unconventionaledge · 2 years
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You may be tempted to spend hours a day crafting content & pumping it out at warp speed but, before you do, I want you to remember one thing: More content ≠ more sales. You can post multiple times a day, make all the fancy reels/TikToks you want, & live through your stories while making only a fraction of what you’re making now.  Why?  Because content marketing is more than just making content.  It’s about intentionally curating content that speaks to the core desires of your ideal client. To convert content into sales, answer these questions:  📌 How can you help me solve my problem? Your clients aren’t buying from you because they like your hair and want to be around you. No, they’re buying because they have a problem and they want you to provide the solution. Your content is a powerful opportunity to position yourself as someone who has the answers. Clearly show them how you can guide them towards a breakthrough.  📌 Why should I hire you v.s someone else? Here’s your chance to show off why you’re the best at what you do. Don’t be afraid to brag a little! Throw out a testimonial, list your accomplishments, and broadcast your expertise. Show them the results! The goal here is to show up as an authority in your field by highlighting your unique selling point (USP) that gives you an edge over competitors.  📌 Why is now the right time? Finally, highlight the urgency. This doesn’t and shouldn't be a sleazy, scammy “buy now before it’s too late!” message.  🚨 People see through that B.S right away.  Instead, create genuine urgency by reminding them what happens if they don’t take the leap to invest. Speak to the part of them that desperately wants to change & evolve because they know they can’t stay where they are. Amplify the problem and present yourself as the solution. It’s really that simple.  Answer these questions through your content & watch as the new leads start pouring through.  Which are you going to try next? 🖤🔥
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