vedanyaschool · 1 month
Tuning In: The Potential Advantages of Learning Music 
A study found that learning music from early childhood ignites brain development and motor skills. Music helps to enhance language acquisition effectively. Playing a musical instrument improves memory skills and can even help increase their command over mathematical learning. 
Imparting music education helps academic learning and ignites a child's overall development. Learning music from an early childhood age helps to develop their social and emotional skills.
Today, besides academics, children can take up any career opportunities as part of their curriculum. Vedanya International School, one of the leading International Baccalaureate Schools in Gurgaon, helps its learners to excel in extracurricular activities such as sports, music, and dance to acquire the necessary skills for future career growth. 
Listening to or creating music tunes is fun, and music education presents many benefits for our brain and physical and mental health. The impact of learning to play an instrument on a child's development is twice as much as that if they are in sports. Parents should encourage their children to pick up a guitar or a flute. Believe it, you can rest assured it is a worthy investment for their future!
Here are some important advantages of honing the skills of music: 
Music Is Fun
Children love the tunes and all kinds of soothing music, whether in the form of poems or songs introduced to them. The encouragement of parents to take music lessons is most crucial. With time, they will grasp the tunes and start to enjoy playing the instrument. Every little tune that they play will be a great achievement for them. 
Music Helps To Express Your Inner Feelings
Listening to good and calm music helps to relieve stress among adults. It does the same to children who can express their feelings through the language of music. It allows them to show their emotions through playing the instrument.
Music Enhances Social Skills
Going for a group musical session or playing together on the stage helps to instill teamwork skills. Music can produce a brilliant harmony when played with all the team members. Music educators of International Baccalaureate School in Gurgaon encourage their learners to go for practice rehearsals because practicing in a team is essential, which helps to enhance their communication and social skills.
Music Helps To Develop Patience
Patience and perseverance are two life skills that help children face any challenge in life. Children who show interest in learning any musical instrument acquire positive attributes like independence, patience, and leadership to help them in their future endeavors. 
Music Nurtures The Brain
Different research studies have stated that musical education can help promote overall mental development. Learners who pursue music tend to be more successful and score better grades. Music tends to develop the left side of the brain, which is known for better language processing and reasoning skills. 
Taking up music education enhances the emotional aspect. Children become more empathetic towards others, which can help them to manage their anxiety. Playing a musical instrument helps develop confidence and creativity among young learners.
Music Learning Improves Language Skills
The left side of the brain is good for processing languages quickly. The benefits of participating in music lessons will help improve their focus and fine motor coordination. For instance, musicians are more keen to learn a foreign language because of the development of their ability to process and perceive other languages quickly. 
Music Assists In Building Coordination
Playing any musical instrument requires the brain to work quickly and swiftly. Musical instruments need coordination with the brain, eye, and hand to play the note meticulously. This helps to improve their hand and eye coordination in children.
Music Helps To Broaden Our View
Music brings us together as a community. Children are exposed to new cultures and gain valuable insights when playing music in a group or in other cities or countries. Music helps us to connect with different cultures and promotes equity. Those learners who actively participate in extracurricular activities show enhanced teamwork skills.
To Conclude
Music education is an indispensable aspect of a well-balanced education system. Vedanya International School, an International Baccalaureate School in Gurgaon has music learning as a part of their curriculum; music is a way to develop self-esteem in young learners and it prepares them for their future goals.
Source: Blogspot.com
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vedanyaschool · 2 months
Comprehensive Guide on Schools Safety
In the wake of increasing concerns about children’s safety in educational environments, India Today Insight brings forth a comprehensive guide titled “Schools Are Children’s Second Home: How to Make Them Safer”. Released on February 22, 2024, this insightful piece delves into crucial strategies and measures to fortify the safety of our educational institutions.
Read Now: https://www.indiatoday.in/india-today-insight/story/schools-are-childrens-second-home-how-to-make-them-safer-2505883-2024-02-22
Vedanya International School Address: Central Park Resorts Rd, Central Park II, Sector 48, Gurugram, Haryana 122018 Contact Number: 074286 97080 Visit Website: Vedanya International School
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vedanyaschool · 2 months
Vedanya’s Second Annual Day ’24
Spotlights and Smiles 🌟The stage came alive with laughter, lights and little hearts beaming bright at our Second Annual Day performances.
