unspokenvows · 5 years
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unspokenvows · 5 years
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Luke Pasqualino in Snatch season 1 episode 10 “A Family Affair” (2017) dir. Geoffrey Sax
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unspokenvows · 5 years
Oh my my, I'm the one
Trying to hide this damage done
One day, all our secrets will be spoken
As we slow dance, I became your statue frozen
Times I wonder, are we just a puff of smoke? Yeah
Underneath this bed of ashes, still withholding everything
Like we were never close
Don't you worry, baby, no sense trying to change it
I'ma strike these matches, never had control
I'm ready to let go, no, was I fooling myself?
I'ma spread these ashes, never had control
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unspokenvows · 5 years
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Santa Clarita Diet (2017) What the fuck?
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unspokenvows · 5 years
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Veronica Mars  |  4x03 - “Keep Calm and Party On”
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unspokenvows · 5 years
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Bob’s Burgers, The Horse Rider-er (S06E17)
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unspokenvows · 5 years
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marcus being a chaotic woke bi
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unspokenvows · 5 years
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“ you want my advice? deal with one emotional minefield at a time. ” 
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unspokenvows · 5 years
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It’s what she deserves
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unspokenvows · 5 years
Vincent remembered the day he went home with his dads. Everything took awhile to get used to, but once it did things were good. There’s no doubt in Vin’s mind that he had to be some sort of law enforcement profession with a father like Alejandro.  His father was stern, but there was a place in that sternness that was also love. Nothing prepared Vincent when he met the charismatic Matthew O’Hara and everything changed. Alejandro had made it perfectly clear that he was never welcomed back home, and the only reason he lived after his rebellion was because his father allowed him to.
Now he only lived because Matthew O’Hara had chosen to let him. If you could call it living, the injuries sustained helped his job and made it easier. A hired gun never just retires cold turkey, but he had a profession as well to uphold. His aunt saw to the fact that he always seemed like an outstanding citizen. Someone never caught, but crooked as fuck. 
That brings him to today. He knows when his father arrives in the office. Because old habits never die down. So he uses the time beforehand to arrive twenty minutes before his old man. He startled the clerk as he walked in, but she recognized his face. It isn’t lost on him how her gaze is paralyzed looking at the scar across his neck.
She tells him to alert his father, but he holds up a finger to his lips.  He walks to the receptionist and pens on a post it note the word ‘SURPRISE’ 
He’s almost certain her big mouth alerts his father via text message, but it still gets him inside his office. He plops down in the chair with one leg crossed and he waits.
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unspokenvows · 5 years
“There you are. Come in and close the door.” Oliver motioned to their father’s study and moved his fingers to signal Jasper closer. He could watch from the window in the office and see Matty playing with his toys on the other side. Uncle Hen wasn’t too far and the house was full of O’Hara’s so he doubted anything bad would happen, but he still felt nervous.
Oliver gulped and glanced to his younger brother. “We.. We need to have a serious discussion, Jasp.” He replied and glanced out again through the window. He thinks about Anthony calling Matty a brat, and what Teddy had said to him in the alleyway.
“I delivered my divorce papers to Anthony Deluca personally, and I think we need to discuss what happens if I die.”
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unspokenvows · 5 years
How long had Teddy been missing? A couple of days he would gather. The O’Hara’s didn’t have a curfew, but Oliver caught himself worrying especially after his cocky delivery of the divorce papers. He had done check up on a few others, but he decided to follow his protocol when Trinity vanished. After he tucked his son in, he enlisted uncle Hen’s help in case the boy woke up. To stand guard at the door, so he could slip out in the night. Oliver had gone to the firehouse scouting the phoned calls they had to deal with. None of them screamed Teddy to him, and none of the descriptions sounded familiar.
His lunch time was a bit off in comparison, since he was working the graveyard shift. Oliver wasn’t hungry so he pulled one of the county vehicles into the park and stared out at the empty night sky. A walk would be good for him, just in case he opened the glove compartment box and pocketed the .22 he kept inside of it. Then started off on a little walk, but found himself staring at a hobo from a distance on a park bench. A bit drenched, but from far away Oliver just assumed they had taken a bath in the park fountain.
The closer he got however caused him to arch a brow. The hobo was Teddy. “You know, bizarre concept Ted, but they’re still accepting people into college. You don’t have to move out.” Oliver offered but got an even more closer look at the other. “What the fuck, Teddy? Are you bleeding?” Oliver quickly knocked his cellphone in his hand to turn on the flashlight to get a better look at him. 
“What the fuck happened to you? How many times do I have to -” Oh for fuck sake, now he was even starting to sound like Teddy.
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it’s official—this is the worst night of teddy’s life. and if it’s not, it’s pretty fucking close. he can’t remember the last time he saw his bed, hasn’t so much as walked through the mansion’s front door in the past fifty-three hours and counting. he’s in a bad place, so he does what he always does—throw his inhibitions to the wind a disappear for a few days, holed up in some shithole bar drinking in all the numbness than comes with inebriation. inebriation, for teddy, equates to fatigue, which equates to driving home under the influence. he’s too busy watching the inside of his eyelids that he didn’t see the semi’s lights before he felt them, burning red through his vision. he’s never swerved harder in his life, and the bed of his truck high fives the semi’s bumper, throwing him into an utter tail spin. the mantra of shit shit shit is the panicked soundtrack to the joy ride, and jesus christ, teddy knew he’d go eventually, but this isn’t what he imagined. the truck rockets over the rail guard, and he’s pumping the brakes like this is the last time he’ll feel anything when he rolls to a stop. and his cab starts to fill up with water. teddy has successfully drowned his truck.
