turntothree · 7 years
Ry& Réaction: Pre-E3 Pokémania
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For what seems like the first time in forever, Nintendo is riding an incredible high. The Switch is swiftly moving off the shelves and a steady stream of Directs is keeping fans excited about the brand. With its big E3 showcase just days away, The Big N handed the floor over to its friends at Game Freak and The Pokémon Company for their own eight-minute broadcast.
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With rumours of the series reaching for the Stars on Switch and Pokémon Sun & Moon still sitting atop the 3DS charts, Pokémon trainers the world over had big dreams for such a short video.
Can our heroes live up to such lofty expectations? Will they Switch up the game with an historic announcement? Find out on today’s exciting episode of Ry& Réaction! 
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Editor’s Note: Gotta start this off right and go straight for the KO. Ishihara-san, I choose you!
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Pokémon Company President Tsunekazu Ishihara didn’t waste any time with his introduction. After some quick praise for Nintendo’s Switch, he announced that Pockét Monstérs will grace the handheld/home console hybrid for the first time ever in...Pokkén Tournament DX.
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Editor’s Note: Huh. That’s certainly what I’d call a HM01. Because it just Cut down my expectations.
In this enhanced port of what some consider a Wii U hidden gem; an array of fan favourite Pokémon (or at least those with somewhat human qualities) fight in a 3D arena that’s one half Tekken and other half Pokémon Stadium. With fast-paced fights that brought the excitement of the Pokémon TV series to life, Pokkén was a nice little hit with critics and fans alike.
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But what makes this deluxe edition any more special than the original? Well, it has a new 3v3 mode and five new fighters (those being Croagunk, Empoleon, Darkrai, Scizor and Decidueye). Not to mention a [Dug]trio of online play improvements. Said improvements are the addition of: Online Ranked Matches; Online Friendly Matches; and a friend’s-only Group Match lobby.
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Editor’s Note: You forgot that September 22 launch date.
I’m trying to remember if there’s anything else I should mention...oh yes, Pokkén Tournament DX will be featured as part of Treehouse Live at E3 and has also been revealed as Nintendo’s newest eSport!
*Phew* Half-way there. Let’s see if they can rock some socks with the finale.
Editor’s Note: We can’t give up now, not when we’re so close to the end. Cap it off, Masuda-san!
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Wait; there was one other thing I forgot to mention about the PTDX reveal trailer. It opened with the story of a young traveller on a journey to his brother’s house; making friends at every stop, bonding over games of Pokkén.
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The story ends with lovely scene of a one-on-one match between the two brothers.
Editor’s Note: Does this commercial recap have a point?
It served as a soft transition to another game reveal. You see this youngster gifted his nephews a game which Sun & Moon Producer Junichi Masuda described as an “alternative story” for generation seven.
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Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon (as Masuda explained) will feature new depths of the Alola Reign; new Pokémon to catch; and new gameplay mechanics...but he didn’t get into any specifics.
Editor’s Note: I can’t believe you forgot the world-wide launch set for November 17 and that’s it’s a 3DS exclusive...seriously, dude. I’ve got to catch you a calendar...and a clue.
*Cough* Masuda closed out the show with one last sneak peek. Pokémon Gold & Silver have been confirmed for a 3DS re-release through the Virtual Console.
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Editor’s Note: Anything else?
They will be released on September 22 (alongside Pokkén) and also compatible with the Pokémon Bank app; so any Pokémon caught during a Johto time travel can be transferred over to modern day Alola or even Kalos (if you’re still inclined to play X or Y).
Editor’s Note: Very good. Now, what did you think of the Direct?
I get why some Pokéfans are disappointed. After all, the last Pokémon Direct brought with it the reveal of a brand-new generation of Pokémon. While no one would rightfully expect a reveal of that magnitude so soon, the rumours that buzzed around the Switch for the past year got so many hopes up for the series’ first proper entry on home console...even if it was just a HD Sun & Moon port. 
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Editor’s Note: Oh the fault in our Pokémon Stars.
Even as a port, the reveal of Pokémon propér on Switch would’ve been a milestone announcement and it’s a letdown that it hasn’t happened, yet.
The reporters who brought the rumours to light still believe a Switch title is in the works at Game Freak and I’m inclined to believe it, too. I suppose Nintendo is just waiting for a better opportunity to make it happen.
Editor’s Note: Gen eight, maybe?
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Despite the lack of a high-def Switch port, I don’t quite get the strong dislike for the Ultra titles. If it’s a new pair of games that deliver more of what fans want (on a system they all have), I don’t see the problem.
Editor’s Note: It should keep the tutorial under an hour though.
Speaking of Switch’s first Pokémon title, Pokkén isn’t a bad choice to fill that spot.
The Switch’s accessibility and portability has made it an attractive prospect for fighting game fans. With tight mechanics, fast and furious gameplay and vintage Pokémon charm, Pokkén Tournament could be a hot ticket that draws more of those fans to Nintendo’s corner. Heck, it could even become the fighter of choice for the system...at least until Smash Bros. shows up.
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Editor’s Note: I’m sensing there’s going to be a but.
I understand the Wii U version didn’t exactly do gangbuster sales (it was on Wii U after all), but I can’t help but feel a proper sequel with a wider array of content should’ve been produced over a slightly buffed up deluxe edition.
I like a good trios bout just as much as the next Pokémon master, but I don’t quite think 3v3 mode alone adds enough of a boost to the original’s gameplay options. A greater selection of match types (similar to what the mainline games have to offer) would’ve worked wonders for this new package.
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It also could have used more than five new fighters. I think 10 would have been a good number for rounding out the roster.
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Editor’s Note: I guess Nintendo needed an extra game to fill out Switch’s year one release schedule.
I guess I should say the online lobby is a great addition. That way it’ll be much easier for friends to find each other and stay in their own group. Could work wonders for custom tournaments.
And I suppose the Friendly and Ranked Match options are nifty too. As they serve as a good barrier to separate the competitive players who are always itching for a fight, and the casuals who’re just looking for some fun as they learn the game...that is of course until both sides are ready to cross paths. 
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As far as the E3 tournament goes, if it’s anything like the Super Smash Bros. Invitational or the Nintendo World Championships, it should be an adrenaline-driven spectacle that’s not to be missed!
The announcement of Gold & Silver being prepped for 3DS Virtual Console porting is a nice pockét-sized surprise.
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The original 151 got their time relive their Game Boy glory days; Johto’s critters deserve the same respect. Not to mention the inclusion of Pokémon Bank support is a nifty little shortcut for modern players to fill their Pokédexes.
Editor’s Note: I wish they would’ve confirmed Great Detective Pikachu for the west. #DannyDevito
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As do I. I love me some light-hearted mystery fare, and while Capcom’s Ace Attorney and Level-5’s Professor Layton are super great, they aren’t released frequently enough to satisfy my thirst. Also, they don’t have a grumpy, lecherous old man trapped in a cuddy Pikachu body.
Oh well, with Legendary Films and Alex Hirsch working on a film adaptation, the game will surely make its way west...eventually.  
Editor’s Note: Where’s the Diamond & Pearl remake?!
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I wouldn’t fret too much about it. I’m sure the Sinnoh saga will live again in full, glorious HD 3D. Even if takes another year...or two.
Editor’s Note: And how come no Pokémon Snap 2? The Switch handheld would make the perfect camera. Heck, the 3DS wouldn’t be too shabby either.
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I know, right? With our luck, the long-awaited second Snap game is being primed as a GO sequel.
Editor’s Note: Don’t even joke about that.  
Alright, so we didn’t exactly catch what we wanted in this tall patch of grass, but I wouldn’t be so quick to log into Bill’s PC and ditch what we got.
A neat but mostly ignored spin-off given a second chance; a sequel (of sorts) to last year’s big entry; and a beloved classic shared with a new generation. I know it’s not the Mew of Directs, but it was a cute little package, wrapped up with some fun little surprises; so I’d say it’s more of a Delibird, and sometimes that’s good enough.
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Stay Tuned for something else...I don’t know what exactly, but it’ll be something.
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turntothree · 7 years
Ry& Reaction: Wolves & Shepherds
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E3 came early this year! ...OK, it didn’t but it certainly felt that way, kind of.
It seems in recent years, game publishers have been tripping over themselves to take up valuable space on that pre-show hype train. I’m talking teasers, press releases, cryptic tweets and anything else they can think of to score some attention before the big three step in and snatch the spotlight. Hell, we’ve seen E3 grow an extra couple days to accommodate more publisher-sponsored events.
Editor’s Note: Really looking forward to that keynote, Devolver Digital!
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A few weeks back, Ubisoft decided to do things its own way and steer the train in a slightly different direction with a bombshell announcement most other companies would save for the trade show.
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Editor’s Note: NO! NO! That wasn’t released, it escaped!
Damn, man. I was just kidding. It’s going to be alright.
Anyway...this is what I’m really talking about.
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Yup, the French gaming giant casually name dropped one of its top secret E3 reveals in a nonchalant tweet, a whole month before the show. But it didn’t stop there. One week later, the aforementioned Youtube suite released a...let’s call it “tourism video” for the humble little town of Hope County, Montana.  
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Editor’s Note: I have a “MIGHTY” fine feeling about this place.
What? You’ve got crisp country air for breathin’, plenty of wild game for huntin, a nice clean creek for fishin’ and plenty of big ol’ green acres to roam. Of course, you’d have to overlook the constant bear attacks, air strikes, ominously empty streets and the prospect of being randomly murdered, but what town doesn’t have its share of problems?  
Editor’s Note: Wait...wasn’t Far Cry 4’s announcement handled in a similar fashion? Letting the fanbase sneak a peek behind the curtain; then slamming the curtain back down until a good and proper reveal at E3? Isn’t that what’s going on here?
You’d think so, but...
Dateline – May 26, 2017
IGN’s Daemon Hatfield and Marty Silva greeted the California sunrise with a live (and exclusive) reveal of Far Cry 5’s first proper trailer. In it, would-be players are told the sad tale of how a struggling working-class town was taken in by a wealthy con artist who promised the world.
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This self-proclaimed “prophet” Joseph Seed and his twisted family of disciples preached of peace and prosperity; instead they delivered onto his flock a life of servitude and unabashed cruelty. He used his good fortune to giveith himself their property. He used his cultish militia to takeith away their free will. The chosen among “his” townsfolk would be baptised into his parish or they would surely perish.
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In a town past the edge of civility, a brave few in the community have chosen to fight back against Seed’s ghoulish gospel and reclaim what’s theirs. In this holy war for the soul of America’s heart land, it is up to the player to lead the resistance. 
That’s the story (at least up to that point)...as for gameplay, the trailer didn’t show too much, but it caught fans a quick glimpse at some old and new tricks alike.
As said previously, the hunting mechanics are back, but with a new batch of wildlife to track. Bears, deer, wolves, cows and bulls are among the critters in the mix. In a similar vain, fishing will be implemented into the series for the first time. Catch and fry up some bass for hit points!
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Also returning are the conveniently placed vehicles. Fast travel and open road/seas/(and for the first time) sky combat will be a breeze with your choice of motor boats, ATVs, 18 wheelers, muscle cars and fighter planes. 
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Of course, the series’ standard first-person gunplay will remain locked and loaded.
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Oh and the world-wide release date for Far Cry 5 has been set for February 27, 2018. The platforms in which it will be made available are as follows: Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. Sorry, Nintendo fans. No Switch port is planned.
Editor’s Note: That’s a fair bit of information. Surely, that’s enough to appease fans for now.
Actually, Ubisoft continued the Youtube rollout with three more trailers; specifically the stories of the three main support characters as told by them in direct conversation with the player.
Meet Nick Rye: A third-generation fighter pilot who had been fortunate enough to have never seen combat, but when “Eden’s Gate” comes knockin’ on his doorstep, Nick is the first to enlist in the resistance.
Meet Mary May Fairgrave: A bartender pushed to the edge after both her brother and mother are kidnapped by Seed’s followers; now her family-owned establishment serves as a home for anyone looking to bust a cap in “Eden’s Ass!”
Meet Jerome Jefferies: The local pastor turned shepherd in wolves clothing; charged with the task of taking back the flock “father” Seed had led astray.
Monologues aside, the folks at UbiBlog also had the chance to catch up with Far Cry 5 Creative Director Dan Hay, who discussed the modern day anxieties, urban legends and Montana road trip that inspired the game’s theme and setting. That interview was also posted to Youtube.  
Editor’s Note: ...Anything else?
Then the press releases rolled out and the media was all over it.
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Details of full campaign co-op; a customizable protagonist (who also happens to be the sheriff’s deputy); and so much pending controversy plastered the headlines.
Oh yeah, and there has also been some talk about melee combat specific scenarios being worked into the game. New weapons such as baseball bats, sledgehammers and pitchforks will be implemented as part of the series’ inventory.
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image credit - 20th Century Fox
Editor’s Note: Wow! That’s an awful lot to tell so soon. What’s left for the E3 showing?
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Actually, there’s still plenty to juicy reveal tidbits to share. Like say, an in-depth look at “Eden’s Gate”. We know so much about the heroes, but we haven’t really seen much of anything concerning the big bads, nor do we know the why or how of their hostile takeover.
There’s also the new feature Ubisoft promised to show off during its presser. If I had to wager a guess, I’d say it’s either the campaign’s co-op option or the flight mechanics.
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Editor’s Note: Even still, why reveal so much about the game now? Why not leave it all as a major E3 surprise?   
