turningbubble · 1 year
Your ABO AU is so intriguing…… can you tell me more about sebinis as ABO relationship? :3
Thank you!! I actually haven't really figured it out but:
I think Sebastian can be really caring! He will remember clearly when's Ominis' heat cycle. Very responsible after they're mated. And Ominis smooth his mood when he's agitated. Calming him, gently rubbing his wrist.
I think Ominis is the one that gets jealous instead of Sebastian. But he doesn't tell him, until his scent smells angry and hurt and sour. Then Sebastian will pick up the lead.
When Sebastian is jealous, he's aggressive, very vocalise about it. (Not in a straightforward way tho), alpha instinct etc.
Sebastian also bites a lot :3 (and Ominis likes it)
And they smell like each other even before their biological bonding.
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turningbubble · 1 year
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Dark wizard Sebastian
There's no other way to persuade Ominis to side with him, he had to made him do the unbreakable vow... he had no other choice. (Or so Sebastian told himself.)
Now he could never betray him (again).
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turningbubble · 1 year
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I made a second OC hahaha, meet Holden Albury. He's pretty much the complete opposite of my other OC Emery.
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Holden is an older pureblood 7th year Ravenclaw. His specialty is non verbal binding spells and his favorite class is Defense Against the Dark Arts. He likes taxidermy (particularly insects), and pressing flowers. He has a form of synesthesia where smells and tastes let him have brief visions of someone's memories. Holden is fairly aloof, calculating, and manipulative. When he's thinking or waiting, he likes to conjure a rope around his arm & hand to fidget with. Emery and him have a bit of history with one another, still figuring it all out though for our rp's in the discord server. ☺️
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turningbubble · 1 year
Ngl it was like a happy accident to find your blog and read about Richard, because I too have my own bad guy spin on the mc named Vincent. Glad to see Richard and Vincent share a house and some taste for blood. :,D Though With V, his manipulative tendencies is to more so dance the whole school around and keep people on a leash, more so of course Sebastian and Ominis.
But yeah, nice to have found someone sharing this route of thought too. Love the design and your art style.
Bad guy mcs are the best!!!
Vincent sounds like an interesting character !! Putting a leash on everyone at school😈 I always enjoy when seeing some good manipulation on my two snake boys... they can be so easily influenced without knowing it. And they're so resourceful too so great tools!!!
Thank you!!
I always enjoy knowing other evil mc hehe, thank you for sharing Vincent with me 🥹
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turningbubble · 1 year
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Ominis lost his wand😊
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turningbubble · 1 year
Assuming that your recent post was an explicit support of A/B/O Dynamics. I'm wondering if I could get your thoughts on a matter:
How do you think Sebastian would care for a Pregnant Ominis? What if Ominis was pregnant for a few to several months by the events of HL and Sebastian goes to Azkaban?
If you aren't comfortable with this, please don't answer it.
TW/ Mpreg
I think Sebastian will care for him if he's not obsessed with anything else. I can see him being workaholic and kinda ignoring a pregnant Ominis..., but Sebastian on his good days will care a lot.
I was thinking like maybe Ominis being marked by Sebastian before he goes to Azkaban, but him being pregnant will make it so much worse... Ominis practically has nothing by that time, no family, no close friend, no lover. I think if he wants to keep the baby he will go back to the Gaunts for support, and will inevitably have to trade something with them for it. He will try so hard to keep the baby clean from his horrible family... taking care of a newborn while being blind. And even if Sebastian gets out of Azkaban, he might not be the same warm boy anymore. (It also depends on the fact that if he knew Ominis was pregnant before Azkaban)
I see this as an absolute tragic but some goooood angst to think about.
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turningbubble · 1 year
i would like to hear more about richard and sebinis! do they hang out a lot? trust each other? are they friends? what do they do together?
I think they hang out sometimes, mostly at school, during classes, having meals together and stuff. Student life.
