unreal-maskara · 3 months
Perciver headcanons
Percy carefully puts his things in his suitcase, according to all the rules, to save as much space as possible. At the same time, Oliver quickly throws all the things into his sports bag and they somehow miraculously fit there, so then Wood can easily find anything from there.
Percy doesn't like sweets and always drinks a cup of coffee in the morning while packing his bag. Oliver is used to waking up with the feeling of this tart aroma, although he himself loves sweets.
Oliver loves to hug Percy before bed and fall asleep listening to his beloved monotonously read. At first, Percy was offended that they didn’t listen to him, but then he got used to it and began to read with pleasure, stroking Oliver’s hair. True, sometimes Wood wakes up and turns off the light, but this usually happens in the morning and is rare.
Oliver often calls Percy "Pers" and even suggested they get a PERSian cat in response to him getting hit on the head with a book. (It was not an angry blow, rather a playful one to show his displeasure)
One day, Oliver finally brought home a gray kitten, very similar to the Persian breed. Naming her "Tessie" (after Percy's grandmother).
Tessie very often travels with her “fathers” to work. She proudly walks around the Ministry with Percy, and during training Oliver sleeps on the trebuns. She's a brave cat and Molly even knitted her a little Gryffindor blanket with the letter "T" on it.
Oliver never really worried about anyone finding out about his sexuality. So, several times leaving training, he said that he needed to hurry up, because a guy was waiting for him at home. At first, Percy was greatly impressed by Oliver's openness.
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unreal-maskara · 3 months
love him so much💔💔💔
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Наверное тут мало русского фандома, но, как один из представителей фанатов фильма "Огонь", не могу не понастальгировать по этому милашке❤️‍🩹🤎
There’s probably not enough Russian fandom here, but, as one of the fans of the film “Fire,” I can’t help but feel nostalgic for this cutie💔🧡
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unreal-maskara · 3 months
Everyone should see this!
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Чибик Кроули🤎
Chibi Crowley🧡
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unreal-maskara · 4 months
u don't understand it's like u want to gif and then u think about flopping and then u think notes shouldn't matter and then u think it's nice to cross 200 reblogs that aren't just u and then u think what's the point if it's already gifed and then u think that u should gif whatever u like and then u think for what and then u think for ur happiness and then u look at the notes again
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unreal-maskara · 4 months
The celebration of Christmas and New Year became calmer every year, but no less comfortable and interesting. One Christmas, Andromeda receives a letter from her mother and sister, and the next Christmas they meet with the whole family visiting the Weasleys. In another, Teddy brings Marie-Victoire to visit them and introduces her to her parents. But no matter what happens, they always celebrate Christmas together and always, absolutely every year, in the evening, candles are burning throughout the house, and all the windows are closed with curtains
Празднование Рождества и Нового Года с каждым годом становилось спокойнее, но от того не менее комфортным и интересным. В одно Рождество Андромеда получает письмо от матери и сестры, следующие они всей семьей встречают в гостях у Уизли. В ещё одной Тедди приводит Мари-Виктуар к ним в гости и знакомит её с родителями. Но чтобы ни случалось, они всегда празднуют Рождество вместе и всегда, абсолютно каждый год, ближе к вечеру во всем доме горят свечи, а все окна закрыты шторами
{ Sorry, English is not my native language. I use a translator, because it is likely that more people will see my text in English. If you correct anything, I will be grateful }
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unreal-maskara · 4 months
On Christmas morning, Dora woke up and the whole house heard her smoothly but loudly singing “Thank God It's Christmas” - Queen. All day long, against the backdrop of the holiday, songs from this particular group were played in their house. And for the next few days, Teddy walked around the house and sweetly hummed the lines that had stuck with him, confusing them with each other and mixing the motives of several songs. Andromeda, who came to visit them, was touched by her grandson; he strongly reminded her of her deceased husband.
В рождественское утро Дора проснулась и весь дом услышал, как она плавно, но достаточно громко пела «Thank God It's Christmas» — Queen. Весь день на фоне праздника в их доме играли песни именно этой группы. А несколько следующих дней Тедди ходил по дому и мило напевал заевшие у него строки, путая их между собой и смешивая мативы нескольких песен. Пришедшая навестить их Андромеда умилилась внуку, он сильно напомнил ей погибшего мужа
{ Sorry, English is not my native language. I use a translator, because it is likely that more people will see my text in English. If you correct anything, I will be grateful }
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unreal-maskara · 4 months
Every Christmas, Dora's hair turns half red and half green. Sometimes the ends of her hair turn white like snow, sometimes they curl in wild curls. This is one of the few days when she allows herself to voluntarily change her usual bright pink or calmer purple to something completely different.
Teddy unconsciously began to repeat this tradition after his mother from early childhood, which the first couple of times brought Remus and Andromeda almost to tears.
Каждое рождество волосы Доры становятся на половину красными, а на половину зелеными. Иногда кончики её прически белеют, словно снег, иногда завиваются буйными кудряшками. Это тот день, один из немногих, когда она позволяет себе добровольно сменить привычный ярео розовый или более спокойный фиолетовый на что-то совсем другое.
Тедди неосознанно с раннего детства начал повторять эту традицию за мамой, что первые пару раз доводило Ремуса и Андромеду практически до слез.
{ Sorry, English is not my native language. I use a translator, because it is likely that more people will see my text in English. If you correct anything, I will be grateful }
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unreal-maskara · 4 months
Only Dora can knock down the tree, trying to unnoticedly place a gift under it. And only Remus knows that this will happen, because in time he catches the Christmas tree with one hand
Только Дора может свалить ёлку, стараясь незаметно положить подарок под неё. И только Римус знает, что так и будет, потому что во время ловит елку одной рукой.
