valxfinnegan · 4 years
open || event
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the detective stood at the edge of the crowd, taking in everything as he slowly smoked his cigarette. he was concentrating, looking for anything weird or strange. he was well aware when someone approached him, even though his eyes were on the crowd. 
“doin’ okay tonight?” he asked, finally looking at them as they approached.
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     Valerie knew she shouldn't have been at the party. A sort of bubbling of nerves made her not feel her legs or maybe that was the drink she had gotten earlier in a lame attempt at making her feel better. And yet, she was enticed by the music, the sounds of people having fun and letting loose for once since the incident, that she wanted to feel it too. No, she wasn’t exactly involved with everything going on, but she did feel the after shocks at her house because of it. 
     She made her way over to Johnny, a hint of relief of a friendly face or maybe it was a trusted face. “I learned beer is disgusting.” Though there wasn’t an attempt made on throwing away the cup in her hand. “How are you?”
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valxfinnegan · 4 years
alrighty, I’m gonna try to figure out some wc pages for both of these little babes of mine. As of now, I want all of the things just have a hard time figuring out what that exactly means. Now I ain’t like y’all cool cats with your discord and I only got skype (leothemightylion) but I will answer to both those messages and tumblr messages as I work on my essay for school. 
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valxfinnegan · 4 years
well, it’s been an exciting day, a trip to the grocery store, got some treats, even stopped to grab a book and some flowers to spruce up her office. sure, it was a distraction to keep her mind busy, but she had to be doing something, sitting around for the next thing to happen wasn’t healthy and wouldn’t do any good. the only problem with all of this stress shopping? now her hands were full and she stared at her car. her lips pursed, walking through the best course of action in her mind of how to proceed. 
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     Valerie had known about the precautions she most likely needed to be taking during such a delicate time. And yet, she bothered not to listen to any of them as she walked throughout the main strip without a single idea to do anything. This is because she had run quickly out of ideas on keeping this little town she loved dearly as happy as she could try. As she continued walking, there she found someone who could need assistance. “Miss? Do you need any help? I don’t mind holding some bags or opening the trunk?” Quickly as she said it, did her mind wander to what was in the trunk. Sometimes her big heart gets her in trouble so she hoped this time it wouldn’t. 
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valxfinnegan · 4 years
date a girl who stops mid-sentence to tell you there’s a dog nearby
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valxfinnegan · 4 years
rory was exhausted and it was only noon. the morning had proved to be exhausting one. vandalism up the ass and no leads. he took a smoke break, but what he really wanted was a nap, but he’d never admit that out loud. he thought he had left the war behind in ‘nam, but it seems to have followed him right her. he was taking a drag with his eyes closed and his head resting against the wall, the closest thing he get to his coveted nap when he heard the footsteps. “i have ten minutes to myself, please make it worth it.” he might be a little short right now, but who could blame him?
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     Her mouth fell open in surprise as soon as her father easily called her out (while his eyes were closed she might add) even though she was trying her hardest to stay as quiet as she could in order to maybe scare him just a little bit. “That’s not fair. How’d ya know it was me?” Val asked, now leaned up against the wall next to him with hands in her pocket. She really didn’t have any particular reason in visiting her dad unless you wanted to call it bugging him while she was bored. 
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valxfinnegan · 4 years
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with all the slashed tires, there was a bit of a rush in the shop. not that kira minded particularly. it made the day fly by. and he was always looking forward to quitting time. as the person came in, he didn’t look up. he just gave the explanation he’d given to the last couple people to come in. “i’ll get to it as soon as i can… kinda got busy today and i’m the only one here yet… if you wanna have a seat and keep me company, though, i’d appreciate it,” kira smiled at them.
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     Valerie had managed to find some flowers at the Garden Cafe (a place she always seemed to forget about). It wasn’t much, just a few little bouquets of daisies she separating on each flower to give to everyone. And she was so far proud of herself for doing such a thing even if sometimes it back fired and residents turned out to be rude. But she didn’t bother to think of that as she walked into the mechanic shop and instead waiting silently like she was asked. “Oh, I don’t know how much company I’ll be. Don’t tell my dad, but I didn’t really listen to him when we did car stuff together.”
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valxfinnegan · 4 years
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valxfinnegan · 4 years
One gallon of milk, two cartons of eggs one pound of dog food, one gallon of milk, two cartons of eggs, one pound of dog food. Jo repeated to herself as she made her way slowly to Chatwin’s. She left a note for Daisy of where she was going, hoping she’d get back in time before she woke up.She didn’t want to worry anyone and this early in the morning there wasn’t anyone out to ask her questions, point at her still healing face, give her sympathetic looks.