My theory, the publisher wants the press to focus its collective energy on whatever new Ubisoft IPs (and or Assassin’s Creed sequel) premier that fateful day, so it’s trying to answer the more common Far Cry questions ASAP. Also, all this Far Cry hype sure makes for a damn fine centerpiece.
Editor’s Note: Thoughts on what you’ve seen and read so far?
 *Sigh* I guess I should start off by addressing the elephant in the room – the story.
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For all of the hullabaloo, it’s nothing new. The town overrun with zealot cultists ranks among the classics of horror tropes, and stories (subtly or not) inspired by political unrest are certainly commonplace, even in the world video games.
Editor’s Note: And they’re only going to get more common over the next, let’s say four years?
While these character archetypes and plot devices may seem a tad (or more) over done, that doesn’t mean they can’t be used to tell a good story. In fact, I trust Ubisoft Montreal to do just that. That’s not to say I didn’t have any reservations or crack a joke or two at first glance, but the deeper the Youtube showings went, the more invested I got.
Hearing the stories of Nick, Mary and Pastor Jerome gave me Goosebumps, and I instantly wanted to know more about what was going on and how they aimed to deal with it.
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Editor’s Note: Forget this customizable protagonist nonsense, Ubisoft. Rip-off Rockstar so I can swap between these three heroes!
The villains on the other hand, I have no real opinion of, yet. Sure, Ubi is more than capable of creating the type of sinisterly charismatic baddies this plot calls for (shout out to Vaas and Pagan Min), so I feel “Eden’s Gate” has plenty of potential. However, I can’t judge Seed or his siblings sight unseen.
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...Promo images excluded, of course.
Editor’s Note: Speaking of elephants, Far Cry 4 let me wreck shit on elephant back. Surely, Ubisoft can’t just expect me to go back to primitive man power.
I don’t believe the southern United States is an elephant’s natural habitat.  
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Editor’s Note: i dOn’T bEliEVe tHE SoUtHERn UnITeD StATeS iS aN eLePHaNT’s nAtURal hAbITat.
OK, so Montana isn’t normally thought of alongside the exotic locales the series is known for, but the more I’ve thought it over, the more I’ve come to realize it’s the perfect setting for a Far Cry game.
It’s beautiful and serene territory hosts some gorgeous natural splendour...it also has some hidden and very real dangers entrenched deep within its forestry and rocky domains. The ravenous wolves, perilous coyote packs, rabid dogs, wild bulls and massive grizzlies will be just as, if not more formidable than the tigers and honey badgers of previous games.
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If you’re luckily enough to be the hunter, as opposed to the hunted, you’ll be able to score some prime cuts of meat for health boosts, and some fine pelts for crafting items.
Of course, there’s also the option to fish for some grub. That could be fun for a bit.
Editor’s Note: As long as it’s SEGA Bass Fishing quality and not Sonic Adventure quality, I’m totally up to do a little fishin’.
Not to mention the prospect of being hunted down by a bunch of gun-toting manics does compliment itself rather terrifyingly well to the whole outdoor survivalist angle, much like the militants and royal guardsmen of entries 1-4.
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Yeah, the setting might be a little different and the enemies might be a little different but this is still very much Far Cry, with all the fun DIY M-A-Y-H-E-M that comes with it.
Speaking of what makes Far Cry - Far Cry, let’s talk vehicles. This pitched selection is cool as frig!
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Tarring through the countryside in a muscle car or big rig, and the promise of delivering some cathartic death from above sounds absolutely sick!
Editor’s Note: Hopefully, the air battles can match stuff like Ace Combat or Battlefield 1. Now that would be sick.
Anything else...oh, right; campaign co-op. It’s a great idea!
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I can’t recall the number of times I played through a mission in Far Cry 4 only to find myself completely surrounded and desperately wishing I had back-up. The ability to call in a buddy should certainly make breaking through those impenetrable compounds at least a little bit more bearable.
Editor’s Note: This all sounds rad...still wish I had my elephant though.
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I honestly don’t quite know how to cap this off. I guess I could say:
Far Cry 5 has all the potential in the world to be a great action game, as its pedigree can attest. The guns, explosions, fast rides, deadly beasts, and vast destructible set pieces are all on lock. It has all it needs to kick ass and take names. But its creative direction is taking the series into some unknown and fairly risky territory.
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There’s certainly plenty of potential in the characters and setting presented, as I’ve said earlier. However, the direction the game seems to be heading could cause a drastic tonal shift that throws the entire thing off kilter. This building sense of horror, sorrow and despair, and to have it all inspired by today’s political climate could put a major damper on the aforementioned ass-kicking and taking of names.
It’s going to be tough and sadly, it might even get a little ugly, but Ubisoft has a rock solid creative team and I do believe they can make these pieces fit into something truly great. At least I hope so.
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Boy that sure was some dark stuff. Let’s lighten things up next time by battling it out Poké-Style!
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turntothree · 7 years
During the Break: Build-A-Hedgehog
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Dateline – April 12, 2017
Nintendo is riding high after the overnight success of the Switch and to keep that hype train firmly on track, it airs another of its promotional Direct packages. Jam-packed with A-Listers like Splatoon 2, Fire Emblem Echoes and Arms, the broadcast is a ratings smash!
But in the midst of The Big N’s biggest hits, what got the most attention (at least from fans on the Internet) was the first full gameplay trailer for Sonic Forces. It was pretty good.
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Editor’s Note: Is that all you have to say?
Well, we got to see Modern Sonic dash and soar through Eggman’s Bad Future like it was some sort of dystopian rollercoaster, while Classic Sonic got to run the vintage Green Hill Zone obstacle course. Both gameplay styles got ample time to show off their pretty set pieces as well as a satisfying impression of speed, momentum and impact.
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Granted, it was only a 30 second clip, but it was a nice little indication that Sonic Team went back to what made these mechanics work so well together in Sonic Generations. Perhaps with some added tweaks, this 2526th anniversary milestone will be just as special as its year 20 counterpart. Or at the very least something that might break the “Sonic Cycle”.
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Editor’s Note: Gotta keep that emphasis on might.
I guess that about covers it. Don’t forget to like, comment and re-blog; oh and stay tuned fo...
Editor’s Note: *AHEM!*
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Heh heh. It seems I forgot to address the shadowy figure stoically lingering in the room.
Yeah, as good as the trailer was, it wasn’t the gameplay that caught the public’s interest but rather the captivating secret that brought it to the finish line.
For an entire month, Sonic fans had been trying to solve the mystery of this unknown Player Three’s identity. Then suddenly, SEGA lifted the cowl...*Sigh*
Editor’s Note: Even knowing what we know now, you still want to discuss your theory, don’t you?
I spent so much time putting it together....how was I supposed to know the reveal would happen before E3?
Editor’s Note: It shouldn’t have taken you weeks to put it together in the first place. But since you worked so hard, have at it. Just make it quick.
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OK! So, after digging through every hedgehog, fox, echidna, bat, cat, rabbit, flicky and sniper in Sonic Team’s sketchbook, I narrowed my list down to five possible suspects. My findings were based solely on the curious critter’s fashion sense.
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Editor’s Note:  Pop monarch shoes, ruffled up socks and Mouseketeer gloves. Yup, it’s a Sonic character all right.
After a rigorous process of elimination, five became two.
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Editor’s Note: Uh-huh. “Rigorous.” Looking at ear shapes and checking for patagium doesn’t take a whole lot of time, dude.
*Cough* Anyway, two resisters remained; the iconic pairing of Sonic & Tails, no less. Upon a second glance at Mr. Prower, I thought I had the mystery solved.
Everything from the fashion choices to the shape of his head and whiskers, he seemed like the perfect candidate. Yup, I was confident it was Tails...until I saw this model lacked Miles’ big bushy namesakes - them tails.
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That just left Sonic.
Editor’s Note: Hey, did you ever consider Antoine? 
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I’m quite familiar with that fan theory and I’d be lying if I didn’t also consider him a (somewhat) strong possibility. This whole thing with Eggman ruling the world definitely had an air of Archie to it, and the publisher did commission mock game assets of the Knothole characters to celebrate the Sonic comic’s 2014 revamp. Not to mention the Guinness award winning series is celebrating its own 25-year milestone, so a monumental crossover seemed like a good way to mark the occasion. Also, he was a perfect match for the silhouette. But I had to rule him out.
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Editor’s Note: If chilidogs can exist in Sonic Team’s universe, why not Coyotes and Acorns?
Mainly, it’s a matter of licensing issues and “pending” cancellation.
Editor’s Note: Two years on television and 25 years in print. The Freedom Fighters had a good run.
Anyway, that just left Sonic and I think you know where I’m going with this.
Player One is the Sonic we know and Player Two is the Sonic we knew, so I think it would stand to reason Player Three 3 could’ve been the hedgehog Sonic could become.
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Editor’s Note: Past, Present and Future all accounted for. That’s a mighty safe deduction, Sherlock. Also, that’s Sonic’s Uncle Chuck, you chuckle head.
As I was saying, I had a feeling SEGA may have wanted to celebrate a quarter century of Sonic games by shaking up the gameplay formula, while using the time travel plot device as a segue.
Editor’s Note: Unnecessary mechanical shake-ups has kinda been Sonic Team’s M.O. for like a decade now. You might as well have assumed this “Future Sonic” would be blue.
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Look, I’m not talking low end shake-ups like making the levels spherical or adding a werehog. I’m talking a momentous shift on par with The Blue Blur speeding out on his first grand Adventure. If you’d grant me the pleasure, I’d be more than happy to explain it in excruciating detail.
Editor’s Note: Dude, seriously. This whole rant has been way too slow. Can we just shine a light on this mascot already?
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*Groan* It’s the 26th anniversary, it’s a new generation of hardware, and Forces is the first multi-platform Sonic release in over half a decade. So, I figured Sonic Team would celebrate in a big way and what would be bigger than letting this anonymous animal take a new hedgehog engine out for a test spin?
Editor’s Note: I’m waiting!
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OK, OK. [Clears Throat] During the 16-Bit glory years, The Fastest Thing Alive was a side-scrolling speedster and starting back from his transition into 3D, Sonic’s been turbo driving in tunnel vision from a fixed third-person vantage point.
Editor’s Note: EXPLAIN FASTER!
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Perhaps we’d finally get a taste of the open road strictly from a hedgehog point of view, like say the FPSonic short made by PIPOCA.
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Or maybe we’d see the tried and true third-person tracks evolve to include multiple axes, like in the brilliant Sonic Utopia tech demo by Mr. Lange. 
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...Or if Sonic Team didn’t want to change too much, I would have suggested it take advantage of the Forces gimmick and allow Sonic Tois to pass the piton to one of his many friends in order clear out enemy lines or solve puzzles. Think an updated Sonic Heroes or Knuckles Chaotix.    
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Editor’s Note: But just as you pasted it together, your “Old Man Sonic” theory ran into a wall.
Dateline – May 16, 2017
SEGA releases another trailer and it focuses squarely on the identity of the third character. Fans gasp with baited breath as the vale was lifted to reveal...a random wolf guy.
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Editor’s Note: Can’t say I saw that one coming.
It felt a tad anti-climatic, even though seeing him use a grapping hook to tie up a couple of giant Egg Robos was pretty cool...I guess.
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Editor’s Note: Look man, you were wrong; you got to get over it. Also, now that I think of it, Sonic’s head is much too big to fit the silhouette, so you would’ve been wrong anyway. And don’t say he could have gotten a haircut. Sonic would never tame those quills.
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Right. Well, before I could register Wolfy the Wolfboy as a new lead, the trailer got its second, third, fourth and fifth wind with the shocking twist this third player is in fact, an “Original Character”.
Editor’s Note: As in - Do Not Steal!?
You see, this charming customer is just one of thousands of possibilities players can dream up using a nifty creator tool and a little bit of imagination. With a long line of clothing options and a choice of one of seven spirit animals, players will be able to make a character that is distinctive to their personality.
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As an added bonus, each of the seven classes has its own unique stat boost.
Wolves have magnetic personalities (rings for days). Dogs bounce back from death with five bonus rings. Cats cheat death by clinging to a single ring after taking damage. Birds are of the flightless variety but can still get air via a double jump. Bears are the heavies of the group and pack a powerful punch with their homing missile. Rabbits get a little extra time to race around with an I-flash damage boost.  And of course, Hedgehogs can pick up the rings they drop after taking a hit.
Editor’s Note: Based on those parameters, I think we might get overrun with re-coloured Sonics...not that there’s anything wrong with that. You do you, Archie did it too, creativity starts somewhere, etc. Speaking of stat boosts and buffs and other such mechanical things, what sort of play style will these OCs adhere to?
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Oddly enough, there’s no perspective change or efforts made to shake up everything we know about Sonic. Instead, Sonic Team chose to make avatars playable in both modern and classic styles, but with a twist.
Do you remember the Wisps from Sonic Colors? They’re back...sort of. Throughout the game, each player character will be collecting an assortment of gadget’s called Wispens. Like the Wisps, these trinkets grant special abilities that can be used to take out enemies or to make racing through levels more expedient. 
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Editor’s Note: I’m sorry you set yourself up for disappointment.
After thinking on it a bit, this surprisingly safe move was the right one. I don’t want to dig too deep (because that’s a topic for another time) but it took Sonic Team a good long time to get Sonic to run smoothly in 3D. Choosing to step away from all that progress just to give a milestone anniversary some extra publicity could’ve have lead to disaster, much like some of The Blue Blur’s previous gimmicks. Instead, fans are being treated to a neat new spin on what works.
