tritch808 · 3 years
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Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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tritch808 · 3 years
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Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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tritch808 · 4 years
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tritch808 · 4 years
Even now, ignorance, fear, and misunderstanding run ramped in mainstream society. Great explanations of the truth.
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tritch808 · 4 years
Fantastic Post. Models you can use in Chaos Magick or not
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tritch808 · 4 years
Finally Jason Garret is gone and the Mike McCarthy era begins. He is a great coach with a Super Bowl ring (XLV). But the main question is whether Jerry Jones can just stay the hell out of it and let the coach coach. As former quarterback Troy Aikman has recently pointed out:“There are some teams out there that really want to win. I mean, everybody wants to win, right? But some teams will do anything they can and they don’t even know where to begin. There is more than one way to win. I understand that and I appreciate that.
But in Dallas, the way we did it, the only way it has been done under the Jones ownership has been with the head coach that everyone answered to. There was no question in the locker room who was determining our future and that was Jimmy Johnson…
Why wouldn’t you go back to what worked?”
We shall see and I have a feeling that the Star of Americas Team is on the rise.
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tritch808 · 4 years
10 Real Wizards 10.Nicholas Flamel
We have all heard of and maybe even seen real witches that lived among us but when it comes to wizards, we limit them to Harry Potter books. The closest we have ever come to “real” magic is the various magicians we watch on TV. But it’s time for David Blaine and Chris Angel to step aside and make way for these ten wizards that were far from fictional. These men took magic to a very different level and raised more than an eyebrow when spoken about. So, let us take a closer look at these real life wizards and what they did to make it onto this list.
Most Harry Potter fans would know this name. He was the French wizard who created the philosophers stone and was over 600 years old when he knew Dumbledore. Of course, this was just a book and movie. In real life, Flamel was known to have been involved in alchemy. Researchers have written that Flamel indulged in the dark arts while he was travelling to Santiago de Compostela. After he became a wizard, people noticed that Flamel and his wife became extremely wealthy and they concluded that he used his magical powers to do so. While the truth is not really known, people say that his wealth came from the two shops he owned and ran and from his wife’s inheritance. Nicholas Flamel died in the year 1418 but his story is still being told today.
9. Hayyim Samuel Jacob Falk
Rabbi Hayyim Samuel Jacob Falk was born in Germany in the year 1708 but fled to London in fright of being burnt to death. He entered London in the 1940’s and he was instantly known as the Baal Shem of London because of his impressive mystic skills. Apparently he could move objects with his mind and he even once filled a cellar with coal by using a few incantations. It has also been said that the rabbi saved the Great Synagogue in London from a fire just by writing a few words in Hebrew on the pillars. He even gave a magical ring to the Duke of Orleans to ensure that the succession to the throne would remain within the family. The ring was handed down to the Dukes son who eventually became French King Louis Philippe.
Born in 1493 as Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, Paracelsus was a brilliant man who excelled in medicine, astrology, botany and alchemy. He is the person who named zinc and he is responsible for tracking the psychological roots to numerous illnesses. Paracelsus used astronomy along with his medicines to treat his patients and believed that in order for man to have good health, they had to be in harmony with nature. He developed the “Alphabet of the Magi” which is a magical language that calls upon spirits to help in the healing process of patients. He became famous for his “magical healing” methods where he combined medicine, astronomy and alchemy together to treat people in his own way.
Also known as Gerard Encausse, the great Papus was born in the year 1865. He was an occult writer and even wrote many books on the dark arts which he practiced regularly. In the year 1888, Papus founded an occult group named the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix. While participating in his group, he was a part of other magic societies such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light. His biggest known magical outing was during the 1900’s when he visited Tsarina Alexandra and Tsar Nicholas II in Russia. In 1905 when he visited the Russian family, he conjured the Tsar’s father’s spirit who said that the throne would be lost by Nicholas II by an uprising of the people. He even said that the uprising would not happen as long as Papus is alive. When the wizard died, Nicholas II was overthrown just 141 days later.
6.Hew Draper
In the 1500’s, Hew Draper used to run an inn but was caught and imprisoned in the Tower of London because it was rumored that he would indulge in sorcery. When he was questioned about it, he accepted that he was fond on magic but he had burnt all his alchemy books. While he was in the Tower, he decided to add to the many drawings engraved by the previous prisoners. What he decided to add to the walls was something that took everyone by surprise. He engraved a detailed astrological design and completed it with all the zodiac signs. He then wrote his name and a date – 30th May, 1561. No one knew why he decided that date but when the day came, he disappeared. He did not escape and neither did he die in the prison or anywhere else in the city
People were then convinced that he was wizard.
