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Like mothers, like sons.
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Some sass from Zag XD
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Part 4 character heacanons with Maki since I’m a dumb fuck. If I’m wrong in something ✨correct me pls✨ ignore typos my ass cant be bothered
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Mori! Moro! Mori! Morioh-cho Radio~!
Its been 10 years since the events in Egypt. Even if they lost some people they loved, Maki and Jotaro stayed together, choosing to fight the demons of the past with the help of each other. It was no surprise that they actually married few years after, and even had a beautiful daughter together, Jolyne.
After some informations about the stand arrows were revealed, thanks to the Speedwagon foundation investigation, Jotaro’s mission was clear. Go to the small peaceful town of Morioh and locate the stand arrow. Oh, and also, Joseph had a son. Who coincidentally lives in Morioh too…. The Joestars are Maki’s gift and a curse.
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Carnelian Ace ACT 2
To be blunt, a lot of shit happened during those 10 years.
Maki developed so much as a person, and same with Carnelian, who gained his ACT 2 form.
Dangerous chicken now more dangerous, more at 5
Now much more precise, skilled and lethal, with abilities that could harm you mentally and physically at the same time.
With ACT 2 he mainly developed his abilities with sound manipulation, Maki’s love of music and singing being a great help.
Tracking somebody by sound and feathers is a no problem to him.
When things go south, he doesn’t hesisate to use much more cruel ways of defending himself and Maki
Trying to hurt them? How about your whole body and nervous shutting down temporary at the hearing range of 20,000 Hz, ending where only dogs can hear it. But your body will.
Danger chicken aside, Carnelian stayed his good old self, maybe just understanding others a bit more, learning along with Maki how to read people much quicker. And how to finally open up to them.
10/10 stand, big older brother energy, will throw hands, also feed him pls he deserves it, fried chicken is his fav
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Jotaro Kujo
Ah yes, the ocean man, now the ocean husband.
Over time, he calmed down from his teenager angsty phase. He didn’t even mean to be so rude anyway, he just didn’t have a clue how emotions work.
He does now, at least a bit more.
The main thing that he knows is that he loves Maki as nobody else.
She is the person he wakes up to in the morning, who he spends his free time with, who he silently holds close when the nightmares wake him up during the dead of the night. He would do anything for her and she would do the same for him.
The past brought them so close, he can’t even imagine that he would be with somebody else. The only thing he wants is to protect her and Jolyne.
That’s why when the mission popped up, he immediately said he is going alone, no ifs or buts.
It was hard telling Maki he is leaving them for a short while. It boiled down into a big argument between the two, they did get along shortly after, but still.
Maki understands that he just wants to keep them safe, but goddamn does he think she can’t take care of herself. She saw worse and fought worse.
He goes to Morioh on his own at the end anyway, leaving Maki and Jolyne in their home alone.
After a day or two in Morioh, he does call back, to tell them that everything is alright and he’ll be back home soon
Weird, the phone line doesn’t work, nobody is picking up. Did he called the wrong number? Maybe they are just out.
And out they were
“What in the everloving fuck are you doing here!?”
“Missed me?”
Maki hauled her ass over as soon as she could, stopping by granny Holly to drop off Jolyne.
This woman is gonna be the end of him. He did miss her though…
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Josuke Higashikata
Their meeting was abrupt and out of nowhere, probably in the middle of a fight or dirently after it. 
Maki couldn’t believe her eyes at first, it was really another Joestar, she could feel one from kilometres away.
He reminds her of Joseph so much, the smile, the attitude. Old memories are coming back and she can’t help but hug the boy
He got along with her from the start, a person that could handle Jotaro’s shit is a saint in his eyes
May or may not cling to her like a child. He just admires her so much..
Maki is one of the few people that can touch his hair. He even lets her brush his hair. It means a lot to him.
“My name is Josuke HIgashikata! Nice to meet you Kujo-san!”
“I swear to Lucifer I will protect this child with my life”
He is right there for her any time of the day, if its fixing something she “accidentally” broke or healing an injuty, or helping her when she can’t walk in the morning….He also learned not to ask why.
Seeing him get hurt hurts Maki personaly. Touch the child, you will get beaten to near death that’s the rules
They have some deep conversations together after a while, he never knew how it feels to have a father and he would definitely ask Maki to tell him more about Joseph. 
