tuggism · 2 years
michael: don’t be a little bitch after 195 shots!
gavin: don’t ever call me a bitch!
michael: i will..... have sex with you....... consensually
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tuggism · 2 years
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tuggism · 3 years
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Some Gavin highlights from Shock Jenga AKA ‘Jenga the Movie’
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tuggism · 3 years
this entire part was iconic, but i had to go with some classic mavin shenanigans
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tuggism · 3 years
Comedy peaked when Gavin asked Matt if he would pay $1000 to have slots in his thighs that would function as a toaster and Matt said he would and Geoff Ramsey came barreling in to be like “why the FUCK would you do that?” And Matt was like “because I’ve never bought a toaster before and this way I wouldn’t ever have to.” And Geoff was like “IT WOULDNT COST A THOUSAND DOLLARS”
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tuggism · 4 years
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tuggism · 4 years
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Some of the beautiful staff/ex staff/community members doin the lord's work❤️
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tuggism · 4 years
Defending Ryan was barely acceptable when the news first released. With all of this evidence just piling up and piling up, you need to reevaluate what you're really standing up for here. You gotta ask: If this was any other person, would you really be defending them?
You're defending the facade he put up, the real Ryan Haywood is not who you thought he was... and maybe he never was.
It's time to stand down and stop defending these reprehensible actions.
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tuggism · 4 years
Ok so i just heard about the second girl that came forward. before i was disgusted but more sad than angry - now i’m angry. he’s fucking revolting. fuck that guy holy shit. what a sick fuck
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tuggism · 4 years
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It would seem AH has been given the green light to finally comment on the whole thing. Be kind to the people at Rooster Teeth right now, they’re suffering a greater loss and bigger heartbreak than we are.
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tuggism · 4 years
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if you understand this meme you qualify for a senior discount
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tuggism · 4 years
just a little note
So I haven’t been on this blog in a whileeeee and I'm not even sure anyone will see this. But I was a longtime fan of RT/AH during my literal formative years - completely obsessed for maybe 2012-2017. I loved all the shows and especially LOVED Achievement Hunter, as you can probably tell from the blog lol. I’ve slowly stopped watching videos, but I still have those “comfort” videos you know like the ones that you’ve seen so many times but you keep watching bc its like meeting an old friend again. now I dont know if I can anymore?
I just wanted to vent and its funny how the urge to vent brought me back into my childhood Tumblr lol. but I heard the news last night and I, like everyone, was COMPLETELY blindsided. I cant even begin to explain the flurry of emotions and thoughts I had inside. I loved Ryan. I truly loved them all. I’m so confused. I’m so sad that hes leaving but then I feel bad for feeling sad because of what he has done. I feel so bad for his family. this is such an ethically muddled situation
He cheated on his wife for years. This shit wasn’t just a single instance - it was over the course of like what? 2 years? Maybe if I was younger I would’ve thought of this differently. Maybe I would’ve been able to personally move on from this and still enjoyed him in past videos and maybe even preached to other people to forgive him. But I’m not my younger self. I’m 22, in a loving committed relationship, and there is only pain even at the thought of being cheated on. That is all there is. I cant imagine the pain? his wife might be going through. I saw the video Tess posted. I slowed it down, even read as much as I could. It was some inexplicable attempt at forcing myself to bear witness to what he had done, in order to finally take him down from the pedestal I didn’t even know I had supplied him with in my mind. It was disgusting. It had all the echoes and similarities with gross and cringe conversations you have over snap with boys you meet on tinder. He even mentioned his kids to her a few times. That really kicked the fucking bucket over. Why would you ever mention your kids by name to your mistress? What was he thinking? what fucking insane state of mind was he in??
He was always the wholesome, family man, married to his high school sweetheart, 2 young kids, HAPPY NUCLEAR FAMILY. Well that online persona did not age well. There are so many issues with this situation. The fan/celebrity dynamic that’s beyond fucked up... I’ve never experienced anything of that magnitude but I remember a few years ago when a guy that was considered “a name” started talking to me. And I ignored all the red flags because even the small rush of adrenaline was so good. A few years ago I was at a university event and was constantly hit on by this guy who was more popular, slightly older, and it felt good. We didn’t do much but when I found out a few days later that he had a girlfriend for the last 3 years, the guilt was immeasurable. But I'm not going to lie. Even after the fact, there was still this TINY, SMALL, like 2% of me, that .. wanted even just a little bit more of that attention. So when Tess says that she did things she normally wouldn’t do because of the attention from her LITERAL idol, I believe her. I believe it. As crazy as it sounds, thats the thing that could've made all thought of Ryan’s family not enter the decision making process.
It is selfish of me, but I cant help but feel so sad for AH. These people worked with him, were friends with him for the better part of a decade. I dont think you could deny his part in AH’s popularity. To me, he was so integral. I thought AH and I thought Ryan Haywood. So many iconic moments that I think of with the HIGHEST childhood nostalgia, involved Ryan. All that is tainted now. Completely tainted. everything feels wrong, everything feels off-colour. I basically grew up with AH and this man. I grew up with them. AH was literally my safe space when serious trauma happened in 2017-2018. I’d put on my old favourite videos and play them so that I could fall asleep easier. That’s how much I loved them. 
I dont know what im saying. I just needed to say something and get it off my chest so that I can move on. I dont know what my personal relationship with RT/AH will look like now. I’ll be lingering to watch how they deal with this situation, but honestly I’d become a very very casual fan anyway by this point. But its more the detriment to my memories of AH that have caused me great sadness. ITs just all sadness. All sadness.
I agree that people can make mistakes. Cheating just happens to be a VERY BIG mistake. I’ve personally known people who have cheated on their partner. They’re not the most vile, unforgivable people. They just made a mistake. And they have changed. I hope Ryan can get the help he needs. Most of all I hope his family can forgive him. If his family is broken over this he will literally spend the rest of his life atoning for it. Nothing else - nothing about losing his job or fans or public reputation being ruined - will compare with the loss of his family. Dont get me wrong - my opinion on Ryan has drastically changed in the last 24 hours. But I want to be emotionally distant. I want to move on with my life. 
This was so long and so incoherent. I just rambled on and on. I dont expect anyone to have read this lol but just know that if you’re confused and conflicted, you’re not alone.
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tuggism · 5 years
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tuggism · 6 years
Get you a girl that helps you practice ordering take out
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tuggism · 6 years
out of context achievement haunter livestream quotes
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feel free to tag yourself
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tuggism · 6 years
[Gavin Free voice] sOD OFF
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tuggism · 6 years
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what’s the mood? cursed
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