vetyver-soaked-stars · 48 minutes
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Always something with Psylocke, wasn't it? "Better than most I suppose. Another revival in Kraoka, getting hit on by Wade, looking for treasure....you know the drill."
@vetyver-soaked-stars: x
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“If you stuck around more often, perhaps you wouldn’t have to wait so long to be graced by my presence.” She was being sarcastic, of course. “How have you been treating yourself?”
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vetyver-soaked-stars · 21 hours
I'm hooomee. 2 trains later and 6 states I've cut across and stuck my feet in, I am so glad to be home to somewhere that's quiet. NYC was so smelly and loud.
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‘ we’re in this together. ’ (for Domino)
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"I'm glad someone likes to think so! It's been too long since I've had you on my side, Psylocke."
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star wars: knights of the old republic, vol i.  ∕   sentence starters dialogue taken from issues #0-6 of the 2006-2010 comic book series written by john jackson miller. lightly edited for clarity.
’ well, that could have been worse.’
’ even for one who studies serenity, it’s an exciting time. ‘
‘ lowered standards, patron protector of ____ ‘
‘ in a way, i’m glad we did this. ’
‘ please, forgive me. ’
‘ after all, we’re not just their teachers. we’re their protectors. ’
‘ ah. one last exercise, then. ’
‘ i couldn’t have killed one of them, much less all of them. ’
‘ i’m not an accessory! i’m a mastermind! ’
‘ the future’s in the past, huh? ’
‘ fear is your enemy. do not give it ground to grow. ’
‘ i hate it when people make sense. ’
‘ we’re in this together. ’
‘ i don’t think anything’s coincidental with these guys. ’
‘ i can’t believe i didn’t think of it earlier! ’
‘ each step may be your last. ’
‘ there are only life-or-death choices here. no complicating hues or gradations. ’
‘ you will see both the future and oblivion before you. ’
‘ just thinking about the last time i came here. ’
‘ i didn’t kill anyone before, and i’m not going to now. ’
‘ we’re together because you can see what no one else can‒ and will guard against what no one else will. ’
‘ well? is there any doubt to what you saw? ’
’ he’s given me what i wanted. i only wish he could tell me what to do with it. ’
‘ i think you could really help me. ’
‘ it’s all right, you’ve gotten more than you’ve bargained for. i understand. ’
‘ i don’t want to die for what they think i’m going to do. ’
‘ i’d say ‘welcome to my life,’ but oh wait. you ruined that! ’
‘ i hope to be a nobody again! i wanted to be a nobody! ’
‘ and now i can’t protect either of us, thanks to you. ’
‘ don’t you want a fair fight? ’
‘ nobody’s ever sacrificed themselves for any of us before. ’
‘ doesn’t mean i like you, or anything… ’
‘ bury yourself ‒ before you bury us all! ’
‘ i’m tired of betting against myself. ’
‘ and to make sure, i’m going to hunt down each and every one of you. ’
‘ the one that confesses, lives. ’
‘ don’t look for me. because i’ll find you. ’
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Dark Spider-Verse Aesthetic
"We can't go on like this. It's got to stop. It's got to. "
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Sooo I'm gonna be traveling to see my dad this weekend which involves sitting for like 8 hours on a train/bus. Totally feel free to send me memes/asks/continue our threads. I'm gonna very bored ;u;
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Bee didn't like the sound of any of that. He enjoyed Rodimus at times. He really did. But since having the Matrix he seemed more reckless. It made him wish that Optimus had been closer and easier to talk to in moments like this. Bee's optics widened at the sound of Megatron and stick both in the same sentence. It was more than likely just Rod having issues with Megatron again. "You mean not...physically right? You know he's your co-captain, Rods."
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"I swear to Primus, Rod, you're the most careless pilot I've ever had to deal with." He wasn't ready to hear Magnus long and very detailed report on Rodimus' escapades and destructive tendencies. He had been witness to them taking off last time and the memory made his frame shiver. "Remind me why you're here again?"
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"Ah. Bumblebee." There's a note of surprise in Prowl's tone- he hadn't been expecting to crash into the minibot today, especially so out of the blue. "...I haven't seen you in a while. Hm. I trust you're doing well?"
