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extra notes below, competitors will be tagged in a separate post yippee
to be honest i really did not expect this blog (even my first one) to get as much attention as it has, but i'm so glad it did
i've met so many people and blogs that are so sweet and kind and i couldn't ask for better people to call contestants and loyal subjects (joke for joke purposes). thank you all for being here, you've all made the time i spent making this competition so worth it. i'm sad to see it end, but everything comes to an end. and hey- a sequel might be in the future! after a long nap...
so, thanks. from your host/poll runner, eliott.
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(note: some pfps and icons are outdated sorry :c i just used what i saved from the beginning)
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THEY R !! writing these is so difficult thanks to my #executive dysfunction but i am getting thru it thanks to the sheer swag of everyones ocs .
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dear transfem swag bracket how do i get people to enter my poll without being annoying and @ ing a bunch of polls because i did that to a couple and it felt rude :sob:
dear oc showdown i genuinely don't know because i got all of my initial traction from tagging people . with that said i can answer this ask
pulld out my big megaphone. EVERYONE ENTER THE OC SHOWDOWN
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the tournament competitors having a normal one
@transfemswagbracket @homemadegirlbossbattle @failboy-oc-tournament
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This is a collection of the first side of the OC bracket, complete with summaries I did my best to compile and links to the original propaganda posts! There's another side to go consisting of 32 more characters, but I'm posting this early because it's been a while.
@da2base-com's Randal Ebony Clarke (x)
Randal Ebony Clarke (she/he/it), also known as Randy, is a teenage girl who enjoys spending her time drawing, collecting dolls and puppets, playing video games, and making music, along with studying and taking care of bugs! She's a quiet, cold, and cantankerous girl, but once once one gets to know her, they'll learn just how nice she can truly be! It's a shame she doesn't come out of her room very often.
@stargloom's Guppy (x)
Guppy (she/her) is an eel girl! She makes clothes and sells them online for a living, and lives in a shared apartment far far away from home. She gets homesick often, but she’s in the big city making a name for herself! (Why not help her out with your vote?)
@ellie-shaw-official's Julia Lowell (x)
Julia Lowell (she/they) is a popular internet content creator from an SCP AU who also happens to be a wolf god!
@splatterbrush's Dr. Brigan Harlow (x)
Dr. Brigan Harlow (she/her) is your local alien scientist— an apprentice at a shady laboratory! After a series of unfortunate events, she ends up accidentally reviving an ancient AI that plans to conquer the universe, and so she must set out with her friends to stop it... even if she really would rather just stay home and take a nap. Who doesn't love sentient alien fungi?
@fictofaggot's Faunre (x)
Faunre (he/him) is a DID system that consists of mostly transfem and nonhuman alters! His hobbies include being pretentious about music, picking random objects off the ground, and drawing silly My Chemical Romance fanart. He is quiet and generally unpleasant to be around, but his cringefail behavior and autistic awkwardness are off the charts, and that's all that matters.
@nickyisbitchy's Zoey (x)
Zoey (she/her) is a lesbian witch who owns a record store! She enjoys playing harmonica and drums, making jewelry, and home movies. She's a very quiet but passionate person, and when she believes what she's saying is true she isn't scared to get loud. She makes friends easily, but is very secretive. She takes care of her cousin's kid Melody, and she has two cats— a calico named Spot and a hairless cat named Dot!
@ndrogyny's Mortis Sofia Fiorentino (x)
Mortis Sofia Fiorentino (they/them) is an OC for the 4v1 survival horror game Identity V, and their story is set in the early 20th century. Having moved from Italy to New York City at a young age, Mortis realized they didn't feel at home in their growing body. A few years after coming out (to which their parents were luckily accepting), their father fell ill, and it was up to 16-year-old Mortis to get a job to help support their mom. They landed a job as an exterminator, becoming very efficient, and were eventually sent on a job up north that no one else wanted to take. Unfortunately, a freak earthquake occurred, and Mortis was trapped, left behind, and died. Their soul was so full of rage and betrayal that their ghost possessed their now dead body, and went on a search for closure.
@zayn-darkshadow's Filip Quarzen (x)
Filip Quarzen (she/her) is a silly gal who loves puzzles, musicals, and puppets! On a cursory glance, she may seem shy and unconfident in herself and her abilities— and while the latter is true, she can be very outgoing and bold! Mostly motivated by a love of theater, she can be extremely melodramatic, and she has a tendency to be sarcastic and a bit rude due to her lack of patience. She's also trans both in-universe and out— originally created as a little gay boy, now a little gay boy who's a girl!
@sikeyaout's Extrava Anza (x)
Extrava Anza (they/it) is the mayor of a town filled with supernatural individuals! They are also the sibling of a mad scientist and a professional party planner! Who doesn't love a squirrel girl?
@mikey-wazowski's Ria (x)
Ria (she/they) is a spooky creepy girl! She goes through a time loop, which eventually got to the point where she didn't care about anything anymore due to nothing having consequence. She ends up in a juvie for setting her house on fire, and in doing so, they find the person perpetuating the loops they go through.
