verosika-mayday · 25 days
*flops on the floor* it's so slow today. I'm guessing everyone is at work or something similar. I don't have work until 5 PM, so I'm kinda stuck waiting for things to pick up speed before I have to leave the house.
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verosika-mayday · 25 days
Verosika is practicing her poledancing skills in the middle of her bedroom, a tall metal pole having been installed for this very purpose. Looks and singing can only get you so far. Sometimes you gotta exert yourself to make a show that much better.
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verosika-mayday · 25 days
"I knew that people would like my concerts more if I poledanced and stripped for them~!"
Brain too fried to respond to Asks right now. Have some Verosika lewdness as compensation.
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verosika-mayday · 25 days
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Read the fucking rules before you harass me.
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verosika-mayday · 25 days
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When you know how to flaunt your body the right way.
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verosika-mayday · 25 days
Graystillplays sims 4 plays are hilarious. I once got a pic of the grim reaper literally snorting drugs cause I paused the vid just at the right time!"
I remember that episode! Everyone kept drowning in the pool because SIMs are idiots and can't remember to stay out of the water if they're feeling weak. Meanwhile Spleens the Cat is glowing like Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.
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verosika-mayday · 25 days
*listening to an hour long loop of Devil Trigger when I should be going to sleep*
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verosika-mayday · 25 days
“I apologize if you’re disappointed, but the least I can do is give you a taste of what’s to come when I have more time to play with you and Lady Ryuko~” Nui brings one of the succubus’s hands over to the Harime Glutes, letting her have a handful while giving her a quick peck on the lips, “Squeeze as much as you want~”
Verosika licked her lips at having Nui's ass in her hands. True, Vero's was bigger, but Nui's was perfectly proportioned for her body type. It was soft, but it wasn't too soft. It was in that perfect area where it had enough to give way to someone's grasp, but hard enough to give it it's shape. She tsked her tongue against her teeth, admiration and jealousy on the succubus' face. A person in the human world had an ass that was better than a succubus'. So she did what all people do when given access to such a magnificent butt; she gave both of them a slap to test their endurance. A 'very interesting candidate' indeed. "Well then, I'll happily take you up on that offer. But it's hardly fair if I don't give you a chance to grope my ass in return. Would you like to give it a few swats in revenge?"
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verosika-mayday · 25 days
Ryuko hummed in their kiss as her own tongue would wrap and coil with Verosika's, showing just how long the hybrid's was as well as it swirled and danced with hers in heated passion while their lips were locked. "Your badass fiancée is doing alright~ Even better now that her beautiful future wife is here as well~" Ryuko purred as she lightly twirled the succubus, her arms wrapping across her stomach as her fingers gently caressed every curve of her beloved's perfect form. "And I definitely agree~ I think Nui wouldn't mind if she were to join in~ Make things even more... amazing~" She purred sensually into Verosika's ear as she held her from behind.
That hold on her abdomen caused her succubus instincts to kick in, immediately pressing her substantial backside against the hybrid's pelvis. Her grin grew wider as her tail wrapped around Ryuko's hips to keep her this close. "That's good. I want to bring her on our honeymoon so that we can have all the fun we want with her. Besides, she works hard and needs to take a break every now and then."
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verosika-mayday · 25 days
"Oh Verosikaaaaa~" Ryuko chimed as she approached the succubus from behind, giving her a heads up that she was there before turning her around to greet her with a deep kiss right onto her lips as her arms wrapped across her lower back. "Hey, gorgeous~" She purred as she looked into her future wife's eyes while she held her in her toned arms.
The succubus purred into the kiss as she felt Ryuko embrace her, her glowing eyes looking deep into her fiancée's as they made out. Verosika knew that her future wife was very affectionate - Usually whenever she had a particular 'itch' that needed scratching. Leaning her head forward a bit, her tongue slithered between their lips, the serpent-like oral appendage coiling around Ryuko's own tongue, wrapping around it like a python crushing its prey. But these squeezes were soft and pleasant. Eventually she broke the kiss, simply happy that she had Ryuko in her arms. "How has my badass fiancée been doing in my absence? Any girls you'd like to have play with the two of us? That Nui girl is definitely an interesting candidate, don't you think babe?~"
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verosika-mayday · 25 days
Depends, does she live stream her games or keep herself under a hidden name when gaming?
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"Neither. I don't live stream games on a YouTube channel or hide under a username. If I'm gaming online, you're going to know it's me. And contrary to popular belief, you don't need to be a celebrity YouTuber like Graystillplays, H20Delirious or Therussianbadger to enjoy games."
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verosika-mayday · 25 days
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"What? Can't a pop star also be a gamer in her spare time?"
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verosika-mayday · 25 days
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POV: You took Verosika's parking spot.
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verosika-mayday · 25 days
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All these thoughts running through my head
Arm on fire, veins burning red
Fruh-stray-shun is getting bigger
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Pull my Devil Trigger!
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verosika-mayday · 25 days
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"Enjoy the view, ya horny animals!"
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verosika-mayday · 26 days
Me: -Logs onto Tumblr-
The Dash:
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"Angel" refers the species, NOT the character (as if that makes this any less cursed)
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verosika-mayday · 26 days
Tumblr's eating my posts again!
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