me when a character in a comedy show that has over 200 episodes and doesn’t overly concern itself with continuity says something inconsistent with their story based on something briefly mentioned in season 1
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tvsnationalgeosapphic · 16 hours
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tvsnationalgeosapphic · 16 hours
I keep seeing people use this image as a reaction to people's original posts:
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Which I think is really incorrect, because with an original post they haven't come up to ur window, u've come up to their window.
So I made this, as a more accurate reaction for original posts:
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tvsnationalgeosapphic · 16 hours
I just think it would be funny to switch things up and lead with "popular far-right online blogger, Joan Rowling" once in awhile.
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in the absence of butch rolemodels my teenage self had no choice but to model their masculinity after the next most relatable thing available, which turned out to be images of men in the throes of physical and psychological torment. the implications of this, if there are any, are unclear
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So many people posting about court jesters but not enough people posting about The Court Jester (1955)
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wanting to talk to people is so fucking embarrassing. literally hi it's me again I wanted to have a conversation with you because I think you're fun to talk to. oh god you can just fucking kill me if you want sorry
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The age of writing DUMP HIM in the women's restroom stall is out, the age of writing TRY TESTOSTERONE in the women's restroom stall is in
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one time I had a dream that I unlocked a secret never-before-discovered achievement in Disco Elysium by squeezing into various nooks and crannies and got a special copotype called “Crevice Cop: seek out and inhabit crevices like some kind of man-spider” and I thought yeah!!! man-spider!!! crevice cop!!! this game GETS me!!!
and then I woke up to find that I had fallen partially down into the gap between my partner’s bed and the wall and was horrifically contorted and in agonizing bodily pain from sleeping in a position only comfortable to a brown recluse
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POV: You are trans on tumblr
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"Why does this 19th Century novel have such a boring protagonist" well, for a lot of reasons, really, but one of the big one is that you're possibly getting the protagonist and the narrator mixed up.
A lot of 19th Century literary critics had this weird hate-boner for omniscient narrators – stories would straight up get criticised as "unrealistic" on the grounds that it was unlikely anyone could have witnessed their events in the manner described, like some sort of proto-CinemaSins bullshit – so authors who didn't want to write their stories from the first-person perspective of one of the participating characters would often go to great lengths to contrive for there to be a Dude present to witness and narrate the story's events.
It's important to understand that the Dude is the viewpoint character, but not the protagonist. His function is to witness stuff, and he only directly participates in the narrative to the extent that's necessary to explain to the satisfaction of persnickety critics why he's present and how he got there. Giving him a personality would defeat the purpose!
(Though lowbrow fiction was unlikely to encounter such criticisms, the device of the elaborately justified diegetic narrator was often present there as well, and was sometimes parodied to great effect – for example, by having the story narrated by a very unlikely party, such as a sapient insect, or by a party whose continued presence is justified in increasingly comical ways.)
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my personal argument for open borders is really simple it just boils down to "i believe restricting human movement and barring certain people from certain places on this earth is a human rights violation"
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what sucks about taking a shower is youre going to have to do it again. You did all that work and for what
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Male loneliness epidemic?? I’m worried about them putting fat bitches on ozempic!!!
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There’s nothing that can get my brain to officially log the difference between stalagmite and stalactite. Every time I’m offered a mnemonic on the subject it slips gracefully out the other ear and I frankly just don’t care.
So when our DM tried to set an ambush during a cave fight with ropers, some clinging to the ceiling and others on floor I just said, “I cast Shape Earth on the ones hanging on the ceiling stalags.”
There was a brief pause as everyone processed this.
“Do you mean the stalactites?”
“Yeah, whichever. Mites, tites, they’re all stalags to me.
The party found this hilarious and “stalags” has been used ubiquitously since then.
“The cave you enter is full of stalags,” is a real sentence I got my DM to say and I’m so proud and relieved to stop pretending to care about geology terms.
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whoever made the decision to make umpires wear cameras... you are a legend
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this is genuinely the funniest thing i've ever seen
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