Visit Website: IB School in Gurgaon
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vedanyaschool · 2 months
IB school in Gurgaon | Vedanya International School
Your children’s journey through the International Baccalaureate (IB) program improves when you celebrate their achievements and progress. In addition to boosting their motivation and self-confidence, it reinforces their hard work and dedication. Therefore, choose an IB school in Gurgaon that celebrates student achievement and progress.
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vedanyaschool · 2 months
Developing Education Trends That Are Gaining Popularity
A school plays a crucial role in shaping an individual. However, with new technological innovations on the rise, there has been a radical change in the field of education. This unique metamorphosis, brought about by the latest trending technology, is reshaping the face of education. Embracing popular technological trends impacts learners, making them equipped for the new world. Schools are adopting these recent, unique changes that are making learning exciting. Educators are also exposed to these new, awesome things to help the learners adapt to the latest innovations.
Adapting To The Change
Vedanya International School, an International Baccalaureate School in Gurgaon, is one of those schools that have brought about this superb transformation in their learning methods. The school's management knows that embracing these new trends will open new doors, improving learning styles. The new trends will assist learners in becoming more aware and responsible for futuristic days.
There are many good schools in Gurgaon, and they are adopting newer ways of learning to make learners more engaged. They have seamlessly followed these latest trends and ensure learners become global citizens.
Online and blended learning concepts have provided more avenues for customized experiences. Adaptive learning platforms have met the challenges of each individual. These notable innovative trends have paved the way for a positive and welcoming learning environment. With the latest technological changes, learners can have more access to collaborate with peers globally. 
More schools like Vedanya International School, which has adopted the International Baccalaureate India program, have helped their learners overcome geographical limitations, increasing their curiosity, reasoning skills, and flexibility.
Some of the exciting changes that schools have favored to make learning awesome for young children are: 
Skills-Based Learning
Learning is going beyond notes & books. Skill-based learning is the new word; experimenting with real things and gaining practical knowledge is the new order. Learners are motivated to work on exciting projects, and this new learning will help them remember more than just read or memorize. 
Skill-based learning has opened new ways to adopt essential skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and working in groups. Skill-based learning will prepare the learners to thrive beyond classrooms. Imparting the skills at the International Baccalaureate School in Gurgaon will help the learners apply them in real-life situations. 
STEM & Coding
STEM-based education is gaining more popularity. This new concept aims to develop the requisite skills so that learners can succeed in their careers. This new concept of learning has become necessary when they enter the real working environment, and with their well-informed skills, they can quickly adapt with the real world situation. 
Schools have adopted Coding in the curriculum, and they are preparing their learners to choose their respective careers.   
Personalized Learning
Implementing Personalized learning has helped each individual learn in their unique method. Each child is different, and so are their ways of grasping concepts. Personalized learning is an innovative approach where each learner receives a customized learning process based on their strength, interests & skills. This learning approach ensures that the learners acquire practical, hands-on learning. 
Introduction of Cool Tech
Unique technologies like Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality are revolutionizing the traditional ways of imparting education in the classroom. Learners are exposed to more knowledge by virtualizing inside a human cell or visiting an old historical relic from the past within the classroom. 
Gurgaon's premier institutions, like Vedanya International School, have leveraged these revolutionary tools to ignite the passion for learning more among their learners. These latest innovations have made learning more enjoyable by allowing learners to research more complex concepts. 
Integrating this tech-driven transformation into learning has provided schools with unparalleled opportunities for their learners. This digital technology will make the learning experience more engaging & captivating. 
Emphasis on Mental Health
By embracing emotional education into the curriculum of International Baccalaureate India, schools are trying to nurture young children to handle stress and make relevant decisions. This approach will give more emphasis on the emotional well-being of a learner, which plays a pivotal role in their future days. 
Education is a journey that extends beyond books; it makes runners into capable individuals ready to take up the challenges of the real world. The evolving trends of technology are reshaping all the spheres of education. Schools are adopting these latest digital trends to provide a more personalized learning experience.
Source: Zenwriting.net
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vedanyaschool · 3 months
Best IB School in Gurgaon | Vedanya International School
Choose the best for your child at Vedanya International School, the best IB School in Gurgaon. Academic excellence is our standard, but we go beyond. Our institution is a hub of innovation, where learners don't just grasp concepts; they thrive. Experience the best in education — where every child is uniquely celebrated.