he doesn’t waste any time escaping from the window, floundering in the water for a few seconds before his feet find sweet, sweet earth. he’s coughing up whatever’s filled his lungs and he can imagine how god is laughing at him right now—you deserve this. and that’s the story of how he ended up in a public park in the middle of the night, soaking wet and at a loss without his phone and wallet—they’re in his titanic of a truck. it’s the dead of night, and he supposes this is just his life now. the life of a park bench bum. there’s a hammering in his head, and he lifts a hand to meet the pulsing there. his fingers feel out a gash about the size of the grand canyon—when did he hit his head?—and when he withdraws his palm, it’s soaked through in blood. he won’t be able to sniff anyone out until morning, so he relents, dejectedly making a bed here and trying not to focus on the fact that he’s literally a sitting, sad, bleeding duck. “ i should have just fucking gone to college. ”
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unspokenvows · 5 years
vera was sitting on the couch in her office one of the few things that hadn’t been flipped over or made a mess of. she stared into the mess that was her office the broken glass from a dropped bottle of whiskey keeping her from picking up. she seemed to disassociate with the smell of alcohol filling her office in a way it hadn’t before. she snapped out of her trance when she heard a knock at the door. vera normally would’ve had a quip or flirtatious greeting to offer but after the phone call she had with the delucas she wasn’t sure oliver wasn’t to blame. 
“i’ll get to it” she shrugged. as for if she was okay, vera wasn’t sure, she felt violated and disrespected, physically though it looked like oliver was in worse shape. “this isn’t what i meant when i said i wanted to redecorate” she scoffed not sure if she wanted to out and accuse him, he was oliver for christ’s sake. “I’d offer you a drink but” she pointed to her raided stash. “anyway, what brings you?”
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Guilt. An overwhelming amount of guilt. However, he had needed Connor to be distracted along with Vera He needed them both not to be caught in the cross hairs. Part of him held so much resentment when it came to his ex. How easily she had committed and remained loyal to the Delucas. Yet, she couldn’t do the same with them. Had she even agreed, he doubted he would be here in this capacity. 
He takes a seat on the couch and glanced around the office quietly. “Let me.. Let me help you pick up. Well, if you wanted to redecorate now is as good as ever.” Oliver commented and stared at her intently. He owed her the truth, just like what he wanted from Amelia.
His heart was already broken and callous upon waking up, so he may as well add another chip to it. “Just say the word and I’ll have a case of whiskey delivered.” A small smile offered before it dissolved with what he knew came next.
“I’m here..  because we need to talk.” Oliver murmured as he busied himself grabbing a broom that had been leaned up against the wall to start sweeping some of the broken glass.
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London Bridge Falls Down
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unspokenvows · 5 years
Trinity was going to strike him in the jugular he’s pretty sure. Once he tells her exactly what he had done today, but he stared at her questioning her stance. Christ. Did she have a knife behind her back? Was he going to stab him with it? “It’s...healing. I delivered my divorce papers today.”
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“Hey ollie how’s the flesh wound?” trin asked hiding the big gulp she had behind her back as she walked into their living room.
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unspokenvows · 5 years
Denver had a mental health conference he had attended, but while in the airport the last person he had expected to run into was Bea. The woman still looked the same after twenty nine years and some change. Audric patiently caught up with the woman speaking of his late spouse and his children. It became weird when Bea started to discuss her own children one in particular. Vera. 
Twenty Nine Years, and just the way the woman’s facial expression changed. The way she quickly retreated away from Audric after that left him curious. Much to curious for his own good. He called in a favor to track Vera down at some place called Heaven. Bea had mentioned that Vera was a manager, but a manager of what?
Audric glanced around Heaven as he stepped inside feeling a bit out of place. He straightened his tie and sat at the bar watching the patrons until he saw her. Something inside of him questioned it even more. 
“Miss Lewis. Nice place you have here.”
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unspokenvows · 5 years
Audric hadn’t been used to house guests in a long time. Juliet was a breath of fresh air, as long as part of that breath was intoxicated to relieve the pain. He actually looked forward to closing off his study and scheduling patients around the time he knew he could spend with his niece. She reminded him so much of his beloved mother, that is brought him equal heartache. Perhaps, he could have saved that relationship, had he tried before his sister vanished. 
His kids didn’t really stay home often, and he found himself ordering take out. It still surprised him when she came through the door, and caused him slight confusion. Sometimes his sister’s name rolls off the tongue without thought. Audric instantly regrets it and apologizes, but it’s been happening more frequent. 
His thoughts torn away at the familiar opening of the front door and footsteps. “Juliet? A moment in the study?” He called out hopeful. 
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unspokenvows · 5 years
Zaelia stared at the clock as she finished her finishing statement in court. Shit, she had a meeting with RIchard Keller of all people to go over a disposition. She would wait until her court case recessed and hauled ass to the office. Even opting to kick off her heels and run barefoot through the courthouse. Until she got to her destination. She placed her heels back on and cleared her throat trying to seem less frazzled than how she felt. “Oh yes sir, sorry. I believe we had an appointment. Should I er.. Should we reschedule?”
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Open || Richard 
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Richard thought he was alone when he answered his phone and began hissing into it. “I told you not to call me on this number.” His normally impassive face was beginning to show signs of emotions ranging from anger to fear and worry. “Look, I can’t help you anymore. People are going to get suspicious. This isn’t just my career on the line, there are repercussions for everyone, especially my family. Fine. We’ll discuss this later.” He hung up angrily, looking up in surprise to see someone he hadn’t noticed before. He returned his voice to normal and pleasant, but he didn’t smile. “Can I help you?”
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