He wanted to match with her so badly. He gifted her earrings with the same symbols as his school uniform’s.
Their tempers match so well together, like yes he will throw some hands for his friends, thats mutual with Maki too.
The poor boy is very confused with Maki’s shadow work, until all of this happened he didn’t even know how stands work. He would be interested in at least knowing what’s happening. But he really likes the cards, they look so pretty to him and he will nag Maki until she explains every single one to him.
Lowkey has a crush on her don’t judge him.
He swore to protect his mom and Morioh, now it extends to Maki too.
Still compreheding how its possible that such fucked up people like Kira exist, he needs at least a 5 hour vent session after all of this, or a therapy.
Overall, he loves her and the mom vibes are strong, just hug him and tell him he did a good job.
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Okuyasu Nishimura
Don’t think he’s dumb, he’s just a sweetheart guided by his heart. Impulsive pure child but he can be a bitch too.
Ok maybe he’s a little bit dumb but he’s smart too    
Meets Maki at the same time as Josuke, so he pretty much got front seats seeing Maki’s abilities, or better said, reasons not to fuck with her.
He thinks she’s cool as fuck
Also did he ever told anybody he find older women hot? Well now you know. No he did not stare at ther ass on multiple occasions.
He has trouble reading people and admires Maki’s ability to do so well. Like how the fuck can you sense somebody’s intentions.
Wouldn’t really want to know any of Maki’s work, it doesn’t interests him that much but he will respect it. He would accidentally drop a rude sentence here and there but he, in fact, just didn’t get that the thing he said was rude for her. 
Loves going out so much, this boy is a loud extrovert and he will drag his friends out, Maki included. The boy is also broke so bring your own money please.
Doesn’t get the consequences or weight of his actions that much.
“Then I trapped Koichi’s head between the gate”
“Honey you did wHAT”  
He lost the only brother he had so suddenly, even if he acts cheery and happy Maki knows that deep down he is stll grieving.
As a last resort he would ask Maki if she could help his father, since his condition is pretty much a curse. He doesn’t blame her if she says no or that there isn’t anything she can do. He understands
Their fathers had similiar fates when you think about it, it would be probably a bonding point for them.
Maki visiting his run down house and being kinda just “Bitch you live like this”
Dumbass energy condensed in a person, but he genuinely cares for Maki.
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Koichi Hirose
Ok listen this is her child, she knew him for day and a half and if anything happends to him, she will kill everybody in th 5 mile radius and then herself
The first thing she did meeting him was probably kneel down
Koichi is a very polite person (with some exceptions) and would probably refuse to call Maki by her name, adressing her Kujo-san for the majority of the time, only doing calling her Maki after she insisted on it. 
Just a proud mother overall, seeing him finally standing up for himself, gaining confidence and courage in his actions is just a blessed sight for her.
He has enough school stuff in his head, Maki explaining her work to him wouldn’t stay in his head for long. 
He doesn’t have a clue what Acts of stands mean at the time when it happends to him for the first time. Hearing Maki has an ACT 2 stand too, he would go to her for support 
He could literally just point at something in a store or just mention a thing he needs and he would get it, Maki the fairy godmother. 
Maki sees his intelligence and strong-mindness quickly and its her that offers him to work for the Speedwagon Foundation later in life
Maki may or may not intentionally called him Coochie once or twice. He didn’t really react, he just kinda stared into the wall like it’s a camera in The Office 
He went from “Holy shit what can I do I’m gonna fucking D I e” to “First I pummel you to the ground, then I’ll go home and do my math homework”
The way his stand talks is just the way he would want to if he could, so Maki wasn’t really surprised when she heard him go off on somebody when they were in a fight or just the two of them.
“The second we find that fucking cocksucker, he’s a dead man”
“…..Same dear”
Maki helps him with english a lot, he passed his exams thanks to her and he couldn’t be more thankful. 
Missed Maki a lot when she finally went away, he was over the moon when he learned that Maki is going to visit for Josuke’s and his graduation.
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Rohan Kishibe
Green Primadona
He didn’t really care at first, she’s just another Joestar in his way.