As for the Create-a-Character concept, now that I’ve seen it, I’m surprised SEGA hasn’t capitalized on the whole fan fiction aspect of the fandom before. Sonic surfers can’t go through any social media network, fan forum, or artist alley without finding fan characters of all shapes, sizes, species and colours. With such a cluster of “original” critters, this seems like a million dollar idea.
Editor’s Note: I can think of a couple why nots.
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*Sigh* I would be lying if I said I didn’t have some concern for Sonic Forces. As pointed out by...just about everyone, its fan fiction plotline opens it up for being absorbed into that “weirdness”. That said however, I don’t think it’s necessarily fair to rain on the CAC parade.
The majority of these fanfic authors are youngsters that love this series and day dream of seeing their silly side-characters race side-by-side with Sonic. Forces granting their wish is not only a profitable proposition for SEGA, it also encourages and inspires these kids to continue creating. I would like to think that goodwill offsets any potential *cough* naughtiness. 
Editor’s Note: Now that I think of it, said “naughtiness” would be unavoidable anyway just by virtue of being a Sonic game.
Editor’s Note: Between disproven theories, big reveals and potential mishaps, I think you’ve covered all the bases. You want to take this home?
Sonic’s 26-year rat hedge race has certainly been eventful. He’s had some incredible highs, embarrassing lows, and is now riding a stable return through the loop. Every moment of triumph, every stumble, every second wind, every trip up and third wind, The Blue Blur has had a loyal and dedicated pack of fans to run alongside him every step of the way.
They grew up in the trenches together and now they stand tall as a battlefield collective, ready to spin dash their way through the Eggman Empire and onward to freedom!
As a quarter-century celebration of its mascot and the fans that made him an industry icon, Sonic Team (probably) couldn’t have done any better than this.
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...At least in the event Forces fails to win the day, Headcannon and Taxman will be there to save us with Sonic Mania.
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Sorry about all the delays and such. I believe I’m on track now. So, I can say with confidence that you can Stay Tuned fo...
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What’s this? It appears my plans for an Undertale review have been rained out, so to speak.
It’s convention season and with big moves being made and many more still to come, my creative energies would be better spent elsewhere, for now.
Huh...well, with that notice out of the way, Stay Tuned for a resistance of a different sort.
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Reader discretion is advised.
Research Sources: Nintendo, SEGA, Comic Book Resources, Bleeding Cool, Polygon and IGN
0 notes
turntothree · 7 years
During the Break: Microsoft Presents The Spectacular Scorpio
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Welcome to During the Break, a sort of aside series which will allow me to provide smaller bits of content between larger projects. It just so happens today’s small content revolves around some huge news.
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Dateline - June 13, 2016: Phil Spencer rocks a packed crowd at the LA Convention Center with the announcement of the next evolution of Microsoft’s Xbox One, Project Scorpio.
Billed as a technical marvel, Scorpio promised a greatly enhanced console experience; faster load times, smoother performance and true 4K graphics running at a crisp 60fps.
Unfortunately, that’s all Team Xbox was willing to divulge, aside from a vague holiday 2017 release date ... which would put it a year behind PlayStation’s PS4 4K advancement, the PS4 Pro.  
Editor’s Note: I suppose that’s not a totally fair assessment. After all, MS did release the above video featuring third-party developers gushing over Terraflops and such.
Then for a long time nothing happened. Until...
Dateline – April 06, 2017: Microsoft finally gives fans a peak under the Scorpio’s hood. Well, in a way.
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Microsoft didn’t reveal Scorpio’s system specs with a grand plaza unveiling or so much as a read-a-long on Major Nelson’s podcast. Instead, this intel was passed on to Digital Foundry’s Rich Leadbetter during a meeting earlier that week. Once the standard NDA expired, Leadbetter (being the hardware enthusiast he is) proceeded to vigorously share Scorpio’s blueprint with the world via Eurogamer’s Youtube network. What he shared was illuminating.
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I’m not going to pretend to be a specs guy or that I fully comprehend the numbers but it’s clear even to layman like me that Scorpio is a monster and yes, the most powerful home console ever built.
Editor’s Note: At least on paper.
Leadbetter wasn’t exactly at liberty to share the in-game footage he bared witness to under Microsoft’s watchful eye but he did provide a few screenshot samples to back up his source, like this little beauty right here:
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Wow! Look at that texture. It’s like a photograph printed on the finest silk. And there’s that GPU percentage. Ooooo boy, talk about efficiency. Having the memory units divide up the rest of the processing workload is a masterstroke in hardware design, making all of Microsoft’s promises possible while also saving the system from the ominous Red Ring of Death!
Editor’s Note: Not one part is left to its own devices; all working together in beautiful synchrony.
Also impressive, that screencap is from Forza 6, which came out nearly two years ago. So we now know pre-Scorpio era Xbox One titles will also be up-scaled on the new hardware, which is certainly a plus.
What about the older third-party titles that have been developed with their own custom engines? Some of those games ran at a resolution as low as 900p. Can Scorpio upscale them to 4K as well? While Leadbetter couldn’t get 100 per cent confirmation, he did note Microsoft is confident that such an impressive feat is doable.
Editor’s Note: Even if it’s not, all third-party games going forward will adapt to Scorpio’s 4K capabilities, including Red Dead Redemption 2!
Essentially the Scorpio is what would now be considered a high-end PC conveniently built into a home entertainment set-up and as I’ve said before, that’s a considerable leap forward.
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That being said, I’m not sold on the idea that this will be what slingshots Xbox One beyond its distant second place position...mainly because 4K has yet to prove itself to be a long term draw in the console space.
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Let’s take a look at the PS4 Pro, which debuted this past holiday season. Sony CFO Kenichiro Yoshida told investors during a February 2 conference call the 4K units had met or maybe even exceeded sales expectations. He specifically noted the Pro outsold its bargain counterpart the PS4 Slim.
Sounds good, right? Well, yeah. Any day a company can report a profit instead of a loss is a good day. But it hasn’t contributed enough to lift PlayStation out of a slight but steady sales decline. Also from what I can gather; even with that nice holiday uptick and recent success of the Pro, it seems Sony is gearing up to put the Slim back in charge of the heavy lifting.
Why is that? Simply put, the OG PS4s play the exact same games as the Pro units and they are significantly cheaper. 
Most early adopters are happy with the serviceable graphics of previous models so they see no need to pay big for an upgrade. Not to mention most PS noobs just want a system to play and will naturally gravitate towards a cheaper option.
Editor’s Note: The graphical upgrade is nice but $100 is $100...besides, most folks don’t have a TV capable of fully showcasing 4K visuals. Also, in all honesty, it seems most folks who want this high end experience are more likely to gravitate towards a customizable PC option.
This same dynamic applies to the Scorpio and its predecessors; the same games library but different graphical fidelities and price points.
Editor’s Note: If I had to predict Scorpio’s price, I’d say maybe in the neighbourhood of $500-$600 USD, because such beasts aren’t caged cheaply. (I shudder at the thought of the Canadian price tag).
So basically, I’m thinking it could go down like this: the Scorpio sells a few extra million units for the Xbox One brand throughout its lifespan but can’t bridge the sales gap keeping X-One in second place.
But you know what could help bridge the gap? A more diversified software line-up!
Editor’s Note: Whoa, maybe I should slow down with that exclamation point. This piece doesn’t come from a place of “Nerd Rage”, I assure you.
Look, I applaud Team Xbox for becoming more accommodating this console cycle with initiatives like its ID@Xbox program, which finally granted indie devs a spot at Team Green’s grownup table.
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I think the increased investment in Microsoft’s publishing wing has been a great service to its AA and AAA output.
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I love that it’s finding all sorts of ways to re-introduce the classic franchises it acquired with the purchase of Rare, whether it be through the home base or licensing deals with outsiders.
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Heck, I even dig the idea of bringing back some of the strange first generation Xbox IP for another go around.
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However, even with these recent efforts Sony still has Microsoft’s number when it comes to variety.
Platformer, action, adventure, fantasy, horror, sci-fi, FPS, TPS, fighting, puzzle, strategy, racing, rhythm, RPG, MMO, point-and-click, sports; PlayStation has secured the console exclusivity rights to loads of great new content to fit every conceivable niche and genre.
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I could give a long-winded history lesson as to why that is but I think I can sum it up easily enough with this five-point checklist:
Decades dedicated to forging strong business relationships with major studios.
Roots planted and development houses built in various countries around the world.
An in-house philosophy based on experimentation.
It was the first major console brand to truly cultivate and accommodate the booming indie scene. 
Being the most recognizable electronics brand-name in its native Japan also helped a lot!
This has been the PlayStation brand’s winning strategy for over 22 years. Oh and if the scales weren’t already tipped, a significant chunk of said 22 years is available for the PS4 via a digital vault that rival’s even Nintendo’s legendary backlog.
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Even after 15 years of progress, Xbox still can’t escape the perception that it’s an American-centric brand built solely on explosions, fast cars and gunfire.
So...how does Microsoft go about getting a more diverse array of content?
I’d say putting more money into the publishing branch would be a good idea. It could cast a wider (let’s say, global) net to find more fresh, cool and interesting stuff to fund; and encourage a wider range of ideas in its own studios.
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Now that I think of it, Scorpio may just be the thing to get the big AAA studios more involved with the Xbox brand.
Following Digital Foundry’s in-depth coverage of the specs, Microsoft continued its press tour with a stopover at Gamasutra to hand over a hot lead on the dev kit. This just in: Developers Dig It!
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According to developer feedback, Scorpio’s a well-oiled machine. It provides the PC quality upscale game makers have been demanding, while also allowing for an easy downscale to meet the demands of those playing on standard Ones.
OK that’s neat, but what does that mean for a potential shake up in the software supply? For starters, now that Microsoft has provided the AAA studios with the fancy new tech they wanted, perhaps those same studios will show some gratitude. When I say gratitude, I’m talking loud and proud proclamations that the Xbox ports of their major releases are in fact the superior versions. Or to put it another way, recommitting to those advertising opportunities they had taken away once Sony started dominating.  
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Blockbuster bundles, on brand pre-order bonuses, timed-exclusive content and Xbox specific advertising could become common place once again.
Editor’s Note: Losing early access to all of CoD’s various expansions in particular was a major blow.
Heck, if that causes enough of a sales boom, perhaps we’ll even see a few publishing houses take Capcom’s cue and allow some of their spin-off studios to craft exclusives titles for Gates’ game machine.
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Would they move their marquee titles to Xbox exclusively? No. PlayStation’s following is far too great at this point to be ignored, so the big blockbusters are retaining their multi-platform status. But who knows? Maybe if Microsoft rides this feedback wave into the next-generation they can score some prime cuts of exclusive content for the Xbox Two.
Also, all this stuff I’m saying mostly concerns devs from western territories. As I’ve come to understand, Japanese studios (aside from Capcom, Access Games and a handful of other examples) aren’t totally sold on Microsoft and the few XB things they do make and ship internationally are low cost or low risk. ... To put it as kindly as I can, the Xbox name isn’t all that Big in Japan.
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Editor’s Note: I’m sure the recent cancellation of Platinum Games’ Scalebound didn’t do MS any favours either.
If Microsoft wants to import Japanese content, it’ll have to pay up some serious yen.
In closing, I suppose what I’m trying to say is it’s not the shinier hardware or buffest stats that’ll draw customers back, but rather how Microsoft and its outside partners utilize them.
Hopefully, Xbox fans (hardcore, casual and newbie alike) get plenty of new and exciting games to go with their new consoles.
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Research Sources: Digital Foundry, Ars Technica, Game Spot, Game Informer, The Verge, Gamasutra and Kotaku
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turntothree · 7 years
Ry& Reaction: “Share the Joy”
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To start things off, I think the on-stage performances were pretty good.
Going in I wasn’t sure if opting out the whimsical silliness and backstage skits of standard Nintendo Directs in favour of a lavish Apple-esque event was a good idea, but Kimishima and company pulled it off.
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image source - Nintendo
The lighting was good, the music was catchy and the idea of using finger snaps as stage transitions was a clever way to stay on message with Switch’s gimmick. The presenters were great too, with everyone selling their pitches with clarity and confidence.
... And yes, a little bit of Nintendo’s trademark quirkiness seeped in, too.
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image source - Nintendo
Editor’s Note: Switch General Producer Yoshiaki Koizumi really impressed me and proved to be the most charismatic salesman in the bunch. Perhaps he could be groomed as the late, great Satoru Iwata’s replacement.
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image source - Nintendo
But the skits and props and lasers are all just showmanship razzmatazz and while folks appreciate those things as lead-in material, what really sells people on gaming products are the video packages. Because there’s nothing quite like a sharply edited trailer to get you hyped for a new game or piece of hardware.
The Switch itself received two hype videos. The first providing an overview on the console as a whole, while the second focused specifically on the Joy-Con controllers.
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image source - Nintendo
Video one started out as a nice little recap of how the TV Mode, Handheld Mode, and Table-Top Mode functions work and really hammered down the benefits of taking your game anywhere. As the package rolled on however, Nintendo started to answer some FAQ’s regarding certain elements of the Switch’s hardware like for example: What’s the battery life of the Switch tablet? Will the tablet have a touch-based interface? How many Switches can be linked together?
