vespersilvanus · 2 months
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vespersilvanus · 2 months
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Contentment in living how they always have.
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vespersilvanus · 2 months
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Galahd burns
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vespersilvanus · 6 months
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vespersilvanus · 6 months
"I'm fine," Noctis insisted, waving the Glaive away when they made a move to steady him. "Just the old injury playing up. Must have overdone it in training."
Pausing mid motion, despite the clear wince they just saw. Of course the instructors hadn’t listened, must have let the Prince set the pace; his Hand had been clear about allowing that again.
Yet, they were one to talk; not known to let their own wounds rest- the ‘time-off' had a tendency to pile up as opposed to actually tending injuries.
Slowly returning to their post at his insistence, but still keeping a wary eye from their hoods shadow.
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vespersilvanus · 6 months
Tense unease, pain momentarily forgotten; waiting for the reaction.
Snapping of branches cut the ringing in their ears.
Scouts, already? From which way?
Nearly as shocked to find a… hand shoved in their face.
Had she understood the message, the underlying plea, could she have gotten the hint?
They didn’t want to, that wasn’t the mission.
But if she says anything…
Running, limping heavily- hiding the grimace of pain then springing on, pressing forward.
They had to be quick, there wasn’t time for this; they needed to ditch the search party and find the trail…
how did a group get so close already…
Voices? Not mt's? That’s unusual…
Did it have to do with her mission? It couldn’t have been theirs… there was no one left- just her…
Naturally light on their feet the dry brush was still a challenge to keep silent; doing their best to not make too much noise despite their injuries.
Trying to gain distance, hoping she was able to follow. Head and eye throbbing along with every heartbeat.
Shadows… the trees, which direction? South…
North… This way. It’ll have to do.
Sharply turning, they ducked under a branch; gripping the narrow alder to change course. Launching onto a new path, they’d indirectly make for the group and safety.
On some level they expect to be betrayed but…
It’s not like it wouldn’t be deserved.
Hooded head rolled against bark to the side, glancing over at the sound of coughing; guessing she needed a moment too… made sense… Taking a few deeper slower breaths, trying to recover without letting the fatigue sink its claws in too deep. There was still plenty of ground to cover and the clock never stopped.
Idly examining the cables still knotted around their forearm and snagged on the wrecked and crushed parts of Hidden Blade inside the sleeve; leather bracer holding things painfully in place- for the better; not knowing just what to expect of the injured limb underneath. There wasn’t much they could do to hope salvaging the weapon before returning; depending on just how badly it had been crushed… and as it were… embedded in their arm- the Blade would probably be a rebuild.
Vesper froze, tense as spun steel; the second time in the same day that that voice has pierced right through. Of course…
Keep reading
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vespersilvanus · 6 months
Hardly noticing the extended time, his interruption brought them to focus. A small ‘tisk' and sigh they continued the thought as though it had been out loud the entire time.
“I’m not dealing with any trouble it causes,” hands shoved in their coat pockets, somewhat defeated, “that’s between you and your retainers.”
"So..." he'd begin to say. "Think you and I can go fishing?" Noctis asks as he'd then add. "Please?"
The earnestness of the ‘please’ was unexpected, enough so, that the glaive paused. Having been ready to lecture the kid about being caught wandering the barracks… again.
“…why’re you… so set on that?” confused and unused to being around others regularly or being wanted around.
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vespersilvanus · 6 months
Still more throwing them off, incredulous at the idea; despite the frown they’d suddenly put on.
Hard to believe, not because he was the Prince; there was the chance of interactions affecting their job in other ways, but mostly doubting the idea of anyone wanting their company.
The more likely explanation, to them anyways, was he probably in need of an excuse or something… but there was no way they were going to be the cause of any issues… especially with his Hand.
Face shaded, nearly obscured in the large hood; they mulled over everything in silence for maybe a little too long. Unintentionally leaving Noctis standing without an answer. Oblivious to the uncomfortable quiet.
"So..." he'd begin to say. "Think you and I can go fishing?" Noctis asks as he'd then add. "Please?"
The earnestness of the ‘please’ was unexpected, enough so, that the glaive paused. Having been ready to lecture the kid about being caught wandering the barracks… again.
“…why’re you… so set on that?” confused and unused to being around others regularly or being wanted around.
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vespersilvanus · 10 months
"So..." he'd begin to say. "Think you and I can go fishing?" Noctis asks as he'd then add. "Please?"
The earnestness of the ‘please’ was unexpected, enough so, that the glaive paused. Having been ready to lecture the kid about being caught wandering the barracks… again.
“…why’re you… so set on that?” confused and unused to being around others regularly or being wanted around.
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vespersilvanus · 10 months
Vesper didn’t really believe there was a way to get rid of the daemons, not anymore, not without the sun, but killing them still had the same effect- a rotting pile of miasma and hopefully by the time the creature can return… it’s in a new area.
