tridenfanxxx · 3 years
Forbidden Presidential Love
Hi, my name is Joe, but my closest friends call me Bi Bi. You may know me from my recent election campaign and my rise to presidency. I faced many challenges along the way, and ran against the seemingly bombastic and unlikable previous president, Donald Trump. What I didn’t know is that one day, I would be calling him my sweet, sweet Donny boy. 
Our personalities were so massively different, so how did we end up being so close? As I idly reminisced on the past, my little Donny boy rolled over in my arms and looked up at me with questioning eyes.
“Bi Bi, what are you thinking about right now? Forget about you worries, and just focus on us okay?” he said, as he stroked a soft, supple hand over my chiseled frame, his overly tanned face rubbing up on my chest, leaving streaks of orange love. 
“I’m sorry Donny boy, just thinking of the past, it’s nothing much.” I sighed as my arms tightened around him. 
“Now be a good boy and go to sleep, okay!” My Donny boy immediately became more subservient, and turned back over, fully leaning into his role as the tiny spoon. As we both drifted off, I wondered wether I could be any happier. 
I awoke at 6am sharp as I normally do, ready to begin work as the president of the United States. No matter how I beat my little Donny boy, he would only awake at 10am, and only after having been coddled by maids for a half hour previous. I had finally given up on trying, at least this way during his term he got much less done, which was a good thing. Rolling my eyes, I gave his plump buttocks a sensual squeeze before rolling out of bed and getting dressed. Behind me, Donny gave a soft moan before falling back asleep, oblivious to everything around him. As I drove to the white house, I prepared my excuse for why I stayed over at Donny’s residence in DC, again. It was getting harder and harder to hide our relationship from the people around us, particularly my wife. Donny had been facing pressure from Melania too, wondering why he hadn’t come back from his business trip to DC for 3 months. Him coming over for what was supposed to be a quick trip was how our relationship even started in the first place. At first, I just wanted to meet him to better connect with his side of America, and thus we shared a meal at the white house, just the two of us. As we talked more and more, and drank more and more, we started talking about our lives, and found out how unfulfilled we were both feeling both mentally and physically. One thing led to another, and the next thing I knew, I was spanking him tenderly with my belt as he moaned into my pillow, climaxing after each patriotic whipping. After a long night of presidential BDSM, I untied Donny boy and lay next to him, both exhausted but freed. 
Donny said in a still-quivering voice, “Can I call you Lincoln, cause you freed me from my sexual desires like Lincoln freed-“ 
“Hey hey Donny boy” I cut him off, “Uhhh, maybe don’t say that, that’s a little too edgy for a fanfiction.” 
Donny said apologetically, “I’m sorry Bi Bi, it’s my habit to be a li’l racist at times. (uwu)” 
“That’s not gonna cut it this time Donny boy, lick off the spray tan residue from my belt as your punishment” I said firmly. Donny looked at me with doe eyes but still began to lick off the spray tan like the obedient dog he is. After a while of watching, I took pity on him and began to reapply the struck-off spray tan, sensually rubbing it into his now pale butt…
Arriving back at the White House snapped me out of my thoughts as I struggled to abate my giant, throbbing erection I got while thinking about our first night. I got myself presentable, and walked into the White House, heading for my room, though I received some strange looks from the secret service agents I passed by. As I entered the presidential bedroom, I heard a faint gasp emerge from the bed, and turned to see my wife looking at me with wide eyes. 
“Joe, what is that on your pants?!” I looked down, and to my horror, there were traces of orange spray tan prints around my crotch where Donny had touched me the night before. How am I gonna get out of this?!?
To be continued…
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