5. Cornelius Agrippa
Often referred to as the greatest magician of his time, Agrippa was an outstanding writer. He wrote quite a few books on the workings of the dark arts and their uses. One of his most famous books is the “De Occulta Philosophia Libra Tres” which roughly translates into “Three Books of Occult Philosophy”. It was a book that showed a system of magic that worked on three levels – The natural magic or alchemy and astronomy and the vocal magic or the summoning of spirits. He believed and wrote that all magic was rooted in divine work. Agrippa studied the occult and it functioning and practiced it to a point where he wrote about summoning spirits to get rid of pests around the house. Although Agrippa was a powerful wizard, he finally gave it up around 1530. He was sure that studying and believing in the occult would take him to hell. He even warned readers in his last book about using these powers but why he suddenly decided to leave the dark arts remains a mystery.
4. John Dee
Dee was both a mystical and a scientific adviser to England’s Queen Elizabeth I. He was a very intelligent man who took to studying every field he could get his hands on. He published a book called Monas Hyroglyphica which was a glyph that represented creation and its unity. Soon after his theoretical take on the spirit world, he wanted more and looked for a way to connect with the spirits directly. It was then that Dee met Edward Talbot (later to be known as Edward Kelley). Kelley was a close partner and sorcerer to Dee and they both travelled Europe displaying their magical skills to royalty. In the year 1587, Kelley told Dee that he had spoken to the “angels” and they told him that the duo needed to share each other’s wives. John Dee left Edward and returned back to England after hearing this and became a warden in Manchester at Christ’s College.
3.Edward Talbot
Also known as Edward Kelley, Talbot was a close friend and accomplice to John Dee. They both spent a few years in Europe sharing their love for magic. Kelley was believed to have created Enochian (a magical alphabet). He even claimed that he used a crystal ball to speak to spirits. Unlike John Dee who put more faith in theoretical magic, Kelley was a believer in alchemy. He discovered a magical book in the 1580’s called “Book of Dunstan”. This book apparently had a spell that could turn any metal into gold by using a magic red powder. When the pair of Dee and Kelley split up, Kelley remained in Europe and continued his work with alchemy. Vilem Rozmberk, a Bohemian Count gave Kelley many estates and in the year 1590, King Rudolph II knighted the alchemist. Sadly, the king arrested him in the year 1591 for murder but rumors say his arrest was because the king wanted him to turn metal to gold for him. When Kelley agreed, he was released but in the year 1595, he was arrested again because he went back on his promise. He was finally imprisoned in the Hnevin Castle till he could turn metal into gold.
2. Eliphas Levi
If we read about Victorian age magic, Eliphas Levi’s name is bound to come up. He was the man who wrote “Transcendental Magic, its Doctrine and Ritual” which was the biggest influence on many occult societies around the world. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was one of the many societies that based its functioning on this very book. He began his magical work in the year 1853 when he met Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Lytton was an author who introduced Levi to Rosicrucianism (a secret magical society based in medieval Germany). He introduced tarot cards and gave them the importance they have today as well as associating the inverted pentacle to evil and the upright one to good. His biggest work was that he introduced the three basic principles of magic around the Victorian age: They were
That the human willpower could achieve both ordinary and miraculous feats,
That what we see in the materialistic universe is just one part of reality and
That a human person is a reflection of the universe on a tiny level and that they are linked and if they act on one, the other could be affected as well.
1.Alister Crowley
This man was named as “the wickedest man in the world” and for good reason. He was the biggest occultist in the world and shaped the way modern occultists worked with magic. He was very interested in alchemy and he later joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in the year 1898. He believed in bisexuality which gave him a reputation and helped him rise through the ranks in the Hermetic Order. His beliefs and functioning was the root cause of the feuds between the London and French branches of the Order. He soon left the society and started his own occult group. He founded the A.A in 1907, which was a society that was based on Thelemic beliefs that he had formed. He claimed that he was given instructions from Aiwass who was the messenger of Horus (Egyptian God). Apparently this messenger told him that he a new age prophet. His society started the law “do what thou wilt”. He then settled in Sicily. Crowley not only conjured spirits from ancient Egypt, he was involved in the regression of death and claimed to recover memories from his previous life as Eliphas Levi.
