traumascumathena · 2 months
My distaste for Sophie's "God is plural" talk is not just to "stick it to sophie". My distaste comes from very genuine bad experiences when people attempt to mix spirituality and psychology--and then spreading that ideology yo their followers. It's like she's preaching at me, and to respond back I myself have to sound like I'm preaching a different thing. It's gross and I hate it.
Saying I'm opposing it purely out of spite is reductive, and in an environment full of people with religious trauma, a tad lacking in understanding. People are reacting strongly for a reason. Stop it.
I have religious trauma, and I am also religious. My spirituality and my approach to my own psychology are also heavily intertwined, and if I were to ever talk more in depth about my psychological issues outside of having DID on here, then it would also be incredibly obvious. I don't have any right to disparage Sophie for this.
Also, might I add, you are quite literally telling me that people are having a trauma reaction to what Sophie is saying. Just because something is triggering does not mean that it is bad. You can block one of the tags she is using and not have to see it again--and I will say that Sophie's tagging system is very robust--or even just block the people posting about it regularly. You don't have to respond to her. No one has to respond to her.
And responding due to a trauma reaction, and thus building your beliefs and opinions around that trauma reaction, does not make for a healthy or sustainable ideology. We are not Nietzsche! We must not become the next Nietzsche! It is not an easy task and it will require active effort for a lifetime, but it is a necessary one if you wish to engage in discourse circles.
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traumascumathena · 2 months
I'm sorry, then, for my disrespect. It's just been peculiar to me that this arose in syscourse, instead of somewhere where it would've been more productive and responses would be given in earnest. Still, for me to blatantly say "no one believes in this" was an error on my end.
This post does also go for the people opposing Sophie's dedication to this matter too, though. I don't have any reason to believe that their opposition is out of any genuine belief--just a distaste for Sophie and a gut urge to prove her wrong, when personal theological theory cannot truly be "wrong."
Something I dislike about the current "the christian god is plural" topic trend is how it's veering into fandomization of religion and that no one genuinely has the (tumblr/tiktok/twitter lens of) plurality of god as a significant part of their belief set. If you're going to talk about religion, don't be reactionary and don't propose religious beliefs for the sake of proposing religious beliefs. Religion is something that carries significant weight in many people's lives--so to treat it like petty internet discourse is disrespectful.
There's nothing wrong with believing in something and talking about it, but remember--you should believe in it meaningfully.
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traumascumathena · 2 months
Something I dislike about the current "the christian god is plural" topic trend is how it's veering into fandomization of religion and that no one genuinely has the (tumblr/tiktok/twitter lens of) plurality of god as a significant part of their belief set. If you're going to talk about religion, don't be reactionary and don't propose religious beliefs for the sake of proposing religious beliefs. Religion is something that carries significant weight in many people's lives--so to treat it like petty internet discourse is disrespectful.
There's nothing wrong with believing in something and talking about it, but remember--you should believe in it meaningfully.
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traumascumathena · 3 months
Ramadan Kareem! This message is a bit late, because I've been caught up in things.
I'll be staying out of syscourse while I fast. You can always contact me at @modathena if something catastrophic happens. In the meantime, remember to be kind and patient with each other. There's a person on the other side of the screen. We are all human, and it's only by strokes of chance that you believe the things you do. We all have more in common than we think.
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traumascumathena · 3 months
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[IMG ID: @small-clover says "Do you think transphobia will die off if we just ignore it? syscringe+didcringe is a significant chunk of plural discussion on that website." ID END]
You say "just ignore" as if it is a light and useless action. Ignoring bigotry is actually quite effective at shutting down bigotry on a smaller scale. For example, when I was a victim of a hate crime recently, the vast majority of people in my building shunned, or in other words, ignored the perpetrator, who also lived there. They did not speak to him. They did not invite him to any gatherings. He was excluded from community update emails. He felt so unwelcome and isolated that he moved out.
