txtscenarios · 10 months
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thank u all for 500 !!! <3
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txtscenarios · 1 year
i miss uuuuu
anon, i miss u too!!! i miss writing for u guys and posting on this account. hopefully i'll be more active soon! 🤞
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txtscenarios · 1 year
ahh my taehyun fic blew up! that's so cool. sorry for being so absent; i miss u all lots and lots! i hope to have something finished soon, but thanks for being so patient and supporting my fics! i'm so grateful <3
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txtscenarios · 1 year
hiiiii lovie !!!! missed u all<3
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txtscenarios · 1 year
hehe hiiii, sorry for the long hiatus <3
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txtscenarios · 1 year
people who think taehyun is solely a dom are not seeing the sub/switch taehyun vision. i need u all to open ur eyes...see what i see
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txtscenarios · 1 year
gamer hueningkai /
rating: explicit
an: gender neutral reader to the best of my ability as usual, blowjobs, kai’s a little rough but it’s consensual 
kai doesn’t like to call himself a gamer
you think this is particularly funny because when he’s not doing idol things, school work, or spending time with you, he’s, well, gaming
he might not be a gamer in the traditional sense; he doesn’t stream on twitch, and shooters just aren’t really his thing
but when he’s really into something, whether it be a mobile game that he can play on the go, or a story-driven rpg that takes up way too much space on the boys’ shared playstation 5, he’s so fucking cute it’s almost unbearable
he’s not competitive at all, which just makes it better. it means that he never ends a session in a rage, and hardly ever lets a loss impact his mood
he’s the perfect little gamer boyfriend with all of the perks– a rainbow keyboard, headphones shaped like cat ears, a desk just tall enough for you to fit under– and none of the complications
so, as much as you like actually doing activities with him, you don’t mind sitting across the room on his bed, phone in hand, while he clicks away on his keyboard, one ear peeking out of his headphones just incase you call for him
if you ever want him to stop playing, he will. the game will be shut down in seconds, and he’ll swivel around in his chair, attention fully focused on you
you never ask him to stop, though. not when the alternative is much more entertaining
he doesn’t even flinch when you walk over to him, slow, before dropping to your knees by his side. he merely scoots the chair back a bit to make room for you, and you take the opportunity to crawl under his desk
he’s tall, legs always sort of in the way, but you’ve learned to work around them by now. and this is where he’s good also, where he’s the best boyfriend you could ever ask for; he never expects anything from you
if you yearn to be close, to merely sit with your chin on his knee as he plays his game, then he’s fine with that. he’ll sneak a hand down every now and then to sweep long fingers through your hair, or boop your nose with his thumb
the fact that he’s just so content to be near you however you’ll let him is so– you’ve never had anything like it before. never had someone like him. you find that his kindness makes you more eager to please him
when he’s at the dorm, he’s either wearing sweats or boxers. both are easy access, and you find you don’t prefer one over the other. the boxers are nice because of the space his cock takes up inside of them when he’s totally hard, but the sweatpants are just as mouthwatering, especially when he’s so turned on he begins leaking through them
if you want to get him hard quick, it’s easy enough to do so. mouthing along the fabric just over his clothed cock, or sweeping your thumb along the head has him squirming beneath your touch in no time. he won’t ask; never does, but he doesn’t need to
when he’s hard just from gentle, lingering swipes of your fingers, or hot breaths against his cock, you carefully tug him out of his clothes, fabric scrunching up beneath his length
you always start with your hand, swiping your tongue along your palm to slick it up. the way you twist your wrist on each upstroke has him breathing harder, abdomen flexing, thighs twitching
he is quiet at the start, but it never lasts long. neither does his focus
the moment you brace up, up on your knees, one hand pressed against his thigh for balance as you slowly take his cock between your lips, tongue dipping into the slit to gather precome, to taste. 
