typespatial · 6 years
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Presenting our cycle works project, we gained feedback that possibly this installation was too on the technology side, and consideration to minimising the tv screen would be appropriate as this site is surrounded by a lot of nature. i thought that this installation could still be present without the screen and in place, an app could be created with a similar layout to the screen where public members participating could use their phones to access the information of how far they have biked and how far collectively participants have biked that day
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typespatial · 6 years
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typespatial · 6 years
The interactive pedal installation inviting Wellingtonians to join the cycling culture.
Identifying new cycleways under development through the partnership of Government and NZ Transport Agency in Wellington, New Zealand, we sought to promote this. The Government and NZ Transport Agency in Wellington are creating these new cycleways to make cycling safer for everyone, including cyclists, pedestrians and motorists. Through these developments we saw an opportunity to provide Wellingtonians with this knowledge and promote the use of bikes within the city and suburbs, encouraging everyone to get involved in the new cycleways.
The Wellington cycleways are undergoing major developments to provide cyclists with a safe journey through and into the city. We took this into consideration to inform public members of this undergoing development as this is a project that is barely known about in Wellington. One of the cycleways under development is at Oriental Bay, and seeing as this location is accessible to pedestrians, cyclists and motorists, we thought that this would be a prime location to provide public members with the knowledge of new cycleways and promote cycling.
The Oriental Bay development is an area that has the potential for the public to engage in and become aware of the new infrastructure around the city and raise overall awareness of other road users. Hoping to strengthen the cycling community and encourage more cyclists around the city, we sought to create an interactive structure that would provide the public with knowledge while simultaneously encouraging cycling.
Situated on the path of Oriental Bay, this installation is visible to passing cyclists, pedestrians and also vehicles. This is an interactive installation promoting the development of new cycleway infrastructures within Wellington. Cycle Works encompasses four different types of bikes where by public members cycle to increase the collective total number of kilometres ridden. Acting to promote biking in wellington, this encourages members of the public young and old to collectively work together by participating in a game to see who can achieve the farthest distance, with the results displayed as a high score list. The usernames are anonymised and replaced randomly with the names of NZ native animals, so as to eliminate the idea of direct competition. As the user pedals they receive feedback in the form of an animated border on the screen, which responds to the speed at which they are pedaling. The screen is linked to the bicycles, which allows participants to connect spatially to the installation by seeing the distance rise as they are cycling alongside other participants.
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typespatial · 6 years
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To create the final poster we each did seperate areas, i took on the perspective visuals and the write up, Lauren did the site analysis, Yuiting completed the specifications and the video and Leeland made the visual of the screen. we all split up and communicated with how the visuals would work well together to complete the final poster. we decided on the screen visual as shown because this was a clear aspect and participants riding on the bike were able to see what was rode collectively that day, and also singularly, and out of the people riding singularly who had ridden the longest distance. Also incorporating colour to create a more gamelike playful scene. 
we also change the bikes to make a more interesting installation of a penny farthing, a tandem bike, a modern bike and a children's bike, making this installation user friendly to all.
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typespatial · 6 years
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Taking this idea of creating the screen to be more we experimented with a range of different visuals to see what idea would get across the best to the member of the public. using this idea of colour coding to implement the fact that each bike had a section that they could relate to and veiw how far they have gone. also taking this idea of creating more of a game space to make the installation more fun was an aspect that we pushed for in the screens with the use of text, typography, and format of the screen.
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typespatial · 6 years
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from this feedback, had a group meeting to refine our idea. we drew up some ideas of possible screen ideas, and thought that we could play on this idea of our installation being a game space, with this thought we took on feedback to make the screen more colourful and inviting to public members to encourage more people to try out the installation and view what they are contributing on screen. to do this we thought that we could seperate up the screen into 4 sections, one for every bike, colour coding this so that bikers could view their contribution of how many km’s biked. this would make the installation more interesting and visually and physically interactive.
We thought that we could also make the bikes more interesting as well, and although we had 2 tandem bikes and two kids bikes we thought that we could incorporate more interesting bikes to further entice more people to participate. However we did not want to add in more bikes to over complicate the screen.
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typespatial · 6 years
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Our concept up to date that we presented, we gained feedback from this concept about how can we make the screen more interesting and inviting, to get the public excited about the installation and want to get on the bikes and give it a go. also how we could think about more interesting bikes, and how many bikes we have at the site, and do we need to possibly include more bikes. someone asked about if there was a certain reward that we public member had if they reached a certain distance etc, however, we discussed how we had considered this through the sponsorship and distance biked contributing money toward the new cycleway development and how this was possibly too complicated, and that the reward was to ride alongside and bring together the community.
