translyricalmabi · 24 days
The Portrait Glassred Drew (グラスレッドの肖像) - English Translyrics
Original song by mothy
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“If only… you didn't have to change.”
Running my paintbrush
Across another canvas
I came to depict
A picture of him
In a little space
Within my memory, lies his face
But it is one I'll never see
At what point it was that everything changed
Is something that I still ask, to this day
All the same, I think perhaps if you just remained
The way you were, this could’ve ended up different
So I say, but I know it's too late
For the you within the picture will never return
By no means would I say
That I was all that fond of your face
Yet again and again
I painted it, without end
And by the time I realized
The room was overflowing with
Your resemblance
Your face was by no means
What it was I wanted to see
I had rathered you be
The you I knew you to be
But in the end
It was both of us who were being foolish then
For we could not realize this
Crumbling away
Watching the portrait burn, you coldly say
To me how you hate
The face that I paint
But you could not see
That what had truly been ugly
Was not your face, this I can say
Thinking quickly, but not at all clearly
All I did was hurt and mock you, really
And somehow, by the next time we met, it seemed
You were nothing at all like before
Yes, just as if you were the man I knew no more
And the you within the picture will never return
Even so, I believed
Even if I could no longer see
The person in my memories
As long as you were happy
Then just maybe, no matter
What happened or was done to me
I could let it be
By no means would I say
That it's bad for people to change
Only that it isn’t
The thing that’s most important
What’s needed is to
Be able to be contented with the current you
But you could not realize this
So like this, I will keep you alive
By painting out my memories of you, day and night
Even if the appearance in the portrait isn't quite
The one you wanted to be remembered by
And I’ll admit, on that fateful day
The final words you were desperately trying to say
I believe that I could tell what they were, in a way
Since forever ago, I had known
I suppose I could say
That I just might have loved you the same
So again and again
I painted you, without end
And by the time I realized
The room was overflowing with
Your reminiscence
Your face was by no means
What it was I wanted to see
I had rathered you be
The you I knew you to be
But in the end
It was both of us who were being foolish then
For we could not realize this
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translyricalmabi · 24 days
Were I Your Mirror (Wenn ich dein Spiegel wär) - English Translyrics
Original song by Michael Kunze and Sylvester Levay
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For just how long
Have I waited to hear your voice?
For just how long
Have I prayed you would fill this void?
But you’re afraid
To see how much we are alike
Ever redundant
Ever fed up with
This world that’s beginning to die
Were I your mirror, then
You’d see in me your reflection
Then you might understand
All of the words I’ve left unsaid
You’d rather be blind
For you know you’d see your face in mine
I’m drawn to you
Yet when I get close, you must hide
I glance at you
Yet then you must avert your eyes
We are strangers
Whose souls are forever entwined
I’m screaming at you
I’m reaching for you
But you never let me inside
Were I your mirror, then
You’d see in me your reflection
Then you might understand
All of the words I’ve left unsaid
Why this disturbance?
What gives?
Why are you here?
Mama…… I need you.
I come in urgent need
I’m trapped and backed against a wall
My name’s in jeopardy
May be dishonored before all
I’ve none to turn to
No one to confide this to but you
(Just leave me, I beg you)
I don’t know which way to go
Royal court and marriage torture me
I’m sick, my life is dull
(I’ve no way to help you)
Now I face this horrible scandal
But if you would plea
With Father, maybe
There could be hope for me
The Emperor and I are history
I’ve long decided to live freely
I do not plea
Not even if it’s you
……So, you’ve abandoned me.
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translyricalmabi · 24 days
Moonlit Bear - English Translyrics
Original song by mothy
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In the dark, in the dark
Deep within the woods, there are
Bloody red, bloody red
Two red fruits lying up ahead
Certainly, these must be
Presents God has given me
What a wonderful, wonderful miracle they seem
If I head home and give
These beautiful two fruits to him
I wouldn't be surprised
If he were so glad he cried
Tonight especially
The moon is a sight to see
No delay, no delay
I must hurry home with haste
For on a night so eerie as this one
Beware the very scary bear that comes
I have got them in my grasp, at last
At long last, they may be mine to have
I'll never let, I'll never let
Anybody take these two away from me again!
Straight through the woods and the flowerbeds
I run with all of the strength I have
Holding to my chest two fruits that paint the night in red
I am sure so long as I
Am able to make it home in time
He and I can both finally live a happy life
And yet as I make my escape
I notice that I’m being chased
By the big bad bear making quite the scary face
I beg of you, forget what you've seen today
Please allow me to be on my way
And yet deep down I knew
All along I knew, that in truth my dear fruits
Were dear not only to me, but to the bear too
On and on, I run and run
Here and there, I run and run
I will not give my happiness to anyone
The moon high above us shines
Light onto the bear behind
Illuminating a shadow drawing closer by
I've already lost my way
From the path, I long have strayed
Even so, I run and run
More and more, I run and run
Soon enough, I start to cry
The bear’s cries resound with mine
And in time, the two fruits, too, both cry with all their might
At last, I've made it back
To my home sweet home, where I may rest
There, I see my beloved smiling sweetly at me
But for some reason, when he sees the two fruits I carry
His happy face turns into one that's just as sad as can be
“Listen my dear, listen closely here
Our kids are already gone, I fear
Though they've gone away
They're in a better place
But now I need you to
Go return these two
Poor kids to where their mother is
Move on already, I beg of you”
Even if eventually, reality caught up to me
Sinking in its fangs and claws and tearing me apart
Bright and red, these fruits I found
Kind and warm, these fruits I found
I needed them with me no matter how
Dear God, I fear I’ve gravely sinned
With my own hands I’ve committed
A crime that I am sure cannot ever be forgiven
“You still have time, there is time to make it right”
So I heard my darling say, but I…
“But I can't! It's too late now!”