 If she could just stay focused, it would all be okay, everything would be okay.  She almost believed in her own words as she rounded the corner in front of the grocery store, freezing in front of the storefront, dropping the list on the ground as she took in the shattered glass and police tape.
“ Why would someone do this?” She wondered aloud, feeling shaky. “It’s just a grocery store.” 
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     When she heard about the news of all what happened, Valerie was left stunned on what she was going to do about it. She knew it wouldn’t be very much, but being the daughter of the detective on the case, she at least could use the manners her parents taught her by giving something -- anything -- in this time of grieving. 
     To which she had gotten the idea of flowers. Then it turned into a flower for everyone in the whole town. A sort of pick me up. Something bright and cheerful to remember it will be good again soon. 
     Chatwin’s was just right up ahead on the corner and to her surprised, there was tape. Her footsteps fell just a few feet behind the lady in front of her. “Maybe they really needed toilet paper?” A weak attempt at trying to lighten the situation.
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valxfinnegan · 4 years
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         Three weeks. One awake.
Some fingers were immobilized and there were bandages on his arms, around his torso and on his right leg. Some broken ribs, but he was sitting on the bed, nonetheless after an exhausting visit from aunt Clara and Knox was both thankful and concerned that the doctors rushed her out; what was he supposed to do? He had never been out before, being in an alien place stressed him out, but it was also fascinating. Oh, the light was different here and everything was so… white. Knox tried to calm down, knowing by now that stressing would only get him extra days in this place. He tried to reach for his sketchbook, but holding the pencil or just anything hurt enough to desist, so he gave up flopping back on the pillow ( bad idea ) with a groan caused by the damaged ribs not fully healed yet.
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     Valerie truly didn’t mind the hospital. She had grown familiar to the white walls, the usual scent of chemicals and laundry soap filling the halls and rooms, and even the monotonous beeping of monitors and machines she didn’t know really anything about. After all, she was just there to help serve dinners, change out old flowers to new ones, and just be someone to listen to whoever needed to talk. She paused in front of Knox’s room, looking at her clipboard, when she heard the distinct groan of pain she now could easily recognized. She simply knocked before poking her head through the open door. “You need any help?”
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valxfinnegan · 4 years
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{ KRISTINE FROESETH, FEMALE, SHE/HER } Way out here in The Ozarks, I’d never expect to find VALERIE FINNEGAN, the TWENTY-TWO year old WAITRESS/VOLUNTEERS at the SWEET STUFF BAKERY/VERITAS HOSPITAL. On the afternoon of September 4th, SHE was AT THE HOSPITAL but I’m not sure I believe a word they say.  ( PEACH, 24, EST, SHE/HER )
Growing up, Valerie knew she’d always be a daddy’s girl since she could talk. The first memory she can remember is hiding away in her dad’s duffel bag when it came time for him to leave whether it was on detective business or war business (she can’t remember the exact details/dates). 
Now she loves her mother dearly, the two get along just almost as great as her and Rory. There’s just been a sort of connection between her dad and her that can’t be replicated in anyone else. And because of that, Val looked up to her father for most of her childhood and even now to this day. 
She was always the good child growing up and easily followed along to the rules her parents set for everyone. Sometimes, it made it more common for her to be forgotten among the chaos of everyone else, but she didn’t mind. With four other siblings, she liked her quiet times of just herself. 
Valerie is the eldest daughter of Rory and Dottie Finnegan being at the uneventful age of twenty-two. She likes to think of herself as quite independent with her job of helping out her mom at the bakery and volunteering at the hospital when she can. But sometimes a bit of doubt comes into her mind for the reason of dropping out of college. 
She felt extremely overwhelmed and pressured at school that she tried her hardest to convince her parents for her to take a semester off and work on trying to figure out what she wanted to do in her life. Somehow it seemed to go in her favor with the promise that she’d get a job for her to have spending money. 
more to be added/posted (:
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valxfinnegan · 4 years
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valxfinnegan · 4 years
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valxfinnegan · 4 years
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valxfinnegan · 4 years
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valxfinnegan · 4 years
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valxfinnegan · 5 years
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valxfinnegan · 5 years
Charlie felt himself mirror Matthew’s mischief in his own expression.  The Hatter certainly presented himself as an odd ball, but the more Charlie got to know him, the more he realized that he would never hurt anyone.  “I’ll be sure to keep my eye out for any additional Hatters, so that you can potentially hunt them down Van Helsing style,” he told him with a chuckle as he took another sip of his tea.  He went ahead and poured himself a bit more from the tea pot at his table as Hatter mused on ways to fly.  “Wings, man-made machines, being born on different planets…we have a few things that we know for sure causes flight.  Though, I’d leave the testing to professionals,” Charlie said, giving the older person a playful look as he set the tea pot down again.