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tritch808 · 4 years
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tritch808 · 4 years
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I’ll call this “traditional” because it’s merely one of many ways to meet the same end. There are some methods more popular than others, but this is my method – a method not so set in stone, I might add. Adaptions are always welcome, this is but a guide. As I’m sure you all well know (and this is mostly for those who don’t) – The Devil is not synonymous with the Christian Satan or the Muslim Shayṭān, but rather an archaic being pre-dating the Christian conquest of Europe. He exists in many forms, under many names – but serves much the same purpose: a force of Enlightenment. He is the Keeper of the Arcane, whisperer of Mysteries, the Intercessor but do not fall under the notion that He is wholly benevolent (nor wholly malevolent) for, so too, is he the Trickster, The Fool and the Hanged Man. In these capacities, he can be likened to Hermes/Mercury, the Lwa Legba, and Exu  – Keeper of Wisdoms, but ones that must be earned. You will be Tested – and he will decide if you are worthy of His knowledge.
To Evoke The Devil:
Go forth to a Crossroads at the edge of town – the more secluded and forested, the better – near midnight or when the moon is New. Take with you the blood of a chicken or horned animal, two black candles tied into an “X,” anointing oil, a crown woven of (young, malleable) oak or hickory – as well as a staff or limb of the same, and an accelerant of your choosing (I always used 91% isopropyl alcohol as it burns clean – however, it’s temperamental in colder weather). Optionally, bring pemba or chalk if your crossroads lacks any dirt to draw in.
When you feel the time is upon you, mark in the dirt with your finger or a stray branch, the symbol of the crossroads (the + in a circle, in this instance). Adorn your head with the crown, place the candle(s) at the center of the circle (at the cross) and with the staff/limb, knock the ground in the sequence of: knock … knock-knock … knock-knock-knock – Take the blood and drizzle around the circle in a counterclockwise fashion. Light the two candles and anoint your brow with the oil. Sit before the circle on your knees and bow in the traditional manner (sitting on your heels with your arms stretched out before you and your forehead just off the ground) – ball your fists and knock in the same fashion as above – asking the Devil to come forth. Repeat three times.
Return to your upright position and wait patiently until there is a change in the air or His presence is revealed. Beseech him in whispers – be not commanding, but receptive – and allow His behavior to influence your own. For instance, if he is stern and stoic, be solemn. But if his behavior is relaxed, exuberant and playful – feel free to be so. I’ve only ever experienced the latter. The Devil comes as jubilant and child-like to me, teasing and joking – but I know this isn’t the case for all. Most importantly, be genuine and be respecting. Crossroads beings always have a way of seeing through any farce you attempt to construct – so save yourself and them some time by being open and honest to begin with. They are knowing – don’t underestimate them.
This is but the building of the bridge. Do not yet ask for anything, merely introduce yourself and note what it is that you wish to receive from this relationship and how you might honor the knowledge imbued on you.
When the communion is done – remove the crown from your head and place it in the circle. Drizzle it with anointing oil and the accelerant, and set it alight with the candles. Extinguish the candles and lay them in the flaming wreath.
Take three steps back from the circle, and whisper the words “DIABOLUS – LIBERA ME,” turn away and do not look back – as is customary with all crossroads rituals.
Prepare, for you will be tested in some way or another – knowingly or not.
Pictured is Hermes: “ So-called “Hermes Ingenui” after the inscription on the pedestal indicating the name of the sculptor or of the donator. Hermes wears his usual attributes: kerykeion (or herald’s staff), kithara, petasus (round hat), traveller’s cloak and winged temples. Marble, Roman copy of the 2nd century BC after a Greek original of the 5th century BC.”
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tritch808 · 4 years
Cursing the liar, deceiver and manipulater for their deeds!
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tritch808 · 5 years
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tritch808 · 5 years
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tritch808 · 5 years
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Hermes in his role of psychopomp as the dead reach to him in desperation. One of the, if not the best depictions of him.
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tritch808 · 5 years
Spirit Work: Do You Qualify?
I keep seeing people approach spirit work like it’s no big deal. They’re drawn to it through companionship, demonology, angels, contact with the dead, faerie craft, tulpamancy, servitors, thoughtforms, deity worship, etc. There’s a lot that can fall beneath spirit work or be related to it in some form where people eventually end up looking at spirit work eventually.
What is spirit work?
Spirit work is the act of working with and communicating with spirits. Spirits can range in variety from fae, mermaids, demons, angels, dragons, etc. Then there’s subspecies of whatever species you may be able to come up with off the top of your head. They can be malicious or benign, humanoid or inhumane, lifelong presence in your life or a passing existence. They can be immortal, deities, sexual or nonsexual, weak and strong. Spirits are so diverse, it’s hard to label them all as a whole because of how many different species there are and societies with their own politics and way of life. They’re incorporeal and can be found around you or in the astral, some even within your dreams. They are as real as you and me. Generally, you want to be respectful and not treat them like Pokémon to be tamed. They are wild and free. This doesn’t mean you should let them walk all over you especially when they become a negative influence in your life.