This is what I mean when I say ignore syscringe and didcringe. Ignore them with purpose. Exclude them from everything. If they try to engage loudly and force themselves into spaces, talk over them louder and do not acknowledge them. They will know that there is nothing for them there.
It's kind of annoying being raised and traumatized by a very prolific hate group only to see people use the term very loosely on here. Then again, I'm kind of annoyed by the syscourse tags being flooded by almost exclusively some flame war with the syscringe subreddit and I can feel that annoyance seeping into every single one of my syscourse-related opinions.
Either way, per the ancient rules of the internet: don't feed the trolls. Syscringe will die when you isolate and ignore them. Arguing with them only makes the problem worse.
Arguing with them is not activism on behalf of the plural community either. If anything, it makes yourself more dangerous for other systems to interact with, because you're drawing the attention of bullies to not just yourself, but to the people around you too.
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traumascumathena · 3 months
It's kind of annoying being raised and traumatized by a very prolific hate group only to see people use the term very loosely on here. Then again, I'm kind of annoyed by the syscourse tags being flooded by almost exclusively some flame war with the syscringe subreddit and I can feel that annoyance seeping into every single one of my syscourse-related opinions.
Either way, per the ancient rules of the internet: don't feed the trolls. Syscringe will die when you isolate and ignore them. Arguing with them only makes the problem worse.
Arguing with them is not activism on behalf of the plural community either. If anything, it makes yourself more dangerous for other systems to interact with, because you're drawing the attention of bullies to not just yourself, but to the people around you too.
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traumascumathena · 4 months
can't fucking believe you've devolved to saying systems are murderers now
How dare you say that I piss on the poor.
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traumascumathena · 4 months
System accountability is a two-way street. Even you don't believe the consequences of another alter's actions should influence your relationships with others, other people who believe in system accountability will regard your alter's actions--and your refusal to show any modus of accountability or responsibility with your system--as a reflection of your behavior, and they have that right.
But really, take it from a system with homicidal ideation that they tried to repeatedly actualize, to the point of spending a few nights in holding: try to practice system accountability, even if it is "unsafe," while the matters are still small. Don't let it spiral into something bigger and harder to get control over. Just as how it's easiest to remove an invasive species from an area when they're first introduced, it's easier to show responsibility for your alters' actions and get your alters the help they need before something terrible happens.
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traumascumathena · 4 months
60-70% of people with dementia go missing at some point following their diagnosis due to lapses in memory and a 'wandering' tendency. Both of these symptoms of dementia are present in severe cases of DID/OSDD1 (or common DID/OSDD1 comorbidities, such as elopement as a symptom of autism and schizophrenia).
So, when people talk about having a driver's license revoked for having DID/OSDD1, I'm left to wonder--do the people having their license revoked have severe lapses in memory and struggle with elopement/wandering? Could it be a preventative against them going missing?
I remember when I first moved to where I live now, and my dad refused to let me go anywhere alone. Even going to school, my dad insisted I walk there with a neighbor.
I had a horrible habit with running away at the drop of a hat due to small stressors. That rule was for my safety, even though I hated it back then. It was a necessity. Could that be the case we're discussing now with driver's licenses?
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traumascumathena · 4 months
Mod Phoenix is in my apartment and introduced me to cheese puffs that aren't sold outside of his region, so I'm making a callout post on tumblr dot com.
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traumascumathena · 5 months
If you view syscourse as a battle and not an opportunity to expand your understanding of systems and plurals, then you will never win. No one will win, actually.
Through syscourse, I've learned more about systemhood and plurality, both my own and others'. I hope that I've taught others as well. To me, that's winning. I'm here to learn and to teach, not to fight.
In the new year, I'm excited to keep learning and keep teaching what I can. From all the mods of TraumascumAthena, we hope you have a happy New Year full of opportunity and growth!
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traumascumathena · 7 months
When I complained about plural acceptance not even being remotely achieved and also a failure of a movement, I received a few responses that summarized to this:
"So you think plural acceptance shouldn't exist?"
