twig-bitches · 4 years
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This used to be super tight on me a few months ago! Feels good to see progress, don’t give up just yet💞🍂
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twig-bitches · 4 years
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Here’s to the next 10lbs
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twig-bitches · 4 years
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do it for not being ashamed for your body
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twig-bitches · 4 years
How I Lost 48 lbs in 8 Weeks
Hey guys, I get a few private messages every now and then asking about how I lost 48 lbs in 8 weeks. So… I’m gonna finally share my secrets☺️
1.Intermittent Fasting!
I know some people prefer simply fasting and some people can’t fast at all, and that’s okay. Because the majority of the weight loss calculation is simply calories in vs calories out. But… intermittent fasting kinda gives this little trick a boost. So… if you don’t know what intermittent fasting is I’ll give you a quick explaination, but I recommend you go to YouTube and do some research on it as it’s much more complicated and interesting than I can make it.
So, intermittent fasting is when you fast for a vast period of the day (including sleeping hours). So, due to work I’d usually fast for 18-23 hours a day. It’s really finding what works for you. It’s best to eat in the afternoon/evening and skip breakfast entirely. I’m not going to explain it all here because the post would become too long. But seriously, YouTube/google it or message me☺️
2.At Least 10,000 Steps Per Day!
Exercise is always obvious, but when you’re trying to make sure people aren’t worrying over you, it’s important to be discreet. I did at least 10,000 steps per day. Sometimes as many as 50,000. But I think I averaged out at around 18,000 per day including gun visits.
Get a Fitbit if you can! They’re life savers.
3.Record EVERYTHING you eat!
Intermittent fasting makes it a lot easier to track everything. Mainly because the shorter the eating period the less you can eat and the less there is to record and calculate. Make sure you add up all your calories, which leads me on to my next topic.
4.Weekly, not daily calorie goals!
Make a weekly calorie goal. Mine was 7000 to start with, meaning if I wanted to make it daily then I could make it 1000 a day. But I didn’t. I kept it weekly. This way, if I binged I knew exactly where I was and what I had to either burn off or sacrifice as a result of a binge.
After 4 weeks on 7000 I dropped to 4000 for two weeks and then back to 7000 for two weeks and upped my exercise.
5.Taking breaks.
Since losing 48 lbs in 8 weeks I have taken a break from weight loss. Yes you will binge. Yes you may gain a little back (4 lbs for me, which I’ve already gotten rid of again). Yes, you may become a little lazy and this will panic you. But just trust your body. You can’t go on losing that much weight so quickly for a long period of time. I’ve taken too long of a break but I’m back and more excited than ever!
6.Drink water like it’s the only thing that’s available to drink.
Drink WATER! Only water. Nothing else. Nothing. I mean it. Like. If you want cereal, it’s gotta be dry. No milk, no juice, no soda, no diet sodas. Just water. Not even gravy or anything. Have oats with water. Poach eggs instead of scramble. Water! I’d have at least 3.5 litres a day, sometimes more. 3 litres of that being drinking water and the rest in cooking. Trust me, water is your best friend. You can’t burn fat if you’re dehydrated.
7.Weigh yourself whenever you want!
I kept getting told, ‘stop weighing yourself everyday’. ‘Stop this and stop that’. But honestly it’s what kept me going. There were 2 days in those 8 weeks that I got on the scale and weighed more than I had the day before. But each time, the next day, I would’ve lost double what I expected. Trust me! Weight yourself whenever the damn well you want!
8.Have a reward in mind!
I haven’t yet reached my UGW so I haven’t yet had my reward and it’s a personal thing so I’ve decided to keep it to myself☺️ but I’m incredibly excited and you need to have a goal in mind and a reward for reaching that goal that truly inspires you!
That’s all I have for now. But any questions! Feel free to message me!
I love you all, dearly. ❤️❤️❤️
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twig-bitches · 4 years
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This is me 6 months apart. Started my journey in February and the picture on the right was taken last week(I made sure not to suck it in so I could analyze it. Bad habit of mine!). I’m not quite where I want to be yet but I am so proud with how far I’ve come. 30 pounds down sure does boost your confidence!
SW: 162 CW: 132
Height: 5'4"
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twig-bitches · 4 years
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2 months progress
From 149,9 lbs to 130,0 lbs 🦄
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twig-bitches · 4 years
It’s hard having an ED.
Especially when you don’t look the part. I starve, I hardly eat. But I’m not skinny. People don’t look at me with worried eyes. They look at me with eyes that say “she needs to lose some weight” .
It’s hard having this horrible disorder. Because nobody knows, and they can’t save me. And I can���t even save myself.
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twig-bitches · 4 years
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Lost 40lbs just in the last 3 months. Must keep pushing
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twig-bitches · 4 years
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73.5kg (May 2019) ---> 50kg (October 2019) // 156 cm
i feel so proud about my progress aaa !!! i had to think rlly hard before posting this because i still feel rlly insecure n shit, but yolo ig ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
might delete this later ?? idk
pervs pls back off, im a minor ffs
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twig-bitches · 4 years
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Y’all just want more transformation pictures.
Ask and you shall receive. 260lbs to 154lbs.
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twig-bitches · 4 years
My common sense:
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twig-bitches · 4 years
i'm so tired of my thighs touching.
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twig-bitches · 4 years
I completly lost my hungry, finally.
I'm so proud of myself, even If I feel guilty of breathe😖
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twig-bitches · 4 years
How I Keep Mysef Together While Restricting
🤍 wake up at 6am on weekdays, whenever you want on weekends
🤍 in bed by 23.00 on weekdays
🤍 weigh yourself every morning+ do chloe tings ab workout
🤍 keep hair washed and curled/straightened always!
🤍 keep nails done at all times
🤍 keep eyebrows plucked always
🤍 facemask, pore strip and under-eye strips once a week
🤍 wash face everyday
🤍 keep legs + everywhere else shaved and moisturised
🤍 brush hair x2 a day
🤍 light a candle every evening
🤍 no eating after 6pm
🤍 small amount of makeup in school everyday. let your skin breathe on the weekend
🤍 lipbalm and hand sanitizers never leave the bag
🤍 carry bottle of water with you everywhere (2-3 bottles must be drank a day)
🤍 always keep bedroom tidy
🤍 brush teeth x2 a day
🤍 eat clean, whole foods and no sugar/ junk
🤍 keep perfume on you always
🤍 keep a pair of earrings in at all times
🤍 dress well when you leave the house
🤍 don’t talk about private life to people
🤍 keep yourself carried well
these are just my personal rules that keep me organized so i don’t lose it while restricting, please don’t feel you have to follow them; i just wanted to post them to tumblr to hold myself accountable. stay safe 🤍🕊
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twig-bitches · 5 years
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embarrassing but inspiring, exactly a year apart 147lbs in summer 17 vs 111lbs in summer 18 *this is me pls dont steal w/o permission*
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twig-bitches · 5 years
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Hourly thinspo
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twig-bitches · 5 years
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I’m still not done losing weight. I want to be 128 pounds but here’s a before VS now
• 5’10 height
• 170 pounds VS 142 pounds
• 24.5 BMI VS 20.4 BMI
Okay to reblog
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