vcrgreen · 2 months
Like a shaken hamster beneath the sharp canines of the top predator, Julie would have tried to struggle against Johnny's strength. The brunette would grunt during the series of movements as Johnny's biceps embraced her; his scent and the pressure of his hand on her neck would make the sick flame inside of her burn more intensely. She would try to immediately tug her wounded raw wrists from his gloved hand, the pressure on her rope burns making Julie’s nerves singing with agony.
Her flesh was still raw and tender from being hung up for too long, asphyxiating from the rope’s knot. Now it was happening again, this time by a knot being tightened by pure skill, tethering Julie in sandpaper-esque texture.
 Again, her wrists cried for mercy, but no relief would come.
All of his touches, the chase, the pressure from his grip, and his words made Julie’s guilty body tremble with sick anticipation and fear. For the longest, she was being chased by Johnny, crawling through small holes and squeezing through slits, only to be cornered and tabled, presented like a meal for a hungry man on death row.
But she was on death row now.
Julie tries not to look scared as she draws quick and shallow breathes, but Johnny could tell she was panicking. 
"J..Johnny! Johnny wait! Wait!" Julie barks, her body jolting from the presence of the blade hovering above her chest.
From being this close, her large green eyes would take in Johnny's handsome features, his eyes were beautiful and sharp in shape, the dirt covered pores caked on his skin. The veins on his neck, scars on his arms, blood smearing, it caused the brunette to release a breath she was unaware she was holding.
It was a wonder Julie could even recall his name; the blade probably brought it to mind because it was pointing directly above her most tender area. Julie struggles against her bonds again, her muscles burning from the stretch. Johnny was so close, it made Julie's heart skip a beat, and she knew it—god, she smelled like sweat and basement odors.
She senses it now—the pull at her shirt—this was it; he was going to sever her, her breath quickening once more, eyes wide like saucers.
Julie is cut off by a sharp pain in her stomach, not one drawn by the blade.
Pain | +++
Her heart almost stopped in that moment as the familiar sensation dawned a scary realization; she hadn't kept count of her days.
"Johnny, please wait—stop—! Wait. Ugh-!”
Of course, being hormonal is normal, but not in a situation like this--!
Julie's mind raced with a cacophony of panicked thoughts, her limbs still trying to fight this useless battle against unwavering binds.
'Oh God, this can't be happening. I am going to be eaten by a psycho, but also—', she thought, glancing back at the blade as the tight ache in her lower groin area spread throughout her body.
Looking at Johnny up close, Julie can see more of his attractive face. His shit-eating grin was causing a mixture of emotions in her.
“I don’t feel too good! R-Right. I’m bad! You’re looking at me so I’m nervous! Maybe we can talk about this? Y-You know like people? At least let me get to know you first!”
Julie panicked, her thighs urging to close but failed as her ankles were held in place. The stickiness of the once viscera covered surface is cool against her skin as Julie tries to move, a squelching sound causing her to tremble in disgust.
He didn't know that Julie was enduring her fertile moon cycle.
She felt so bare and vulnerable, and the hands above her head were already feeling the oncoming sensation of pins and needles and growing cold from the passing draft of the basement. Julie was completely covered in blood, the air was foul, and the situation had gotten worse due to a chilly breeze that was blowing through.
The brunette choked out a shuddered gasp as her body reacted, as beneath the threatened top fabric did pebbled delicate soft brown nubs pressed firmly into her stained shirt. As twisted as the situation was, Julie's body was aroused-- his scent, Johnny's smell, was making Julie's head go dizzy and near light-headed, she hadn't been close to a man like this in a long time.
“W-We can talk like adults? D-Do you like to hunt and live–ugh, here? I never learned how to drive! I don't like jelly! I also don't like being eaten by cannibals either!”
To Julie, Johnny, in these last few moments, came across as a man who wasn't squeamish or physical, holding her down and stoking the fire in her belly. He wanted to keep her, his words echoing in Julie's mind as she again pulled at her hand restraints.
She couldn't ignore her cramps, however.
“D-Damn it,” she mutters under her breath, “if the knife doesn’t kill me, it’s these cramps.”
 The pain was etching on her pretty face, twisting into discomfort. Julie bites her lower lip and sucks in a breath to calm her aching core. However, when she feels that cold tip of the blade, press her skin upon her chest, reminding Julie of her place in the food chain. Between her deep inhales, Julie had smelled Johnny's natural scent, of course it was mixed with strong hints of blood and such but could you blame Julie in this moment?
Johnny was literally the only man, in a general sense, who had the dedication to track her down and find her. He was persistent, spoke to her in small ways throughout the entire time he was trying to kill her. It was fun to Julie, in a twisted sense, she did feel a little bad for even kicking his face but Johnny deserved it.