Richard trusts them in his own way... maybe more like he doesn't believe they can betray him. I think Sebastian probably trusts him a lot, since Richard is always supportive towards him. But Ominis on the other hand would be a bit more careful. He's more intuitive and can sense something's off with Richard. Not like he would think Richard would harm him, but I don't think he will let himself be defenseless around Richard.
Richard considers them both friends, because he knows a lot about them and they do hang out from time to time.
I think sebinis would also consider him as a friend, just of course not as close as them two.
Except from school activity, I don't see Richard invite them to his little 'field trip'. He doesn't want to make Ominis more suspicious of him is the main reason. They also go to bar together from time to time tho.
Thank you so much for asking!!!🥹
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turningbubble · 1 year
Heard the richard can get really friendly so does he have other friends in Hogwarts? An another OC perhaps or does he really just hang out with Sebi/Omi 🤔
He has!! He's friend of my friends' OCs. Which he will not feel lonely ever! (He doesn't feel lonely ever but still)
But he also enjoys hanging out with sebinis but it's more like observing two interesting children.
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turningbubble · 1 year
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They belong to each other 🦷 🩸
It would be interesting to imagine their relationship after Sebastian uses all dark arts. Twisted but still tangled up with each other. No where to go.
(Or how Ominis would have to go in heat alone if Sebastian ended up in Azkaban)
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turningbubble · 1 year
Can we please hear more about Emery Moore? He's so cute.
That is @iamtheblankety 's amazing oc/mc!!! Very soft pretty boy, highly recommend to follow them for more baby Emery posts 🥹❤️
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turningbubble · 1 year
I love your MC so much he is evil and beautiful 🖤 But can we see how he looks in the game? I think you haven't post a picture of him.
and no i haven't, since he's from one of my oc I didn't really need a reference from the game, plus i'm not very satisfied with the in-game look XD but sure! here is one
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turningbubble · 1 year
which dark lord would richard get along with better voldemort or grindlewald? i think maybe he is more similar to grindlewald but that doesnt mean they get along....
yeah I think maybe grindlewald would be similar as well...
Richard might agree with what they think but he's not gonna work under them, when he is free to roam around under the chaos circumstances.
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turningbubble · 1 year
If you had the chance to put a headcanon voice for Mr Stevenson (not the voice used in the game), which one could it be? Or in case you're fine with the game's voice, how does it sound like? Also, it's an interesting character ^^
I actually never really know what voice suits him best! I just always imagine it to be deep and smooth, but haven't really actively find a reference. I think the way the deepest voice in game saying (almost whispering) cruicio suits very very nicely to him tho!!
Thank you so much!!
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turningbubble · 1 year
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What if a wrong choice actually has consequence
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turningbubble · 1 year
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turningbubble · 1 year
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Interrupting sebinis for a little oc art. @ghosteelyfe discord has persuaded me to dabble a bit in oc/mc art, and I'm.... loving it??!! ☺️
This is Emery Moore, Hufflepuff, loves History of Magic and Ancient Studies. He wants to go into restoration/preservation of magical artifacts. He hates wearing his glasses so doesn't wear them as much as he should which makes him squint a bit. And he bites his lips a lot, so they're constantly puffy/pink
LOL, Ghostee asked if everyone could pet Emery and heres the sketch of that haha. 🤣
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Anyways, we're having a blast in the discord. I don't think I'll post much of Emery but we'll seeeeeee.
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turningbubble · 1 year
richard and tom riddle... would they be friends, enemies, or uneasy allies? i feel like tom might like richard, since it dont seem like richard want an army, and also is good at hurting people. point richard at his enemies and watch it unfold lol
but what would richard get?? hugs??
also im wonder who is taller...
I would say allies, but I don't think Richard would get too close to Tom. He's not very interested in groups or taking orders. But he shares somewhat similar idea with Mr. Riddle, and a war time is very beneficial for someone like him. (and Tom doesn't seem like a good hugger :( )
I think Richard is taller? He's 191 cm, I don't remember Tom being very tall...
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