Do you need to do spirit work?
Even if a lot of the craft comes back to spirit work in some shape or form, you DO NOT have to get into spirit work. When you get into spirit work, it’s like opening a door that’s near impossible to close once opened. You invite one spirit into your life, twenty more will come knocking on your door. It’s perfectly possible to cohabitate with a spirit and you not even know it was there. Especially if you’re not looking for them or actively working with spirits to learn to recognize its presence. Like any other skill, there are pros and cons to spirit work. It can be rewarding just as much as it can be dangerous. It’s very dependent on you and what you plan to do while exploring spirit work. Just because they are generally incorporeal doesn’t mean you’re invincible or immune to the consequences that come with working with spirits. You’re not a god and so long as you exercise caution, spirit work can be a great skill to have. If you choose not to get into spirit work, then awesome! Your path isn’t any less than anyone else’s just because you decide this line of work is not for you.
Before you run off into the magical land of spirits, you need to be sure that what you see or experience is real. This is the single most important tool anyone can have and that is to be skeptical, to exercise critical thinking, and test it. While it’s nice to take people at their word, you should be questioning their information and confirm it with other sources and/or with personal experience. Research and understand what it is you want to get into and what it is you’re trying to interact with. Spirits can be tricky beings and lie or change their form to appear as other things. They will try to scam you for offerings or even mess with you because they’re bored and think it’s funny. Not every spirit is going to be like this yet it happens. And being able to discern between the lies and what you deem as real will be essential in your interactions with spirits.
Discernment — Why Does It Matter? (falchionknight)
Spirit Work Basics: Energy Work and Discernment (crystal-ravenwitch)
Quickie Discernment Checklist, AKA, “Your dog farting is not a sign from Above, Sharon.” (ergiinmiddleearth)
Discernment Pro Tips (thetwistedrope)
You want some form of physical communication with spirits that’s beyond only using telepathy or what you think you heard. Two or three different forms of divination would be ideal to check your results against and even confirm. Personally, I like to check and double check for personal assurance. I use tarot/oracle as my main form of divination and check if what I’m interpreting is correct with my pendulum. I use this a lot to confirm that what I’ve experienced happened and to gauge a spirit’s wants or needs.
Types of Divination (secattention)
Master List of Ways to Tell Fortunes (wxsteland-witch)
Divination Tips for Beginners (themanicnami)
How adept are you with protection? This is personal protection, wards of a space, more wards to prevent lying, glamor, teleportation, etc. Finding just the right amount of protection because there is such a thing as too much. Protection is a huge part of what you want to have around you to avoid a lot of potentially large problems before they can become one. There are preventative measure for a reason. There’s loopholes you want to avoid in the making of your wards like ‘only beings with positive intentions can come through’ or using only light as protection. The problem with the first notion is that it’s too open. A spirit with the intention to ‘fix’ you can be considered positive because this being has the intention for the highest good for you by its standards may not be the highest good by your standards. That’s a very weak premise to build a ward. The problem with the latter is that it won’t stop a being of light from just walking right through your ward. Again, it’s weak. Wards can be tricky business. The best way to build them is to write them out on paper and then try to find a way around them to break your own wards.
If you’re going to be interacting with spirits, you want a way to banish them if they break your rules or become volatile. Why would you interact with a spirit you can’t get rid of? It’d be pretty asinine to willingly come into contact with a spirit you can’t banish and then have that spirit refuse to leave. How can you get it to stop escalating and becoming a worse situation? You want different methods of banishment as well from energetic intent to physical means of banishment. You want tailored banishment methods for the spirits you plan to contact. If you don’t know how to banish a spirit, then you probably shouldn’t be looking to interact with them.
Bree’s Banishing Powder (breelandwalker)
Flying Devil Oil (spiritvexer)
How To Identify and Deal With an Unruly or Malicious Spirit (swimminginscales)
Ask submitted to swimminginscales about enforcing House Rules
Banishing herbs masterpost (thefriendlywitch)
How To Make Black Salt (christowitch)
Spirits can leave behind residue that can attract parasites. They can bring parasites. What you’re doing can attract more spirits or more parasites. It’s a good habit to get into to cleanse a space before and after interacting with spirits. It keeps you energetically clean as well as your space.
Energy Work
I’ve heard of people weak at sensing energies being able to do spirit work. It can be very hit and miss. Energy work is what you use to be able to sense a spirit and identify them. Personally, I recommend you have some basis in energy work before getting into spirit work. It’s an invaluable skill that’d provide an extra form of protection and open up new avenues of interacting with spirits. It’d help to learn what a spirit feels like, their energy signature, and alignments to better be able to single them out.