“There’s nothing wrong with cold tea, just like there’s nothing wrong with cold coffee, as long as it is intended to be cold,” Charlie said, making his point by stabbing the table with his pointer finger.  “Hot tea gone cold is literally trash.  I’m talked about tea, real tea, not a fruity herbal thing, brewed hot and then put on ice.  It it pretty much the same process, but I would definitely brew it fresh the same way you do with hot tea.  I’m not an expert on tea, of course, but I’d love to help you out with this if you really want me to.”
The idea was actually pretty exciting.  It was a creative project (something he didn’t frequently dabble in) and it didn’t have any of pressures or deadlines that usually weighed on him.  Maybe Hatter had the right idea, setting up shop like this.  Sure it wouldn’t be all rainbows and kitty cats, but it would be his.  Maybe his father’s money had some use after all, but it was certainly a matter of what the store would be -or if he dad would even let him do it.  The thought was a whim, and he tried to brush it off but it wouldn’t go.  “I’m sure you’re fine.  I’m certainly not saying you should put everything in the hands of a new comer.  Just maybe the cash register,” Charlie said, a lightly teasing tone in his voice.
Charlie gave the hatter a small smile as they turned the focus towards his woes.  Though, he had to admit, Hatter seemed to be doing well for himself.  His little metal spoon turned idly in his tea, and he focused on that as he spoke.  “All of it?  I suppose.  My dad has a big thing about the future.  My future.  He’s always had ideas of who I was going to grow up to be, and I feel like I can’t reach the goals he’s set for me.  Worse still, I’m wondering whether I even want to,” Charlie says with a short laugh turning his eyes towards Hatter.  “I’m starting to think maybe I’m just a fuck up.  No girlfriend, no school, no fancy job.  What does that leave me with?”
❝Well, of course I want you to help me on this little adventure we have going on. Who else can I trust with my terrible attempts?❞ And so as it seemed, the idea of cold tea stuck more better than what Matthew would have thought. Or so the idea of attempting such a thing stuck more firmly. If it didn’t work out then they wouldn’t try to get it to bend their way. A simple knowing hot tea would be the only thing was enough to keep the shop somewhat relevant even in the warmer months. ❝Plus you’re the one who came up with the idea. I can’t take any credit for that, dear. Oh well... That is if you do actually want to help. My parents always said I have an overbearing sort of grip on people. Then again I just see it as being too firm with people expanding their mind. It’s quite boring just looking out the same window every single day, you know.❞ Of course, they knew just how pushy they could be and yet, they found a way to work with it. 
Then of course, it seemed almost quite comical how Matthew was a person who didn’t mind giving out a helping hand and yet, they didn’t want to get help in return. A stubborn little fool, that much they knew. ❝Hmm... I truthfully don’t want to know how much I get on people’s nerves so maybe just maybe I could potentially set up an ad and see what noise it makes. No harm in trying something new, I suppose. Why do you know someone then? It can’t be something people actually talk about.❞ The internal conflict really sounded more like it was an outward conflict at this point in the Hatter’s ramblings over a simple and easy position of cash register. 
Which was how they were more thrilled in learning the exact worries of Charlie’s life than the never ending race of thoughts that filled their head over the easiest things. Making decisions was never a strong aspect of their life. ❝And does your goals in life intermingle with your father’s? Because if not, then why follow them? Going through a door marked for you when a different door calls for you isn’t the smartest thing, you know. That door might shrink and you’re stuck being miserable in a dull boring gray world.❞ Sometimes and only sometimes, did it feel like Matthew had quite a decent head on their shoulders. Or that might’ve just been their own experiences talking instead. ❝Oh, you aren’t fucked up just because this isn’t the greatest chapter of your book. Would it be nice to have all of that? Probably. But then you might not have your dog and you most certainly wouldn’t have met the greatest tea shop owner. It sounds like you just need to do something unexpected. Something on a whim.❞ A easy grin followed at their ideas of what Charlie could do. ❝My expertise really only includes smoking and tattoos. Though I have been wanting to try cliff jumping -- just always seem to forget. More importantly, what do you want to do?❞
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