Answer 1 - As the previous rumours suggested, roughly three to six hours. Nintendo says this is fully depending on the game in play. So something like say Breath of the Wild can run up to three hours, while smaller scale stuff like low-res indies or Virtual Console classics are likely in six-hour territory.
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image source - Nintendo
Hot take – It’s kind of hard to say this revelation is disappointing but it still is. It’s running games at 720p and 60fps, so this is pretty reasonable. On the other hand, three hours isn’t much play time for a handheld device. So if you plan on traveling with this thing, bring a book, too.
Answer 2 – Yes. It’s a 6.2’ inch multi-touch pad, similar to the tech used for the Wii U and the Dual Screen handheld lines.
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image source - Nintendo
Hot Take – It’s a good design choice, as that interface worked beautifully for those systems and opened up a lot of game design possibilities. I fully expect this new screen to work the same magic for Switch.
Answer 3 – Up to eight Switch tablets can be linked together for local multiplayer.
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image source - Nintendo
Hot Take - So ... that’d be 8-16 players depending on the game? That’s going to come in handy for competitive tournaments ... or a big old house party!
Editor’s Note: It was also pointed out online multiplayer can be accessed in all three Switch Modes ... kind of weird that that got mentioned. Most people would think it was given but good news all the same.
Switch video #2 provided a demo of the Joy-Con’s motion sensing technology, because Wii aren’t going to see Ninty let go of that old chestnut any time soon.
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image source - Nintendo
Although, perhaps a Wiimote/nunchuck comparison isn’t totally fair. Oh, Joy-Con R&L serve the same purpose but according to Koizumi’s demonstration, these nifty little inventions are more sophisticated and precise than their predecessors. Apparently they allow actions like say swinging Link’s Master Sword or one of Little Mac’s trademark Star Punches to be performed with pin-point accuracy.
Part of what makes this proposed accuracy possible is an IR camera built into the right Joy-Con that can measure the shape, motion, and distance of any object in front of it.
That’s not to say Joy-Con R is the only of its kind to innovate because both the right and left controllers have built-in “HD Rumble”, the Rumble Pack’s next-gen cousin. What this new tech does is add a greater sense of weight and sound to the rumble, making it so the player can really feel the impact of the aforementioned punches and sword clangs.
Editor’s Note: His examples were Rock, Paper, Scissors ... Glass of Water. Mine are better.
Also, the left one has a Share button and the right one has an NFC scanner for Amiibo figures. Oh, and wrist straps are included in box to ensure no wayward Joy-Cons breakthrough the televisions that bind them.
Editor’s Note: Don’t you dare laugh at that last part. The threat is real.
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image source - Nintendo
Thoughts on video #2:
So, on top of being two-thirds of the Switch Grip (TV Mode controller), two-thirds of the Switch Handheld, as well as P1 and P2 controllers (Tablet Mode), the Joy-Cons are also Wiimote/nunchuck 2.0 HD? Quite the little technical marvels, wouldn’t you say?
Now, I haven’t been one to consistently sing the praises of motion controls, not that I don’t think stuff like Wii Sports, Wii Fit or Just Dance can be fun ... in fact, I’ve had plenty of fun with those games.
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image source - Nintendo
That said, the precision of Wii Motion (even with Plus) wasn’t always up to snuff and Nintendo would often insert those slightly finicky mechanics into more traditional (or classic style) games and let’s just say (to put it gently) the results varied. 
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image source - Nintendo
Still, motion control technology has a lot of potential and overall I’m glad Nintendo experimented with it. If what Koizumi said is true, we would be looking at the most immersive gameplay set-up around ... that doesn’t involve a VR headset. I don’t know if I fully buy that but I’d be willing to give his bold “new world of entertainment” a fair shake ... just as long as it doesn’t force me out of my comfort zone.
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image source - Nintendo
Editor’s Note: At the very least it could prove to provide plenty of fun. I mean, who doesn’t like to move around and get a little silly with friends, right?
My one suggestion would be to build games specifically around those mechanics, as opposed to cramming said mechanics into everything. Considering this setup doesn’t work in Handheld Mode, I don’t think that’s much cause for concern.
The Share button ... OK; Nintendo’s more than a couple years late to the social networking party, which is sad cause it could have lead the charge back in 2012 ... but it didn’t. Although, there’s something to be said about better being late than never and this function will be very useful for fans to share their experiences ... just a shame the video portion will be a few months late.
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image source - Nintendo
Editor’s Note: A logical step two would be to sign a partnership deal with Twitch TV. Step three would be to stop putting an ad revenue cap on Youtube uploads. If you want creative folks to make and share videos based on your IPs, you got to build that bridge.
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image source - Nintendo
The Amiibo scanner is a no brainer and building it into the Joy-Cons only makes sense since it allows figures to be usable in all three Switch forms.
Oh, and (again) the wrist straps are great because they prevent property damage.
Ooooo! Now we can get to the best part of this little blog, The Game Trailer Lightning Round!
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image source - Nintendo
The screen (whether it be TV or tablet) is almost a non-factor in 1-2-Switch, a weird (oh so very weird) mini-game collection/Joy-Con motion sensor showcase.
Whether it’s engaging in a quick draw showdown, a copy cat dance-off, cow milking ... or fictitious sandwich eating, 1-2-Switch is all about gaining the upper hand on your opponent through awareness of audio cues and slight changes in HD Rumble.
Pro-Tip: Keeping a watchful eye on your opponent and their physical tells is also a keen strategy.
I honestly didn’t know what to make of 1-2-Switch. Between the goofy gestures and one-on-one contact, this one has the potential to be a game night regular. But the clips in the trailer were a bit too strange to get a good read on whether or not I’d personally enjoy it overall. (I say overall because I was sold on that Quick Draw game from the moment it shot up)
Release Date – March 3, 2017
Editor’s Note: This would make for a perfect pack-in title.
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Next up is Arms: a figurative (and literal) one-two punch of physicality and traditional gameplay.  
Likely inspired by the Nintendo Ultra Hand, Arms is a 3D fighting game that’s a little bit Wii Sports Boxing and a little bit Team Fortress 2.
Players can pick from a variety of colourful heroes, each with their own unique abilities and power-ups ...  with the added twist that their arms are spring-loaded extendo-gloves.
Basically the goal of the game is too grab, throw and punch your opponent from half-way across the arena until you can deliver a super move and knock ‘em out; as you bob, weave, jump and dodge. And it’s all done through a combination of wrist-flicks, timed button presses and actual punching.
I had no idea whether or not the game would work as intended but it was so incredibly silly that it tickled punched me in all the right places.
Release Date – Spring 2017
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image source - Nintendo
Swimming in from Inkopolis was Splatoon 2! (A proper sequel ... good swerve)
Good to know the kids and squids are back to squirt up some more trouble in an all-new set of turf wars filled with new characters, weapons, maps and even a few new mechanics like a dodge roll and rocket blast.
The original was one of the few games on Wii U to bring millions of players together through online play, so it’s little to wonder why The Big N decided to let the squids (and kids) Switch it up for a whole new round of Splat Fests.
Yup, happy to see Nintendo continue its efforts to support fresh IP ... and even happier to know Splat Fest (along with a variety of free DLC) is making a comeback, too.
Release Date – Summer 2017
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image source - Nintendo
Then suddenly, after years of build-up, we finally caught a good glimpse of [insert drum roll] Super Mario Odyssey!
Oh man, oh man! I think it’s safe to say many of us have waited years for a new 3D open-world game to take the red-clad plumber far beyond the samey terrains of The Mushroom Kingdom and when it finally came, I (for one) wasn’t disappointed.
Mario jumping and swooshing around the busy city streets of New York Donk City like Spider-Man; exploring the deepest darkest forests of parts unknown; cooking up trouble in a crystallized food world; and riding the frickin’ sphinx from Super Mario Land(?), were awesome sights to behold!
Wait a second ... he can break dance? OK, I’m giving it six, no, seven stars!
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image sources - Nintendo and Capcom Fighters
... Also the new hat throw and hat jump mechanics are pretty neat.
This trailer blew me away then knocked my socks off! It’s a beautiful looking game that boasts the Switch’s HD vigour in full effect and a great mix of cool new stuff and the classic stuff that made us all fans in the first place.
So yeah, good first impression. Can’t wait to see more during E3.
Release Date – Holiday Season 2017
Following that wonderful display was an onslaught of upcoming RPGs:
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image sources - Monolith Software, Koei Tecmo, Square Enix, Nintendo, Atlus and Bethesda
Xenoblade 2 – A proper sequel to the cult classic brought stateside by popular demand.
Dragon Quest Heroes 1&2 – After further confirmation of Dragon Quest X and XI Switch ports, it was revealed Square Enix’s classic series’ recent crossovers with Koei Tecmo’s popular hack-and-slash Dynasty Warriors franchise would also “make the Switch”.
Fire Emblem Warriors – Speaking of Dynasty Warriors, following its recent success crossing over with Nintendo’s Legend of Zelda series, the two dev teams are hoping to make lightning strike twice but this time with Fire Emblem characters. No footage was shown aside from a shield, a hand, and a sword.
Shin Megami Tensei 25th Anniversary HD Project – A new entry in Atlus’ (oc)cult classic franchise “makes the Switch” with many of its fan favourite monsters in line. It’s probably the fifth game in its mainline ... probably.  
Project Octopath Traveler – 2D pixels and 3D backdrops collide in this little beauty from Square Enix.
Skyrim – At long last, Bethesda has joined forces with Nintendo and together they will bring at least one of the best western made RPGs to the Switch, and that game is the legendary Skyrim! Not only that, but the game looks great (maybe not the best it’s ever looked but still great) and having it on a handheld is sure to make many Elder Scrolls fans shout H-Ur-Rah!
RPGs have always had a prosperous home on Nintendo consoles (excluding the N64) and it’s nice to see such a great and varied selection settle on Switch. It’s just unfortunate (for this blog at least) that aside from the ports, we really don’t know that much about any of them other than they’ll all be out this year. 
video source - Nintendo on Youtube
Later on in the evening, fans watching at home were treated to the typical end of show sizzle reel, featuring a rundown of every game shown up to that point, as well as a few many that were left out ... many being 22 in this case.
And here they are ... *Ahem*:
I am Setsuna
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Rayman Legends
Mario Kart
Sonic 2017
Has Been Heroes
Skylanders: Imaginators
Minecraft: Story Mode
LEGO City Undercover
Farming Simulator
Disgaea 5
Just Dance 2017
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Super Bomberman
Nobunaga’s Ambition
Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers
NBA 2K18
Editor’s Note: *GASP! PANT! PANT! GASP!* I think that’s all of them.
More on this list later but first ... the grand finale.  
After much teasing and commercial plugging, Nintendo’s biggest wigs closed out the show with a final bow and fade to black, very classy.
... Yeah, that stuff happened but to serve as a lead in for one last trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild!
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image source - Nintendo
Wow, what a trailer! It had everything: drama, tragedy and of course some sweet gameplay action, all without giving too much away. It was the perfect piece of mass media marketing.
And that March 3, 2017 launch date reveal? Truly a “legendary” stinger to close such an historic night.
Some loose notes from the show:
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An EA rep appeared on stage to announce a new kind of FIFA game is coming to Switch this fall. Probably the best possible sports game get for the system given FIFA’s world-wide reach.
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image source - Nintendo
Suda 51 made the scene with the announcement of a brand-new game starring No More Heroes loser-in-chief leading man Travis Touchdown. Apparently, it takes inspiration from pro-wrestling and that’s all he could share ... so maybe it’s No More Heroes 3 or maybe it isn’t. Also, it’s only in the early development stages, so it’s not coming out anytime soon unfortunately.
Editor’s Note: No More Heroes 1 & 2 were hallmark titles on the original Wii, making Nintendo (and publisher Ubisoft) a lot of money, while also transforming Suda from a weird niche auteur into an indie dev superstar. Welcome home, Suda-San.
And at the start of the show, Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima addressed the crowd and viewers at home with five fascinating factoids.
First & Second: A fair share of Nintendo’s online services will revolve around a mobile app and when I say fair share, I should really say most, since the app supported features include match making, lobbies and voice chat. Sadly, the app won’t be ready in time for Switch’s launch but basic online play and the eShop will be up and running from Day One.
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image source - Nintendo
Speaking of Switch’s online play, Nintendo will take the Xbox Gold and PlayStation Plus route with some sort of pay-to-use structure ... the details of which weren’t ironed out during the show.
Hot takes – I’m of two minds on this whole app business. Match making and voice chats through an app is an interesting concept and with DeNA (a mobile company) behind it, it could be taken in several creative directions. That and it kind of makes sense since Switch is two-thirds a mobile console.
On the other hand, users’ best keep a watchful eye on their phone bill ... or stay put in a wi-fi zone.
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image source - 20th Century Fox (made with Frinkiac)
Editor’s Note: Fingers crossed this isn’t a data muncher.
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image source - 20th Century Fox (made with Frinkiac)
*Sigh* I guess it had to happen eventually and I understand the logic of charging for online play (servers and whatnot). Still ... maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. Free online play was a nice competitive edge Nintendo had over the competition (and not having to pay an extra $60-80 a year was a nice treat for customers) and now it’s gone. Let’s just hope the price is reasonable and it has some perks aside from basic services.
Editor’s Note: Also, credit where it’s due, Nintendo will grant users free access for the first few months, as DeNA works out the kinks. Props to The Big N for doing something it (in all honesty) didn’t have to do.