Too many small daemons in one place had shown to sometimes attract larger, more dangerous ones; joining the hunters as a part timer- they’d been called in to help clear out the goblins and imps
Returning to the living room, Vesper followed the elders gaze from over his shoulder; taking in all the movement of the early risers already outside.
Squinting slightly as a stores sign flickered to life; theirs being the way it had been, the mortal didn’t have much experience receiving or showing affection… only really knowing that if something was important, to try and take care as best they could. Even though there wasn’t anything that they could possibly provide the Astral; what could a being like that even need of them…
No crystal buffering the bond, they were aware of and could feel the churning immensity of the Astrals power. The human didn’t fear the god falling… It had, maybe, more of a… possessiveness there; a refusal to lose what was precious and perhaps coming from the lack of having family- he had become something alive to hold on to… //a reason// If there was any offense caused by their actions that they noticed, it was outwardly ignored- and stubbornly fret over inwardly.
Brows rising slightly as they noticed the truck across the street; a couple hunters already sitting in the box and more people starting to mil around the sidewalk. “…they’re early…”
Quickly finishing off the bitter coffee, empty cup rinsed in the sink; small pack and blades secured before murmuring a sincere farewell, it wasn’t long before the glaive Hunter was loading into the truck along with nearly a dozen, similarly clad, others.
Help clear out some daemons,
Get paid at the nearest post
then slip away for the real mission…
The once clear ice was fractured and dark; no longer showing the Goddess within.
The empty screaming silence was interrupted…
An inaudible rumble and otherworldly twang of thick ice breaking preceded the deafening advent of a massive fissure splitting across its surface. Permanently disrupting the silence and ash…
Power poured forth, rolling like a shadow, //a sigh of relief.// Silent, unseen, but potent and inescapable; felt through the very being of all under the missing star. //Dread, fear//…
The unfiltered presence of death rippled across Eos; it caused no damage, nothing physical… and even reached ever so gently into the realm of the resting Chosen. The invisible flood reached the Storm; causing unease in the city, until that power settled over the world- becoming a permanent layer of shadow over an already dark world.
It was not a vague potential of should the worst come pass, nor was it a threat- this ambiance was the firm promise- //CaNnOt RuN fRoM yOuR sHaDoW// death was coming.
The cold throne of ash and bone- in the depths of the scourge consumed empire was no longer contained. Still in slumber, the accumulating strength had grown to more than the frozen prison could contain. Bringing plenty more time than even the Glacian could have hoped but it was crumbling…
Slowly walks into their new apartment and over the the human before collapsing on the floor and curls up. Nap time.
"If you're going to pretend to be human and have an apartment..." muttering under their breath "... and make me live here..." before continuing, "You're using the room and the bed." =_=
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vespersilvanus · 11 months
It had been a millennia since any of the gods walked Eos; too long for such a young and short lived species. Some questioning if any of them truly existed; only the Kings power and the Oracles word as proof.
It was just as long ago that the small, not yet a kingdom, of humans were judged worthy of the Stormsenders attention and care. They were instruments- a source of strength, something the glacian remembered and had used to survive the empires hunts… but had forgotten the pain of becoming attached- she hadn’t intended the current Oracle to be something so dear.
Yet it was that which had her oppose their brother, and seek a different future than what he decreed was the only course.
Morning… or as close to what ‘dawn’ had become inside the city; a slight shift in temperature and less dark shade of grey signaled day. Elderly and the youngest could feel it best, rising the earliest; aggravating alarms were what usually got most other people up and going.
Crowded, there was nothing truly quiet especially in the mornings. Sounds of muffled words turning into slowly growing mumbles, were joined by Tvs and small appliances. Until something falls with a dull whump and whimper that quickly became full on crying; furniture scraped floors and louder machines rumbled over distant arguing.
Vesper had been beginning to shift in their sleep from the start but it was a vehicle backfiring that had the glaive wake with a sharp jerk.
Heart thundering they lay tense for several seconds before finally letting out a slow, sighing cuss.
Palm scrubbing across bleary eyes, as they got their own morning started. Leaking and creaking pipes spluttering less than pure water for a hot shower and a few gritty burnt beans to make coffee… yet it was utter luxury; soaking in every moment. Things were good.
There was work to do, and they were shipping out with the hunters. It kept the apartment paid for and allowed access to more sources of information… even if that meant having to talk to people. There hadn’t been any leads to the person the old man was looking for.
Checking the other room, said elder seemed like he might be busy; that distant look well familiar to the mortal. That was fine, as long as he was not over working… or whatever astrals did. Setting a cup aside, fragrant leaves steeping for him later.