he sighs prettily. you hear the occasional click of his keyboard as he attempts to multitask, but then you wrap your hand around the base of his length and slide down as far as your throat allows, and he grunts, both hands in your hair in an instant
they just rest there, at the top of your head, strands sliding through his long fingers. he doesn’t pull; doesn’t push you further than you’re ready to go, or demand anything of you
but when you reach up, tapping his knuckles twice, a silent, “go ahead, i want you to,” he’s quick to appease
his right hand tightens in your hair, hard enough that your scalp stings, while his left gently cups your jaw. he tilts your face to the side as much as he can with his cock still in your mouth, subtly, this way and that. testing the waters
and then, then, he pulls
you gasp, his grip tight enough, and strong enough, to have you sliding all the way off of his cock
he taps the head of his cock against your lips, and your mouth falls open, willing, waiting. he lets out a shuddery breath, and you can’t quite see his face from where you are, but you know his eyes must be closed
his right hand gives a great twist, hair pulled taut between his fingers, and then he pushes you down, down, onto his cock. he doesn’t stop when you sputter, doesn’t let up when you gag. he holds you there for a second, two, three, and then lets you up to collect yourself
you have a system. a pinch to kai’s thigh will let him know that he’s being too rough, that you need a break, but you’ve never needed to do it before. you certainly don’t need to now
he sets a pace, after that
you place your hands on his knees, your own aching from being pressed into the carpet, as kai pulls you up on his cock, head dotted with precome, and then pushes you back down, throat instinctively constricting as you breathe through your nose, and will yourself not to choke
he makes sure that you take him fast, that your head doesn’t move unless he wants it to. he plants his feet on the floor, slides down in his gaming chair just so, and makes tiny, aborted movements with his hips like he just isn’t quite deep enough; like he won’t be satisfied until you’re coughing around him, stuffed full of him
he’s whimpering now, voice high on each exhale, trailing off heavy and breathy towards the end. he’s still got his headphones on, unaware of how loud he’s being, and you love him like this, needy and unabashed
your tongue swirls along the head of his cock each time you’re tugged up, and the slide is easier now, slicked with your spit, so you rub your thumb at the base of his length while you lap at the slit just to feel his hips twitch beneath your touch
his left hand moves from your jaw, down your neck, to your shoulder. he grips you there, fingertips pressing into the bone, just holding on, like he needs you to steady him while you simultaneously pull him apart
his cock jerks in your mouth at the feel of your teeth catching the crown, just there, ever so slight. he likes a little pain with his pleasure, and you know his limits just as well as you know your own
his whimpers have grown into moans now, long, pulled out from back of his throat. they are raw and strained; scratchy each time he thrusts up into your mouth, gaming chair squeaking beneath his movements
his coordination fails him the closer he gets to finishing, until he’s just holding your head in place, hips twisting, rolling up into the tight circle of your mouth, cock sliding along your tongue
he is all breath now, all shaky exhales and gasps and little whispers. tiny litanies of, “so good,” and, “ah, i’m– oh, oh.” he never gets out a full sentence, can’t think long enough to, and you know he’s close the moment his hand tightens on your shoulder enough to bruise, and his thighs flex beneath your palms
he gasps loud in the quiet of the room, pulling you off of his cock long enough to rush out, “i’m– where should i-”
“my mouth,” you tell him, no hesitation. your mouth falls open, and you stick your tongue out, eyes falling shut.
he is quick to slide back into you, cock prodding at the back of your throat, fingers catching in your hair. he shudders once, twice, knees bracketing you in
when he comes, it’s with a groan, back bowed so much so that the chair nearly rolls out from beneath him
his come shoots down your throat, and you sputter, tears pooling in your eyes. but he doesn’t stop, you don’t want him to stop, and you twist your tongue around the head, the crown, dip it right into the slit just to milk out more of him
he fills your mouth, his come hot against your tongue, and you swallow around him. there is spillage; there always is. it rolls down your chin, and onto the carpet
he lets out these exhausted little whines each time he breathes out, and though his hand on your shoulder has fallen away, the one in your hair merely loosens its grip, but stays. he pats your head once, and gently massages your scalp with his fingers
he is slumped back against his chair now, spent, worn, and when you shift so that you can look up at him, his eyes are shut tight, cheeks ruddy red. his bottom lip is swollen and wet and pink, like he’d been chewing on it during the excursion, and there’s a flush running down his neck, along his collarbones, creeping into his shirt. so, so pretty
when he comes to, he rolls back in his chair, and carefully helps you out from beneath the desk. your knees ache, and he tugs you into his lap, kissing the apple of your cheek, and the tip of your nose
“you made me lose my game,” he says, but he doesn’t sound like he minds all that much. his big hand slides along the small of your back, and he smiles, so small you almost miss it. “gotta find a way to make it up to me, don’t you think?”
and so you end up in his gaming chair with him beneath the desk, your legs spread, thighs on either side of his head as he tugs your bottoms down, tossing them out of the way. you knew it’d end up like this– it almost always does.