Third: Starting with Switch, Region Locking is donzo on Nintendo!
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image source - Nintendo
Editor’s Note: He put it more eloquently but I wanted to rhyme and it’s my blog, so there!
Hot take – This is good news for developers who make niche games that don’t typically get localized for foreign markets. It’s good news for international fans who can ship and play said games without having to also ship region specific hardware (or resort to piracy). And it’s also good PR for Nintendo, so it’s good news for everyone. Nice play, Big N.
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image source - Nintendo
Fourth & Fifth:  Mark the date, Nintendo fans. Planet Earth will “Make the Switch” on March 3, 2017! Two weeks prior to the date that had been tossed around by the press ... and it will be priced at $299.99 in North America.
Hot takes – March 3 is a pretty good launch date. Just before spring break season and it’s also when some lucky folks have a bit of extra cash on hand. So a nice portion of Nintendo’s base is bound have some time and money spend on Switch.  
That North American price point seemed so bold to me. In fact, I couldn’t believe it when I heard it and had to rewind the video feed twice. But Kimishima said clear as day the words, “$299.99” and “North America”, as in a universal price point across the continent? It seemed so.
To put that into perspective for my fellow Canucks, Switches sold in Canada would be roughly $75 (USD) cheaper when the (usually terrible for us) exchange rate is taken into account. “Truly a gutsy and most appreciated move”, I thought. “Nintendo must really want to win the Canadian market share.”  
Editor’s Note: I was so young, so naive. Like a little koopaling.
If I were to give a brief overview of the show, I’d say it wasn’t without a select few weaker moments but the showmanship was good and between the potential in the hardware’s gimmick and some sweet looking games, I closed out of the window feeling mighty enthusiastic about the Switch.
Editor’s Note: I realize this is a tad late (on account of multiple re-writes ... each longer and more thesis-y than the last) and for that I’m sorry. To make amends, here are some reactions to Switch stuff that popped up in the aftermath.
In the mere minutes that followed the Switch presentation, Nintendo and a handful of third-party partners continued to dish on the multifaceted dream machine and it wasn’t all good news.
For starters, it turns out Kimishima forgot to put a USD label next to that price tag. ... I should have known it was too good to be true.
So what’s the true Canadian price? $400 CAD...
And with that, my optimism took a good bonk to the head.
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image source - Nintendo
Editor’s Note: Total time spent in denial – 75 Minutes
Dang dude, it’s almost as if Nintendo doesn’t want to compete here in The Great White North.
I get Nintendo of Japan doesn’t want to lose money on the exchange rate and I’m sure Nintendo of America would rather not see its customers travel north of the border for bargain Switches, but really? $400 for a Switch is craz ... ludacr ... less than ideal.
An Xbox One or standard PS4 in Canada can run between $380 & $350 depending on where you shop and the particular bundle. Sony and Microsoft have chosen to take a slight hit on the exchange but in turn, they’ve also kept their consoles within an enticing price range. This is important because a lame loony means consumers have fewer of those loonies to spend on luxuries.
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image source - PlayStation Blog
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image source - EB Games
Also notice how I said “bundles”. Yeah, PlayStations and Xbox One S’ come with games and not just any games but major blockbusters like Uncharted 4 and Gears of War 4; or Battlefield 1 and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. Yes, customers pay more in CAD than their friends down south would pay in USD but they can still feel like they’ve gotten their money’s worth. Switch has no such pack-in. Not even 1-2-Switch, which might as well be classified as a tech demo.
Editor’s Note: Nintendo said a pack-in game won’t be included in order to keep the price at $300 USD.
Then there’s the memory issue. Ordinary PS4′s and standard Xbone S’ have 500GB of storage built in.  What does Switch got? A 32GB Micro SD card. ... Breath of the Wild on its own is a 13GB download.
Editor’s Note: Additional Micro SDs of up to 256GBs can be swapped in but could be another pricey purchase, especially if you choose one with Nintendo branding.
Not to mention the other two options also have superior hardware and some slightly spiffier graphics.
And it’s not just the console that’s steeply priced. Get a load of this:
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image source - EB Games
Yikes. $90 bucks for the least gimmicked controller? $100 bucks for an extra pair of Joy-Cons? Yes, there’s fancy tech installed into the JC’s and yes, name-brand controllers are pricey across the board but at least the other players on said board have affordable third-party alternatives in stock.
Editor’s Note: To Nintendo’s credit, it did commission HORI to make a cheaper ($39.99 CAD) wired controller ... but it can’t be used for travel play, which is Switch’s main selling point.
Well, at least game prices synch up with the competition ... even if $65 for 1-2-Switch, $70 for Bomberman and $55 for The Binding of Isaac is a bit much.
Oh and speaking of games, a few more Switch titles have been announced since the presentation.
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image sources - SEGA, Nicalis, Arc System Works and Bandai Namco
Sonic Mania (YES!), BlazBlue (YES!), The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (YES!), the next Tales game (neat), and New Frontier Days: Founding Pioneers (woo?) were all announced just minutes after the keynote.
Another game related revelation of the (late) evening was that the new Mario Kart game is in fact a port of Mario Kart 8, as previously rumoured.
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image source - Nintendo
Mario Kart 8: Deluxe features 10 new characters (including Dry Bones, King Boo and the Inklings from Splatoon), a second item slot (as well as some new to MK8 items such as the Super Leaf) and (by popular demand) a return to the classic Battle Mode. Just a shame the Inkoplois park is the only new track.
MK8D will be a good pick-up for those who didn’t pick-up a Wii U (which is A LOT of people) and perhaps OG MK8 players will pick it up, too because of the new content.
In the month since ...
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image source - Yacht Club Games, Nicalis, Tomorrow Corporation and Warner Bros.
Yacht Club Games confirmed the Treasure Trove edition of Shovel Knight will dig into the Switch. Indie publishers Nicalis and Tomorrow Corporation have confirmed choice selections from their libraries. Warner Bros. will continue to build its relationship with Nintendo through a Switch version of LEGO Worlds.
Ah yeah, and Nintendo hosted a Fire Emblem themed Direct on January 18 in which a proper (but yet to be named) Fire Emblem title was announced for a 2018 release on Switch.
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image source - Nintendo
We also got to see Chrom slash a bunch of dudes in a slightly extended Fire Emblem Warriors trailer.
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image sources - Nintendo and Koei Tecmo
Wait ... I almost forgot. When Game Spot’s Chris Pererira caught up with Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Amie at the January 13 hands-on event at Nintendo World in NYC, Pererira attempted to inquire about two particularly popular (and currently MIA) franchises. I don’t think I need to you tell what those franchises were ... (they were Metroid and Mother) *Cough*. Anyway, Reggie cut him off guard and asked the question himself, at which he promptly answered in a rather interesting manner.
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image source - Nintendo
"Oh, so earlier today I got asked about Mother 3; maybe you can ask me about Metroid. Look, again, I am proud as an executive with Nintendo to say that we look at all of the boards and all of the comments and we really have a good understanding of what our consumers want. And believe me, we take that to heart as we work to create content.
"So I have nothing to announce--here. But we are aware that there are some key IP that consumers just can't wait for the next true installment in that franchise's legacy. Suffice it to say, we're aware of it, and talk to me in a year and let's look back and see what's happened." - Reggie Fils-Amie to Game Spot (January 13, 2017)
As Pererira noted in his article, these comments do not guarantee either a new and proper entry in the Metroid franchise or the long-awaited (and official) English language release of Mother 3. However, they do offer up a nice little bit of hope that maybe, just maybe, those deeply wanted announcements are incoming ... maybe at E3?  ... Maybe?
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image source - @Nintendeal on Twitter
Aside from all that, Nintendeal made this nifty little (albeit incomplete) 2017 release schedule, with the added promise that between Nintendo and its third-party partners, 100 games are currently in development for Switch.
That’s all well and good but ... is it really enough?
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image source - 20th Century Fox (made with Frinkiac)
Editor’s Note: *Sigh* I’m starting to come off as an entitled snot, aren’t I?
Look, 100 games is a great release target for a console’s first year, I’m not debating that. And I certainly wouldn’t imply it’s a weak collection from what we’ve seen thus far.
Between the point-and-click adventures, world-builders, platformers, racers, puzzlers, party games, fighting games and the wealth of RPGs, Switch will have plenty of good stuff to offer all ages and tastes.  
However, most of what’s listed is ports of games released several months or years ago on PS4 and Xbox One. Now that I think of it, there’s also an alarming lack of star power outside of Nintendo’s development bubble.
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image sources - Blizzard, Ubisoft, EA, Rockstar Games, Bethesda, Square Enix, Capcom, NetherRealm Studios, BioWare and Nintendo
Sure, Switch has most of the world’s leading development and publishing houses pledging support but where are those studios’ heaviest hitters? Have Overwatch and For Honor enlisted? Will Injustice 2 and MvC Infinite bring the fight to Switch? Red Dead 2 and GTA are MIA? Did Final Fantasy XV & Kingdom Hearts 3 not belong in that RPG package? I could go on with a longer list of missing major third-party titles that have or will make fat stacks on and for other platforms, but I’ll leave it at that. ... Oh, and I don’t recall seeing a Switch logo in the recent Avengers teaser.
Editor’s Note: And aren’t there sports other than Basketball and Soccer?
Perhaps these games will be revealed down the line during E3 or even in one of the few Directs Nintendo is bound to host between now and then. Or maybe they won’t arrive at all.  
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image source - EA
Respawn’s Mohammad Alavi recently scoffed at the idea of Titanfall 2 landing on Switch, stating the console’s hardware was “under-powered”. There are also rumours Switch’s crack at the FIFA franchise will be based on past PS3 and Xbox 360 versions.
Editor’s Note: Yikes.
Basically, despite its Maxwell chip suggesting it could handle producing games visually on par with basic PS4 and Xbone titles, there might be some U-esque hardware flaw that prevents ports of let’s call them “busier” games from being viable options.
Editor’s Note: Potentially devastating, if true.
Although, another likely explanation could be these studios are playing the waiting game to see if Nintendo moves enough Switches to make the effort of porting that stuff worthwhile. As much flack as some of Nintendo’s hardcore fans tend to give them for Wii U’s “failure”, these companies got burned, too; losing good money on their few investments.
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image source - Bioware, Ubisoft and Warner Bros.
Long story short, Switch’s initial line-up is fairly solid with some good (and great) stuff from third-parties and Nintendo itself. However, the third-party portion has some major absences for one reason or ... multiple others.
I wouldn’t normally wish to speculate off the cuff but (granting Switch is successful), I think these publishers will port over as many of their hallmark games as they can (IE as many of them that are compatible with Switch’s hardware). I suppose any gaps could be filled with original content they would’ve made for the 3DS. (This is likely the fate of Level-5’s Yo-kai Watch series, for example)
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image source - Level-5
PS: One more thing that’s setting off some red flags is the fact only a handful of games has a release date set in stone. I hope we don’t see any dry spells like with the Wii U’s early days ... and middle days ... and later days.
Boy, this sure is getting long in the tooth (again) but before I end this, I want to make sure I cover the growth of Nintendo’s online services.
In the moments following Switch’s grand showing, Nintendo released this adorable little gem on Youtube:
video source - Nintendo on Youtube
To summarize, Big Bow protects Little Bow from the more intimidating aspects of online play, as well as shielding him from inappropriate content, all while tapping contently through a simple mobile app. This app also gave the senior koopa the power to control junior’s playtime and to set a play schedule, all while learning everything there is to know about his son’s favourite games.
I’m all for anything that gives parent’s the power to monitor what their kids are playing and add any restrictions they deem suitable for their child. I also think Nintendo should be commended for encouraging parents to learn more about their child’s interests and to play with them. I like that a lot.
Having it all controlled through an app is a great idea, too. After all, mom & dad can’t be home 24/7, so having an ace up their sleeve for some extra piece of mind is a lovely courtesy.
Editor’s Note: I hope mom & dad have good coverage.
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image source - 20th Century Fox (made with Frinkiac)
Another key online selling point Nintendo immediately put forward was its counterpoint to PS Plus Rewards and Games With Gold.
Subscribers to Nintendo’s online service will get one free NES or SNES classic each month. OK, that doesn’t quite measure up to the competition considering they hand out multiple free and current (or currentish) games each month, but a free game is a free game.
Wait, let me just read this fine print before moving on...  
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image source - Nintendo
It expires after a month? You mean to tell me Nintendo can’t afford to give away decades-old roms no bigger than a couple songs on iTunes? Not to mention the library of NES and SNES games is so massive; The Big N couldn’t possibly come close to giving them all away anyway. Come on, man.
Needless to say, that news irked me a bit when I first read it. However, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t appreciate the member discounts continuing on into the Switch’s life-span or thought online play for SNES games wasn’t so darn cool.
You know what else is cool? A region free online store!
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image source - Koei Tecmo
On January 19 it was uncovered that much like Switch discs, digital copies have also been unshackled! But ... there’s a bit of catch. That catch being region specific sections of the eShop, as well as region specific games, can only be accessed with user IDs tagged to those regions. Luckily, up to eight user profiles can be attached to a Switch console and those profiles can be tied to any region of the user’s choosing.  So, say if a primarily English speaking player wants to buy and play a Japanese game but doesn’t want to go through the expensive process of importing a physical copy, all they have to do is create and log into a Japanese profile on their Switch. Easy peasy, Wario queasy.
