twooboomoomoo · 15 hours
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twooboomoomoo · 16 hours
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Another group photo!!! This time with Lilā, who is one of Rika and Regna's friends on Bouquātia!
The way it cropped it's hard to tell that Lilā's holding the both up. The text on the photo says :
Rika, Lilā, Regna
Spring Festival 7xx
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twooboomoomoo · 17 hours
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possibly the worst thing i have ever created
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twooboomoomoo · 17 hours
well other than that Professor Arronax how was the trip
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twooboomoomoo · 17 hours
Okay, so: in early drafts of Jules Verne's 1870 novel Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Captain Nemo is a Polish guy bent on revenge against the Russian Empire for the murder of his family in the January Uprising. Verne's editor objected on the grounds that Russia was a French ally at the time of the book's writing, and in the actual, published version of the story, Nemo's national origin and precisely which empire he's pissed off at are left unspecified.
Later, in the 1875 quasi-sequel The Mysterious Island, Nemo is retconned as an Indian noble out for revenge against the British for the murder of his family in the Indian Rebellion of 1857 – basically the same as the original plan, simply substituting a different uprising and a different empire. Verne's editor raised no objections this time around, because fuck the British, right? Though Twenty Thousand Leagues and The Mysterious Island aren't 100% compatible in their respective timelines, this version of Nemo has customarily been back-ported into adaptations of Twenty Thousand Leagues ever since.
Now here's the funny part: perhaps as a jab at his editor, Verne made a specific plot point in Twenty Thousand Leagues of Professor Aronnax repeatedly trying and failing to figure out where the fuck Nemo is from. At one point his attempt to pin down Nemo's accent is frustrated by Nemo's vast multilingualism. At another point, he tries and fails to trick Nemo by quizzing him about latitude and longitude.
(To contextualise that last bit, at the time the book was written, there was no international agreement on which line of longitude should be zero degrees, and many nations had their own prime meridians; Aronnax hoped to identify Nemo's national origin by calculating which meridian he was giving his longitudes relative to. Nemo, however, immediately spots the ploy, and announces that he'll use the Paris meridian in deference to the fact that Aronnax is a Frenchman.)
The upshot is that at no point in the course of any of this Sherlock Holmes bullshit does Aronnax ever bring up the colour of Nemo's skin as a potential clue. In light of the book's publication history, this is almost certainly simply because Verne hadn't decided that Nemo was Indian yet. However, taking into account The Mysterious Island's retcon, it retroactively makes Aronnax the least racist Frenchman ever.
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twooboomoomoo · 17 hours
Why don't they make stained glass fish tanks? Give those fish Catholic guilt
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twooboomoomoo · 17 hours
dorian only thinks his portrait is beautiful because he sees it as a depiction of his fleeting youth and identity, but the truth is the portrait is actually a reflection of basil, the artist, who put too much of himself in it. it’s not dorian who is beautiful, but rather basil’s pure love for him, which in turn is a reflection of basil’s soul and true nature. by loving dorian, and embracing his love through art without shame, basil has created the most precious thing, even if it is fleeting. much like romance, all art is quite useless, but it touches the human spirit nonetheless, and that’s important
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twooboomoomoo · 17 hours
A very happy Quincey P. Morris Day to all who celebrate! At last it is time to, as Bram Stoker's notes put it,
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Bring in the Texan
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twooboomoomoo · 17 hours
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I'm rolling on the floor
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twooboomoomoo · 17 hours
Dorian Gray will be like “I know a spot” and then take you to a musty attic where he stashed his cursed painting
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twooboomoomoo · 17 hours
Van Helsing, trying desperately not to get put in a straitjacket: don't tell anyone about this. in fact I'm not even going to tell you. just make sure you don't go to sleep. the garlic is medicine okay and it stays. you wouldn't dig up a corn, would you? CORN, Jack. guys she ran out of blood we need your blood don't ask why. I'm off to Amsterdam don't die.
Quincey Morris, showing up a week late with Starbucks: hmmm sounds like vampires to me
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twooboomoomoo · 1 day
If so, what is it?
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twooboomoomoo · 1 day
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"I am sorry, dear boy, but this genre demands sacrifices. Not every story can be completed."
There's this very specific feeling when you have a huge cast of very minor characters but get so attached to all of them and develop them to the point each could be the main character of their own story, and then remember that some of them will have to serve as cannon fodder in the actual main plot
feat. @pixelmuppet's André
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twooboomoomoo · 1 day
There's something on the roof
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twooboomoomoo · 1 day
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twooboomoomoo · 1 day
reblog if you love men with long hair
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twooboomoomoo · 1 day
This might end up being part of a larger project, but I will die if I don't share it
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