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vedanyaschool · 3 months
Effective Strategies for Monitoring and Controlling Screen Time in School-Aged Children
The advancement of technology has brought new evolutions in the digital era. With smartphones, and tablets easily available in their grasp, school-going children have been exposed to digital media. Science & technology are powerful tools which can enhance knowledge, but the excessive use of this technology in the form of social media has brought the need to monitor screen time. It has become indispensable for parents to curb & control screen time. 
In this guide, here are some points to show the importance of managing screen time in school-going children.
The Dilemma Of Screen Time
The introduction of the latest devices has brought down a challenge for parents. Technology can be utilized for imparting education. Parents have to prevent excessive screen time. Overexposure can impact the overall health of children. By curbing excessive exposure, parents can build a nurturing environment, which will affect the emotional well-being of their children. 
Appropriate Recommendations
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that toddlers should not get more than one hour of screen time every day. Young children who are 6 years & older can have a little more time. 
Setting Limits
Parents and educators should establish definite rules regarding their screen time. Nowadays young children are provided digital devices in classrooms, so the guidelines should be strictly followed by both the learners and parents.
To Encourage Free Zones
Educators and parents should mark certain areas in the home & school compound as screen-free zones. This will engage them in face-to-face conversations with other peers. At home, young children can play with their grandparents or pets. This will help them hone their communication skills which is crucial for building interpersonal relationships.
Parental Controls
Parents should utilize control features on digital devices. They should install monitoring apps on their devices so that they can keep a close watch on their digital activities.
A Media Plan
Parents should embrace a family media plan. They should collaborate with other members of the family to come up with a media plan that will emphasize screen time rules and alternative exciting activities. They can encourage all to participate in the activities so that children can join them for more fun.
Educational Screen Time
Educators and parents should encourage learners to use educational apps for their cognitive development. The screen time will not be only for entertainment but it will make the learning  more interesting. 
Healthy Behavior
Children follow their parents, so adults should be their role models in shaping their behavior. Parents should limit their screen time and engage in fun-filled activities along with their children. 
The Role of the IB Curriculum
The holistic approach of the IB curriculum focuses on nurturing the individuals. Vedanya International School, one of the best IB primary schools in Gurgaon, contributes to the effective use of screen time:
Inquiry-Based Learning: The curriculum of IB schools encourages the learners to question, and explore all things around them. Educators at Vedanya International School integrate the latest technology seamlessly to support inquiry-based learning. Learners are engaged to get real-world experience. 
Transdisciplinary Learning: The IB Primary Years Programme emphasizes transdisciplinary learning. Educators can foster an understanding of all subjects to enhance transdisciplinary connections. 
Critical Thinking: Educators at the best IB primary school in Gurgaon select the digital resources carefully to encourage critical thinking. This analytical learning will develop their cognitive abilities. 
Building Global Citizens: The school instills a sense of global citizenship in young learners. By collaborating with digital technology in the form of virtual conferences, and online discussions, they create globally-minded citizens. 
Profile Attributes: Vedanya International School emphasizes the development of qualities that make them global citizens. With the help of digital devices, these qualities can be imparted to them. 
Wrapping  Up
Monitoring and controlling screen time in school-going children needs a thoughtful approach from both the parents and educators. The strategies will pave the way in preparing younger learners for a digital future. We should remember that reducing screen time will foster a balanced and healthy environment for children. Parents can incorporate these strategies to limit screen time and nurture their well-being. Educators at the best IB primary school in Gurgaon embark on the journey to provide learners with a brighter and more interesting childhood.
Source: Justpaste.it
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vedanyaschool · 3 months
Vedanya’s Spring Camp!
Join us for a magical adventure at Vedanya’s Spring Camp!
From exciting activities to special memories, give your child a week they’ll always remember. Let them learn, grow, and have fun.
Register now - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScT4fK9-lAFnqhc01O_WzhqoLS8Ho8hIgIGWJznUfaJnvz_Zg/viewform
Visit Website: Best IB School in Gurgaon
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vedanyaschool · 3 months
IB School in Gurgaon | Vedanya International School
The IB curriculum program in the best IB school in Gurgaon provides an opportunity for open-mindedness and cultural understanding. The curriculum is designed in such a way that learners can gain knowledge of different cultures and histories. Learners get a better perspective of the world. This exposure to other cultures or histories helps them to gain empathy and appreciation for a variety of cultures. Group discussions are conducted where learners share their opinions and respective views.