Getting back to the NYC show, Youtube personality ProJared caught up with Reggie for a rather Switched up interview.
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image source - ProJared on Youtube
At one point in the discussion, Jared inquired about the possibility of Virtual Console purchases becoming cross-platform tie-ins. Reggie offered this promising reply:
“We’ve heard this comment. We’ve heard it many times. Obviously the first step for us was getting a unified Nintendo account that goes back and ties back not only existing systems but will tie back to the Nintendo Switch and mobile gaming. The details of exactly how the Virtual Console will work, we’re holding back a little bit, so we can share the full concept at a later date but we heard the comment and we’re working on it.” - Reggie Fils-Amie to ProJared (January 13, 2017)
Not much to say here other than it’s about time. You buy a game once, you shouldn’t have to buy it again or pay a fee just to transfer it over to another system. Good to see Nintendo has finally come to understand this.
I also can’t forget February 1, when Japanese financial paper Nikkei uncovered Nintendo’s plan to charge between 2,000 and 3,000 yen per year for the online service. (This translates to $17 and $26 USD ... or roughly $22 and $34 CAD).
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image source - Nintendo
Needless to say, that’s great! If Nintendo has to charge for online play, at least it’s reasonably priced ... more so than PlayStation Network and Xbox Live which charge (at least) twice as much.  
Suddenly the whole “month-long free VC game rental” thing doesn’t seem so bad anymore.
Editor’s Note: Switch Online sure has some nice positives ... *Sigh* I’m going to miss Miiverse. I know, it’s getting scrapped because Nintendo can’t provide enough moderation to make it a family friendly environment but still :( .
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image source - Pure Nintendo (via Miiverse.net)
Editor’s Note [part deux]: Nah, I don’t want to end the discussion like that. Hmm ... oh, those bothersome Friend Codes are gone! I don’t care to remember all those extra numbers.
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image source - 20th Century Fox (made with Frinkiac)
Update - Scratch that, they’re back. Groooooooooooan!
Hold it! ... Is there anything else about Switch I should note before reaching the conclusion? Well, I saw the Switch ad that played during the Super Bowl.
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image source - Nintendo
It was alright. More or less the same sort of ad used to reveal Switch last October; folks out enjoying their games anywhere and everywhere to the tune of a snappy song about beating to the tune of your own drum, expect this time the entire family got into it, as opposed to just the hip millennials. The message of the ad is simple: Switch can be enjoyed anywhere and everywhere by anyone and everyone.  
Editor’s Note: Wait a second ... “First Thing” – TV Mode; “Second Thing” – Tabletop Mode; “Last Thing” – Handheld Mode. Oh my, that’s some clever use of song lyrics.
I guess I could also make a brief mention of the Treehouse livestream. While it didn’t reveal any additional games, it did shine a nice spotlight on the games that made their debut the night before ... also Zelda.
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image source - Nintendo
All of the Treehouse segments have been archived to Youtube but I’d like to list off my favourites:
Arms – I didn’t expect this game to look so cool in motion but it did. The button presses, wrist-flicks and RL punches flowed into each other perfectly. Not to mention the game itself seems like a nice light-hearted bit of fun.
Super Bomberman R – I don’t know what’s more shocking, the fact Konami brought Bomberman back, or that his return didn’t blow up in a pachinko machine.
Snipperclips – An adorable paper craft puzzler that took me by surprise.
Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers – A new spin(kick) on a timeless classic.  
Super Mario Odyssey – Nothing new here but I loved Miyamoto’s history lesson concerning Super Mario’s 64 and Sunshine and the influence their design had over this grand new adventure.
1,2-Switch – The Treehouse gang had some fun messing around with a few mini-games and it was fun to watch. That said, I’m still not sure if I’m entirely sold on it just yet. Still, I’d love to try out a few samples.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – I really enjoyed the quick look at the improvements made to the horseback riding mechanics and the new stable system. The real-time weather was quite something as well.
Moment of truth time is finally here; the moment to render that verdict I P-Winged my way out of last time. And now that there’s virtually no escape, boy, I have to make a call.
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OK...I have to give Nintendo credit, the Switch’s introduction into the public eye has been a rousing success these past few months...for the most part.
The hardware and marquee games both left a major impression, and (unlike Wii U) Switch’s ad campaign has been firmly on point. Based on the tens of millions of Youtube views alone, there’s a level of excitement for this thing that hasn’t been felt for a Nintendo product in a good-long time. I’m talking Wii and NES level excitement. Its appeal has reached far beyond gamers and hardcore Nintendo fans; the Switch is now part of the wider pop culture consciousness. The mainstream market is very much interested in “making the Switch”.
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image source - Nintendo
Editor’s Note: Pre-orders have sold out world-wide and some shops have even had to cancel pre-orders because their pre-order stock couldn’t meet the pre-order demand and that is after Nintendo increased production to get more Switches on shelves...this is going to be a hot item. (*sigh* Oh Nintendo, Why do you under stock things?)
Will this mainstream appeal last? That’s a whole other story.
Sure, it’s currently selling out like crazy and folks are desperately clamouring to get one but a lot of fads started out that way and died down eventually and there are a few ways Switch could meet that same fate.
Like say, if the third-parties ultimately choose to abandon porting their big blockbusters to Switch, much like they did with the Wii U. Or if Nintendo were to disband its current united front and build another handheld to succeed the 3DS, giving big publishers that want to work with Nintendo (and even Nintendo’s own teams) another option, which was another thing that hurt Wii U.
There’s also the matter of Nintendo’s hardware and accessory pricing.
Editor’s Note: “Oh look at this big baby crying about those Canadian price points, again.” First: it’s my blog and I’ll cry if I want to. Second: yes, the prices are too darn high! Third: those US prices aren’t exactly bargains either. The US controller prices are gouges, too and Americans can buy those same PS4 and Xbox One bundles I mentioned earlier for the USD price of a Switch! Is the portability gimmick enough to cover the lack of a pack-in game, lack of decent hardware storage or lack of guaranteed full-fledged third-party support?!
*Cough* The Big N might also shoot its own Big old Foot and under stock Switch to the point customers just give up and choose to spend their money on other things. ... I’m looking directly at you, NES Classic Edition!
Or maybe, Switch is destined to fade away into fad zone obscurity. Like the SEGA CD/32X; the PlayStation Vita; and (to name it again) Nintendo’s own Wii U. It’d be unfortunate and it could happen for any number of reasons but to put it simply, sometimes things just don’t work out.
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image credit - SEGA, Sony and Nintendo
I certainly see Koizumi’s angle of a bold “new world of entertainment” and its potential is bright but the more I think about, the clearer I can see a few possibilities for failure.
In the end, the only advice I could give to anyone who is curious about “Switching over” but isn’t entirely sure about it, would be to wait it out a bit...although in all honesty, they probably don’t have a choice but to wait at this point anyway.
How long of a wait am I talking here? I’d say Christmas (because there will likely be at least one good bundle and a much wider array of games to choose from) or next year (because a slight price drop is probably going to happen in year two). Not to mention waiting it out for 8-12 months would give you plenty of time to get a read on Switch’s future and determine whether or not it’s a good long-term investment.
Editor’s Note: If you’re desire to “Switch sides” relies on “Breathing in the Wild”, the latest incarnation of Zelda is also saveable on Wii U...yeah, it’s essentially U’s last rites.
Whelp, that does it. I hope you enjoyed this exceedingly long look at the Nintendo Switch’s pre-release hype and I thank you so very much for sticking with me.
Also, if I still have your attention, and if you do dig my work, feel to share, like, comment, re-blog, or whatever. ... A follow would be great as well, since it’s a lovely indicator that people are reading.  *Cough* Ah...bye for now!
Don’t touch that dial...
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Research sources – Nintendo, Game Informer, GameXplain, IGN, Game Spot, Game Rant, Siliconera, IGN(again), Game Spot (again), ProJared, the BBC , Digital Trends, Game Rant (again), The Verge, Forbes and VG247
3 notes · View notes
turntothree · 7 years
Spread Thought: Switching it Up
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Dateline: Tokyo, Japan - March 17, 2015
The tech sector is rocked with the revelation of Nintendo joining forces with app developer DeNA to bring its line-up of iconic mascots to various Apple and Android devices.
In a move once thought unthinkable, The Big N signed a big fat contract (with 10 per cent equity of DeNA in tow) to become a third-party game creator for what it previously considered to be its lead competitors. With the Wii U losing traction and the 3DS on its slow march into retirement, could this historic moment have marked the end of 30 years of standard-setting hardware development?
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image source - The Associated Press
Before this notion could even register, (then) Nintendo president Satoru Iwata announced to the world the company was working on a brand-new home console. Its name (at least at that point) NX; its concept revolutionary; and...that was it. Iwata said more news would come in 2016, before shifting focus back to mobile.
But there was no turning back the NX hype train. Once it left the station that was it. Just like that, a hallmark moment was overshadowed by a quick quote to save face.
“I wanted to avoid any misunderstandings such as, “Nintendo might have lost its passion for the dedicated game system business”, and because I wanted many people to understand that Nintendo will continue its dedicated game system business with even stronger passion and motivation.” – Satoru Iwata to Time Magazine (March 18, 2015)
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image source - Sega
Sure, the partnership with DeNA was then and continues now to be a huge deal (one that is currently paying some decent dividends) but those two letters became an enticing mystery gamers and the games press worked tirelessly to solve.
Patent filings were rummaged through, “development document leaks” were pinched with so many grains of salt, investor briefings and conference calls were examined with a fine tooth comb, and so many inside sources were contacted. Would Nintendo’s hand be forced?
“We have no comment at this time.” – Nintendo PR (Pretty much all of the time ever)
For all the fans knew, the NX was an Android-powered stream box/handheld hybrid that had a touch screen for a controller, a connection to every Nintendo game ever made, and AR and VR components capable of bending time and space. Not to mention it would be the first home console since the late 90’s to run on cartridges. 
Seriously, remember when this was a thing?
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image source - ID 2Dev
Also, 20 million units shipped out in time for a summer 2016 release? As if!
After 19 agonizing months of fans digging, probing, reporting, rabid Redditing, and social media outcrying, Nintendo finally lifted the curtain when we least suspected.
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image source - Nintendo of America
As the whole world stayed glued to their Facebooks and Twitters (and I’m assuming Touts) for an outright avalanche of opinion circa Clinton V Trump III, Mario of all um...characters(?) cut in and politely whispered, “NX reveal trailer tomorrow, yippee!”, before retreating back behind the curtain. OK...that was an exaggerated paraphrase but you get the point.   
As of October 20, 2016, Nintendo’s NeXt console is no longer protected under a shroud of secrecy. Now it is proudly exposed for everyone to see, but was it well received? Is all that excitement continuing to gain momentum post-reveal or has the Big N hype train gone off the rails in the face of further “leaks”?
I’ve thought long and hard on this subject and to be honest, there’s a lot to think about, but if I think things through and spread out all of my thoughts, I think I can reach that one conclusive thought.
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First and foremost, Welcome to the world...Nintendo Switch!
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As it turns out, the most prevalent of NX rumours is the one that turns out to be the most true. (Well, don’t that just put the “DINK” in CO-INKY-DINK).
The NX aptly named Nintendo Switch is in fact a hybrid of home console and portable gaming device. If (for whatever reason) you thought such a concept was merely the stuff of dreams, there’s no use pinching yourself.
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image source - 20th Century Fox
How does this dream machine work? Well, it’s quite ingenious, really. Think of the home console portion as a docking station for its central component, a station that happens to be connected to a TV through a HDMI input. Oh and that central component also happens to be a tablet. (Probably should have lead with that).
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image source - Nintendo
Anyway, when snugly snapped into the dock, the tablet will transmit the latest and greatest Nintendo games to the player’s TV in glorious high-definition; perfect for crashing on the couch and kicking back with Zelda or whatever. However, if they wanted to say, take their game outside, or on the open road,  or in the air, or blare Super Mario from a rooftop (...you’ll see), they can do that too, in a few different ways...that rely heavily on the system’s main controller.
I know that last bit sounds a tad strange but let me explain.
The controller (which as many have pointed out, looks like an adorable puppy dog) has two detachable components; the Joy-Con 1 and Joy-Con 2. These joint Joy-Cons can be snapped comfortably onto the tablet and with one gentle lift; players got themselves a traditional portable system that’s ready to go.
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image source - Nintendo
Wait a second...hmm...there’s something noteworthy at the tail end of that last picture. Let me just zoom in a few smidges.
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image source - Nintendo
Aw, there it is. It’s a bit blurry, but it’s there for all to see. It’s a cartridge slot, in case you couldn’t tell. I wouldn’t blame you if you couldn’t, on account of the blur and all. (Chalk another one up for the rumour mill).           
All of the retro console diehards who have been clamouring for a return to cart-based storage can party like it’s 1996. Although, I suppose for those of us who’ve been keeping up with Nintendo’s handheld systems for the past three decades can give a little clap and go back to business as usual.
This revelation didn’t get much attention during the Switch’s reveal. (In fact, if you blink, you’ll likely miss the young man inserting a copy of Skyrim into his tablet). However, during the October 21 investors meeting, current Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima did mention the standard capacity of a Switch cartridge will clock in at 16GB, which is only double that of a 3DS cart.