@abrahamstalker's Janice (x)
Janice (she/her) is very shy and very buff! She's trying to balance trying to get a doctorate in psychology, meeting up with her parents regularly, and 2 part-time jobs. She's a fan of cutesy, Lolita-esque fashion, is learning how to crochet, and has two pet ferrets, Scrap and Pip! She recently moved in with her girlfriend and her girlfriend's family, who are still working up the courage to explain that the "family friend" who lives upstairs is actually a ghost...
@blxckmxmbo's Itsuki Kane (x)
Itsuki Kane (she/they/ix) is a streetfighter who ran away from an awful life at a young age in search of their father. She eventually found her dad, but it didn't end up going well in the end. During that time, however, ix really found herself as a person after having time to not worry about where she was going to sleep that night, and they transitioned! Ix's very blunt and mean, but is a softie at heart and likes to tease her friends.
@wyrm-in-a-closet's Sparkle (x)
Sparkle (she/her) is a shifter— a magical individual who can transform between a human form, an animal form, and a "half" form (part human, part animal). Her particular animal is a sparklemuffin spider! She's silly and stupid, and is horrible at social interaction— she would rather look at cool bugs in the forest, or cool rocks in the forest, or cool plants in the forest (she spends all her time in the forest). She's a wrestler and plays electric guitar!
@wickedsick's Barney Stanz III (x)
Barney Stanz III (she/her) is a clown who lives in her grandpa's attic. She fights aliens, makes band t-shirts for bands that do not exist, is deeply weird and generally not having a good time.
@maddestmewmew's Fertilizer La'Ctaid (x)
Fertilizer La'Ctaid (she/he), also known as Farty, is white and British but it's okay because she's a catgirl. Her parents were murdered in front of her as a child, but it wasn't that bad because their parenting sucked and she got millions in inheritance. She then spent all her money on a bookstore that gets no business and was so embarrassed that she changed her name and later figured out she was trans.
@cogheart's Chloe Liu (x)
Chloe Liu (she/her) is a Sim from a silly save called Franky World! She has saved Strangerville at least once and has scientist swag, a cute little kitty named Salmon, and three adopted children she cares for with Franky, Grim Reaper and her wife that are named Smelly, Stinky and Scared.
@wingedcatgirl's Vivi Elakha (x)
Vivi Elakha (she/her) is a wandering adventurer! She enjoys helping people and seeing the world, and the first thing she did as an adventurer was study of botany and alchemy in order to manufacture her own HRT. She also learned conjury so she could heal people, roguery so she could stab people, and maraudery so she could draw aggro from people.
@tboy-division's Victoria Otieno (x)
Victoria Otieno (she/her/any) is the pilot and engineer of the space pirate crew of the Insurgence! She gets the crew from place to place and keeps the ship in great condition, often with help from her partner Copperheart Jack. Otherwise, she’s usually found in the ship’s library or talking fashion with Tim, the ship’s first mate.
@foxxsong's Eli (x)
Eli (she/they) is a vampire! She was born albino and grew up with a single, emotionally distant yet controlling and possessive caregiver. After leaving home, she meets a vampire sometime in her mid-twenties— he supports her financially, a secret bid to increase her dependence on him beyond just emotionally, and eventually turns her as well. She's cautious and slow to trust but fiercely loyal to those who show her kindness, and has a soft spot for kids and teenagers. Despite her caution, she tends to fall in with bad people or into bad relationships because of the familiarity they bring.
@kalopseance's Embry Ward (x)
Embry Ward (she/her) is a famous detective in the kingdom of Valenstein, and is a respected yet distrusted figure. She exclusively investigates cases that pique her personal interest, and enjoys the thrill of investigation as a game and a way to test her intelligence. She's stubborn, stuck-up, arrogant and prideful, but has her own morals and a dislike of authority and the corruption she sees. She refuses to cooperate with any sort of organization and makes a living through investigative journalism and report writing. She was born to a rich family, but ran away in her teens— she hasn't had contact with any of her siblings in years, until she began investigating the Valenstein Killer case...
@simoni-999's Alegray (x)
Alegray (she/her) lives in an old, ruined science lab in which a woods has grown. She runs a small shop where she sells soap and candles (which cost nothing due to the fact that they live in a literal overgrown post-society), and is the only creature living in the Lab that has access to the internet. She has the power to harness light and make "stars", and her best friend is a skeleton goat!
@cat-of-starlight's Yuui Kyeglin (x)
Yuui Kyeglin (she/her) is a girl who recently entered a magic high school! She tries her best to be cheerful and bubbly to offset how she used to be before transitioning— she's still quite anxious and awkward, but most wouldn't realize due to the front she puts up.
@peri-universals-universe's Ferris Everett (x)
Ferris Everett (she/her) is the Elemental of iron! She lives with the other Elementals, who are immortal, godlike aliens with the power to control one of the elements on the periodic table each. She has powers over iron, including steel, cast iron, iron ore, human blood, and even cereal; if it has Fe atoms, it's hers to control. She's one of the most versatile Elementals; she is flexible and emotionally open on her own, yet around others she puts on a stoic mask. The stars worship and fear her, for she has the power to end them, yet they revere her for building the galaxy's infrastructure and setting up all the transition healthcare.