Energy Work Basics (scarletprophecies)
Basics of Energy Work (spiritvexer)
Witchcraft 101: Core concepts (energy work) (witchofthewyrd)
Energy Work Masterpost (thesigilwitch)
Submitted ask about energy work to elysiumconjures
Astral Travel
This is a skill that’s more optional yet I always recommend having it in your skillset if you wish to get into spirit work. A lot of what you learn when getting into astral travel overlaps with spirit work since you’re opening yourself up to traveling into different realms that may have spirits. Much like spirit work, you’re opening a door that’s near impossible to close once opened. Astral travel provides you with a space you can work in, to be able to travel to a spirit’s homeland, observe their way of life, direct interaction, and being able to ‘see’ what the spirit may look like.
Astral Travel: Clairvoyence (maughrim)
Physical and Astral Senses (nv11)
Ideas of Wards to Protect Your Astral Space (peachescreamandspice)
Dangers of Spirit Work
Like I’ve touched on throughout this post, there are dangers to spirit work. You’re opening yourself up to spirits and allowing yourself to interact with them. You don’t know this spirit and they likely don’t know you. They can and will mess with you if it strikes their fancy. Spirits can hurt you in creative ways, pose as a deity, pretend to be from your past life, abuse you and use you. Spirit’s personalities and motivations are as diverse as interacting with people around you. You can’t predict how a spirit will act nor how things will unfold between you by beginning interactions. All you can do is take the precautions to protect yourself, your space, and those that matter to you the best ways you can. Be cautious and don’t put yourself in unnecessary danger just because you decided to see what happens. If you go out looking for danger, you’ll find it.
🐯 Further Reading 🐯
Safety and protection from fae (anonymous-alchemist)
Spirit Communication: Tips (winkingwyvern)
A Starting Path to Spirit Work (but abbreviated) (umbra-et-lux-spirits)
Spirit Shops: What To Look For And Setting Standards (path-of-stars)
Spirit Communication Sachet (path-of-stars)
I hope this post has been helpful. I’ve seen different answers to this question of what you should or shouldn’t know when stepping into spirit work. I was never satisfied with the answers I’ve seen and often disagree with them. I hope that this post puts it into perspective what you should know if you so choose to get into spirit work. Better to go into it informed than to lack a basic skill because you were overzealous and ran ahead before you were ready.
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— Apolaki ❤
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tritch808 · 5 years
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tritch808 · 5 years
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Diagrammatic illustration of the various sub-divisions of the Region of the Dead and representation of the Subtle-Body’s Journey through the Region. Immediately after we Die, we all go through an Interim region in the Universe which is known as the Region of the Dead (Martyaloka). In this region, the Subtle-Body gets accustomed to its new State without a Gross Body (Sthūladēha). There are 10 sub-regions in this Plane of Existence that a Subtle-Body goes through. Region of the Dead is most relevant to those whose Final Destination in the Afterlife is the Nether Region (Bhuvarlok). For these Subtle-Bodies, they move slowly through the various sub-regions of the Region of the Dead as they shake off the vestiges and attachments of their Earthly Life. For highly evolved people due to the Lightness of their Subtle-Bodies and no attachment to Worldly Life, they shoot through this Region to the Higher Subtle-Regions such as Heaven (Swarga), Maharlok etc. Alternately, Subtle-Bodies who go to one of the Regions of Hell (Pātāl), sink to the Lower Regions without spending much time in the Region of the Dead. This is due to the Heaviness of their Subtle-Body that is laden with the Negative deeds in their Lifetime and their Ego and attachments. There are a total of ten Sub-Divisions in the Region of the Dead. In the diagram there is basic description of each of these Subtle-Divisions and the general Behaviour of Subtle-Bodies in each of these Sub-Divisions.There are descriptions in Ancient Holy Scriptures of the Holy Subtle-River Vaitarna that all Departed Ancestors are said to cross before entering the Nether Region. This is in fact a Subtle-Sheath of the Absolute Water Principle (Āpatattva) around the Earth Region (Bhūlok). This Sheath itself is the River Vaitarna. After Death, the Subtle-Bodies take a dip in the Vaitarna and enter the Nether Region. The remaining excretory gases and Sub-Vital Energies related to the Physical Body accompanying the Subtle-Body are discharged into the Vaitarna.Thus the Vaitarna helps strip the Subtle-Body of the last vestiges of the Gross Body so as to make it Subtle enough to make it possible for it to enter the Region of the Dead.
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tritch808 · 5 years
Great Podcast. One of my favorites.
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