He stabbed her, and he deserved it. 
And now he was going to stab her again, this time like a pig, and to be vulnerable on this table made Julie want to drool in her mouth. Strong, involuntary pulses were sent to her little bundle of nerves between her thighs by these lecherous thoughts. Johnny had even praised her, called her a good girl.
She was a good girl, his good girl.
Her knees went weak automatically, and she had to close her eyes when he smelled her deeply, her heart leaping from his animalistic and eccentric energy. Julie could work with that– Johnny was a pervert, but-- Julie was worse. His deep inhale had caused her betraying hips to push upwards; his animalistic demeanor was enough to make her thighs tremble and her mouth water.
She wanted to know him, at least before she died.
Then there was that distinct country twang in his speech, his pushed back hair, strong brows, straight nose, and the scar on his face that was stained in blood. Then there was Johnny's Inviting thin lips that made Julie suck in her own, the tip of her tongue grazing over the flesh as the other half of her dazed state panicked at the sight of the stained skinning knife again. He was like a Ken doll, was she the Barbie he was going to leave in the basement and rot with the rest of these bodies?
Pleasure |+++ , Confusion |++
Julie wondered, while enduring his overhanging body heat, would he press the grip of his blade against her sensitive and bruised skin? Maybe apply pressure from below her belly or smell her again?
She wanted him to squeeze her--
She truly was sick.
What was he doing to her? Julie was trembling on top of a table stained with viscera, clearly suffering from multiple forms of blood loss.
With clenched teeth in response to the pain in her leg when attempting to move her lower limbs.
"W-Wait, at least - before you cut into me, maybe we can, you know, be gentle? You have the time!"
Julie looks between Johnny and the blade again while trying to smile.
"S..Start a little gentle with me? Maybe you can–kiss me first or …touch my face?"
Pleading emerald eyes would look at the dark depths of an inky black ocean, praying he'd give in. Julie's fingers close in on themselves as she squirms uncomfortably from the cramping pain she felt, her gaze unwavering nevertheless but her voice small in a low manner to hopefully calm the manic hyena above her.
"Just a little before," she swallows again, groaning in pain and continue, "at..at least before you eat me. That's all I ask, please Johnny?"
[ sms ] kinda wanna take you out for dinner . kind of want you to be my dinner .
self - explanatory , though it'll be hard to tell which mood johnny is in . good luck , julie .
"You'll have to work for your meal, Pig!"
Julie barked, her fiery viridian gaze glowering in Johnny's direction. She was so beautiful when angry, her thick brows furrowing and white teeth clenching behind dry lips. She could feel it, that nagging pulse within her core, throbbing painfully almost like the cuts she had endured through this hell.
Now she was in a staring match with the psycho who had her pinned for hours as no matter where she went, he was there.
'Damn it, I think... I think he's gotten me good', thought Julie as she glances down at her legs, a searing gash staring back at her. Quickly, Julie foolishly touches the damage to make quick judgement--it was bad.
'Oh God, this hurts so much. I can barely move and he's looking...'
Julie breathes hard out from her nose, eyes turning back up to him as one hand was braced against the cold wall behind her. Her free hand stayed in front, consoling Johnny like he Is was a wild animal.
The only thing that separated them was a wooden table saturated god-knows-what but the sight of severed limbs was revolting to see.
Julie was scared shitless but she wasn't going to let this vampire get the better of her.
"You're going to stay right fucking there, Johnny, or I'm going to stuff my fist in your fucking face. Swear to God!"
She stresses his name--eyes glancing for a way out. There was none other than the crawl space next to her that she was trying to shuffle to--she just needed to keep talking right?
It'll buy her time and he was too big to squeeze through that small hole. Tingles ran up Julie's center as her mind, this really wasn't the time. The shit eating grin and an iron nerve--Julie could only imagine his large hands and build, he could crush her.
Julie swallows thickly and continues to nervously shuffle towards the small escape--eyes glued on Johnny with scrutiny.
"So you just-- what? You're going to eat me now? You must really like the taste of my size 5's. Yeah, you can tell your friends up there that Julie fucking kicked your ass too."
She was referencing to Johnny how earlier when he had tracked her down from up top, he had spotted her in the grass. It was only by pure luck that Julie was able to drop on all fours to crawl through the small space of the shack.
Until her brown dress gotten caught on the metal sheet, her heart then sinking from the firm grip on her ankle. Gloved and rough to the touch paired with his teasing tone, it was like a wolf gripping the leg of a rabbit and dragging her out from her then.
Only in that moment, Julie reflexively kicked her free foot backwards--connecting with his face-- and making her escape back downstairs.
"And I'll do it again, so come on big boy. Work for your meal."