Thinner dark clothes layered repeatedly kept them both warm and better protected out in the field; it’d been getting colder the longer the sun was gone and it seemed like daemons were getting tougher.
Slowly walks into their new apartment and over the the human before collapsing on the floor and curls up. Nap time.
"If you're going to pretend to be human and have an apartment..." muttering under their breath "... and make me live here..." before continuing, "You're using the room and the bed." =_=
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vespersilvanus · 1 year
Heavy coat hung on a hook, mended and patched as they were able; still taking care of the uniform despite no longer wearing it. Dressing in something closer to what hunters wear, Vesper had no intention of being recognized or associated with the Glaive- survivors or risen.
Working as a runner for the time being; racing through the dark to make deliveries, find items, intelligence gathering… basically the same as before but with income. Enough that there’s food and water, and… they could keep renting the apartment; still no idea how the elder had secured one.
They were dense at times, but even for a human they weren’t completely empty-headed; picking up on the invisible field encompassing the city.
Still using power when he should be saving, resting…
Stretched out over the old sectional, lying still while listening to the elder finally take the tiny room and bed; it ended up taking only a couple hours for them to drift off. Slow, even breaths; their sleep was deep and mostly unbothered. Nothing compared to the previous, endless cycle of broken sleep; desperately trying to charge a depleted battery- jerking awake, a zombie prepared to fight.
As much as they grumbled and on occasion were snappy towards the elder- Vesper never meant it, and would apologize in their own awkward way, if not outright. Traumatized and withdrawn- they grew overwhelmed being bumped around for long in the too crowded market. Yet both of their lives had been improved with the new housing; small, run down and clearly had been a larger unit at one time. Chopped up and sectioned to shelter more families than the building should but it was enough.
Slowly walks into their new apartment and over the the human before collapsing on the floor and curls up. Nap time.
"If you're going to pretend to be human and have an apartment..." muttering under their breath "... and make me live here..." before continuing, "You're using the room and the bed." =_=
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vespersilvanus · 1 year
why aren’t we playing together yet?
❓ i just got started, and i don’t know how to approach you
😳 i’m very shy
🙈 i was meaning to approach you but i forgor  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
💡 i still haven’t found any good idea to start interacting
📚 i still haven’t found any good prompt to start interacting
👶 first meetings threads aren’t my forte
🍼 my muse is an OC related to yours and i don’t know how to approach you with this
🧍 my muse is an OC very close to yours and i don’t know how to approach you with this
⛔ our muses aren’t compatable 
💗 i ship our muses but i feel awkward asking
🤢 i’m full of threads right now, but in the future i want to
⚽ i’m very busy with life right now, but in the future i want to
🙅‍♀️ i’m just lurking tbh
🔔 we interact with other blog(s), but i don’t know how to get started with this one
📴 we do interact but i’m currently very busy 
🛏️ we do interact but i currently have no muse
🗿 we do interact but i’m currently in another RPC
📶 we do interact and i want more threads with you actually!
😘 pspsps hey want to plot?
😚 pspsps hey what’s your prompts tag?
😗 pspsps hey want my prompts tag?
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vespersilvanus · 1 year
The comment was its usual goading words but lacking in the abrasiveness behind it, “…jussst take it…” tired sigh hiding both the eye roll and flustered reaction; what was with that tone?
Stubborn, he’d left out stubborn, yet that was proving to be something common amongst the stars creations; ambling over to the lumpy couch under the window, they sat heavily into the layers of blankets. Legs stretched over the adjacent cushion.
“prefer my bedroll anyway…”
Still wary and skittish about others, having been outside too long; his little feral coeurl had improved somewhat and was talking more.
Even if it was sass; mostly hiding their insecurities but also used in expressing care- something foreign to receive or give. Though it didn’t help the area was becoming more crowded, but the place was warmer than the hide. Secure enough that they actually slept, even if it was with several locks on the door and the window ajar.
It'd taken a bit to get them to stay in the city, but there was that stubbornness again; separating the glaive from the elder was not an easy task. One that currently outweighs the edge being around people brought.
“Of course not k'iigáay,” rolling to face the away, back to the room. “get some rest.”
Slowly walks into their new apartment and over the the human before collapsing on the floor and curls up. Nap time.
"If you're going to pretend to be human and have an apartment..." muttering under their breath "... and make me live here..." before continuing, "You're using the room and the bed." =_=
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vespersilvanus · 1 year
Slowly walks into their new apartment and over the the human before collapsing on the floor and curls up. Nap time.
"If you're going to pretend to be human and have an apartment..." muttering under their breath "... and make me live here..." before continuing, "You're using the room and the bed." =_=
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vespersilvanus · 1 year
Ooc:// ; ; yep thnx drive. Totally meant to delete that document... yep... ...
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vespersilvanus · 1 year
Ooc: ves is annoyingly awake.
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