umamitown · 7 years
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The houses of Quillson, Bianca, Chow, and Melba.  My poor AC games have currently been displaced by Pokemon Moon and Style Savvy: Fashion Forward, sorry guys.  I am posting some Style Savvy screenshots to Clover-Fish, if that’s your cup of tea.
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umamitown · 7 years
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The houses of Monty, Bertha, Boomer, Roald, and Egbert.
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umamitown · 7 years
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⭐ Tag yourself, Animal Crossing edition! ⭐
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umamitown · 7 years
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The houses of Truffles, Phyllis, and Anicotti.
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umamitown · 7 years
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Some screenshots from my first few games of Desert Island Escape, which you can play with the WiiU item in ACNL, thanks to the update a while back.  I love it.  It’s a great minigame.  If you are curious what all the Special Ability types there are and what their traits are, they’re listed on the wikia.
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umamitown · 7 years
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Some screenshots of the RV campsite at night. (Harv is dancing with maracas, one of the Nook boys is sitting on a log, and you can dance around the campfire)  Also, the prompt that pops up when you select the 3DS item, allowing you to play Puzzle League.  You can also see the WiiU item in the screenshot as well.
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umamitown · 7 years
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Screenshots of Wisp from back when the update was released.
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umamitown · 7 years
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More screenshots from back when the update was released.
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umamitown · 7 years
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Some screenshots of the RV campsite.
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umamitown · 7 years
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Some screenshots I took back when the ACNL update was released.  I had meant to post these back while everyone was still figuring the update out, but clearly I never got around to it.  I was pretty burnt out after managing that long list that you might have seen reblogged around.
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umamitown · 7 years
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The houses of Lobo, Lilly, and Grams.
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umamitown · 8 years
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Some little Azukis from the other day.  It had been so long since I’d drawn her that I forgot how curly her hair is supposed to be, so sorry about that.  I just thought I’d draw a bit of her face before I let Pokemon gently consume my life again.  I’ll see you guys again whenever I finish Moon’s main plot, probably.
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umamitown · 8 years
(I’m a bisexual woman with a Puerto Rican grandmother myself.  I also want to make this blog safe for POC and Muslim folks.)
A gentle reminder that this blog is LGBTQ friendly.
You are loved. Stay safe, be strong. Stay passionate and kind.
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umamitown · 8 years
how to sell your town
For those of you asking how to sell your town to Tom Nook!
As normal, you talk to Isabelle on the start-up screen, click re-create the town, she’ll ask if you’re sure, click yes, and then she’ll ask if you want to ‘start as mayor right away’ or ‘take a break from playing’.
If you click ‘take a break from playing’ I’m assuming your town will simply be destroyed and your game will reset to the title screen, where you can leave it be until you’re ready to start a new town. If you select start as mayor right away, she will call Tom Nook over to appraise your town, and after you sell it the game will transition right to Rover on the train.
As long as you don’t save in your new town, if you turn off your 3ds you’ll still load up your old town. If you want to reset for maps (like I did), you’ll have to go through talking to Isabelle on the start-up screen/getting the town appraised/Rover on the train every time, which is time consuming, haha.
Hope this helps!
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umamitown · 8 years
Already answered that.
If you ask me an anonymous question about something I’ve already answered in the list, I won’t respond.  Sorry.  And, no, I don’t know if duplicating still works, because I’ve never done it.
Also, because I’ve seen a lot of people say this is true, but I’ve tested it and found it not to be: If you have a villager from the RV campsite replace a villager in your town, they will NOT always move into the same spot.
If you’re reblogging the list, please keep in mind that I am still updating it with additional and more-in-depth information.
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umamitown · 8 years
What I know so far about the update:
---------- RV campsite, MEOW coupons, Wisp, & amiibos -----------
Harvey is the hippie dog who runs the RV campsite
You can do a dance around the RV campsite bonfire by pressing A if it’s nighttime!
And you can honk an RV’s horn by getting into the driver’s seat and pressing A.  It will shock the RV’s owner.  (Thanks, Anon!)
You can toss setsubun beans and the birds will come eat them like bread crumbs?
I don’t yet know what Harv’s Wifi is exactly for/how it works.  It would seem that Nintendo doesn’t have the system for it running yet?
Harvey sells two furniture items in front of the cabin that were previously exclusive to HHD
You can order furniture from whoever’s RV is in the campsite, and this furniture can include HHD items and other items that can’t be ordered from the catalogue.
You can only order 3 items from the RVs per day? 
These are all bought with MEOW coupons gained by accomplishing daily and weekly initiatives that can be seen by looking at your TPC (Town Pass Card) and change every day/week
Report your accomplished objectives to the CAT machine (the cute cat-daruma sign on the left corner of your town hall) for MEOW coupons
MEOW coupons can be exchanged for bells at the ATM in the post office.  (The rate might change day to day?  My game says, “the current rate is 3,000″)
There can be two RVs at the campsite.  A special character and a character you invite with your amiibo.
Wisp has been added to the game to allow you to use amiibo figures and cards to invite them to the RV campsite.  You can find his white genie’s lamp around town by going towards the mysterious voice and take it back to your house to summon him out of the lamp.