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vedanyaschool · 3 months
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Best IB School in Gurgaon | Vedanya International School
The IB curriculum offers essential knowledge and skills to achieve the respective goals. Vedanya is the best IB school in Gurgaon, with experience that will help your child prosper in studies as well as be a good citizen. They ensure the learners comprehend the IB curriculum and are prepared well to excel in exams.
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vedanyaschool · 3 months
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We are thrilled to announce that Mr. Nishchint Chawla, President of Vedanya Education, participated as a distinguished panelist at the EDU-AI Conference 2024, held on February 7th.
The conference, organized by Afairs Education Fairs in collaboration with AcadAlly, explored the theme ‘Enabling Education with the Power of AI.’ Mr. Chawla brought his extensive expertise to the fore, sharing invaluable insights on harnessing AI in education.
Visit Website: Best IB School in Gurgaon
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vedanyaschool · 4 months
Top 5 Advantages of An IB Curriculum Programme
The International Baccalaureate imparts high-quality international education curriculum programs. The IB curriculum encourages learners to prosper both professionally and individually. The curriculum has many subjects for their learners, and these subjects focus on holistic development of an individual. The main focus of the best IB school in Gurgaon, is to enhance all the skills of a learner so that they can achieve success.
Here are the top five advantages of the IB curriculum:
Comprehensive Education: The IB curriculum encourages learners to gain knowledge of diverse skills & attributes. The curriculum is divided into broad subject groups. learners can select their desired courses according to their interests. The curriculum encourages the learners to choose subjects that suit their interests to gain more learning experience.
The learners are motivated to stay in their desired choice of subjects. They complete their course and become successful in their respective subjects. Learners gain a broader perspective of knowledge by studying all the subjects.
Brilliant Perspective & Cultural Awareness: The IB curriculum program in the best IB school in Gurgaon provides an opportunity for open-mindedness and cultural understanding. The curriculum is designed in such a way that learners can gain knowledge of different cultures and histories. Learners get a better perspective of the world. This exposure to other cultures or histories helps them to gain empathy and appreciation for a variety of cultures. Group discussions are conducted where learners share their opinions and respective views.
Critical Thinking and Independent Learning: The IB Curriculum Programme encourages knowledge acquisition and independent study. Learners are not urged to memorize facts. Instead, they are motivated to challenge the presumptions and gather information from various sources. They learn to evaluate the data that they collect and construct justified arguments. This curriculum offers numerous projects to assist the learners in improving their writing abilities and research. Educators help them research a topic of their choice. This prepares them to take up the challenges of higher education. The IB program promotes critical thinking and studying independently.
Demand For College Candidates: The IB curriculum is widely recognized by most universities and colleges globally. Their curriculum and comprehensive approach to education have paved the way for the graduates to excel in their studies.. The academic rigor, research skills, and critical thinking skills prepare the young learners to take up challenges in universities. The IB curriculum program imparts its learners the necessary skills like discipline, time management, and communication skills. These elements play a vital role in making them achieve success in their academics as well as in their careers. Not only this, but the IB curriculum also encourages the learners to participate in service willingly to their communities.
Personal Growth: The learners following the IB curriculum acquire independent thinking. Learners are asked to take challenges and solve them with responsibilities. This rigorous curriculum assists young learners in building confidence and determination. Educators motivate the learners to participate in projects, and group discussions to improve their communication skills. They acquire strong leadership qualities and necessary skills by participating in co-curricular activities. Furthermore, the Creativity, Activity, and Service activity of this program motivates learners to follow their interests and learn new skills. This holistic approach helps the learners become confident individuals who try to make a better world.
The IB curriculum offers essential knowledge and skills to achieve the respective goals. Vedanya is the best IB school in Gurgaon, with experience that will help your child prosper in studies as well as be a good citizen. They ensure the learners comprehend the IB curriculum and are prepared well to excel in exams.
Source: Justpaste.it
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vedanyaschool · 4 months
The Impact of International Schools on Learners - Vedanya International School
International schools play a pivotal role in shaping the well-being of learners. They embrace holistic approaches to education. To know more read this blog.
Latest Blog: Penzu.com
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vedanyaschool · 4 months
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International School in Gurgaon | Vedanya International School
Happiness is dipping our hands in colour and painting them yellow with joy! Admissions Open 2024-25 at the Vedanya International School in Gurgaon.