Maki didn’t either, but then he got in a fight with her children and now its personal
Things slowly settled with the two…slowly. Maki being an artist too definitelly helps
Maki got along super quickly with his wife, so now he doesn’t see her just occasionally while investigating, but also in his living room during evenings, drinking tea with his wife and playing with his kid
Lowkey butthurt about it, but in reality he just hates strangers in his house. After some time he even joins them.
He has slopes where he feels like he is the most important person in the universe and then feeling like complete trash, basically “ Cause I feel like I’m the worst, so I always act like I’m the best” in a person. 
When he finally brushes off his pride and..you know…actually tries talking to people in a friendly manner, he asks Maki to tell him about her missions, about Egypt, even her childhood. He could just use Heaven’s Door, but he decides to do it this way. Having just regular chat with his somewhat friends feels nice
Also Seiko said no
He finds Maki’s shadow work very interesting, but he is mainly intrigued by the symbolisms and meanings. If she agreed, he would try to use it in his manga. He never really wrote about spiritual things a lot, it could be a nice change.
He did n o  t  know seeing ghosts is possible, he was freaked out, give him an explaination pls
Maki has to admit that he has a good-ass fashion sense, she respects the drip.
Looking through his bitchy exterior, he’s just a concerned workoholic dad at the end of the day
“Wait, don’t move an inch! I want to sketch your expression”
“Rohan this is called being fucking pissed”
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Yoshikage Kira
This vile thing
The second he went out from his workplace, he wasn’t even on the same side of the road as her.
Dread and uneassines fell down her spine.
Actually meeting him, she saw  twisted black-as-night energy, hanging heavy on his shoulders like a fucking backpack, making it even hard to breathe near him.
The foul aura of a murderer hanged around her neck every time she came to a close contact with him
It took her exactly one look to see who he really is. Polished and mannered outside hiding a sick and twisted killer.
Ye this was fucked up from childhood nothing we can help.
At first she can’t decode if he is a wicked demon, bad spirit, omen of death or just a fucked up human
Seeing her husband and her dear friends being hurt by him makes her blood boil. She makes it her personal goal to wring his neck.
Maki’s abilities helped greatly in identifying them, since she told Rohan where he should start looking
This dude’s energy is like a slime trail, but for some reason its hard to read. 
Kira saw her too, even got interested in her pretty hands, not sparing a creepy remark or two. 
He thinks of her as a beautifel woman, but a pain in his ass nonetheless.
“It breaks my heart getting rid of such a charming woman”
“Shove it up your ass, blond bitch boy”
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Hotel room - 8 pm - Tired Maki
After a long while of traveling Crusaders settled in a fancy hotel, Joseph booking each their own room. As Maki plopped down her bag and looked around her cozy hotel room, her stand, Carnelian Ace decided to make an appearance.
Glancing at her stand she asked,”What is it Carnelian? Is something wrong?”
Her almost sentient stand responded back quickly as he plopped down on the soft mattress of a king sized bed.
Yes, Joseph wasn’t the one to not spend his money on his fellow teammates. They were, after all, helping him save his darling daughter Holly.
“I noticed you and edgy boy getting closer, what’s that about?”
Maki simply rolled her eyes and started unpacking her basic necessities such as toothbrush, toothpaste and of course her deck of cards. It was good to have an insight to another day on a trip like this.
“You already know Carnelian, what made you bring up the question.”
Her mischievous stand smiled and answered almost sounding smug,
“Well me and Star Platinum have been noticing quite a lot.”
This statement made Maki stop for a second and look at Carnelian,
“You AND Star?”
Incredulous question made Carnelian laugh,
“Well of course! Have you not noticed the looks our teams edge lord gives you?”
Maki simply shook her head. Prompting a heavy sigh from her stand. Sometimes she wondered how the hell was her stand so..her. But that’s a given she guessed. She was pulled out of her thoughts by a soft “Ora” echoing from behind her, turning around she saw Star Platinum floating near her door with a worried look on his face.
Picking up the unusual worry some expression of usually stoic or happy stand she immediately asked
“Is something wrong there Star?”
She was met with an approving “Ora” this time a little louder. She stepped closer to the stand, placing her small hand on his forearm, she wouldn’t reach his shoulder even if she tried so this is the best she could do.
“Is it Jotaro again?”
