steven think i’m the family loser all of a sudden ?   ”   a turn out of the parking lot, and as her mental autopilot back to the tiny lot behind the row of shops the attic is nestled into turns on, annoyance fills her tone.   “   i think they’ve been talking to ronald too much, because they’re going all psychotherapist on me. emphasis on psycho.   ”   she’s glad to have a kindred spirit when it comes to baby cousin — a duo bookending a family full of differing personalities. part of her does wonder, maybe, if being on the tail end of her twenties means that she should have a little more maturity than a college student. but that’s saved for another day. 
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        ‘   attic.   ’ he corrects as though that’s the most important clarification he has to make in her tirade on his life. he’d convinced his dad to let him live there on the brink of teenager-hood, after being exposed to several movies which had made it seem like the coolest hangout. now it’s plastered with posters, heaped with character ( mess ), but every once in a while he’ll still smash his head against the lowest point of the sloped ceiling. it’s to his father’s delight, when he’ll trundle down the stairs in the morning, right after a slew of expletives have left his lips and he’ll say, remember how you made a powerpoint outlining the reasons i should let you live in the attic ? ‘   loser’s the new cool anyways. rich people are dicks.   ’ he didn’t need a college education to know that, but it helps if anyone prods him for reasons. his head nods along the tune, he’s not familiar but he rarely is with anything that isn’t radio pop or house music. ‘   yeah, well ...    ’ he shakes his heads, he loves both of them dearly but their lost causes to coolness, like it’s a genetic predisposition that skipped over the two cousins. if age were a defining factor they’d be thick as thieves, yet it’s always been sienna, as if chaos and questionable life plans run in twos. ‘   they’ve always been like that. straight-edged and sappy as hell.   ’ it’s not something he can mention but he would’ve thought the tragedy would have tickled them with a little more resentment, an unhealthy amount of cynicism, and at least a bad coping mechanism or two. ‘   what are they saying ? bet it’s sawyer. girl likes to meddle.   ’ 
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traditionale · 4 years
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There’s a warmth blooming in her chest, and she knows it’s because of him. It’s like a goddamn schoolgirl crush, what with the excitement and the way her heart skips a beat and her stomach flutters. She hasn’t felt this way since she first met Joshua, and it’s scary ━ to think there’s someone out there for her besides him. “ Yeah, ” she says with a nod, setting coffee down beside her on the counter. She tucks hair behind both ears with now-free hands, and the dusting on her nose deepens, cheeks flushing pink as well. She’s so shy, and she hates it ━ hates that she can’t be forward with anything. She wishes she were stronger ━ she feels weak, worrying about what he thinks of her. Worrying if he’d ever treat her the way Joshua did ━ the way her brain sometimes tells her she deserves. After all, there’s a reason she ends up in Stefan’s bed. “ I know it will be. ” Smile brightens, and she knows it to be true ━ that even if it’s the most boring date in the world, she’ll enjoy it because she’ll be with him. “ You’d better not, ” she says, leaning over and placing a quick kiss on his cheek.
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       he presses his lips together, his cheeks bubble with the smile he keeps. the warmth of her kiss lingers, enough to keep his complexion cherry red. ‘   man.   ’ he says sheepishly, he uses the back of his hand to blot his face with the futile hope that maybe the cool touch will be enough to ease the blush he’s been sporting for way too long now. ‘   sorry. i blush at everything. well, not everything. just when super gorgeous women kiss me on the cheek.   ’ his chest puffs with a deep inhale. always teetering on overdoing it at the risk of being a bore. yet, when it comes to it, there’s a calm he finds when he catches her stare, content to wade in the silence of new beginnings, to not fall into the trappings of the future, obsessed with a life he has yet to live. lips in a line, he shifts his weight so his arms upright, elbow dug into the table. ‘   in fact, i’ll even pinky promise.   ’ he lifts his pinky, his facade of seriousness already melting.
