urban-vyaas-blog · 15 days
About The Hole in the Wall.
On page 69 of Finnegans Wake we read: “Now by memory inspired, turn wheel again to the whole of the wall. Where Gyant Blyant fronts Peannlueamoore There was once upon a wall and a hooghoog wall a was and such a wall- hole did exist.”, transcribed in HCEK p. 85 as: “Once, inspired by memory, turn the wheel again to witness the grandeur of the entire wall. Where Tyrant Blunt confronts…
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urban-vyaas-blog · 24 days
ÂżEres lĂ­der o seguidor? no hay lideres que no tienen mas de un million de seguidores
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urban-vyaas-blog · 27 days
Why launching a book in a pub instead of in a book shop?
On the 11th of June Here Comes Everybody’s Karma will be launched in the Hole in the Wall Pub nearby Phoenix Park in Dublin between 6 – 8pm. In this post I want to clarify why this venue has been chosen. On page 69 of Finnegans Wake we read: “Now by memory inspired, turn wheel again to the whole of the wall. Where Gyant Blyant fronts Peannlueamoore There was once upon a wall and a hooghoog…
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urban-vyaas-blog · 28 days
Release of promotional video of Here Comes Everybody's Karma
This presentation is about a publication that merges the most beautiful book in English literature, the Kelmscott-Chaucer, with its most enigmatic one, Finnegans Wake. The musical soundtrack of this video is provided by Tangerine Dream’s sensuous melodies with impressionistic textures that are an exploration of the literary soundtracks of Finnegans Wake by Edgar Froese & Co. I’m releasing this…
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urban-vyaas-blog · 29 days
Here Comes Everybody' Karma (chapter 1.3)
I had this ambitious plan to make a post of all the illustrations of this book together with an excerpt, but came to the realization that I won’t make before the launch date. Instead I’ve decided to release the first pages of the following chapters as excerpts. I don’t have to worry about spoilers since the plot of Finnegans Wake is widely known (as far as you can speak of one, since its more a…
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urban-vyaas-blog · 1 month
Here Comes Everybody's Karma (19)
Our dear lady’s ordeal (nee Bareniece Maxwelton) with a keen sense for household matters (as the story goes) continued as usual with domestic chores. But, seizing the key in her hand, she broached the subject among a hundred and eleven others with her customary grace. “No peaches and melons for thee, Pomeranian!” she said, tucking the key into her grasp while quickly moving on to discuss the…
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urban-vyaas-blog · 1 month
Here Comes Everybody's Karma (18)
When the ever-faithful friend to all creatures, tigerwood roadstaff by his side, was moving gracefully across the vast expanse of our grandest park in his rubber cap and substantial belt and leather bags, he encountered a fellow with a pipe. The latter, the mischief maker, not the innocent one (who, chances are, is still wandering around in the same straw barn, carrying his overcoat over his…
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urban-vyaas-blog · 1 month
Here Comes Everybody's Karma (17)
The scene was as follows: observe the lamps. The lineup was like this: look under the clock. Women gather: cloaks can be left. The pit, standing room, and parterre are full. Regular attendees are noticeably present. A more degrading interpretation has been imposed on these characters, the literal meaning of which decency can scarcely hint at. It has been shamefully spread by certain jesters…
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urban-vyaas-blog · 1 month
ARC giveaway
Here Comes Everybody’s Karma
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urban-vyaas-blog · 1 month
Here Comes Everybody's Karma (16)
His Majesty, who had long been believed to have poor eyesight from a young age, had finally mustered the curiosity to ask what had caused the causeway to become so potholed. Inquiring whether paternoster and silver doctors were no longer popular bait for lobster trapping, the straightforward Harold fearlessly responded, “No, your majesty, I was simply capturing those pesky earwigs.”Our sailor…
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urban-vyaas-blog · 1 month
Here Comes Everybody's Karma (15)
In the embrace of another tide, the magnificent twin-turbine sailing vessel, The Bey, graces this archipelago as its inaugural visiting schooner. Adorning her prow as a figurehead is a resplendent waxen enchantress in the likeness of the Wicklow pattern, while the illustrious specter of the Dead Sea dugong emerges, upwelling from the depths, ceaselessly performing like a whimsical fish charmer…
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urban-vyaas-blog · 1 month
Here Come Everybody's Karma (14)
Your allure is within the domain of Sahul’s. And that is unquestionably true to the core of your being. Your shuck tick is remarkable. Furthermore, that particular textile is exceedingly exquisite. The weary journey to Lafayette has come to an end. Halt in your tracks, my dear! Do not be restless! Anubis, the vigilant guardian of the temple of Isis, declares: “I recognize you, stranger, I…
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urban-vyaas-blog · 2 months
Here Comes Everybody's Karma (13)
Now, dear Mr. Finnimore, I implore you to relax and indulge yourself like a deity on sabbatical, refraining from venturing outside. Surely you would only become disoriented in Heliopolis, given the labyrinthine nature of the roads in Kapelavaster, especially after navigating the calvary, the North Umbrian, the Fibs Barrow, and Waddling’s Raid, followed by the Bower Moore. You might even find your…
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urban-vyaas-blog · 2 months
Here Comes Everybody's Karma (12)
Once upon a time, in a distant age, during the ancient days, when Adam toiled the earth and his wife spun sylvan waters, when the mountainous man was adored by all and the first true lover who ever gazed upon his beloved with devoted eyes, and all lived in harmony with one another, Jarl van Hoother held his regal head high in his lofty abode, selfishly rejecting warmth. Finnegans Wake It was of…
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urban-vyaas-blog · 2 months
Here Comes Everybody's Karma (11)
From the magnificent isle of triangular Touche-a-terre, nestled amidst the lush wet prairie, emerged Paddy Wippingham and his entourage, as they navigated their way to the bounty of prohibitive pomeracs. Their arrival sent ripples through our tranquil surroundings, leaving an air of opulence that none could rival. Some may strive to divide or conquer, but the ultimate result remains a resplendent…
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urban-vyaas-blog · 2 months
Here Comes Everybody's Karma (10)
In this exquisite playbook, an enchanting array of signs unfolds for the inquisitive mind. Let us delve into a world already expounded upon by “Mutt and Jute,” a world that resonates with the tales of countless generations. They reveled, loved, and departed, leaving behind only echoes of their existence. Alas, dominion now belongs to the mad and the greedy. Finnegan’s Wake (Stoop) if you are…
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urban-vyaas-blog · 2 months
Here Comes Everybody's Karma (9)
In the name of Onan, who is this man on the hill wearing tattered garments, standing alone? Who might the notable figure be? His misshapen body, his shriveled feet. He has crooked toes, this short-legged man, and behold, those chest muscles, so mysterious. He is savoring a midday meal from something’s skull. He appears to be a dragon-man. He is nearly at the edge of the estate, this Comestipple…
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