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vedanyaschool · 5 months
Enhancing Well-being: The Impact of International Schools on Learners
This is an era where education extends far beyond textbooks and classrooms. Now, the role of top international schools in Gurugram has become increasingly significant. These global hubs of learning impart knowledge. They prioritize the holistic development and overall well-being of the individuals entrusted to their care. Curious to find out how! Start the exploration with us!
Overall Well-Being
Well-being, in the context of education, extends beyond the absence of illness. It encompasses physical, mental, and emotional health. It is about fostering an environment where learners acquire knowledge. They also develop resilience, emotional intelligence, and a positive sense of self.
Holistic Approaches to Learning
Top international schools in Gurugram are distinguished by their commitment to holistic education. They recognize that learners thrive when their intellectual, emotional, and physical needs are met. One key aspect is the emphasis on diverse learning experiences. It extends beyond traditional academic subjects.
1. Physical Well-being
Any top international school in Gurgaon prioritizes physical health. It integrates activities that promote movement and well-rounded fitness. Incorporating physical education into the curriculum ensures that learners develop healthy habits early on, fostering lifelong well-being.
2. Mental Health and Emotional Resilience
Educators in international schools are attuned to the importance of mental health. They implement strategies to promote emotional resilience, such as mindfulness practices, counseling services, and creating a supportive environment where learners feel safe expressing their thoughts and emotions.
3. Social Connection
Recognizing the significance of social connections, international schools cultivate a sense of community. Learners engage in collaborative projects, group activities, and community service initiatives, fostering a supportive network that contributes to their social and emotional development.
Beyond Grades: A Focus on Growth and Development
International schools depart from the conventional emphasis on grades. They do not take it as the sole measure of success. Instead, they adopt a more nuanced approach. They value each learner's unique strengths and challenges. This shift in perspective contributes significantly to the overall well-being of learners.
1. Personalized Learning Plans
Educators in international schools tailor learning plans. This is to accommodate diverse learning styles and paces. This personalized approach ensures that learners feel supported and encouraged, contributing positively to their self-esteem and motivation.
2. Assessment Beyond Exams
The assessment methods in international schools extend beyond traditional exams. Through project-based assessments, presentations, and real-world applications of knowledge, learners are assessed on their understanding and practical application of concepts rather than solely on exam performance.
Fostering Global Awareness and Cultural Competence
An integral component of well-being is the development of global awareness and cultural competence. International schools recognize the interconnectedness of the world. They strive to prepare learners for an increasingly globalized society.
1. Cultural Diversity in Curriculum
The curriculum in international schools reflects the rich blend of global cultures. Learners engage with diverse perspectives. They foster an appreciation for cultural differences and promote a sense of belonging in an interconnected world.
2. Language Acquisition
Proficiency in multiple languages is encouraged. It facilitates effective communication and broadening learners' perspectives. This linguistic diversity contributes to academic success. It also enhances learners' adaptability to remold as per future needs.
Nurturing Lifelong Skills
International schools prioritize the development of skills. These extend beyond academic knowledge. It ensures learners are equipped for success in various aspects of life.
1. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving:
Educators emphasize the cultivation of critical thinking skills. It encourages learners to analyze information, think independently, and solve real-world problems. This approach fosters a sense of competence and self-efficacy.
2. Resilience and Adaptability
Life is a journey filled with challenges. Top international schools in Gurgaon instill resilience and adaptability. Learners are encouraged to view setbacks as opportunities for growth. They promote a positive mindset and a sense of agency in shaping their futures.
International schools play a pivotal role in shaping the well-being of learners. They embrace holistic approaches to education. These institutions create environments where learners not only excel academically but also develop into well-rounded individuals. The children are poised for success in an interconnected world. These schools are guiding the way toward a brighter and more fulfilled future.
Source: Evernote.com
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vedanyaschool · 5 months
Best IB Primary School in Gurgaon | Vedanya International School
Begin the journey of a lifetime at the best IB Primary School in Gurgaon. We're not just teaching ABCs; we're fostering a foundation for lifelong success. Our primary school isn't just a stepping stone; it's a launchpad for curiosity, creativity, and a love for learning that lasts a lifetime. For admission queries contact Vedanya International School today!
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vedanyaschool · 5 months
International Baccalaureate School in Gurgaon | Vedanya International School
Step into a realm of educational distinction at our International Baccalaureate School in Gurgaon. Here, the IB program is not just a curriculum; it's a philosophy. Vedanya International School cultivates a passion for learning, global awareness, and a sense of responsibility. Join us in shaping the future leaders of tomorrow.
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