And, after doing some research and looking closely at movements for the rights of the mentally ill, I find myself partially agreeing with those words shoved in my mouth. Plural acceptance, as an individual movement, should not exist.
The rights and protections we enjoy now as systems and plurals (in the United States) have not been fought for us by pro-plural organizations like The Plural Association. Instead, we have Mad Pride and the Psychiatric Survivor's Movement to thank for our current protections. Because of them, we are not lobotomized, we are not forced into electroshock therapy, our forced institutionalization is limited.
The plural acceptance movement broke off from Mad Pride with the rising influence of Astraea's Web's push for separatism, with the growing population of mentally ill people who have not witnessed psychiatric abuse at its worst, with the popular belief becoming "singlets, no matter what, cannot understand the plural experience."
The saying goes that a house divided cannot stand, and that stands true here. Separated from the Psychiatric Survivor's Movement and Mad Pride, who have people who were regularly in the courtroom challenging ableist laws for the benefit of all mentally ill people (systems and plurals included!), the plural acceptance movement has no footing and will not achieve anything as universally beneficial and major as other movements.
Not unless we can collectively overcome our individualism and internalized disdain for other mentally ill people and thus reconnect with the unified Mad Pride can we achieve anything substantial. Plural acceptance as a separate movement will only be our downfall.
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traumascumathena · 7 months
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[IMAGE TRANSCRIPTION: Do anti endos realize endogenic systems paved the way to plural acceptance?]
What plural acceptance?
Where is the plural acceptance when I am screamed at by strangers for dissociating severely in public? Where is the plural acceptance when systems with anger issues and homicidal ideation are forgotten by their community and treated as a stereotype? Where is the plural acceptance when systems talk to themselves aloud and get harassed for it? Why haven't I seen any of it? Why haven't I been given any of it when I needed it most?
The only conclusions I have for these questions are as follows:
The plural acceptance movement is actually the plural palatability movement.
Not just by obscuring the fact DID/OSDD1 is caused by trauma, but also by turning DID/OSDD1 into content to be consumed (remember the trend of DID youtubers? That absolutely played a role). Yes, this is a thing pro endos and anti endos have had a role in. Visibily traumatized systems are shunned by all sides as a scapegoat so that the wide plural community seems better, seems "acceptable."
2. The plural acceptance movement is conditional.
If the wider plural community doesn't like someone or something, they are subsequently shunned and told they are undeserving of basic respect and dignity. People forget that acceptance for a community includes the entire community, even the people you don't like. It is a fact of life and progress, and yet people refuse to accept that.
3. The plural acceptance movement has trapped itself.
The glorified bastions of plural acceptance are almost exclusively online. There are limited support networks off the internet, and there is virtually no political bearing. The internet is safe for plurals, mostly, so why expand into the physical world? The wider plural community is scared of taking up physical space. The moment our defenses were raised, we ceased being on the offensive, and now we all stagnate in isolated internet corners, never progressing to genuine acceptance.
Ultimately, plural acceptance is a failure of a movement, and to treat it as if it had ever succeeded, at any point, is a ridiculous idea.
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traumascumathena · 7 months
You don't even have to imagine it. I lost multiple friends to a very well-known mass murderer when I was young, and I really wish I could say that the number of people who were uncomfortably open with being an introject of that very mass murderer that I've seen was zero, but I'd be lying. Some even had the audacity to get upset with me for invalidation, as if they were not insisting that I should call them by the name of the man who left my community with lasting trauma.
It's horrific and genuinely shameful to hear this is still happening. The system community is full of trauma survivors--and yet apparently, the highly publicized murder of loved ones is not trauma to some people.
