So the symbolic act that I would have extended would be the subtle but powerful move when Zero walks up to one of his zombie henchmen, and grabs ahold of their face. Even though this was very fast I thought it was also very significant as it not only portrays Zero’s true feelings towards the zombies, but it also further emphasizes Zero’s dominance over the zombies themselves. In my opinion, I would have slowed down this motion, and made Zero hold onto the zombie’s face for a longer duration while rubbing in his dominance with a short arrogant monologue. This would’ve clearly displayed the dialectics between the zombies and Zero (Zero being on the top and the zombie’s being where they belong, under Zero’s very feet) and it would also represent the zombies life’s to be simply worthless.  While watching this move it really got me thinking about Hamlet and his scene with the skulls. More specifically when he attempts to recall those that have fallen but in the end, simply disregards the skulls. By slowing this action down, you could also relate Zero to be almost like Hamlet as even in the end, Zero only sees the zombies as mere tools or like Hamlet, a sad result of ones own misfortune rather than regarding them as actual human beings. Finally I just want to congratulate the actors, directors and the whole crew for their time and effort as the was absolutely fantastic. I truly enjoyed it and it was definitely worth it.  P.S Sorry for the late submission Mr. T and for any Tumblr folk, sorry for the annoying and somewhat random post. 
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Let it Be
After listening to The Beatles song, “Let it Be”, I thought placing it near the beginning of the play, right before Hamlet runs off to pursue the ghost of his father and him learning the truth about Claudius would be a fine match up. By placing the song within this section it would further emphasize Hamlet’s internal struggle against his morals, and it would also focus more specifically on the overall theme of the play itself, which is the struggle between the right and the wrong. It does this as the song represents Hamlets internal goodness or his voice of reason/wisdom at that particular moment, as it tells him to let the ghost be, and not follow it any further in order to prevent any further bad omens to occur. We can also take the song as the plea or echoing voices of the people, begging Hamlet to stop his madness before it even begins. Finally the song could also act as a foreshadowing to the end of the play, as Hamlet doesn’t let the grand scheme of things plays out the way they’re supposed to. This could also represent his first of many defying acts to come and the release of his nature to pursue what he thinks is the “answer” to his problems no matter the cost. 
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Soo I was watching some poetry slam videos trying to get inspired when I found (what I really thought was) an awesome love poem portrayed in a brilliant and funny way. I really enjoyed watching this so, If you guys have any free time, I suggest you sit back relax and enjoy the video ;D. 
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When she tries to be independent but you both know you can never live one  second without each other. 
The overwhelming joy and excitement in your voice when you get the exact gift you were hoping for. 
The face she makes when she begins to pursue something she loves to do. When she tries to play fight with you... and she wins.  (jk) 
Adding to My Bro's: 
The out-of-this-world sneeze that only she can create at times of complete utter silence. 
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The Bachelor - Pose + Choice
Hopeful – plein d’espoir
For the past two episodes Britt has been representing herself as a hopeful character towards Chris. In the first episode, Britt fell hard for Chris, doubling her feelings and expectations for him; she began to feel hopeful for their relationship in the future and even thought she had the best chance with him in the future. However, as soon as he started showing major affection to other girls, her expectation for a solid, loyal future disappeared. Her high hopes were crushed and because of this, she cried. The fact that she cried while all the other girls were simply plotting their own plans to earn Chris’ affection further strengthens this idea. Britt knew what was coming but she couldn’t and simply wasn’t ready to put her high hopes down for a second and see the truth. Even at the end of the episode she still pertains a small trace of hopefulness; staying strong and trying to forget/ignore his actions with the other girls, as she continues to believe Chris’ words of deceit and trickery.   
My Top 3 choices would be:
1) Jade
2) Megan
3) Tracey/Tandra (A Tie I’m sorry their just so equal to me)
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The Death of A Salesman
The song I chose for the Death of A Salesman was Samuel Barber’s composed orchestra piece, Adagio for Strings. Although this song is lacking and sufficient lyrics it still accurately portrays the feelings and emotions of Linda, Biff and Happy at the final funeral scene. The piece starts off and plays a sad, funeral like melody for a while. This section strongly matches the feelings of Willy as he drives off crazy, drowning in his own remorse. This also matches his family and their pain of being unable to produce a stable life together. The song continues, growing in sadness with each minute just like how the sadness of Linda will grow within her hurt forever until her own death.  The song goes on until, finally, it reaches its breath-taking pinnacle. When listening to this last part… I imagine Linda talking to Willy’s grave telling him that “We’re Free”… “WE”RE FREE”. (It gets me everytime). Finally after the pinnacle is finished, the song ends off with a slower, gentler melody, portraying the small, quiet end to the death of a true salesman. It is because of these reasons that I chose this song to represent the last scene within the novel. I know its 9 minutes long but if you get through it, I promise you wont regret it. Thanks for reading and have a good night!