@vernalloy's Elaois (x)
Elaois (she/it/x) is a reality warper who rules over Mercury, the 5th heaven, one of the days of the week, and forethought. She decides she wants to be a girl after observing humans, who are about to be wiped out from a mass flood, and she enters the material world on Mars, quickly growing attached to a rover named Transcendence. X bonds to it so much that it eventually ends up granting it sentience on accident, being then forced to wrestle with the idea that she used her reality-warping powers selfishly. Living in a false reality messes with it, and x eventually learns that she's the arbiter of her own destiny and it's okay to want things.
@luckiestplant's Gabby Trinh (x)
Gabby Trinh (she/her) is gaslight gatekeep girlboss but with a strawberry banana flavor. She starts off like a typical Pokémon rival, but over the course of the story she gradually learns about the Power of Friendship with the protagonist. She's very goal-oriented and is always smiling and is often in a sort of silly-mean mood— she's just teasing, but often doesn't recognize when people are actually uncomfortable. She also has a bad habit of twisting people's words to fit what she thinks.
@lungfiz's Catharine Nimh (x)
Catharine Nimh (she/her) is the head of a perfume business and a cutthroat businesswoman. She is also the eldest daughter to the notorious Nimh family that's known for all things small-town drama, but, thankfully, seems to be quite sane compared to her relatives. She's not too skilled with people, but she is good with dogs!
@leonfoolery's Sydney Lennox (x)
Sydney Lennox (she/her) is the frontwoman of the British glampunk band The Blitz Babes! She's very bright and excitable, a glampunk master, and canonically a tumblr user, along with being gay and autistic.
@c0rnd0gge's Ava Lyne (x)
Ava Lyne (she/her) is in a band called Keyword:Trying with two best friends from middle school, in which she plays keyboard and bass! She is hard of hearing and insecure about it, but with the help of her friends, she's living her dream of inspiring hope and joy through song. She's known to be rather shy save for when she’s on stage, where she feels able to relax and move with the music. With her friends, she’s just as silly and chaotic as they are, and only wishes that she had the confidence to be as expressive in public as she is in private.
@wintry--mix's Scarlett (x)
Scarlett (she/her) is an axolotl! Her main goal in life is to have fun, she's calm, and she loves snacks.
@dinner-rol's Diamond Perez (x)
Diamond Perez (she/her) is a famous magician! She has a wife and daughter, and apparently if you don't vote for her you'll be haunted by her brother-in-law's ghost best friends.
@protagchihiro's Utau Yawara (x)
Utau Yawara (she/her) is a Danganronpa fancast OC, and her talent is covering songs. She survives her killing game, but at the cost of everyone she was close with— her two main losses were her friend that she was trying to cheer up, and her friend that she clicked very well with and had fun with who turned out to be the mastermind behind it all. She has a major case of imposter syndrome due to the fact that nobody likes her music, they only like her when she's piggybacking off of others' success.
@idikei's Rena Pacheco (x)
Rena Pacheco (she/he/it) is an angel from what can only be described as an off-brand heaven called "The Realms of the Above". He's a cyber-criminal who steals from the rich with the support of G•dz (not censored, just what they're called). It's extremely gay for a member of the criminal task force trying to hunt it down, and also has a monocle!
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@autismswagsummit VS @transfemswagbracket
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i am legiterally soooo excited for the oc tournament ive been spinning around in excitement for like the past week i cannot waiittt :3 :3 this is not supposed to sound like im rushing you i am just so so happy about my girl
ME TOO ive been writing up my big post with all the summaries and everyone is so cool . i cant wait to show off my girl also
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huh. we have three winners. that's not even!
let's spice things up :)
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sorry for all of those reblogs i got invested .
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@transfemswagbracket VS @nicejewishcharactershowdown/@fashiondisastertournament/@catgirlgames/@epicdivorcemantournament
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@transfemswagbracket VS @nicejewishcharactershowdown/@fashiondisastertournament/@catgirlgames/@epicdivorcemantournament
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@transfemswagbracket VS @nicejewishcharactershowdown/@fashiondisastertournament/@catgirlgames/@epicdivorcemantournament
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@transfemswagbracket VS @nicejewishcharactershowdown/@fashiondisastertournament/@catgirlgames/@epicdivorcemantournament
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sorry 4 the delay ^_^; i am still waiting on a post
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Have you posted your main blog before/are you going to link YOUR oc promo post so we can see :-O
no i have not posted my main and do not intend to! i am simply going to post my propaganda here ^_^
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hi small update ^_^ ive created all the matchups (all randomized of course) but i still need to make the big list posts and a bracket img. im very tired though so expect that to be posted maybe tomorrow as there are still some posts i need to go thru and some that are missing
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R6: @qpr-competition VS @animalcrossingshowdown
qpr-competiton propaganda
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