Wisp is see-through when you summon him and will ask that you provide a body for him with an amiibo figure or card.  He will take that form and then give you three options:
Come and play! (invites the owner of that body to visit the RV campsite  and gives you some MEOW coupons)
Give me something! (gives you a random furniture item and some MEOW coupons)
I don’t need anything. (Wisp goes back in the lamp.  You can summon him again, but he won’t give you option 1 again that day unless you use the same amiibo as before.)
Option 1 might be different if your town is full and you have someone whose plot is marked out and will be moving in the day after?  Or it might just be different if you did option 3 first?  Rather than going to the RV campsite, Wisp will ask you to pick out a person to be replaced by the owner of the body.
You get Wisp on the ingame day after the day you acquired the RV campsite.  You don’t have to wait till the evening, you can find him in the morning.  You might have to wander around a while till you hear the mysterious voice.
And RV will appear on the campsite right after you invite them with Wisp. Same day and everything.
A villager you brought to the RV campsite with an amiibo card (or certain non-animal crossing amiibo figures) can be invited to move into your town by talking to them in their RV.  If your town is full, you get to choose a current resident to move out.  They DO NOT always move into the same spot as that resident they kick out.  The resident being replaced will be packed up into boxes immediately after you asked an RV owner to move in.  The next day, they will be gone and the RV owner’s plot will be marked out.
You can supposedly use an amiibo card to skip the usual number of villager cycles you must wait before asking a villager to move back into your town after they left.
Nintendo’s list of all amiibo figures that work with the RV campsite, including non-animal crossing figures: link
--------- secret storeroom, touch screen interior design, etc. --------
Tom Nook can build you a secret storeroom that is an invisible closet with 360 slots that you can access from anywhere within your house.  
It can be accessed with the icon to the right of the light switch on your touch screen.  
You may need to have a second story in your house to get the option for Tom Nook to build it.
You can unlock the ability to use the touch screen for moving around furniture in your house like in HHD.  But unlike in HHD, there are no half squares. (and no ceiling items?)  
You need a second floor, a secret storeroom, and take an interior design seminar from Lottie to unlock this.
This ability can be accessed with the icon to the left of the light switch on your touch screen.
You can hang clothes on the wall like in HHD now
You can now interact with an object in front of you if you’re sitting in a chair facing it.
You can place objects on top of stools.  (This does not work if it’s labeled as a chair, even if looks like a stool.)
--------- stones, weeding, selling your town, etc. -------------
You will get a green book with a white question mark in the mail from Nintendo that explains the new features a little
As Nintendo promised, the update will weed your town for you, so it won’t be such a mess when you arrive.  Isabelle talks to you on the train ride in, saying that she had Leif take care of it.
If you want to start over and make a new town, you can “sell” your town to Nook who will evaluate it and give you bells accordingly that you can carry into your new town.
You can possibly choose to get this money in 100 increments with interest instead of all at once as you play in your new town?  Please provide screenshots verifying this!
You can possibly choose to keep your catalouge from your town instead of getting money.  Please provide screenshots verifying this!
(More information on this would be appreciated!)
Here are a bunch of miscellaneous changes:
You can mute a player on Tortimer Island. Handy if they are rude!
A number of glitches have been “fixed”, such as the net glitch.
You can now shake trees while holding a watering can, fishing rod, or net.  So it will probably be easier to catch bees now.
You can sit on stones now.
You can get a model of the town tree on the anniversary of your town?
Villagers now give you a longer period of considering to move out to go and convince them to stay?
Leif’s fertilizer can also be buried next to dried-out trees to revive them
Balloons can now drop normal furniture instead of just balloon furniture?
--------- minigames -----------
Two items that allow you to play minigames can be gotten either from RVs summoned with any of the 16 animal crossing amiibo figures OR from fortune cookies. (source)
a Wii U lets you play Desert Island Escape
a 3DS lets you play Animal Crossing Puzzle League
You can get MEOW coupons and furniture from the minigames?
-------- amiibo camera, link HHD date, etc. --------
After you have updated ACNL (from the title menu) and (I think) have also done a save of further gameplay within the town, the title menu will give you access to...
the amiibo Camera
and “Link HHD data” which allows you to order the special, big, monthly challenge items in HHD with Timmy and Tommy’s catalogue kiosk.
You can do this even if both your ACNL and HHD are both physical/retail copies.  If you’re using retail copies, Isabelle will tell you to removed the ACNL cartridge and put in the HHD cartridge for a bit.  I’ve done this myself and it works.  Your connection with Isabelle won’t be broken by temporarily removing the ACNL cartridge.
Lottie will send you a Nook’s Homes model in ACNL in the mail for linking your HHD data.
I am checking other’s lists of changes in my game to see if they’re all true or not.  Question marks and “supposedly”s mean I haven’t seen enough evidence to be certain of.  They might be true, or they might not be.  I need screenshots, nintendo clearly stating it, or to have tested it myself.
Please let me know if you spot any misinformation on this list or have anything to add?
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umamitown · 8 years
Yes, I have picked up Umami again.
I downloaded the update and I’m having fun poking around.  In Umami Town, the new RV campsite leads off from next to the pond, in front of the Police Station, and behind the old tent campsite.  It’s going to be fun to find all the changes.  But once Pokemon Sun & Moon come out, I might end up dropping the game for a while again.
(I moved the information I’m gathering on the new update to its own post.)
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