For right outside our house
Lying still upon the ground
There a slain and fallen woman’s corpse can be found
In the mess left behind
From a basket spilled beside
Full of milk, tumbles a little glass bottle...
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translyricalmabi · 24 days
Escape of Salmhofer the Witch (魔女ザルムホーファーの逃亡) - English Translyrics
Original song by mothy
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Through the woods and the flowers dead, I ran with all I had
Holding dearly to my chest with every step
A pair of precious fruits, escaping through the night
A fugitive’s flight
Never knew a father, never knew a mother
I grew up a girl without a single soul to love
And when I hit twenty, what I found finally
Was the love of a man with a taste for blood
Let yourself fall for one of evil ways
And you'll soon find yourself tainted the same
The people all began to cast their stones
As a witch I was known
Through the woods and the flowerbeds I ran with all I had
Wholly stained with the red of the freshly slain
Towards a haven found in a most wicked love
As an outlaw
“My children, my babies, somebody took them from me!”
All bloodied, a woman screamed at me hysterically
And as I looked upon this, before I even noticed
I was caught and wrapped in chains on the spot
The crimes I'd committed were to someday be punished
Locked away, a prison inhumane, no light of day
Yet as I sat waiting for my execution
Resembling him, I met a strange scientist
I, who yearned to make escape and be gone
The scientist, who desired someone to test upon
Each other’s individual wishes quite convenient
Through the winding and narrow road of stone that chilled my bones
I ran, finally free of the prison clothes
To just another jail, sure to imprison me
A laboratory
In my womb, embedded, the seeds of the heavens
Two heartbeats pulsated quietly inside of me
And then granted me with two adorable twins
Virgin-born, yet guinea pigs and no more
But I've seen this before, I have seen this before
Suddenly, a memory I’d lost returned to me
Conceived inside a beaker just like this
No mom or dad to look to, I was a Ghoul Child too
Connected in liquid, children I have been given
Though I know it's selfish, though I may not even live
If they want to make my kids their toys, then I
Cannot just stand by!
Even if I’d spent every moment of my life always in flight
I wanted to grant even the tiniest fragment
Of the love I'd not once in my life experienced
Unto my children
Through the woods and the flowers dead, I ran with all I had
Holding dearly to my chest with every step
A pair of precious twins, escaping through the night
A fugitive’s flight
In a foreign country, forced to live discreetly
Knowing well that we'd be dead should we ever be found
When the moon would come out, we'd have time to go out
For a stroll at night, my children and I
Held’s Forest, a calming spot to spend the evening
Though I thought it would be just like any other walk
For no more than a split second, I turned
And when I looked back, I screamed
“Somebody took my babies away from me!”
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translyricalmabi · 27 days
Blink (またたき) - English Translyrics
Original song by mothy
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When this sapling has
Taken root beneath the grass
I am sure I’ll be more mature
Than the girl I was before
When from a sprout
It’s grown large and farther out
Might I still be living to be able to see?
Might I still be alive to see…?
When a wreath of leaves
Have come to adorn the tree
I am sure the world all around
Will be far different than now
When at last the height
Has become the most wondrous sight
Might the sins that I’ve committed be forgiven?
Might my sins yet be forgiven…?
What is the world like
When seen before your eyes?
When millennia, too
Would be but a blink for you
If it’s true…
If it’s true…
Here before this tree
Pray one day we may see
An eternity of peace
An eternity of peace…
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translyricalmabi · 27 days
Soleil (ソレイユ) - English Translyrics
Original song by Toraboruta-P
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Eyes that hold a despair so deep
Wretched angel of darkness speaks
“Might you finally be the one
To free me from what I’ve become?”
Such a weight it is
Cursed shadows you’ve been covered in
With a hideous shape
Earning of fear and hate
Strong and bright as the light of day
The young girl doesn’t hesitate
Holding out the kind hand he seeks
Smiling as she gently speaks
“Do not fret or fear
For your darkness shall be mine to bear
And your form born of blight
Shall become a bird in flight
In the sky, you’ll be free as can be
Anywhere you may wish, you can reach
If you’ve no destination in mind
You’ll always have a place by my side”
White as snow
The bird goes
Flapping his new wings
More and more are begging her
“Free us from our horrid curse”
More and more, she’s reaching out
Offering to all her help
Thus the sky is wholly covered by
Flock of white flying right by her side
Yet no more is the girl shining bright
She has grown near as dark as the night
From the start, she had chosen this fate
Broken down by the darkness she ate
Now at last, as her love takes its toll
She begins to succumb to the cold
Grieving her
A lone bird
As she did
Swallows her darkness
Thus the sky is wholly covered by
Bird of black who embraces her tight
Strong and bright as a gold summer day
You shall always be known as Soleil
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