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mock up made by me. Asset sources - Nintendo and Bethesda
Concerns have been raised by this little info nugget. Given the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 standard of 50+GB Blu Ray discs, 16 gigs does seem rather small in comparison. Heck, the DLC files for some of those PS4 and Xbone titles are bigger than that. So, will first-party titles be shorter or smaller scale experiences? Will third-party partners be wedged into a corner and forced to significantly trim down Switch ports? Not likely.
Note how Kimishima said “standard”, meaning that while typical Nintendo games may in fact have a file size of 16GB or less, developers on both sides of the aisle will have the option to upgrade to heftier carts that can match up with Blu Ray storage, if they need too. So, that’s good.  
Editor’s Note: Also, the top minds at Nintendo EPD Lab are wizards of data compression, so I wouldn’t stress out on this too much.
What I’m sure many critics will say is not so good (or at least unfortunate) is the obvious omission of backwards compatibility between the Switch and its predecessor (the Wii U)...at least in a physical sense. (The possibilities of digital transfers haven’t been ruled out...yet).
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image source - Nintendo
Adding a disc drive to the tablet would’ve put a tremendous strain on it and streaming games from the disc to the dock to the tablet would have been its own technological nightmare. So, Switchers will have to keep their Wii U’s on the shelf if they wish to continue playing their past-gen games.
Before you say anything, no, the Switch is not compatible with the 3DS. I know, they both use carts, but their circuitry is just too different.  
Anyway, where was I again? Oh right; that handheld option is all well and good but what if players wanted to replicate the TV experience with just the tablet and a controller? Is that an option, too? Yes!
Just kick back the tablet’s nifty kickstand, pick up the Joy-Cons (one in each hand, like a wireless Wii Mote and nunchuck combo), turn it on and enjoy.
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Wait a second, does multiplayer work with this travel set-up?
Indeed it does and once again, it’s all tied to the ingenious design of Switch’s trademark controller.
Notice how the button layouts on the Joy-Cons look near identical, if not slightly mirrored...and upside-down? Well, that’s because Joy-Con 1 and Joy-Con 2 can also become controller 1 and controller 2, when the Switch is in travel mode. (Just flip em’ sideways and ta-da!).
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image source - Nintendo
Pretty clever, eh?
Travel Switch can also be enjoyed by up to four-players! But that would require an additional Switch tablet and two more Joy-Cons.
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image source - Nintendo
Editor’s Note: Pro controllers will also be available for Switch as separate purchases, in case some players happen to find the (let’s say, “Travel Size”) Joy-Cons to be a tad uncomfortable.  
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image source - The Verge
That about covers everything we know about the hardware, well...everything we’re supposed to know for the time being, as there’s a lot that’s still being kept under lock and key. However, I guess we could take a brief look under the hood.
Nope! Never mind. Can’t do that either, because that too is a secret apparently. It’s been confirmed Android/PC tech giant Nvidia has formed a mutually beneficial partnership with Nintendo (one Nvidia itself expects to be decades long) and will supply one of its patented GeForce processors to power the Switch. (Yet another rumour is proven true, sort of).
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image source - Nvidia
The exact chip at the forefront of said processor, as well as the rest of the system specs have yet to be revealed (at least under official channels). There have been some rumours and chatter between “inside sources” about whether or not it stacks up to the competition or if the graphics will even be as good as those shown in the reveal, but I’ll get to that later.
I guess I should spout off a few personal opinions about the design before moving on. I’ll step away from the internal specs (for now) since; again, Nintendo hasn’t divulged anything about them. So, I’ll stick to the look and gimmick of the Switch.
In short, I think the design is sleek, cool, and modern, with a gentle touch of Nintendo’s toymaker whimsy.
In um, longer (I guess?), I think it has the same glossy and sophisticated high tech aesthetic as an Apple or Android product. It gives an air of complexity but also convenience. It appears to be both futuristic and easy to understand and it looks cool while doing so. It looks like a product gamers are going to want to proudly show off at home and on the road.
Oh and that beautiful black and grey finish?               
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From a technical standpoint, the ways in which it covers the bases for both home and travel play are tremendously clever and for them all to revolve around a tablet (a universal device most people use every day) was a master stroke in hardware ingenuity. That and being able to take the controller apart and attach it to the tablet or use those two controller bits as separate controllers is totally rad!
The way things literally get switched around is kind of like playing around with Transformers and that’s something I think both kids and adults are going to be toying with...even if some of the older folks won’t admit it out loud. (Although, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t concerned about some of the youngest folks breaking or losing vital components).
Choosing carts over discs, while unfortunately disbarring generations-old philosophies of backwards compatibility, does offer its own set of advantages. Like flash memory, which offers faster load times, and the durability of a thick plastic casing that keeps data protected from scratches, smudges, and smears. They also happen to be more expensive to produce but thanks to Ninty’s connections, it can save a bundle on those costs. (Hopefully said savings will be passed on to customers and third-party partners).
Yeah, there are a few drawbacks but I’d say it’s a clever concept with an overall clever execution; at least from this current standpoint of looking in from the outside.
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Nintendo has been Super Game Coy about the Switch’s pending software library but it did let a few things slip in the lead up to the reveal, as well as in the reveal itself.
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Throughout the past couple years; Nintendo’s legendary Creative Fellow Shigeru Miyamoto has talked in certain interviews about projects he had conceptualized for what he called “next generation hardware.” Those projects were a new 3D Mario game (which we saw a split second of in the Switch reveal) and Pikmin 4. Mario should be released within the system’s first few months but Pikmin probably isn’t coming anytime soon, as Miyamoto noted that particular passion project had been pushed back several times due to popular IPs taking priority.
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image source - The Pokemon Company
The Pokemon Company released a statement one month prior to the reveal in which it committed itself to creating a new game for the platform. Whether it’s a spin-off or the first ever mainline title made for home console remains Unown...at least that’s what Nintendo wants you to believe.  
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image source - Nintendo
Getting back on track to the Switch reveal, two major upcoming releases raced through shells and ink to make the scene. Coming to the surprise of no one, Mario’s multi-million selling Kart racing spin-off is revving up for another lap on Switch, while the squids and kids of Wii U’s break-out hit (Splatoon) swim in from behind to offer their support. Release dates are currently classified but word on the street is they’ll be pulling into retail in time for Switch’s launch day celebration.
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image source - Nintendo
Of course there’s also The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild; an epic adventure that’s been in development since before even the release of the Wii U. In the past year, it went from Ninty’s bet kept secret to the best game of E3 to the most anticipated title of 2017 (without a Red coating). There’s currently a lot of confusion as to when it will be released but more on that later. For now, let’s say before the summer solstice, The Hero of Time becomes The Hero of Switch.
I’d also be remised if I didn’t mention what (on the surface) appears to be an unprecedented amount of third-party support for a Nintendo product’s launch year.
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image sources - SEGA, Square Enix, Ubisoft, TellTale Games, Warner Bros., Bethesda, Take-Two Interactive, ConcernedApe, Re-Logic, Tequila Works and GalaxyTrail.
From Sega, there’s Sonic Project 2017 (no, not that one). Square Enix is porting over Dragon Quest X and XI. Telltale is bringing its Guardians of the Galaxy tie-in. Ubisoft is pumping up the jams with Just Dance 2017. Warner Bros. is building a bridge with Lego City Undercover. Even indie darlings like Stardew Valley, Terraria, and the much anticipated releases of Rime and Freedom Planet 2 have been confirmed for the Switch’s eShop. Hmm...and I guess I shouldn’t forget Switch show stealers NBA 2K and the aforementioned Skyrim!
Editor’s Note: I know Bethesda and Take-Two have said those last two aren’t guaranteed for Switch, but come on. No one honestly believes those snippets were just gameplay demos. Even if they were, that fan support (especially from the Elder Scrolls crowd) is going to make those games happen on Switch.
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mock up made by me. Asset sources - Playtonic Games, Capcom and Nintendo
Playtonic Games’ spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie could also “Make the Switch.”
The company mentioned in a recent press release the Wii U version of Yooka-Laylee has been cancelled due to “unforeseen technical issues” and in an effort to make amends (aside from offering Kickstarter supporters a refund); the team is working closely with Nintendo to try and make a Switch port happen.
A great potential pick-up for the Switch, but also a bit of a bummer for those who put their in money for a Wii U port. I guess you’d call that bitter-sweetie.
Those who have followed Nintendo throughout its history in the gaming market know all too well The Big N tends to send a couple of its best hitters onto field at launch time; it’s just common sense. However, there’s an inescapable feeling coach Reggie is aiming for an astronomical batting average this time around.
Just take another quick gander at that roster: Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Mario Kart, Splatoon, 2K Sports, Skyrim, need I continue? Never has a Nintendo console launched with so many fan favourites at the ready, and with so much variety. Platformers; RPGs; racers; shooters; adventure games; dancing games; sports; games for the kids; games for the adults; games for the entire family. And apparently, that’s only scratching the surface.
Granted, there are still a few unanswered questions (which I’ll get to soon) but for right now, that surface level is looking mighty fine.
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Here it is, the very famous and very first advertisement for the Nintendo Switch.  
Was it good? I liked it and I think most other people liked it too, based on the 22 million plus views and over 500K likes on Youtube...and the overwhelming praise on social media.
What makes it such a compelling commercial? It’s hard to narrow it down to just one reason so...for starters; it’s the appeal of seeing this one of a kind product in action for the first time. Observing each transformation of the controller/tablet combo with fresh eyes was really cool.
Secondly, it was quick, simple and to the point. Each transition was presented without verbal explanation but the way in which they were seamlessly injected into the go-go lifestyle of the actors, made it easy to understand the various ways in which Switch can be enjoyed.
Speaking of easy to understand, I just want to take a brief moment to say something I should have said earlier; I love the name Switch. It describes the console perfectly and it doesn’t leave room for any brand confusion. (I’m looking at you, Wii U!)
Oh and the song choice was great too. It’s fun, catchy and the “Be yourself” hook matches the eccentric nature of the Switch and paints Switch owners as unique. That’s the kind of mass market “individuality” Apple mastered back in 1984. (I also liked how the audio cues of each Joy-Con snap synched up to the music. That was beautiful)
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image source - Nintendo
Editors Note: Is that bit at the end a pitch for a competitive Splatoon league? Cause I think eSports folks would sign up by the thousands. 
From a sales perspective, I guess you could say it was...
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Well...perhaps it isn’t perfect.
Some folks have the opinion the commercial faltered a little bit in that it didn’t feature any children.
Kids (younger kids especially) have always been the life blood of the wonderfully colourful worlds Miyamoto and company built and that always rang (perhaps at its most) true in Nintendo’s advertising. From the Zelda Rap to Train On, children have been at the forefront of every major campaign. So why leave them out of what is in all likelihood the most important campaign in company history?  
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image sources - Nintendo and The Pokemon Company
It’s obvious this one ad isn’t the be-all end-all of the campaign but rather the beginning of something much, much larger. There will be a time to shine the spotlight on kids and their families and that time will be directly before launch. This introductory ad had to serve a more vital purpose than to ring in customers (those being the parents, obviously) who’d likely be on board regardless. What this spot had to do was reach out and get back all those mainstream millennials who had grown up with Nintendo, but left its Mushroom Kingdom behind back when their Wii’s collected their first speck of dust.   
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image source - Nintendo
Whether or not Nintendo will win back the buying power of these wayward Gen X and Y’ers, time will have to tell. But given the record-setting Youtube numbers and the outpouring of excitement and enthusiasm shown across the web, it’s safe to say something about the Switch resonated with that much sought after crowd (as well as the rest of the mass market), which is something Nintendo could never accomplish with the Wii U.    
If I had but one criticism it would be it does come off a bit let’s say goofy and unrealistic at times. Like say, that one girl taking her game from her lavish loft apartment to a casual rooftop social (as we millennials, oh so rich with money, often do...I said sarcastically), or that moment in which a real-life basket ball game is broken up to kick-start a round of NBA 2K17 (seems logical).
Also, if you’re the kind of person who takes your dog for walk, only to ignore said dog in favour of a screen to glue your face to, I hate you. 
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Also, that’s not how you sit on a bench. Stupid idiot!
Looking back on it, the ad was pretty solid. Sure, it has a few slightly silly hiccups but it got the point across and presented what the product can do in a way that was fun and kind of exciting.
In closing: Ad=Good. Neglectful Dog Owner=Bad.
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You’re kidding, right? Based on Nintendo’s marketing pitch, the Switch will allow players to take all of their favourite Nintendo and third-party games with them wherever they go, with HD fidelity and a variety of multiplayer options in tow. That’s pretty darn appealing, if you ask me.
Next section.
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While Nintendo has been gracious enough to show us so much (without actually showing us so much), so many tantalizing secrets still remain on both the hardware and software fronts.
For example, what are the specs? What kind of quality dip can we expect from TV to tablet? How long will the tablet’s battery last? Are motion controls making a return? Will there be any peripherals? What changes are in store for the Nintendo Network? Will the Virtual Console receive an expansion? With so many developers coming forward as Switch partners, just how big is the launch line-up really?
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image source - Nintendo
Editor’s Note: Seriously, look at this! It’s a virtual who’s who of the video game industry and they’re all on board with Nintendo this time around.
Oh and when exactly is this thing coming out...and how much is it going to cost?
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Proper answers have been fairly scarce these past few months, likely because Nintendo wanted to shift focus on the holiday shopping season and everything it could sell in that most vital of time frames. Now with the shopping frenzy over and that merch moved, the Switch hype train can finally switch gears and come at us full steam in 2017, and it all begins next week with a massive two-part event.  
