turnaboutyandere · 2 years
Hi, Mod Dollie! How have you been? I read through everything you posted while I was gone and it is 👌 as always
Hi, Mod Thena! I’m so happy to see you’re back! I always love reading your stuff.
As for me, I’ve been alright. I’ve not really had the motivation to write, so I’ve mostly just been relaxing these past couple of days.
And lastly, thank you! I’m glad to hear you liked what I posted.
- Mod Dollie
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turnaboutyandere · 2 years
Hi! I was rereading a few of your pieces and I got inspired to start working on a yandere!Barok story. It's been fun! (also can i be Key Lime anon?)
Hello, Key Lime Anon! It’s good to have you here!
I’m really happy to hear that some of my pieces have inspired you to write something of your own, and I hope it goes well. I’d also love to read it if you ever choose to publish it!
- Mod Dollie
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turnaboutyandere · 2 years
Hey Dollie! Happy pride month from your (probably not) local ace! 💜🤍🖤
-Keyes Anon
Happy pride month to you too, Keyes Anon!
- Mod Dollie
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turnaboutyandere · 2 years
hiya, 🌌 here, dropping in just to wish yall a happy pride :)
🌌 Anon! It’s so good to hear from you again! Happy pride to you as well!
- Mod Dollie
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turnaboutyandere · 2 years
Happy pride from your local pan yandere fucker
Lots of love Wocky Anon 🧡💖💖💛 💖🧡🧡💖💖💛💛💛
🍳🏳️‍🌈 💖💛💙
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Happy pride, Wocky Anon! And omg that's so sweet, I can't wait to read it! I'm sure it'll be great like all your other writing.
- Mod Dollie
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turnaboutyandere · 2 years
SWEETS ANON WISHING A HAPPY PRIDE MONTHE!!!! Also my men r trans im married to them and they told me so
Happy pride month to you too, Sweets Anon! It’s good to hear from you again.
- Mod Dollie
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turnaboutyandere · 2 years
Welcome back, Sherlock Anon! And happy pride to you as well!
- Mod Dollie
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turnaboutyandere · 2 years
*jacksepticeye voice* dude, that’s a heckin pride month right there
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- Mod Dollie
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turnaboutyandere · 2 years
Hey Dollie it’s Wocky anon
Just wanted your opinion of a Kurian Villager! darling.
Like, imagine the potential; totally sheltered, raised to fear/loath men, completely naive and everything; I can’t stop thinking about it!
Like it fits in with my ideal darling type (innocent/naive/too trusting), but the prompt fits with a lot of yanderes, (in my humble opinion especially Phoenix, Blackquill, Fulbright, and Wocky (yes I know I always bring up Wocky shhhhh))
What are your thought of a darling with this particular background? What might they be like? How many ways can she turn out, trusting or distrusting, jaded or innocent, mystic or non mystic; I just wanna hear your thoughts.
Lots of love 💛🧡💖💛🧡💖💛🧡💖
Ooooh, I love that idea! That’s highkey one of the best types of darlings, so I am here for this!
Considering their upbringing, I think they can turn out very trusting and naive, or cautious and jaded, and really anything in-between, depending on what kind of people raised them.
Besides the ones you listed (which are all great picks that I agree with, btw), I think some other AA yanderes this type of darling would appeal to would be the more manipulative ones (Damon, Kristoph, Simon K. etc.), as well as those who’d want to turn their darling into a housespouse (Shelly, Klavier, Kazuma, Sherlock etc.)
But hey, I might be completely off the mark here. Those are just my two cents  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Mod Dollie, sending you lots of love back ❤️❤️❤️
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turnaboutyandere · 2 years
Ok, so, for the Kristoph alphabet: D, G, H, N, Q, R and U please? Yes, I am that anon. I just got an account roughly a week ago. And I find Kristoph more fascinating now than ever.
Hey, I’m sorry to have to say this but requests are closed. They have been for over three months now, so I can’t accept your request. I’m really sorry.
- Mod Dollie
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turnaboutyandere · 2 years
shit i forgot about that
how about kazuma headcanons with a british s/o
ps. i am slandering s/o in this because theyre british /j
TW: None.
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[Kazuma Asogi]
Kazuma doesn’t make a big deal out of your nationality. He treats you the same way he would if you were from any other part of the world, because where you were born has no bearing on his opinion of you. Though, that’s not to say that he doesn’t care.
