ursulakleguin-stan · 22 minutes
as a knitter, you start to notice how rare it is for characters in tv shows and movies to knit correctly. from worst to best, it ranges from:
- laughably incorrect, just flinging yarn around
- knitting the most basic scarf incredibly slowly because the actor Learned How To Do It For The Role
- old lady actresses casually knitting an intricate lace pattern while doing a monologue
- gromit from wallace and gromit
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ursulakleguin-stan · 30 minutes
i am a big believer in letting music (and other media) come to you when you're ready for it. you may only know vaguely of an acclaimed beloved artist and suspect that you'd be into them but just... not ever get around to it. and then in 15 years one of their songs just hits you the right way and what a gift to suddenly have all of their works to explore! there is no hurry; what is good is always good.
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ursulakleguin-stan · 37 minutes
don't forget to pee before, during, and after sex to avoid contracting an HDMI
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ursulakleguin-stan · 2 hours
“i don’t like men with earrings” ok well not everything in the world is done for YOU. to cater to YOU. have you ever thought about that. Now move the fuck over
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ursulakleguin-stan · 2 hours
"6 inches is too small" none of you have had sex ever like you are literally insane if you say that
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ursulakleguin-stan · 2 hours
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women stories matter
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ursulakleguin-stan · 2 hours
they should add a button to let your mutuals explore your body
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ursulakleguin-stan · 2 hours
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ursulakleguin-stan · 2 hours
The thing about flip phones is they would cover the screen when not in use which was good for safety because nowdays the internet demons can escape through the screen into the real world when you’re not looking because nobody seals the portal anymore
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ursulakleguin-stan · 2 hours
you know what ive turned around on google ai search i think it's kind of awesome to make you scroll through the dedicated Lies and Deceivers section to get to your real answers it adds a sort of mythopoetic arc that search engines have traditionally sorely lacked
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ursulakleguin-stan · 2 hours
Professional occupation: Boytoy
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ursulakleguin-stan · 2 hours
Stop making twinks pregnant their small frames and brittle bones are NOT fit for childbearing instead you should only make big masculine men with fat asses pregnant bcs that's more ethical
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ursulakleguin-stan · 2 hours
Today, I would like to commemorate an event which has laid a very profound impact on the internet.
Ten years ago on this day (06/08/09), a forum website called SomethingAwful held a photoshop contest titled “create paranormal images”.  The contest would require participants to edit ordinary photographs into creepy-looking images, and then try to pass them off as authentic photos on other paranormal forums.
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Two days later, on June 10th, a user by the name Victor Surge would find this thread, and become inspired.  He submitted the two pictures above, featuring a tall, faceless monster which would stalk children, who would then disappear.  He called his monster “the Slender Man”. After this initial post, Surge and others would expand on the character and the story, creating one of the internet’s most famous monsters.  The Slender Man proved to be popular enough to spread to other websites, with 4chan, Deviantart, and TV Tropes all having their own Slender-Mania. On June 20th of that same year, another user on the SomethingAwful forums found the Slender Man, and also wanted to contribute.  Noticing nobody had made any videos yet of the monster, he sat down with some of his friends and planned out a video webseries involving a former college film student discovering and unravelling the mysteries surrounding Slender Man; this would become Marble Hornets, one of the first horror-themed ARG’s of the internet.
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That all happened ten years ago.  Ten years of haunting the darkest corners of the internet, and Slender Man has built up a surprisingly dense resume, for a fictional monster.  Several popular webseries, a couple hit games, at least two movies, even inspiring other characters in seperate series like the Silence in Dr Who and the Enderman in Minecraft.  And all this within a ten-year period.
I think this just attests to how much humans can be inspired by an idea.  From a small handful of edited photographs, we collectively constructed a new monster which lurks in our nightmares, and now it almost seems as natural as the horror mythos he was based on.  For better or worse, the Slender Man seems to be here to stay. Happy Birthday, Slendy!  Here’s to hoping you continue to be both terrifying and terrific!
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ursulakleguin-stan · 2 hours
I can’t believe this is in the English Wikipedia :D
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ursulakleguin-stan · 2 hours
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briton soyjak
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ursulakleguin-stan · 2 hours
Regarding that anon about men on this site that are heterosexual: Yeah, that's me, I'm a cis het man, and I've followed you for years. I'm only an onlooker here though, I never reblog anything, so my blog is empty, which may explain why you haven't noticed me, cause you haven't ever followed me back (I mean, what for? There's nothing there). I have had gay experiences though, me and my male cousin used to fuck all the time when we were teenagers, with me as the bottom oddly enough. We were born within two weeks of each other and were neighbors growing up, so once we sexually matured we pretty much started fucking right away lol. He died in a hit and run when we were 17 though, and I haven't been with any other men since then. I'm now married, and my wife and I just celebrated our ninth anniversary last month. I still do miss my cousin, but whenever I get nostalgic for him my wife just pegs me to get it out of my system. So yeah, straight men definitely do still exist on this site. 😉
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the diversity!
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ursulakleguin-stan · 3 hours
There's a lot of discourse about what the label "bisexual" really means so I'd like to clarify that "bisexual" means that it occurs twice per sexual, NOT once every other sexual.
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