and you suppose that’s one of the perks of having a gamer boyfriend; he’s always got to even the score 
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txtscenarios · 1 year
haven't checked in with u guys for a while because i've had a lot of stuff going on but wow, i can't believe my taehyun fic blew up! u all are so sweet and i appreciate the support<3
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txtscenarios · 1 year
I can't believe how about we kiss was your first taehyun fic. I loved the way you wrote him it was perfect in every single way ever, my turn when ??! 💳💥💳💥💳💥 It was so soft and omg I think it's in my top 3 taehyun fics now you're amazing
omg hi thank u for saying this!!! i write other fanfics involving tyun so i've had a little bit of practice but it was super nerve-wracking writing a solo fic abt him! i'm happy u think i did him justice💕
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txtscenarios · 1 year
just wanted to pop in and say that i love your writing! do you have anything that you’re working on right now?
hi anon, thank u !! i have a tyun draft and a hk draft that i'm working on, but i haven't had much time for writing recently. i hope to get at least one of them finished soon<3 thanks for popping in!
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txtscenarios · 1 year
I just started going on tumblr again after having it since like 2017 and I don’t even send messages to creators ( in fact this is my first message I’ve ever sent ) anyway 😭 now that I’m like older I started diving into the wilder side of tumblr and I recently came across your “ I don’t want you to go “ fanfic with Kai and I just wanna say.. that shit was so good bruh like 🐕 u are such a great writer like Idek what to say. Like I wanna give u a hug and shit 💀 anywho I just wanna thank u for writing that story so well u deserve allllll the accolades!! Cant wait to see more from u!!
omg hi love, thank u for taking the time to send me this message!! i feel lucky since it's the first time you've sent an ask to anyone. i'm so so glad that u like my little fics<3 i appreciate your support. hope ur doing well!💕
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txtscenarios · 1 year
it's kind of embarrassing how often i keep coming back to reread your fics 😭 your brain is amazing, appreciate you lots!
hi anon, that means a lot to me esp because i haven't written anything new in a while! i'm glad u find my writing interesting enough to reread!!hope you're doing well my dear❤️
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txtscenarios · 2 years
waa can i request a fic inspired by taehyun appearance in yeonjuns recent vlog if thats ok?? the grip this man has on me is insane i tell you. it can be smut or just lime honestly, i do not mind :). but if you have too many requests then you can skip this one!! cmiiw you are very busy so 😭 hope ur ok xoxo
hi anon, i'll add it to my list! i'm soo behind on requests, i need to catch up😭
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txtscenarios · 2 years
Hello!! I rewatched the clip so many times, he’s so beautiful and mesmerising. And that’s so fair, they’re all so wonderful and talented and pretty. I am taehyun biased but recently beomgyu has been filling my brain. I think i see myself in him the most? So i feel a certain connection to him. I also really wish i had proper romantic feelings for Soobin, he’s so kind and gentle and funny and endearing and BEAUTIFUL. I WANT TO HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY I DONT hahaha fjdjdjdj. -🧚anon
AHHH 🧚 anon i get what u mean abt beomie, he really speaks to me too u know? and i think i do have a little crush on soob, but it happened gradually. he's just so sweet and pretty :( maybe it'll happen for u!
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txtscenarios · 2 years
Hope youre okay!! 🤍 (not chasing up any replies !) -🧚anon
hey i missed u!! sorry it took so long to get back to u– life has not been so easy these past few weeks. but i'm coming up on some free time soon! how are u doing? are u making sure to take care of yourself?
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txtscenarios · 2 years
Hi Marcy!! 🫂💘 how are you doing? You don’t post very often (not asking u to post more just checking in on you!!) so we don’t rlly get to hear from you as much, you know? I know you said u have a lot going on but I just wanted make sure ur still doing okay, and that you’re taking care of yourself as well!! Please don’t forget to eat and drink water, and give urself a proper amount of breaks from school work!! 🥺🙏
hi lovey, thank u so so much for checking in! unfortunately with school and work going on, i also had a recent family emergency. it was stressful, but i have a break at the end of this week so i'm gonna finally get to write some more. i'm doing my best to take care of myself but tbh, it's been kind of hard. things are slowly but surely easing up for me. thank u for being concerned. how are u, anon?
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txtscenarios · 2 years
Did you see the video of kang taehyun in the pool from yeonjun’s u.s. vlog? !! -🧚 anon p.s. who is ur bias?
unfortunately i did! i'm ruined now </3 cannot get his shoulders out of my mind. and i still haven't been able to choose a bias! i've been stanning them since run away but i'm just so fond of all of them😭
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