My little hot take on this thing I've seen going around sysblr
People talking about how there's no difference when someone is sourced from a fictional murderer and irl murderer
It's like... you guys are aware that for example Jeff the killer never actually killed anyone right? Because it's fiction. There are no real suffering victims of his crimes. But actual real life serial killers/school shooters/etc have actual real life victims. Can you imagine how it must feel for the victims families and friends to go online and see people proudly talk about how they're sourced from someone who killed their loved ones? Like just think about it for a second.. it's a bit fucked up. I know you can't help who you introject but maybe detaching yourself from source as much as possible would be a good idea
I'm not going to source shame anyone regardless but I'd advise you to think about what you might be causing yk?
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traumascumathena · 7 months
When people talk about the ethics of "endos dni" and "traumagenics dni," I feel everyone dances around the idea of competing access needs, and how it's unhealthy for some people to exist in the same space as another group of people for morally neutral reasons.
For example, on my main account, I have endos and pro-endos in my dni. This isn't because I hate endos and want them to die--it's because it's unhealthy for me to exist in the same space as endos unless I am constantly monitoring myself.
I am rather susceptible to confusing other people's situations and realties with my own. So, if I am in the same space as an endogenic system where I do not constantly and actively monitor my thoughts, I start to believe myself to be a nondisordered system (entirely of my own subconscious thought; not due to any prompting), despite being a diagnosed DID system, and as such begin to get upset and confused by my disordering symptoms. To prevent this, I don't allow endogenic systems and people who actively post about the existence endogenic systems to interact with my main account, because I don't monitor myself as much when I use it.
And I understand that, for endogenic systems with the same susceptibility issues, interacting with traumagenic systems may pose similar dangers. Without active outside prompting, they might confuse themselves for a traumagenic system and search for trauma that they don't have, resulting in either constructing incorrect memories or doubting the existence of their own system.
I am not at a moral fault or this, and neither is this hypothetical endogenic system. Competing access needs exist, and everyone has the right to make and enforce spaces for their needs, even when this involves excluding others. There is no hatred, only the assurance of personal safety and well-being.
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traumascumathena · 8 months
something i never really understood was how everyone says "dont use narcissistic as an insult because its offensive to people with npd" but no one says "npd shouldnt be called npd. narcissistic is an unprofessional word to use in a diagnosis because of its negative connotations and its not fully accurate to the disorders symptoms anyways. npd being called such is evidence of the psychiatric systems huge flaws and we should not be entertaining it at all"
we really need to stop with these surface-level discussions of ableism like seriously what are we, liberals? lmao
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traumascumathena · 8 months
I really wish people would stop attacking well-backed theories they do not actually understand all that well just because they think it makes their argument look better. Shitting on the ToSD won't prove anything with regards to endogenic plurality, you're just being kind of an ass about a theory meant to apply to people with disorders. If endogenic systems are seperate and different from CDD systems, why do you feel a need to constantly rip apart disorder-related resources and concepts because they do not include endogenic systems? It's especially odd to me because the ToSD isn't even just about CDDs, it also aims to explain PTSD, C-PTSD, BPD, and several other disorders, but for some reason when it comes to DID and OSDD it's a problem.
I also wish we could have discussions about harmful practitioners without immediately jumping to discrediting their works. We can say someone is absolutely shitty as a human being without jumping to "they are a bad person, therefore they cannot possibly have done any important work in their field and all of their work should be thrown out".
A lot of pro/endo arguments relating to discrediting the ToSD in order to uplift endogenic systems feel really odd to me, because the ToSD is a theory meant to make sense out of dissociation in relation to trauma-based disorders - It doesn't really have anything to do with systems who do not fit a disordered framework in the way that the ToSD describes. Of course the ToSD wouldn't include endogenic or non-CDD systems, because it isn't a theory about plurality, it's a theory about trauma-related dissociation. It isn't meant to describe how All Plurality works, it's meant to describe how CDDs and other trauma-based disorders work.
I love y'all but I am begging you guys to learn to be normal about people with disorders. CDDs and endogenic non-CDD plurality are not interchangeable, and just as not every endogenic resource will be at all applicable or useful to understanding CDD systems, not every resource for CDD systems will be applicable to or include endogenic systems.
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