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typespatial · 6 years
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Through further consideration, we thought that oriental bay would be a good location for the installation, just picking this 1 spot as to draw people to this area and not make the installation more confusing by have several areas where it was displayed. we thought that oriental bay would be a good location as this is a hot spot for public members, whether they are pedestrians, cyclists or drivers. there will .stil be an interactive installation that will have a bike where public members can ride and a large dot matrix tv display at Oriental Bay area. The display will show total km that the bike has accumulated and potential statistics such as the highest km distance ridden in a day and possibly the total distance ridden by from the day previously. This information will be always visible, but there will be some animated pedal powered part to the display in green. we think that we could possibly incorporate multiple bikes to bring the public together as a community event to raise the total amount of km ridden
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typespatial · 6 years
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from the feedback we gain, we thought that our idea needed refining. we liked the idea of this promotion being an interactive installation, however, we thought that we really needed to pin down what was most important to be displayed when a public member rode on the bike. what message were we wanting to reveal? we had a discussion about possible displaying the days left till the event, and also the distance that the bikers have traveled. also incorporating a reward with how far they have traveled, with every so many kilometres ridden, the sponsors would contribute a certain amount of money that would go toward new cycleways that are under development. we also thought that it would be important to have small signage beside this installation for a public member to read information on the installation, and what the metrics on the installation are displaying.
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typespatial · 6 years
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from the board pinup, we gained feedback from other groups whereby we needed to choose one installation to take further. they suggested that the installation where public members would be able to cycle and that create the movement of the bike spinning was a good design, and that would should take this further. We had suggestions that maybe it would be interesting to be able to see the number of kilometers biked by the bike or possible display how many bikers have been in the area so that there is some correlation between cyclists and the installation. the location was mentioned to be a really important aspect as we need to make sure that we are targeting the largest audience possible.
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typespatial · 6 years
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By pinning up sheets of our work on the board that we had worked on, there were two main installation ideas that we explored. one was the ‘go by bike’ logo with the powered bike, while the other, a similar concept, however this would power a countdown of the days left till the event. we also presented the ‘go by bike’ day that we were promoting and also possible locations for these installations along with precedents.
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typespatial · 6 years
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This concept will still need to be refined, however, discussed that an interactive installation would be a great way to get the public aware o the event. by having the logo “go by bike” in large letters this would draw not only to the event but also to encourage others to bike in their daily life. This installation specifically relates to biking as to make the sign light up, public members would need to get on the bike and ride it themselves. with the potential to show how many km has been ridden by the public. There was talk to having this installation running for around 2 weeks before the event. it is great because this event is in summer so there will be more activity in outdoor space where this installation would be placed. however, another alternative idea is that this installation could move every couple of day to target different audiences, or that there could be different variations of the installation located throughout Wellington cbd and near where the event is being placed. special considering of where this installation would be placed is important as it needs to be where cyclists can see it, so that they know to go to the event, and where pedestrian can interact and be made aware of the event, and also drivers.
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typespatial · 6 years
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from research precedents it is evident that alot of the promotion for biking to work or bike day are just advertisements, on posters or baners. this to me isnt very exciting as if i were to see this i wouldnt think twice about it, it would be nice to take a new stance on promoting ‘go by bike’ day in wellington and possible get the community more aware and excited about it 
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typespatial · 6 years
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Currently, go by bike day is quite plain and there is no attention drawn to the day. as before this project, i did not know it existed. we think that this is a great opportunity to create some type of promotion for this day to encourage people to get on their bikes on the 7th of Feb and also draw attention to cyclists and the fact that there could potentially be more cyclists on the road this day. 
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typespatial · 6 years
Group meeting
By meeting up with the group we talked over the areas we had looked into from the proposed cycleways made by the council. we discussed our concepts for the cycleways we has looked into and from here we talk about creating signage for cyclists cyclist in the most cycled areas. From this talk it was important that what we design could be proposed at any cycle way, and would not be disruptive.
With further discussion we talk about ‘go by bike’ day which could form potential for new ideas to advertise or promote this event.
“Go By Bike Day is an annual celebration of people riding their bikes in Wellington. There will be spot prizes, competitions, vendor giveaways, free coffee and breakfast.
Come down and enjoy a well-earned bagel and coffee after you ride your bike to Queens Wharf, we'll be set up under the sails.
WCC support Go By Bike Day to encourage more Wellingtonians to ride their bike as a viable mode of transport. When more people go by bike the local environment, economy and all road users benefit from it.”
This event happens on Wednesday the 7th Feb 2018, 7:00am–9:00am on Queens Wharf, wellington. This annual event is a great opportunity to make public more aware of cyclists and also get people more into cycling.
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typespatial · 6 years
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Seeing as we have discussed creating signage that would need to be able to be placed in several cycleways, we then discussed the method of maybe instead of having signage on the cycle path, to have advertisements around the city, to create more awareness around the importance of cyclists and how they also share the road, making the advertisements mobile on the bus as to increase the people who see it
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typespatial · 6 years
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Looking into a spatial intervention to separate the road from the cycleway from the road in order to not only create segregation but to also make drivers more aware of cyclists. this structure could potentially light up at night and guide cyclists, and again would draw drivers to the attention that cyclist also ‘share’ the road. these structure could also act as signs to tell the cyclists legths till certain destinations, or to locate the area they are in.
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