Julie breathlessly said as most of her oxygen was too riding the adrenaline through her body. She would then feel her back press against the cool wall of the basement, the intense red lights casted above them eating away at the encroaching shadows every corner. Her fingers felt cold but her body felt hot all over as the confusing combination of excitement and thrill coursed through Julie's veins.
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vcrgreen · 3 months
[WOUND] - Sender has to patch up receiver's wounds .
Thinking they've made it back to their dorm post hospital , maybe julie is trying to change her bandage but can't do it alone .
Julie lets out a pained hiss, the cuts left by Sissy were being held together by the stitches, thick chords stuck to her body. However in late nights such as these, blood would coagulate and leak whenever Julie attempted to shift on the bed. The brunette was now in the bathroom, fingers shaking as she pathetically watched her digits attempt to close a new wrapping around her waist. The scissors fall--making a jarring sound upon impact, the metal singing off the walls and causing Julie to stiffen.
Julie curses under her breath as she glowered down at the little scissors on the floor--it was the middle of the night. The last thing she wanted to do was wake up Connie... "Oh Connie..." Julie tries not to reflect on the past as she was trying to heal in the present, but with progress comes challenges--emotional ones at that.
"Screw this, I'll just shower or something. God I hope that didn't wake her up--I'll feel like crap," Julie lamented. It was near three in the morning, she was sitting on the closed toilet in nothing but a white tank top and grey sweats. Her feet were cold on the ground, the pain being at the forefront on her mind than putting on bed slippers. She rest her hand over her stitches, brown braid falling over her shoulder as Julie hangs her head in defeat.
"Okay Julie, one day at a time...I'll need help."
Scarred knuckles tap against a blue door, Connie's door.
Knock knock
In the dark hallway, Julie stood alone with gauze and scissors in one hand while the other waited at the door. She hesitates a sound, not wanting to disturb the silence of the night.
"Hey, Hey Connie? Are you awake?"
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vcrgreen · 3 months
[ W. I. P. ]
I've been working on this piece for a little while for Julie ♡ hopefully I won't get swamped with workies
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vcrgreen · 3 months
[ sms ] kinda wanna take you out for dinner . kind of want you to be my dinner .
self - explanatory , though it'll be hard to tell which mood johnny is in . good luck , julie .
"You'll have to work for your meal, Pig!"
Julie barked, her fiery viridian gaze glowering in Johnny's direction. She was so beautiful when angry, her thick brows furrowing and white teeth clenching behind dry lips. She could feel it, that nagging pulse within her core, throbbing painfully almost like the cuts she had endured through this hell.
Now she was in a staring match with the psycho who had her pinned for hours as no matter where she went, he was there.
'Damn it, I think... I think he's gotten me good', thought Julie as she glances down at her legs, a searing gash staring back at her. Quickly, Julie foolishly touches the damage to make quick judgement--it was bad.
'Oh God, this hurts so much. I can barely move and he's looking...'
Julie breathes hard out from her nose, eyes turning back up to him as one hand was braced against the cold wall behind her. Her free hand stayed in front, consoling Johnny like he Is was a wild animal.
The only thing that separated them was a wooden table saturated god-knows-what but the sight of severed limbs was revolting to see.
Julie was scared shitless but she wasn't going to let this vampire get the better of her.
"You're going to stay right fucking there, Johnny, or I'm going to stuff my fist in your fucking face. Swear to God!"
She stresses his name--eyes glancing for a way out. There was none other than the crawl space next to her that she was trying to shuffle to--she just needed to keep talking right?
It'll buy her time and he was too big to squeeze through that small hole. Tingles ran up Julie's center as her mind, this really wasn't the time. The shit eating grin and an iron nerve--Julie could only imagine his large hands and build, he could crush her.
Julie swallows thickly and continues to nervously shuffle towards the small escape--eyes glued on Johnny with scrutiny.
"So you just-- what? You're going to eat me now? You must really like the taste of my size 5's. Yeah, you can tell your friends up there that Julie fucking kicked your ass too."
She was referencing to Johnny how earlier when he had tracked her down from up top, he had spotted her in the grass. It was only by pure luck that Julie was able to drop on all fours to crawl through the small space of the shack.
Until her brown dress gotten caught on the metal sheet, her heart then sinking from the firm grip on her ankle. Gloved and rough to the touch paired with his teasing tone, it was like a wolf gripping the leg of a rabbit and dragging her out from her then.
Only in that moment, Julie reflexively kicked her free foot backwards--connecting with his face-- and making her escape back downstairs.
"And I'll do it again, so come on big boy. Work for your meal."
Julie breathlessly said as most of her oxygen was too riding the adrenaline through her body. She would then feel her back press against the cool wall of the basement, the intense red lights casted above them eating away at the encroaching shadows every corner. Her fingers felt cold but her body felt hot all over as the confusing combination of excitement and thrill coursed through Julie's veins.