Sorry couldn't upload the actual song... damn copyright T_T
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The Bachelor - The BEST Show Ever.
First Impression: (Britt) Go Britt Go! Honestly I saw this one coming from a mile away. Out of all the girls, Britt had the strongest connection with Chris due to her lengthy one on one talks and her down to earth first impression/interaction with him. She made it easier for both of them and never made the situation awkward. She was really easy to talk to and was very honest with Chris, which displayed her great communication skills and loyalty, which, for Chris, is exactly what he wants in a wife. She also had a fun and silly side to her, giving him the note and playing mind games with him which displayed her well roundedness as a person. All in all, I think she’ll go the distance.
Girl Sent Home: (Kara): I think Kara went home because she jumped too fast to conclusions when meeting Chris for the first time. Right when she met Chris she told him about how their future babies (if they were to have any), would be the CUTTTEST. Like… really? Slowww your horses, you’re kind of jumping the gun just a litttttle bit. She also decided to tell him about how her family addresses her as if though he will definitely be meeting them some time soon. I understand how she wanted to make him laugh and at the same time make him feel comfortable with her, but she just went too overboard and pushed him into a position that he didn’t want to be in at all. It’s not entirely her fault though, I guess Chris just wasn’t feeling any real chemistry or connection with her in the first place.
I just want to say I had a lot of fun watching the show due to it’s absolutely atrocious and scripted, drama. I just hate how the show causes the exposure of most girl’s inner id (which pains me to see) and their hopeless pursuit for what they think will be "true love". Plus I’m really interested in how long his connection with Britt will last. Ohh my, I guess I have to watch the second episode ._.   
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Poetry Response: Amanda C’s - Comment
After re-watching the sign language video a couple of times, I totally understand and completely agree on your idea of the poem focusing on Language as the underlying main topic instead of just sign language. Your comment got me to focus more on this main topic and after revising the video, I acquired a completely different perspective as to where he was taking this poem. The fact that the poem is called sign language, and it interprets most actions of sign language, I thought the main idea would simply be sign language, however I was proved wrong. I also think the combination of both sign language and audio language gave people the chance to realize how powerful their voice’s can be, and how powerful one can be even without one. 
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Poetry: “What Teachers Make” by Taylor Mali
Considering and looking at all the different poetry slam video’s, Taylor’s poem “What Teachers Make” was my favorite poem due to it’s unique presentation style as it properly portrayed the feelings of the speaker and also caused listener’s to sympathize and easily understand the context and situation of the poem. Taylor delivers the first part of his poem in a joking and funny tone in order to establish a general perspective of what people think of teachers. This begins the story of the poem and allows for a smooth transition into the main context of his poem, what teachers ‘actually’ do. This also represents the emotions of compressing anger and maturity that follow the context and situation of his poem. He then delivers the rest of his poem in a furious and serious tone. He does this to portray his true feelings of anger towards the situation. These feelings are so strong they simply cannot be held in or said out loud without any following consequences, and to be able to speak with these emotions openly, Taylor made his poem ten times more effective and precise with the context. Taylor’s decision to mix and transition between a joking, funny tone to a more serious and angry tone clearly fit the context of the poem as it played with listeners emotions and guided them to understand the main message of the poem: what all teachers really do.   