This time she was met with a more irritated response, turning to Carnelian who just answered with a nod. She sighted. ‘Yeah, I guess we have something in common with Carnelian’
She wrapped her hand around Star’s fingers and led him towards the bed, which they sat upon.
“Alright big guy, what’s up.”
This question sent the purple giant into a frenzy of different tones ora’s from sad through angry, finally ending with disappointed. Along with a lot off different gestures.
Despite the fact that Star Platinum wasn’t able to say anything else besides “Ora” she fully understood what he was saying. Courtesy of Carnelian and his abilities.
As Star was regaining his breath from the onslaught of information he bestowed upon his user’s teammate, he glanced beside him to look at her and Carnelian. Both seemed to be deep in thought.
Silence was broken by Carnelian, “So let me get this straight there’s something happening to Jotaro right now.”
“And you know he can’t handle it alone.”
“Does he even know you’re here?”
This time it was Maki’s turn.
“So you snuck out and came here to get help, because you think I can help him.”
“Ora Ora Ora!” At this Star picked up his cheery mood again, happy that beside Jotaro someone else could understand him.
At this Maki sighed and massaged her forehead. Peeking at Star Platinum through her fingers,
“Can you at least tell me what is it about?”
Before Star could even answer she continued
“Wait let me guess it’s yUckY fEeLingS”
This sent Carnelian and Star Platinum himself to a small giggle fit,but he nodded.
“Damn Star, lead the way.”
Exiting her room, she followed Star Platinum’s gesture to go up.
Her room was on the 3rd floor along with Kakyoin and Polnareff.
Jotaro, Avdol and Joseph had their rooms on the 5th floor. So that must’ve meant Jotaro’s room was technically above hers.
Star Platinum stood before a door looking at Maki who seemed to be a bit nervous. Star reached out his hand and ruffled Maki’s hair along with a happy smile as a sign of reassurance.
She motioned for Carnelian to leave them alone to which he reluctantly obliged.
Steeling herself, she knocked on the door a couple of times.
The anticipation was kinda dawning upon her.
She agreed to help her teammate. Trying her hardest to brush any other possible feelings aside, though no matter how Maki tried it seemed impossible.
‘Fuck you Jotaro Kujo’ she silently cursed under her breath as the door swung open, revealing none other than the big man himself. Dressed in what seemed to be pajamas,
Consisting of loose pair of black pants. That’s it.
Not only did she get a face full of abs but also a pretty cold glare from Jotaro.
“What do you want?”
Yikes, icier than usual.
“I’m going to be frank with you, Star Platinum came to me. What’s happening.” She put it more like a demand than a question, but dancing around a subject with Jotaro was pointless, she learned that quickly.
This made Jotaro sigh and start closing the door with his signature, admittedly overused, phrase.
Only to be stopped by not one but two stands. One of them being his own.
Star Platinum glared daggers at his user as he held the door along with the infamous pain-in-the-ass Carnelian Ace.
Jotaro and Maki exchanged looks, Maki trying her best to look as serious as possible.
“Yard yare daze..come in.”
Entering the room much same as her own she followed the man, who just sat on the bed with slight huff.
Maki took a deep breath and closed door. She felt like she just walked in the lion’s den. She felt Jotaro’s eyes scan her movements. His gaze felt cold,but not uncomfortable.
Turning to Jotaro, she propped herself against the doorway that separates entrance space and bedroom itself. With a hardened look in her eyes she began,
“So tell me, what is it?”
She tried her best to be firm,but not cold in her question. They’ve just got out of hassle with Wheel Of Fortune, they were all quite spent, though she couldn’t let the dark haired man bury another stir of emotions and thoughts.
“It’s nothing.”
Jotaro was hell bent on not talking to anyone for a while, but his own stand seemed to deem otherwise. He felt scared,sad and angry.
During the fight with Wheel Of Fortune, the very woman standing before him, almost got gravelly injured if it weren’t for Kakyoin’s reflexes. Not his own. He was grateful to Kakyoin for saving Maki, but he couldn’t help but blame himself for not steering her out of the way himself.
“Oh, so that’s why.”
Said statement jerked him out of his mind. Looking at Maki with a hint of surprise. Right, a mind reader. Curse that damn stand ability.
This prompted a snort from Maki, making a way towards Jotaro to sit on the bed as well, though a bit further from him.
