transgenderkris · 2 hours
idk i think there's something a little bit horrific about a person being told buying x product or watching y tv show supports businesses and institutions that drive genocide and deciding they're not willing to put up with the non-inconvenience of not doing something. Like you're being asked to not buy the shitty wizard game. You're being told to not buy mcdonalds. You're being told to not watch a TV show. It's so easy you can literally do it from your goddamn bed. It's non-activism. And you're not even willing to do that
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transgenderkris · 4 hours
if one more person comments on my "we need to keep payphones/public phones" post with "what we need are free phone charging stations and wifi hotspots, like in new york!" i am going to lose my mind. what do you people not understand about "not everyone has a smartphone" and "phones can break". how are these new concepts.
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transgenderkris · 4 hours
Creepy Walking Thing - Made by Tim Lewis
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transgenderkris · 4 hours
being 5'7" is so fucked. AND i'm a top. i suffer more than you could ever know.
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transgenderkris · 4 hours
"dont smoke around your pets" okay well i dont even smoke im asthmatic. my dog smokes bc she needs to fucking chill sometimes and Yeah i light them for her Obviously bc she cant use a lighter. i dont get anyrhing out of this arrangment and i resent the implication. in fact shes giving ME secondhand smoke. so my question is why are you so hateful and jugemental and acting like an asshole to me making presumptions and shit about my life.
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transgenderkris · 5 hours
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Source: Dyke Strippers; Lesbian Cartoonists A to Z , edited by Roz Warren
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transgenderkris · 6 hours
what you need to understand is that textile work is basically the closest i have seen to Real Magic and the reason old ladies in quilting spaces are either the grumpiest or the most whacky cheerful people you'll ever meet is because they're basically wizards who have studied the ancient crafts too long
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transgenderkris · 6 hours
Its good that i have a blog now cuz I used to write all this bullshit down physically in a diary and my mom found mine and read it when i was 15 and i got in so much trouble cuz i drew goku with a boner so foreboding frightening it cleaved his jorts clean in half down the crotch seam and she threw it in a dumpster but then i crawled inside and retrieved it in the dark of night to preserve the archives of my mind but I lost it the very next day cuz i dropped it into the wave pool at Wild Wild n Wet (waterpark). Nowadays relying on digital spaces we have no guarantee of our eras information being preserved for futture generations tho and as the lights go out The silence will be suffocating and we will all be boner goku at the bottom of the wave pool at Wild Wild and Wet lowkey so u might as well start an nsfw twitter with ur government name and credit card info in bio tbh
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transgenderkris · 6 hours
I actually reached enlightenment but it didnt help LOL
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transgenderkris · 6 hours
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making a compilation of text posts that knocked sense straight into me
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transgenderkris · 6 hours
I cannot stand the parodies of modern major general, they're overdone and simply not as good as the original. They've done them about everything, whatever topic, big or small.
And when i notice one of them my eyes will always start to roll.
The diction's always slurry when they rush the complicated words, and adding many fricatives will turn it so cacophonous. The slanted rhymes are silly and they keep just making more and more, please someone stop the parodies of modern major general.
The scanning of the lyrics in the meter is unbearable, they emphazise the syllables in ways that are untenable, in short in matters musical, prosodic and ephemeral, i cannot stand the parodies of modern major general!
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transgenderkris · 6 hours
the mining dwarfer seems to pick his axe at night
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transgenderkris · 6 hours
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transgenderkris · 6 hours
I love to misread replies as reptiles. There are reptiles on my posts sometimes
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transgenderkris · 6 hours
At the end of my rope and it keeps getting longer like some sort of clown handkerchief bit?
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transgenderkris · 7 hours
it's always high camp when you get into a new piece of media and you're like "ok, even though this character is seemingly designed to make me froth at the mouth, i will resist, i will stay strong, i won't become a parody of myself" and then you watch the character for about five seconds and you imprint on them
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transgenderkris · 12 hours
newly shorn butch in tears trying to decide between the 'yes' and 'im bald' options on a 'would you fuck kim possible' poll
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