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Metaphor Revision
Mine: Before: The sparkle in your eye makes me blind After: The lies in your eyes make me blind Philip: Before: The forgetfulness in the sky makes me cry After: The lost memories in the sky make me cry
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twin-number-one-blog · 10 years
For Tulner's Ringtone I would probably choose the song "Rock Lobster" by the B52's. I chose this song because every time I listen to it I imagine him in his early teen years going wild on the dance floor. The lyrics also make it seem like Tulner is singing the song and is trying to tell me a story. I also chose this song as I can imagine him retired, walking on the shores of the Caribbean when someone suddenly stumbles upon a rock saying "This is a huge rock!" while he says, 'with voices from the song' "You bubblehead, it's a ROCK LOBSTER!" and then following the songs tune, suddenly bursting into laughter and dancing a crazy jive  *_* 
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twin-number-one-blog · 10 years
Dear Secret Santa...
 I would appreciate it if you got me…
Something I can treasure forever: Dog Tag / Necklace
Key Chain? 
Surprise me!
Please no candy, chocolate, gaming/regular gift cards ^_^.
Something from the heart (please don’t tear out your ventricles for me LOL)
A hug T_T.
Sorry I’m super vague, im still thinking about it. I’ll probably edit this later
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twin-number-one-blog · 10 years
Hey guys! For the Love Song I decided to choose one of my favourite emotional songs, “I Cant Make You Love Me”. I chose this song as it clearly reflects upon how Cyrano feels towards Roxane. The main lyrics of the song matches Cyrano belief that no matter how hard he tries he can’t make Roxane love him. Because of this belief, he continually denies himself of the thought of them being together, just like how it does through the song’s lyrics. The song also portrays Cyrano’s desire for Roxane's happiness as well as his death in the end and how he will continue to love her secretly until his final hour. Hope you enjoy.
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twin-number-one-blog · 10 years
Rizaley’s When I Was A Kid
First of all, I just want to congratulate all the performers who presented on Thursday. All your poems were very well writ and entertaining to watch! Even though all of them were absolutely amazing, I decided to write about Rizaley’s piece as it had a really good combination of jokes, happiness and seriousness which really played with my emotions. She started off with a happy, jokey, childish tone keeping a good rhythm of beats until about half way through her poem where she decided to slow her beats down and change her voice to a more serious, sad tone indicating a change in the direction of her poem. We knew there was going to be a change in tone as she ended off her first tone with her “dreams” as a child and started off the other tone with “now” instead of "was" indicating a change in tense as well as tone. This change got us to sympathize with her true feelings from both the past and present and was able to portray the main message of her poem in a clear and powerful way.
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twin-number-one-blog · 10 years
A kiss... is a single stroke upon a blank canvas
The blank canvas represents the feelings of your heart. Each stroke is a fluent motion: a different shape, size or colour, a different texture, feel, and mood, an endless amount of possibilities. A simple component that when bundled together, ultimately creates a masterpiece worth keeping, and that my friends, is love. 
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twin-number-one-blog · 10 years
Colour Phrase: A Tempered Flame
A chose this phrase to represent my colour, light blue. Regularly a flame is red/orange/yellow, but when heated above a certain degree, the colour of the flame changes to blue and eventually to white.  Taking this into consideration, I decided to add the word “tempered” in order to personify the flame's transformation. When someone gets mad, usually their face turns red and their temperature rises. Similarly the flame gets mad and its temperature rises causing its appearance to change to a light blue colour. 
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twin-number-one-blog · 10 years
"If a man were porter of hell / gate, he should have old turning the key.”
"If a man were porter of hell / gate, he should have joy turning the key.”
  If I had to replace the word “old” in this section, I would replace it with “joy”. Originally, it makes sense that if you were the porter of hell’s gate, you should be “old” and knowledgeable but after opening hell’s gate so many times, you should at least feel some sort of emotion – shouldn’t you? In response to this question, I chose to represent the porter’s emotion with the word “joy”. If there is any emotion that the gatekeeper of hell should be feeling it should be joy.  As the gatekeeper, you’re the separation, the boundary between our world and hell. You’re literally the last person that a sinner will see before burning in hell for eternity; you would see the crumbling hope, the fear and the regret on the sinners face as they ask for forgiveness. If you think about it, a porter carelessly opens the door and completely throws away peoples lives without a second thought. There is no way he would continue to do such a thing if he didn’t feel pleasure or happiness when doing so. Joy can also mean success or satisfaction. In a way he is successfully completing the Devil’s task and satisfying both the Devil and himself. This is why the porter should feel joy when turning the key. Honestly though, if I had to do the same thing for the rest of my life, hell, I might as well enjoy it.
  Citation: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/joy
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