“Yeah, I hate it too sometimes. I don’t necessarily need to hear Polnareff going off about another woman in his mind. Though sometimes it can be funny.”
Looking directly into Jotaro’s eyes, she continued
“Nonetheless it helps me in situations like this. Listen here, Kujo and listen well.”
This time Jotaro turned his body towards her, a subtle sign of listening.
“How you feel is valid, okay and you feel that way for a reason. It’s okay to not want to show you emotions before others, you don’t want to show them weakness. We all cherish that. We are all grateful for that, but none of us wants to see you bear emotional burdens all on your own. Especially me.”
Keeping the eye contact for a little while longer, Jotaro reached over and grabbed Maki, only to then pull her into his lap and hug her.
Maki let out a surprised yelp, expecting everything but this from Jotaro. Soon shaking herself out of her surprise she hugged the big man back.
Really, she couldn’t help but wonder how this mountain of a man, at least compared to her 165cm ass, couldn’t ask for help. She guessed it was a thing of pride and caring.
They stayed like that for a while. Just hugging and enjoying each other’s presence. It was only when Star Platinum materialized hugging both of them, she knew things were better.
Emotions are very personal and sometimes hard to explain,one thing Maki knew for sure. She also knew that no one has to suffer through them alone.
Looking at Jotaro and Star Platinum, who was still squeezing life out of them both, she couldn’t help but laugh. Sounds prompting a ghost of a smile on Jotaro.
“Yare yare daze, I guess it’s not so bad when I don’t have to directly talk.”
Earning himself a small “fuck you” from the girl he held.
Maybe it’s really not so bad.
0 notes
Headcanons for my best friend’s oc with Stardust Crusaders cuz why not who can stop us anyway
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After the crashing of the plane that was meant to get her to her much deserved vacation and the stress-induced manifestation of her newly acquired stand, Riama Maki joined the group of odd men on their quest to defeat Dio. Or as she likes to call him, blond fuck.
Carnelian Ace
Maki’s stand that manifested himself from the pure need to protect his user.
For fighting he mainly uses the feathers from his wings. He uses them as sharp knives that can fly trough the air at incredible speed. Carnelian can fully control the movements of his feathers.
His secondary ability is seeing through people’s lies and deception. He quickly analyses people, taking in their energy and showing the person’s real intentions to Maki. He, however, can’t see through lies of somebody that truly believes them. Delusional and particularly strong-willed people are very hard to crack.
Carnelian Ace shows signs of a semi-developed personality and can even talk to other stand users.
Even if stands do not require food, Carnelian loves eating. His favorite is KFC and other junk food (and whatever he can snatch from other people).
Carnelian Ace is extremely cautious of Maki, he adores her and he does everything to keep her safe. He scouts every area before allowing Maki to enter.
A huge drama queen, he can and will copy other people’s movements, adding extra overexaggeration just to see Maki smile.
Sometimes refuses to deactivate just so he can spend more time with Maki.
Gets extremely jealous if she spends too much time with other people, or even other stands. You ever seen an angry peacock? Yeah, that’s Carnelian.
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Probably the most disinterested in Maki from the way he acts towards her. Boy if that was true.
At first he thought that she was just another loud bimbo, but after he saw what kind of person Maki truly is, he can’t help but feel his heart skip a beat when she’s near.
Even if Maki can get a bit annoying for his standarts, he still silently adores her.
He knows that Maki can hold herself in a fight and he admires her abilities. Seeing trough other people just by looking at them? Still amazing to him.
He actually cares for her a lot, he just can’t bring himself to tell her anything
“I’m kinda cold” “So what, I don’t control the fucking weather”
Seconds after, Maki had Jotaro’s jacked around her shoulders
Maki understands Jotaro’s personality and even uncourages him to speak up to people more.
When they had a more serious talk, he told her how he gets how she feels, that he knows how it feels just getting a stand out of nowhere. He’s still confused about a lot of things, just like her, and that helps them bond somehow.
Probably called her a cutie by accident once, Polnareff didn’t let that slide for weeks
When she sits on his lap in the car, he keeps his stoic expression and his gaze out of the window. His hands are draped over her thighs but thats just for safety purposes, of course.