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traditionale · 4 years
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JACK AWAITS AN ANSWER —— one he won’t be receiving, and he’s a fool to expect otherwise. she’d always been frank with him. in fact, her most defining trait would be the brutal honesty which she insists on handing out. but with this … a matter beyond PRIVATE and SHAMEFUL — for him to request a deep - dive into her psyche was laughable. never did she discuss feelings ( even whilst engaged did she deprive him of this ), and yet : he thinks a slip - up carries higher odds of jitters and gossip and love admitted. odette heaves a sigh, refraining from tossing her coffee his way, although she imagines it’d been quite satisfactory.    “    … why aren’t you and emma together ?    ”    it was a defense used once. and it’d failed once. SECOND TIME’S THE CHARM. at best, it’d be enough to throw him off. at worst, he’d take the route of emma phillips. not that she believed jack would ever respond with    ‘ ew, never’s ’    and    ‘ i’d rather die’s ’    —— paraphrasing, of course. 
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        a flush maps across his cheeks, uneven and hot and his smile flickers, caught between the pull to take it as a joke and answer it with the utmost seriousness. it’s not like he hadn’t thought about it before, though somewhere along the line the reasons for their incompatibility turned into, it’s emma, and he was content to leave it like that. a name falls into a weird type of paradox, a weak reason but infallible, just as easily replaced with it’s kai. ‘   well i’ve never slept with emma for one.   ’ it’s rushed, words tumbling out before he can refine them. though arguably, much like most of this conversation, it should have never passed his lips at all. his arm finds the ledge of the booth, outstretched as he looks over his shoulder as though he’s pulling out of a parking space. ‘   hope our food’s coming soon. i’m starved.   ’ then he’s tossing her a friendly smile, pearly whites a white flag. 
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traditionale · 4 years
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       it’s one of his many get rich quick money making schemes. he doesn’t have a busker’s license but figures he doesn’t need one, all things considering. and upside down cap lays by his paws, with a cardboard sign propped up against the wall that reads: ONE DOLLAR, ONE TRICK. he can do it all, tiptoe on his back paws, do a pirouette that would put world class ballerinas to shame. yet, passerby’s refuse to look down. they wanna see a human with him, commanding him, taking his money. no way in hell would he split the profits. he sees a pair of feet stop in the crack of the sidewalk, and his head furls upwards. beady eyes plea for some sympathy and a buck, his head gesturing to the empty ball-cap. 
                                                                           @crookedmedias​ !
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traditionale · 4 years
“Oh! Do be careful with that, it’s extremely old,” Cora gently told the customer who was holding a figurine of a woman in a pink dress. It dated back to 1910, the date carved into the bottom. It’d been crafted 10 years after her death, when she was still learning how to walk this earth in her new life. “Are you interested? She’s one of the oldest things in this town, I’m reckoning,” she said, smiling to herself at the joke she’d made - with herself. 
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“And her colors are still in tact - she came from a home of someone who really cared for their collector’s items. They really mattered to her.” Of course, Cora didn’t know this person, but she imagined that they’d been alive around the same time she was, and that unlike her, they’d died warm in their bed of old age.
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      he pinches the bridge of his nose, trying to suffocate a sneeze that threatens to let loose. it only makes his eyes water, trying to keep his motions to a minimal as he peruses the store. he likes this place, has some weird shit, like the figurine he’s holding with a vice-like grip. a delicate touch thrown to the wind the itch to sneeze comes back full throttle. ‘   holy mother of mary.    ’ he says apologetically, shaking his head. ‘   allergies. what were you saying ?   ’ he looks up from the porcelain, a smile stretching across his features. he’s interested he swears, but it takes a lot of brain power contending with seasonal allergies in a store that he’s sure has a you break it you buy it policy. 
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traditionale · 4 years
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“I don’t know if we need to get donuts and coffee like you’d see as those kinds of NORMAL meetings.” Lewis suggests, unsure about what would be appropriate or not. It’s not like he has ever done this before. But his friend seems VERY determined to make it work and he is not one to crush his dreams. “Do you have any set topics for the first meeting or is it just…free for all discussions?”