{ Sorry, English is not my native language. I use a translator, because it is likely that more people will see my text in English. If you correct anything, I will be grateful }
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unreal-maskara · 4 months
Lee Jordan’s Tarantula Headcanons
Lee will not do any prank that would harm Arachne, his tarantula. He thinks Arachne is the best and specifically chosea female tarantula because they have longer lifespans.Males only live about 6 years. Arachne is a Chaco Golden KneeTarantula. Lee imagines Arachne had a Scottish accent and yes, he talks to his pets. He’ll let you hold Arachne, but only if he’s sure you won’t drop her. After Arachne dies, his second spider is named Charlotte because of Charlotte’s Web.
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unreal-maskara · 4 months
The morning when Dora decided to cook gingerbread for the whole family was remembered by everyone for a long time. Everything went wrong almost immediately, starting with the spilled ingredients. Remus still tried to remain calm for a while and stay in the room with his son. But when the smell of burning came from the kitchen, it was impossible to remain inactive.
"Mom, don't cook without us anymore, okay?" said Teddy, helping to wipe the spilled flour from the table
Remus sighed, hugged his beloved and kissed the top of her head, agreeing with his son.
{ Sorry, English is not my native language. I use a translator, because it is likely that more people will see my text in English. If you correct anything, I will be grateful }
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unreal-maskara · 4 months
On the fifth New Year, Teddy received from his parents a large gray cat, which was slightly taller than him. Dora, in addition to a lot of love and New Year's tenderness, gave Remus a large selection of chocolate and tea. And Remus gives her, in addition to tight hugs and tender kisses, a curse detector and a new fire-resistant robe.
{Au where Remadora is alive and Teddy grows up happily with his parents}
{ Sorry, English is not my native language. I use a translator, because it is likely that more people will see my text in English. If you correct anything, I will be grateful }
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unreal-maskara · 4 months
Not much time passed.
Kerry hoped that time would truly make him forget this fucking V.
The anger simmered for a long time. Just not cooling down. But either the holidays froze her, or it was true... The cycle of their life together ended and began to be forgotten. But while the question “Why?” continued to torment, and this brute begs for food, Kerry will definitely not forget about V.
He had already even begun to think about a gift for him. And V... V gave him... What?
Kerry muttered this banal thing under his breath for a long time: “Why the fuck, well V,” while pouring wine into a glass.
Nibbles meows behind him. Kerry quickly puts the glass on the cafe table and leaves to get a gift from under the tree. A little carelessly, he throws the plush toy next to the cat.
“Here you go, your master definitely didn’t need it.”
The cat purrs and lies down on the toy and seems to fall asleep. Kerry sits on the corner of the sofa, putting her leg up on the table and picking up her guitar. Calm, melancholic melodies begin to flow smoothly through the apartment, merging with a slightly non-canonical variation of “Last Christmas”. He knew that he would never sleep this on anyone. This is one of those incredible cases when Kerry sang for himself, or rather for his soul.
{ Sorry, English is not my native language. I use a translator, because it is likely that more people will see my text in English. If you correct anything, I will be grateful }
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unreal-maskara · 4 months
Прошло не так много времени.
Керри надеялся, что время и правда заставит забыть этого грёбанного Ви.
Злость кипела долгое время. Просто не остывая. Но то ли праздники её подзаморозили, то ли и правда… Виток их совместной жизни закончился и начал забываться. Но пока вопрос «Зачем?», продолжал мучить, а эта кошара просить есть, Керри точно не забудет о Ви.
Он ведь уже даже начал думать над подарком ему. А Ви… Ви подарил ему... Что?
Керри долго бормотал себе под нос это банальное: «Зачем, блять, ну Ви», пока наливал вина в бокал.
Позади мяукает Нибблс. Керри быстро ставит бокал на кафейный столик и уходить достать подарок из под ёлки. Немного небрежно кидает плюшевую игрушку рядом с кошкой.
— Держи, твоему хозяину это точно не было нужно.
Кошка мурлыча укладывается на игрушку и, кажется, что засыпает. Керри садится на угол дивана, закинув ногу на столик и взяв гитару. По квартире начинают плавно разносится спокойные, меланхоличные мелодии, сплитающиеся с немного неканоничной вариацией «Last Christmas». Он знал, что никогда и никому не спаёт это. Это один из тех невероятных случаев, когда Керри пел для себя, а верней для души.
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unreal-maskara · 4 months
Утро, когда Дора решила приготовить на всю семью имбирных пряников запомнилось всем надолго. Все пошло не так почти сразу, начиная с рассыпанных ингредиентов. Ремус все же старался сохранять спокойствие какое-то время и оставаться в комнате с сыном. Но когда с кухни потянулся запах горелого, бездействовать было невозможно.
"Мам, не готовь больше без нас, ладно?" произнёс Тедди, помогая вытереть рассыпанную муку со стола
Ремус, вздохнув, обнял любимую и поцеловал в макушку, соглашаясь с сыном.
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unreal-maskara · 4 months
На пятый новый год Тедди от родителей получил большого серого кота, который был чуть больше его по росту. Дора Ремусу, кроме большого количества любви и новогодней нежности, подарила большой набор шоколада и чая. А Ремус ей, кроме крепких объятий и нежных поцелуев, обнаружитель проклятий и новую огнестойкую мантию.
{ Ау где Ремадора жива и Тедди счастливо растет с родителями }
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unreal-maskara · 4 months
С этого момента сюда пришла моя прекраснейшая @kadis-etrama-dee-peshti ~
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unreal-maskara · 5 months
Candy: Good morning!
Castiel: Prove it.
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