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https://youtu.be/LEshVJ1IECw #LOVE🌈
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Celebrating our pride this month!!! 🌈
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“Pronouns are an important way that a child can experiment with labels, and that parents can show support. One thing I’ve noticed many parents struggle with is using they/ them pronouns for their non-binary children (who don’t necessarily identify as a trans boy or a trans girl, but either as in between, both, or neither gender).” - Transformed, Wendy Jones, LCSW #WendyJonesAuthor #TransformedWendyJones #LGBTQIA+ #TransAlly
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Parents of transgender children oftentimes have a hard time finding resources and advice on what it’s like to raise a trans child and how they can best be an ally and supporters of their children. In response to that need, Wendy Jones wrote a #1 Bestselling book: “Transformed: Parenting Your Gender Non-Conforming Child with Pride”. Available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited at amzn.to/36sSnhl. #TransformedWendyJones #LGBTQ+ #AmazonAuthor #TransPride
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"I think trans women, and trans people in general, show everyone that you can define what it means to be a man or woman on your own terms. A lot of what feminism is about is moving outside of roles and moving outside of expectations of who and what you're supposed to be to live a more authentic life." — Laverne Cox #TransformedWendyJones #WendyJonesAuthor #TransPride #GenderNonConforming
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“Here’s a concept that is often misunderstood: gender identity and sexuality are not connected! In fact, they are completely separate. An easy saying I use to help people visualize this difference is: Your sexuality is who you want to go to bed WITH, and your gender identity is who you go to bed AS.” - Transformed, Wendy Jones, LCSW #TransformedWendyJones #TransAffirming #GenderFluid #WendyJonesAuthor
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While parenting trans kids is becoming more normalized in the media, many parents still don't have the best tools for supporting their children through coming out. Wendy Jones offers a personal insight into what it was like to navigate her way through finding out her child was transgender. Download her #1 Bestselling book, “Transformed: Parenting Your Gender Non-Conforming Child with Pride” from Kindle Unlimited or purchase it from Amazon at amzn.to/36sSnhl. #TransformedWendyJones #WendyJonesAuthor #IndieAuthor #LGBTQparent
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“As a Mental Health professional sexual identity has been a familiar source of depression & substance abuse by many sweet souls in my workplace. Wendy educates us from both a Mama Bear and a seasoned licensed therapist's point of view. Understanding the Trans population both in our own families and our communities is the key. For families going thru gender non-conforming transitions and professionals working with these individuals/families, this book provides both comfort & resources. Thank you, Wendy Jones.” - Colleen, Amazon Reader #FiveStarReview #AmazonAuthor #TransformedWendyJones #LGBTQcommunity
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Jonathan Van Ness is always curious – their podcast and Netflix series "Getting Curious" surely gives that away. Now book lovers will get curious too. In their second book, "Love That Story: Observations From a Gorgeously Queer Life", Van Ness invites readers along for a journey across 11 educational chapters involving queer history, body shaming, and impostor syndrome. Read more about JVN @ bit.ly/3EidrnO. #ThisIsWhatTransLooksLike #TransformedWendyJones #GenderAffirming #TransPride
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“The world is going to change for the better for our kids, I know this. But it isn’t going to happen without a fight. It’s easy to feel limited in our power to make a change, but like a stone thrown into a pond, our efforts will make ripples all around us. By infusing strength and confidence into our children, we enable them to support others. Just by being able to live their truth, they will be a positive role model to other gender-variant kids.” - Transformed, Wendy Jones, LCSW #WendyJonesAuthor #TransformedWendyJones #LGBTQIA+ #TransAlly
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Wendy Jones, a gender therapist and Mother to a trans son, shares her experiences with readers in this personal, yet informational book about what it’s like to raise your gender non-conforming child with pride. Purchase her #1 New Release, “Transformed: Parenting Your Gender Non-Conforming Child with Pride” at amzn.to/36sSnhl. #TransformedWendyJones #GenderNonConforming #TransPride #AmazonAuthor
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"We should indeed keep calm in the face of difference, and live our lives in a state of inclusion and wonder at the diversity of humanity." — George Takei #TransformedWendyJones #WendyJonesAuthor #TransPride #GenderNonConforming
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“Since I started writing this book, I’ve received many signs that I am on the right path. At times, I worried about what people would think of the book, or if it would even make a difference in the world. On several occasions when these feelings came up, I received a random call from someone in need of resources for their gender non-conforming child or heard a podcast about the importance of supportive parents for transgender kids. I believe that the universe, and my Higher Power, want me to share my experience, strength, and hope. I know writing this book is the right thing to do.” - Transformed, Wendy Jones, LCSW #TransformedWendyJones #TransAffirming #GenderFluid #WendyJonesAuthor
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#1 New Release and Best Seller - Transformed - is a foray into the world of Wendy Jones, a mental health professional and mom of a transgender child. Taking you through the often difficult, but magical journey of discovering her child's gender truth and taking the crucial steps to support him. This book offers essential information and recommendations for other parents starting on this journey of acceptance, understanding, and collaboration with their own trans or non-binary children, emphasizing the importance of tenderness toward both oneself and one's child. Purchase your copy today @ amzn.to/36sSnhl. #WendyJonesAuthor #TransformedWendyJones #AmazonAuthor #GenderTherapist
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“This book gives some great insight into how you feel as a parent and what you might experience raising a transgender or non-binary child. Wendy very honestly shares her own stories and thoughts. It’s a beautiful book that immediately makes you feel less alone on this new path you are on. She includes a Q&A section of other trans parents and a wonderful, current list of resources of books, movies, support groups, etc.” - Tamara, Amazon Reader #FiveStarReview #AmazonAuthor #TransformedWendyJones #LGBTQcommunity
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Today, there are more actors than ever who are open about having had, as Michael D. Cohen puts it, a transgender journey. This is in part because there is a proliferation of shows, including Pose and Transparent, that are portraying nuanced transgender characters. But Cohen is rare in that he worked in the entertainment industry for more than two decades before he chose to make this disclosure. “I was misgendered at birth,” Cohen says. “I identify as male, and I am proud that I have had a transgender experience — a transgender journey.” Read more from @Time about Michael D. Cohen at bit.ly/3KOzpBp #ThisIsWhatTransLooksLike #TransformedWendyJones #GenderAffirming #TransPride
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“In my last 8 years of research, struggle, reaching out for support, and eventually helping others, I’ve met some pretty incredible parents — in support groups, through my children’s friends, or as private therapy clients. Each and every one of them has helped me along my journey. While their stories are unique, the one common thread is that they are all fierce parents of gender diverse kids.” - Transformed, Wendy Jones, LCSW #WendyJonesAuthor #TransformedWendyJones #LGBTQIA+ #TransAlly
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