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        he has no experience with support groups, he’s only seen the movies. dim lights shone on the circle of uncomfortable metal chairs, a spotlight atop a boxing ring but it’s depressed alcoholics who only came for the free coffee, instead of heavyweights vying for glory. ‘   maybe we should order pizza.   ’ go big or go home, and it’s an incentive to come for anyone harbouring hesitance. ‘   i mean, i don’t know how we can avoid the awkward icebreakers. but i figured everyone could introduce themselves first. say what they are, what they can do, that sort of thing. obviously you wouldn’t like bite anyone, but -- you could like show off how fast you are. you can run fast right ? that’s not just twilight ?   ’
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traditionale · 4 years
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        ‘   HEY, WATCH IT !   ’ his head whips up to eye the perpetrator, to think he’d nearly fallen victim to four wheels that weren’t a car, that would have been humiliating. the roads are cast with shadows, street lamps illuminating the sidewalks. humans aren’t often out this late, though there’s no denying he should’ve kept his trap shut. so, he scurries away, before leaping atop a dumpster. a better vantage point that way, eyes aglow with keen interest, observant of the girl’s next movements. 
                                                                                                     @eclipteds​ !
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traditionale · 4 years
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It’s hard to be fearless about sadness.
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traditionale · 4 years
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traditionale · 4 years
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   groceries — pathetic as they might be, they still qualify — are shifted into the crook of her arm, pressed against her chest as she fiddles with car keys. the beep sounds, and she places the plastic of the key fob into her mouth to hold it as she struggles with the drunk. her car is old and junky … arguably worse for wear by the time she bought it, driving it anywhere and everywhere since she was sixteen. brought to college, brought to work … and rolled back into eden each time, lurking in the driveway with only memories of what the empty spot next to it had once been filled by. driving wasn’t traumatic, it wasn’t as if sienna had been there. but there always was a feeling in the pit of her stomach that something would go wrong when she drove. small enough to ignore when she was alone, maybe, but with FAMILY in the car … she preferred biking anyway. trunk is finally pulled over with a satisfying sigh, and groceries — all two bags of them— are placed in.   “   yeah, and i’ll tell him you’re up for a handy in the produce aisle for not helping me.   ”   another click as she rounds the driver’s side of the car, and matty’s finally able to stop fiddling with the door and open it.   “   i forget you’re like, twelve, and don’t have money. am i like, still not supposed to give you juice after eight because you’ll have a sugar high and piss the bed?   ”   key, ignition. a glance is given to her cousin as the car sputters to life.
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        ‘   i swear, he’d believe it too.   ’ his face contorts into a expression of pure disgust, the art of shelf-filling and grocery packing totally ruined by eagle eyes and his starched white shirts. ‘   i wonder if he has a wife. dunno who’d be stupid enough to marry him though.   ’ that’s the thing about this town, there’s not much terrain for mystery, everyone’s always up in each other’s business.   ‘ and if there’s one, singular, respectable thing about his boss, it’s the way he can keeps such a low profile on his personal life. then again, the dude’s not worth the interrogation, realizes quickly that he’s not mysterious, just uninteresting. finally, the door swings open and he catches by the inside handle before it has a chance to dent the accord next to them. he does up his seatbelt, as anyone should, but it almost seems like a kinney thing, unconscious and warranting looks from his peers when he’s not often the leader at the forefront of safety. ‘   hey now, i have money.   ’ he assures, just not a lot of it, but it doesn’t stop him from spending like a banker on wall street. ‘   if you think about it, i’m in the peak financial position. dad doesn’t make me pay rent ‘cos i’m still in school, i’ve got wonderful cousins treating me to take-out. this is the life, sienna.   ’ though his reverie of present-day is rudely interrupted. ‘   the only reason i peed was because i wasn’t meant to be out of bed in the first place. you tempted me with juice and then our parents came home early and you shooed me right back into bed and i had to pretend i was asleep so you wouldn’t get in trouble. shit, i got ptsd from that night.   ’