He can’t help but smile at the memory of Maki whacking Joseph with a metal pipe and probably would indirectly tell her to do it again
If Maki feels down, he doesn’t really know what to do. He’ll muster up some courage and give her a semi-awkward side hug. She appreciates it a lot, even if he doesn’t believe her.
Nicknames - Jotaro would call her by her last name, occasionally by her first one. He was never into pet names or nicknames. Aside from that one time he called her a cutie
Carnelian Ace with Star Platinum - Star platinum doesn’t show up on his own that much so beside battles, they don’t see each other much
Carnelian clearly shows signs of respect towards both Jotaro and Star Platinum alike, even if they’re both hard to read at first.
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Lord save this Boomer from Maki’s shenanigans.
“What the hell is a yeet?”
Even if their first meeting was kinda rocky, Joseph took liking to her in no time.
He agreed to take her along after witnessing her stand’s abilities, especially his personality. He never seen a stand act so human-like, it only proves that she’s a strong-willed woman.
He IS a married man, but he just can’t help but look at her in a different light than just a group member.
The way she walks, looks, holds herself, her cheerful personality. It doesn’t take long and he realizes he caught feelings for her.
He’ll beat himself up for his feelings towards her. But as soon as Maki starts flirting back, his head stops thinking rationally. He’s hooked.
He cares for her a lot and shows it too. Is she hungry? Fancy restaurant it is. Cold? Watch him buy her some comfortable clothes. Group needs a new car? Maki gets to pick. This man is loaded and ready to share.
Joseph has kind of a hard time with her goofball attitude. He doesn’t get a lot of references or jokes. He certainly doesn’t understand how can she call him a bitch with such a lovely tone.
M - “And for that we got our bitch right here” *points at Joseph*
“Excuse me dear?”
When they get some alone time, Joseph would love to talk with her on and on. Not because he’s selfish or anything, she would just be happy to tell his stories from his younger years to her.
“Maki! Wanna hear how I got this hand?”
He played a prank on her that his hand fell off. She didn’t fall for it.
When he thinks about it, her calm and collected but still joy-filled persona reminds him of a certain friend he had. Maybe he’ll tell her about him someday.
Normally, he is the one to drive. But when he switches with Avdol during the night, he loves to have her on his lap. He cuddles her close, resting his chin on her head. When nobody is looking and he makes sure she is asleep, he kisses her temple and apologizes for luring her into this mess.
Nicknames - Honey, dear, darling. He won’t spare any moment where he can call her something sweet.
Carnelian Ace with Hermit Purple - Joseph’s stand really doesn’t have communicating abilities, but Maki had certain innappropriate thoughs about the potential use of the stand that Carnelian just silently judged her for.
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Right from the start, Kakyoin was the nicest one out of the bunch. He was quick to chat with Maki to even his surprise, normally he is quite shy in the presence of such a cute girl.
He loves showing Maki his sketchbooks and paintings, since she loves art just like he does.
“Maki-senpai, can I draw you? Your face is so cute like this.”
He would be lying if he said he didn’t find her attractive.
Honestly, those two are a nightmare together. At least one of them has to sleep for the others to get at least an ounce of quiet.
Since nobody can understand their japanese in the later parts of their journey, those two are quick to yell dumb shit out of the rolled down car windows.
Polnareff low-key loves it, Jotaro is this 👌close from kicking the two out of the car, Avdol is done most of the time and Joseph just accepts it.
“Can you two stop drawing dicks in the back for a minute and listen?”
That morning Joseph awoke with a dick scribbled with a sharpie on his forehead. Culprit still unknown.
One night, sharing a room, Kakyoin got serious and told Maki about his childhood. How he grew up with his stand that nobody could see, how alone and lost he felt. He never had a friend like her and he couldn’t be more grateful.
He found a best friend and he loved every second of it.
“You like my earrings? Do you want to try them on?”
He loves when she sits on his lap in the car. He pulls her close to him and watches her sketch.
Nicknames - from respectful “Maki-senpai” to straigh up “You dumb hoe”. They even have pretend-arguments where they curse out each other just for the fun of it.
Carnelian Ace with Hierophant Green - Oh, Hierophant green makes Carnelian’s blood boil. When he gets near Maki, he speard his wings in an attempt to “scare him away”. He looks like a paralyzed chicken but don’t tell him that.
No amount of telling could change Carnelian’s mind, Hierophant Green is as good as gone for him.
