unfortunatelymaggie · 7 hours
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unfortunatelymaggie · 7 hours
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I can't believe they made Chilchuck Tennant canon
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unfortunatelymaggie · 8 hours
I'm the "voting is good" guy but I intend to direct basically all of my you-should-vote energy next year towards the reelection of the 18 progressives who've stuck their necks out to call for an Israeli-Palestinian ceasefire. They've dedicated themselves to a basic standard of human decency, and for it they will be punished with an immense tidal wave of financial and political resources seeking to get them kicked out of office, to say nothing of the threats against their lives. Biden's on his own.
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unfortunatelymaggie · 8 hours
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mine is so accurate im screaminggg
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unfortunatelymaggie · 9 hours
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unfortunatelymaggie · 11 hours
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unfortunatelymaggie · 12 hours
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unfortunatelymaggie · 12 hours
Thinking about when I worked for honey baked ham and whenever we got busy our store manager would recalibrate the pricing scales to make hams more expensive per pound and most hams landed around $80 naturally so sometimes you'd get an 8lb ham for like $110
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unfortunatelymaggie · 14 hours
just a friendly reminder that june 6th, 1218 b.c. was identified as the day patroclus was killed by hector in the trojan war. patroclus died 3240 years ago today.
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unfortunatelymaggie · 14 hours
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one of the great texts of the modern era
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unfortunatelymaggie · 14 hours
There's the thing in kids' shows/books/movies where the kids always know what's going on and what to do where the adults are idiots, and in most shows aimed at adults the only roles for kids are precocious-yet-loving protag's kid, smart-mouthed pain-in-the-ass, or victim of the crime-of-the-week, so I think it would be funny to have a story from the POV a hard-bitten middle-aged cop or detective who mostly does hard-bitten-middle-aged-protagonist things like drink a lot and complain about his exes, but he always runs into this team of five 13-year-old amateur detectives on his job, and they seem to be just as good at it as he is and it drives him a little crazier each time.
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unfortunatelymaggie · 15 hours
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unfortunatelymaggie · 16 hours
When I was young my dad offhandedly told me he thought people treated fish with so much casual cruelty because fish can’t scream.
The words branded themselves across my soul.
As an adult I think he may have been joking. He payed no especial attention to any indignities fish suffered in our household but I could never forget. I saw fish in a different light after that.
Fish kept in tiny bowls, breathing their own poisons, dying by inches. Fish kept in cold tanks, casually disposed of. Fish touted as being short lived when they could outlive the better loved family dog if only they could breathe. Fish casually won and discarded in cheap plastic bags, thrown away a week later.
How they would scream, if they could.
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unfortunatelymaggie · 21 hours
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unfortunatelymaggie · 21 hours
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[ID: Boxed shaped clay sculpture of a Przewalski's horse. The horse's body is painted onto the box in the style of palaeolithic cave art, and the front half from the shoulders is realistic and three-dimensional, fully emerging at the end of the box. The horse is in a walking pose with the front left leg raised and the head tilted slightly sideways. Each photo shows a different angle. End ID]
Yeah, happy with this. Will be remaking it at some point, hopefully with less issues. I'll have to give it a coat of gloss as this clay is not hardy and needs protection.
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I cannot stand the parodies of modern major general, they're overdone and simply not as good as the original. They've done them about everything, whatever topic, big or small.
And when i notice one of them my eyes will always start to roll.
The diction's always slurry when they rush the complicated words, and adding many fricatives will turn it so cacophonous. The slanted rhymes are silly and they keep just making more and more, please someone stop the parodies of modern major general.
The scanning of the lyrics in the meter is unbearable, they emphazise the syllables in ways that are untenable, in short in matters musical, prosodic and ephemeral, i cannot stand the parodies of modern major general!
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