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traditionale · 4 years
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   for all they had in common, an adoration of love was perhaps the string that stitched together the two cut from the same cloth. love itself, love for others, love that they wished, ONE DAY, someone would give them … but in this case, it was the love of other people. a friend, really, so emma considered it to be less nosy and more concerned. at least, that was the justification.   “   i don’t think he’s like, SOLELY hanging around her on the off chance she’ll one day reciprocate,   ”   she corrects, refusing to concede to the assumption kai is only in their friends’ life for potential romantic endeavors.   “   you don’t stick around that long on a maybe, you know? AND … he doesn’t seem like that kind of guy. i think he really does love her. as a friend, as family and then …   ”   she trails off for a moment, hand moving up into the air in a stacking motion.   “   then has different, romantic feeling on another level.   ”   she pauses, thinking, and then a smile breaks out upon her face, leaning closer to her friend to jab him in the shoulder, still grinning.   “   yeah, maybe it makes you make those choices. if i haven’t fled the country yet, i’m definitely not joining your ranks.   ”   knock on wood, but she was much more the ‘sit in your room and mope type.’ beam fades, and she sighs, settling back into a forlorn desire for affection.   “   i don’t know what i’d do if someone loved me like that.   ”   she thought she had — once. but good things must come to an end, and an end, and an end … as much as emma WANTED storybook, she wasn’t quite ready to reconcile with the fact that she wasn’t going to get it. 
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           ‘   soulmates. that’s the only other option.   ’ he says with a certainty as though it’s the rationale train of thought. nods once, then twice just to cement the notion. ‘   i didn’t even think soulmates really existed.   ’ it’s in an effort to entwine validity into his declaration, to be someone in a constant mode of longing. he can’t, the prospect of love has never exhausted him, it’s always been exciting, and perhaps he has his parents to thank for that. never the best, but always in love. then he’s grinning, the corners of his eyes crinkled like sun flares, bright and warm, it’s not hard in her company. ‘   you should try it sometime.   ’ the remark as lazy as his posture, rocked back in his chair, one leg crossed over another. it’s the pinnacle of domesticity, settling down, and he’s certain he’s had all the instability he’d need for one life in his younger years, that all this really isn’t so bad, it’s quite nice, if only he had someone to share it with. ‘   you think you’d be just as hesitant ? the second time round ?   ’ he asks. he can’t fathom how she’d done it the last time, with mickey, letting her feelings wade absently, basking in mere friendship for so long while the possibility of something more beckoned in the horizon. he’d never figured himself as an impulsive person, only that love was a worthy foe to well thought out decisions. ‘   i think i rush into things.   ’ he admits, and he could take a page out of emma’s book but he doesn’t think he’d end up practicing it. he does feel it, as he’s sure she does, the hourglass stuck flat to the table, unable to be turned - less desirable by the hour. it’s just that, he’s done all the growing he needs, he’d get it right, a relationship, if only he had the chance. 
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traditionale · 4 years
Sayoko wished that this was the first time she’d been asked this question. But Silhouette’s is a shady bar and she has patrons almost daily try and skimp out on paying. She rolled her eyes at the man and placed a hand on her hip. “If you were my type, I’d say yes but unfortunately you’re not, so it’s full price for you.” It wasn’t uncommon for her to buy cute girls’ drinks as she loved to spend her shifts flirting. But she had a bad track record with men in her life and therefore they were the farthest thing from her type.
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       ‘   i’m not your type ?   ’ he frowns, momentarily distracted from the task at hand. he likes to assume, that he’s anyone type ; generally favourable and his friends had never told him any different. they wait back at the table, and he shoots them a couple of finger guns to let them know that everything’s going totally swell, even if that’s not the case. but the night has yet to really begin and he’s got an arsenal of pleading words up his sleeve. he leans in close, half his body over the counter, oblivious of the concept of personal space. ‘   my integrity’s on the line here. i’ve never lost a game of truth or dare. i’ve got all the time in the world, let’s cut a deal.   ’
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