In reality, he’s just jealous, don’t mind him
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Meet the voice of reason
He senses something from her right from the beginning. Her energy was different from any he felt in years.
“I do believe Mr. Joestar chose right, Miss Riama”
After learning that she understands fortune telling he’s even more convinced that it was pure fate that brought her to them.
He’s so glad somebody that understands spiritual matters joined. Not that he doesn’t like the others, it just feels nice to have a 4 hour long infodump conversation with somebody that is just as interested in the topic as him.
Generally a caring and polite person with the wiser older brother vibes.
He understands that you’re young amd you love having fun, he’s just extremely confused most of the time.
He is always like an open book towards her, not even once he had to be suspicious of her.
He tells her about his culture, his beliefs and how he works with deities.
It was a nice surprise to learn that Maki works with demons, he knows how antagonized they and people that work with them are and reassures her that he is nothing like that.
They even exchange protecting sigils
Once saw Polnareff trying to build a tower out of her tarot card deck and he never wanted to slap a bitch that much.
“I have never seen so much disrEsPECT”
He was very glad he could show her the country he’s from. He was sure she would love it as much as he does.
He avoids having her on his lap, only if its really necessary. Not because of her of course, he is just very respectful and to be honest, shy.
If he really has to, he keeps his hands for himself. But he will hug her if she really demands it
Nicknames - Probably the only one to call you Miss or Riama, he once jumbled her full name and he’s embarassed to this day.
Carnelian Ace with Magician’s Red - Those two found each other. Magician’s Red doesn’t communicate, but judging by the expressions and the weird dances him and Carnelian do, Maki knows Carnelian adores them both.
Two chicken men basically. They even sit perched up next to each other, its kinda cute. Watch Avdol blush about it.
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French-flavored simp
Maki totally got some creep vibes from him at the start.
He starts flirting with her the second he gets the chance.
Get ready to hear every shitty pick-up line in history delivered in shitty french-accented english.
At first, he is completely set back by her attitude. Loud but calm, always joking but serious too. Black or white, never the middle and he loved it.
Maki’s feet hurt? Its his personal duty to carry her on his back, or bridal-style to the nearest resting spot.
Once they got their hands on few bottles of wine together and that night all of them got kicked out of the hotel
It took him exactly 1 and a half of a day to start teaching Maki french swear-words.
“If you want to tell somebody to fuck off, you say this.”
Kinda regrets it later, now he gets called a bitch in three languages.
Maki called him a “Crispy creme cunt” once and he cried for a solid minute.
This man is is touch-starved, please hug him.
Slapped Maki’s ass once on “accident” , he never knew how much strenght can one woman have in her right fist.
One night, they met on a balcony, just the two of them. They light up a cig together and talked about everything and nothing.
He told her what happened to his sister, about him siding with Dio at first, how used he felt. Maki never thought she would see him cry like that.
“You remind me of her so much, I just want to keep you safe”
He gets angry when she sits on somebody else’s lap even tho it was his turn. This man will complain.
Finally having her for himself, he keeps one of his hands on her thighs and the other around her waist. Squished close, he rests his head on the crook of her neck.
Nicknames - She’ll get called every cheesy romantic pet name that there is. Of course “Ma chère” is his go-to one.
Carnelian Ace with Silver Chariot - Red flags from the very start. Carnelian won’t leave for a second if Silver Chariot is out and Polnareff’s ass is around Maki.
Even though Maki knows Polnareff is harmless, try to tell it to an overprotective-chicken man
Carnelian especially hates Chariot’s eyes, he even covered Maki with his wings so Chariot wouldn’t stare at her
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Part 4 Jotaro as a sugar Daddy
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I did not see part 4 yet. I just stumbled upon his design and whew I just had to.
- Will edit once I watch it -
-this man will spoil you, wordlessly
-get used to finding bags of expensive clothes on your doorstep with a note
-you need money for books or any study material in general? This man will provide. He likes it when his sugar baby wants to work on themselves.
-he heard about a restaurant with a giant aquarium in it, he takes you there ASAP
- you once mentioned about wanting to take a vacation in Bali as joke. He did not take it as a joke. Watch him pay for a whole month in Bali for you and your friends. He would love to go,but work needs him.
-he will request you to update him daily on how you like it there
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