On the contrary, he’s actually quite eager to learn more about your homeland, as well as to teach you about his own. If you’re English, he’ll definitely try to impress you with his existing knowledge of your culture, mainly as a way to assure you that he won’t let cultural differences cause any problems in your relationship.
If you’re Scottish, Irish or Welsh instead, then he’ll be sure to ask you plenty of questions about your country, as long as you’re comfortable answering. He’ll also seek out books that delve into its history and culture, all while checking in with you on occasion to make sure the information is accurate. He’ll even start to pick up your native language eventually; mostly as a sign of devotion, but also because he wants to make communication between the two of you easier if you’re more comfortable speaking that rather than English.
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turnaboutyandere · 2 years
Yandere!Phoenix & Miles, With a Darling who's Shy?
TW: Possessive behavior (implied).
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[Phoenix Wright]
Phoenix does his best to be accommodating to you. If you have to talk to someone but suddenly clam up, be it in person or over the phone, he’ll do it for you as long as the situation permits it. He’ll also try to help you become more confident in approaching people, but only if you ask him to. Otherwise, he won’t push you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.
[Miles Edgeworth]
Miles, on the other hand, can come off as rather harsh when it comes to your shyness. He doesn’t mean to, of course, as he just wants to help you overcome it, but he’s not particularly good at it. It takes a while but he eventually relents and stops pestering you about it, only offering his help if you ask for it. Though, he finds that he can’t really be mad about the situation, because your shyness often leads to you clinging to him in public, which pleases him greatly.
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turnaboutyandere · 2 years
Hi Mod Dollie! Happy New Year! Well, mines kind of sad this year hohoho!! But worry not, everytime I check out your blog I feel really happy! If you don't mind, can you write a headcanon for me?
Edgeworth with a usually cheerful and smiling S/O but when around him they kind of like - go silent and nervous. Intimidated? Yes they are. Does this even work with Yandere stuff? Sorry, I kind of suck when it comes to story plots, please forgive me.
If you accept this, thank you, like so much oh my god it would make my day! I hope this years gonna be good! Especially for you, Mod Dollie!
TW: Obsessive behavior (implied).
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[Miles Edgeworth]
Despite feeling disappointed, Miles doesn’t really blame you for finding him intimidating. His reputation isn’t exactly stellar, and he’s not really the friendly type either, so he fully expects you to be at least a little uncomfortable around him at first. However, he can’t tolerate this kind of behavior forever.
Seeing your bright and cheerful attitude disappear the moment he steps into the room is quite disheartening, and he sometimes wonders if he should just take to admiring you from afar, because at least then he’ll be able to see your smile. But the thought of doing so pains him, so he instead decides to try getting you to warm up to him.
It goes about as well as you’d expect. Miles’ lack of proper social skills don’t do him any favors, and his attempts to strike up a friendly conversation always end up being horribly stilted and awkward. Still, he tries, and he hopes that you’re able to look past your fear of him and see the genuine effort he’s making to get to know you.
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turnaboutyandere · 2 years
hi mod dollie!! just checking in to see if you’re okay 💖💖💖 i hope everything is going well for you 🥺
Aww, thank you, Anon! I’m doing okay, I’ve just not had the motivation needed to focus on the blog. I’ll get back to writing eventually, though, so no need to worry.
- Mod Dollie
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turnaboutyandere · 2 years
Happy new year Mod Dollie <3 I don't know where you are now, but I hope you're in good health and wishes. -Mod Debeste
I received this ask on March 1st and am now answering it on March 5th lol. Happy new year to as well, Mod Debeste, and a cheers to all of us in the Forever Late Squad!
- Mod Dollie
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turnaboutyandere · 2 years
Hey dolls just wanted to remind you you’re awesome and to take care of yourself love you lots
- XOXOXXOXOXOXOX Wocky Anon💖🧡💛🧡💖🧡🧡💛💖💖💖🧡💛🧡🧡💛💖💖
Thank you, Wocky Anon! Don’t forget that you’re awesome too, and that you should take care of yourself as well! Hope you have a great day 👉👉
- Mod Dollie
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turnaboutyandere · 2 years
At this point I honestly don’t know whether to thank you for introducing me to my shadow or curse you for it, but I thought you should know that’s what you did either way (/jk it’s always thank you). Cheers to us for being unhinged freaks who apparently share a single brain cell!
Kazuma anon ♥️
Cheers! May we yanderefuckers continue to thrive!
- Mod Dollie
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