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It all kicks off late into the night of January 12, with a live Internet broadcast from Nintendo’s Japanese Headquarters, hosted by Mr. Kimishima. This event will present what all Nintendo fans have been craving, an in-depth look at the Switch’s hardware, as well as the initial catalogue of Switch games.
The fun continues the next morning with another livestream, this time broadcasting from Nintendo World in New York City and it’ll be hosted by Reggie and Bill and all of your Nintendo of America favourites. This will be similar to Nintendo’s E3 broadcast, in which the Treehouse crew and various developers kicked up a seat and played a selection of upcoming titles.
Much like any other Nintendo fan with a pulse, I’m excited! How could I not be?
When the build-up to the reveal is combined with the gap between the reveal and this upcoming press event, that’s nearly two years fans have waited for the NX/Switch to complete this pre-launch lap and finally come full circle.
By the time all is said and done, I firmly believe Nintendo will lay it all (or at least most of it) on the table for the world to see. Specs, games, accessories, prices...launch day; everything customers need to know before they make the Switch will be out in the open, and I can’t wait!
 Although, if you simply can’t wait another three whole days, I might just have a few answers to hold you over and by few, I mean a lot of ‘em. I should also note said information may not be what’s the word? Accurate.
This intel is (at the moment) the stuff of rumour and speculation and (as of this writing) hasn’t been confirmed by Nintendo so it’s best to approach it with a healthy bit of scepticism. But I will say the various reporters who shared this info have strong track records when it comes to calling this stuff, so make of it all what you will.
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image source - Nvidia
On the specs front: It’s been widely reported the Switch’s core will be powered by Nvidia’s Maxwell and Tegra X1, which is a step behind its current generation of processors and will rank Switch somewhere slightly beneath the lower end of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. However, it can still run games of the current calibre of those systems...they just won’t look quite as nice. This also means no 4K gaming on Switch, which is just as well. Running games at such a high resolution wouldn’t work out so well for the tablet.
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image credit - 20th Century Fox
As long as third-parties keep their promise to make all of their games universally playable between the standard and 4K variants of the competing consoles, porting Triple A titles to Switch shouldn’t be too much of a problem...barring some sort of unforeseen Uesque technical issue.
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image source - Digital Foundry
I’m not one for understanding specs and clock speeds and CPUs and GPUs and such, as it’s all Greek to me. However, I can say (based on the Switch’s showing on The Tonight Show) I don’t think these specs are as bad as some people are making them out to be.
The world saw that when docked, Switch can play slick HD games in beautiful 1080p resolution and a clean and crisp frame rate of 60fps. And how could I forget the seamless transition to travel mode and the nice 720p high-def and 60fps on that tablet screen?
So when docked, the Switch has graphics that while not as cutting edge as PS4 or XBO, are slick and competitive enough to standout, and it also happens to be most powerful handheld ever made when in travel mode. So I think Switch is just fine in the graphics department...based on what I’ve seen.
Editor’s Note: If you want to check all of that spec stuff out, I highly recommend clicking on these great pieces from NeoGAF, Eurogamer’s Digital Foundry and Venture Beat.
I suppose one last thing I could cover about the systems specs would be memory. The Switch supposedly has internal storage of 32GB and (maybe?) a 128GB Micro SD card. Again, not quite up to snuff with the other guys, but that is a nice bit of storage to start with, especially if that is indeed the Micro SD’s file size.
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Battery life for the tablet is believed to be between three and five hours, which isn’t too shabby given what it has to offer. It’s just too bad the battery itself (allegedly) can’t be swapped out for a stronger one. Kind of weird, given Wii U’s GamePad had that option. 
Wide spread reports of Nintendo toying with the idea of the Joy-Cons having motion and gyroscopic control functionality were recently “confirmed” via a recent US patent office filing from The Big N itself. However, this does not guarantee either will be built into the final product.
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image source - US Patent and Trademark Office
I mean, four-player split screen for a single tablet in travel mode was also patented and that’s probably not going to happen.
Motion controls are fun for certain games (like Wii Sports and such), so I’d welcome their inclusion. The gyroscope and its tilt mechanics on the other hand, can go jump in a river.
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image source - US Patent and Trademark Office
Another possible confirmation that popped up in the patent is the Switch’s tablet screen having a touch interface.
Given this technology worked tremendously well with the DS handheld family, this isn’t much of a surprise and if part of the final product (which it most likely is), it would be another welcomed addition.
And if you’ve noticed the above image, I suppose I don’t need to tell you Nintendo’s interest in Switch VR has also been patented.
Considering the current craze, it is not at all surprising Mr. Kimishima would want a piece of that pie. The technology has grown immensely over the past decade (leaps and bounds, even) and shows tremendous promise, whether it’ll fully live up to its potential, remains to be seen but for the time being, there’s some money to be made in virtual reality.
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image source - Ryan Salamandra
A VR headset is not the only hardware accessory Kimishima is hoping to add-on to the Switch, in fact, he’s hoping to launch a whole bunch of them into the marketplace.
As artist Ryan Salamandra demonstrates above, the customizable nature of the Switch’s Joy-Con/tablet setup opens up a plethora of possibilities. Personally, I would love to see a fight stick variant.
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image source - Nintendo
Before moving on to the top secret games library, let’s take a brief moment to discuss the new Nintendo Network UI.
It will implement DeNA’s My Nintendo account system and Friend Codes are said to be (finally) a thing of the past. That’s it. That’s all anyone knows or claims to know at this point.
Alright, My Nintendo is great and I (along with most other Nintendo fans) would be oh so glad to see a permanent end to those tedious codes.They’re not nearly as intrusive as they used to be but still, why? Why do they exist!?
With the long parade of developers and publishers coming forward with a pledge of support for Switch, surely at least some of what they’ve got in works must’ve leaked out somehow, right? Well, Nintendo has done a very admirable job of keeping Switch info on lockdown but a few journalists have connections with certain (un-named) people in the know, so plenty of potential games have had their names published.
Editor’s Note: Just keep in mind even the most diligent of journalists can sometimes get it wrong.
I guess I should start off with the Virtual Console. Apparently it will expand on Switch to include GameCube games, something Nintendo fans have been requesting since the launch of the VC way back in the Wii era.
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mock up made by me. assets source - Nintendo
The first inductees into the GC wing of the VC classics library are said to be Super Mario Sunshine, Super Smash Bros. Melee and Animal Crossing.
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While it doesn’t confirm anything, it’s also worth mentioning Nintendo recently renewed its claim to the Eternal Darkness trademark (as it does every few years). This could point to a Switch port via the Virtual Console or Nintendo is just protecting the IP. 
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mock ups made by me. asset sources - Nintendo and Ubisoft
Now to quit living in the past and move on to some stuff that’s all hip and current; like for example, the Wii U.
According to reputable Nintendo news reporter Emily Rogers, the best and brightest of the Wii U will be repackaged and (in most cases) re-designed (with new content) for Switch. These titles include Super Smash Bros. IV, Xenoblade Chronicles X, and Super Mario Maker. The previously unveiled Mario Kart and Splatoon games are also said to be classified as advanced ports.
As far as brand-new stuff goes, there’s chatter about Ubisoft’s highly anticipated Beyond Good & Evil 2 eventually getting made and put on Switch as a 12-month exclusive.
There are also claims by Laura Kate Dale (whose been a real tour de force when it comes to reporting all things Switch) that Ubisoft and Nintendo are teaming up to make a Mario & Luigi and Rabbids RPG crossover, which was apparently set for launch but is now delayed until September.
Both of these Ubisoft titles should make for fascinating spectacles, if real.
And according to Rogers, Next Level Games is said to be developing Luigi’s Mansion 3. That sounds like scary good fun.
Editor’s Note: Monolith Software is also said to be working on an all-new project, aside from the XCX port.
Speaking of ghosts, if you’d allow me to tiptoe back to the Virtual Console, I should probably address a rather persistent rumour that refuses to die.
Several times over the past decade, fan demand and industry chatter (and one infamous case of Nintendo banter) appeared to be pointing to an official English release of the GBA cult classic Mother 3. Both Dale and Rogers are reporting that Lucas and his crew are finally ready to steal America’s hearts (for realises this time) on Switch... :/
Right; did any other games get leaked out? Well, there are two more potential ports to talk about.
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mock up made by The Know. asset sources - Nintendo and The Pokemon Company
Games media across the Internet have been buzzing about what The Pokemon Company has in store for the system. Word on the street is GameFreak has been commissioned to craft an HD upgrade of Pokemon Sun & Moon, called Pokemon Stars and much like every other third step Pokemon title, Stars would be packed with new content. Not bad for what would be the first ever mainline entry made for a home console. 
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mock up made by me. asset sources - Nintendo, From Software, Namco Bandai and The ESRB
LKD came across another juicy tidbit not too long ago. Maybe juicy isn’t the right word, perhaps dusty...or dead?
According to her sources, From Software will be bringing its nightmarishly tough Dark Souls series to the Switch, starting with a port of Dark Souls III and maybe even remasters of I and II.
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image source - Epic Games
Aside from that, not much game wise has leaked out.
An Epic Games rep recently said we can expect “many games” built with Unreal Engine 4 to Switch it up. I don’t know what those games are but it’s nice to get some confirmation that the Switch’s processor can handle the latest of what Unreal has to offer...at least to a degree.
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image source - Square Enix
Final Fantasy XV director Hajime Tabata is on record saying he’d “love to make games for Switch.” A nice sentiment and Square Enix is a confirmed Switch partner studio, but whether or not either of those things results in a FFXV port for Nintendo’s new hardware remains to be seen...but hopefully it does.
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image source - Nintendo
Oh right, according to Dale and Rogers, Super Mario Switch (name pending?) is all but finished and will be on store shelves alongside the console on launch day. Of all the major titles to be available on launch day, this one would make the most sense. 
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image source - Nintendo
Also said to be ready for launch day is Breath of the Wild, at least in North America and maybe Japan.
Dale’s connections seem unsure of this, as Nintendo has kept this info locked up as if it were a Hookshot (or a pair of Heavy Boots...or something). As a result, she has had to change her report more than once but currently, her intel has BotW slated for the Switch’s launch in North America and Japan. Unfortunately, gamers in Europe might have to wait until June.
Whether it comes out in March or June or even December, Zelda fans will flock to Switch for a chance to breathe in the wild. Although, it’d be preferable and more idea if migration happened on launch day.
Editor’s Note: As I said before, I believe it would be available in all regions by the end of June.
By the way, when is launch day? Officially, Nintendo is waiting until the first livestream to reveal that but the mass consensus in the games media is that a world-wide launch is happening on March 17.
That’s not a bad day to launch, but it’s still a bit odd Switch missed Christmas 2016, although I guess it’s better to wait until all of the launch games are done before jumping the gun and launching the console...I see you, Wii U!
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image sources - Toys R Us and GAME UK
One more thing, Toys R Us Canada recently had Switch listed for $329.99 CAD, while GAME UK listed it for £249.99 with a pack-in game and £199.99 without. Meanwhile, Japanese business outlet Nikkei has dug up a ¥25,000 price tag for Japan.
Any way you slice it, all signs point to a $249.99 USD price tag being revealed this week.
For an all-in-one console like the Switch, $250 is a darn good price and certainly competitive given the costly nature of a PlayStation or Xbox. (I only wish the Canadian Loonie wasn’t so weak right now)
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asset sources - Nintendo and GIMP
Phew, that was a lot to unravel and according to mostly everyone with their ear to the figurative grind stone (or I guess in this case, I dunno...a Leaf Stone?), I haven’t even scratched the surface. (In fairness, neither have they)
For all the sleuthing journalists and dedicated fans were able to do, they could only gather so many pieces of the puzzle and it seems most (if not all) will legitimately fit into Nintendo’s larger plan, but there are so many left to uncover.
We don’t know how the network interface will operate.
The possibility of VR is the only real clue we’ve got in terms of hardware add-ons.
Not to mention that for all of the games we know are coming and for the sheer volume of leaked titles (again, I think the majority are real), we still haven’t seen what the likes of Capcom, Bandai Namco, Level-5, EA, Activision, Atlus, Platinum Games and so many others have in store.
Heck, we all know Nintendo’s got more in the works than just Mario, Zelda and ports of Wii U stuff. Snap, Sakurai is working on something other than Smash for flip’s sake!
Between the intrigue of the leaks and the pile of secrets that have yet to come to light, Thursday night and Friday morning can’t get here fast enough!
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If you’ve made it this far, I thank you for sticking with me (and I promise, future instalments will be shorter). With that said, I hope you don’t hate me for saying this but...I can’t render a final verdict.
From what’s been presented through official channels and uncovered by the media, Switch shows a lot of promise and I am greatly impressed with what I saw. However, I need all the facts before I can make a fair and proper judgement.
So my final thoughts on the Switch’s grand debut are...Inconclusive.
Crank that dial back to TTT next time and I’ll be sure to finish this once and for all with my reactions to the Direct and Treehouse livestreams.  
Research Sources: Tech Crunch, Time, Nerdist, The Know, GameXplain, The Verge, Gamer Informer, Eurogamer, Polygon, Tech Radar, Ars Technica, SEGA, NeoGAF, Let’s Play Video Games, Arcade Girl 64, Digital Foundry, Siliconera, VG24/7, Playtonic Games, Digital Trends, Venture Beat, IGN, Engadget, The Tonight Show and Nintendo
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