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vcrgreen · 3 months
seggsual tension!
never too early/late for some sinday stuff! add '+' for the reverse! assume all of these are done with consent!
[smolder] - Sender stares at receiver from across the room.
[pin] - Sender and receiver are caught in a small space, causing their bodies to be close together.
[position] - Sender catches receiver in a compromising position.
[heat] - It's hot, and sender/receiver notices how the other's clothes are sticking in all the right places.
[cold] - It's cold, and sender/receiver have to stay together for warmth.
[bed] - Sender and receiver have to share a bed.
[towel] - Sender catches receiver in nothing but a towel.
[squeeze] - Sender and receiver have to hold hands.
[moan] - Sender accidentally / on purpose moans suggestively.
[wound] - Sender has to patch up receiver's wound.
[dance] - Sender and receiver have to dance together.
[whisper] - Sender whispers in receiver's ear.
[bath] - Sender catches receiver bathing.
[food] - Sender watches receiver eating something in a particular manner.
[sleeves] - Sender sees receiver roll up their sleeves.
[button] - Sender sees receiver's shirt unbuttoned.
[zip] - Sender helps receiver zip/unzip their dress.
[grope] - Sender accidentally (on purpose) gropes receiver.
[stretch] - Sender watches receiver stretch, showing a bit of skin.
[scent] - Sender gets a smell of receiver's cologne/perfume.
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vcrgreen · 3 months
[ KNIFE ] ; sender uses a knife to rip the receiver's clothes .
maybe johnny already has her tied up and stripped down to just her top and panties . he's taking his time , though , wants to see how wet she'll get either out of pure arousal or fear ... maybe both .
Julie can hear her own trembling breath, deep and shallow--catching whenever she'd shift her wrists in the tight grip of the cattle rope. A draft rolls out from the distant blue hallways, washing over Julie's near naked flesh as her black runny mascara had left trails from the bottom of her lashes to the end of her chin. She can taste the strong metal on her tongue, blood--her blood, like sucking on a dirty penny.
However, the cold air and the smell from the hallway were the least of Julie's worries, as there was a wolf circling her--fangs out in the form of a blade—while she hung there like a helpless rabbit hanging from a branch. Before the gaze of the hunter was Julie's salacious body, marred with bruises, cuts, and mud from all her scampering outside. The tight fit of Julie's shirt hugged her upper torso, revealing her precious naval beneath the orange fabric. Julie was statuesque and full in all the right places. Her waist was small, probably the right place to harvest any innards for dinner if that was a possibility. Julie's trembling thighs conceal cotton blue panties set with an intricate white pattern, her knees pressed together as shame sweeps over her like a chilling draft.
Julie fights her binds once more as she experiences a tingling sensation, but its origin wasn’t from her near numb arms. Thickly swallowing, all the other family members were horrifying, but the one she was hanging in front of was one of the most terrifying to be trapped with.
Some would agree with her, however, that the man--"Johnny" they called him, was an Adonis. His jawline was strong, his lips were soft, and those black eyes had a murderous, shark-like quality. Julie looks at his arms--seeing the scars that riddled his strong limbs from glove to the glaringly obvious one on his face.
He was looking at her now.
"Oh god, fuck! Fuck! Please! Hngh!"
Julie tries to struggle again, squirming more as moments of their chase flash past her eyes. She was on all fours, crawling beneath the area as she heard his heavy boots beat on the ground, murderous laughter of delight echoing behind. He had nicked her calf, and gripping at her ankle would send chills up her spine when he was chasing her all over the property. At one point, as Julie turned onto her back to slip beneath the gap, Johnny stood ominously over her, a deep shadow covering his features from the red light cast on his back. It made her blood run cold.
He was staring.
Julie was weak to admire how their game of cat and mouse game excited her, she was confident he wouldn't capture her. He had caught Julie in a matter of seconds, as if he had let her run away. Now here she was hanging for her dear fucking life in front of a psycho-path. Her insides cling onto nothing, body tensing and going slack from losing all her energy from squirming. This draws a frustrated growl from the brunette, legs kicking in his direction.
"Fuck you!"
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vcrgreen · 3 months
🌻At night, the she-snake strikes those who cross her trail... ⋰⋱⋰
Independent blog | 🔞 MDNI | Heavily Selective | Art & Response | 24.
Usfw blog portrayal of Julie Crawford derived from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre series. 18+ detail along with the following themes that follows the listing: â—† Semi-Canon | My interpretation of Julie Crawford. â—† Significant adult themes and situations in writing. â—† Artwork depicting adult themes. I don't take requests.
Let the snake rest in the grass until a passerby crosses, she will strike.
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