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"Prowl..." His tone was flat, tired from dealing with the offloading of work Cybertron seemed to keep piling onto him. His frame seem to sigh along with the rest of him as he looked up at the taller bot. "Busy. A little annoyed. But nothing I need to trouble you about."
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send me a ‘dibs’ if you are ridiculously attached to me as an rp partner
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HC for Nancy: Resident Evil verse
Nancy grew up within the town of Raccoon City for a good majority of her life. During the time of the decimation of Raccoon City, Nancy was called away on a job a month before and lost her family to the devastation. She tried to sue UMBRELLA (with no luck) and learned about the B.S.A.A. / S.T.A.R.S division that did their best to save those affected. She soon joins up and swears revenge on UMBRELLA, especially Wesker.
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❝ let’s not… take of our clothes just yet… this is just too hot. ❞ - Dani and Flash - @collectingmuses asked
Dani had been sitting his lap in her pjs but hadn't put on a bra or undies as test to see if Flash would notice. The movie they had been watching had gotten them both in the mood and she had been teasingly grinding against his lap which in turn had gotten him riled up. "Y..you wanna feel how wet I am against you right now? Right through you pants, babe?"
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❝ you should keep the boots on~ ❞ - Cole and Neena uwu @collectingmuses asked
Neena couldn't help but smirk. She knew Cole enjoyed seeing her in the bodysuit but she had chosen to come over to his place in a cute dress and knee high boots for comfort since this was only one of the few times she had time off. "Don't tell me you have a boot kink now, Cole. Or were you suggesting something..else?"
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another flirty/nsfw sentence meme .
  ( since we all have different tastes ! )
❝ for the date, do you have any… tighter jeans~? ❞ ❝ those ripped jeans are just a tease… i want to tear them apart. ❞ ❝ you know i love to hold your hand, but today you just look too good from behind. ❞ ❝ come on and dance with me~ if you can move in those pants, that’s it? ❞ ❝ let’s not… take of our clothes just yet… this is just too hot. ❞ ❝ oh lord, i just can’t stop staring at that piercing… ❞ ❝ ahah… p… please be nice to me… my asthma might kill me otherwise~ ❞ ❝ no, don’t sit… i’ll go down on my knees. ❞ ❝ woah… don’t you have an early morning tomorrow? ❞ ❝ i don’t care for being bullied in bed, so you should just stop. ❞ ❝ you don’t think sweatpants are hot? i mean… these are an expensive brand? ❞ ❝ there’s nothing dangerous with a little party make-out, right? ❞ ❝ candles? nah, that’s a fire hazard. i can set the mood very well without it. ❞ ❝ there’s just something so extremely irresistible about a uniform… ❞ ❝ let me smudge my lipstick in all sorts of places, hm? ❞ ❝ that paperwork seems awfully boring… wouldn’t i look better on your desk? ❞ ❝ my paperwork is killing me… i’m just imagining you laying on the desk instead. ❞ ❝ victoria’s secret? don’t tell me it’s a bag of perfume now~ ❞ ❝ fuck… you can step on me in those heels. ❞ ❝ i know i slept with a lot of people, but… it wasn’t making love. ❞ ❝ i’ll be your type, if you would only tell me what it is. ❞ ❝ i’m not sure if i’m comfortable being someone’s first time… ❞ ❝ you should keep the boots on~ ❞ ❝ these underwear are so… smooth… ❞ ❝ oh…~ i didn’t expect you to shave all the way. ❞ ❝ i’m not sure if i can… do that… i’m scared i’ll hurt you… ❞ ❝ i know you like it, but i’m not… comfortable… ❞ ❝ is that… lace i see? ❞ ❝ why from behind? well… i like the thought of showing off what i got. ❞ ❝ oh my god… here? really? are you sure? ❞ ❝ do you think i could… put my fingers in your mouth? ❞ ❝ ahaha… want to make me sweat right after i showered? ❞ ❝ the sweater… do you have anything under? ❞ ❝ anything you want to do, before i get dressed? ❞ ❝ wow… aren’t you even going to touch the food first? ❞ ❝ i put this on, thinking… dessert? ❞ ❝ i… put on a little weight, but… it’s okay, right? ❞ ❝ what’s with the layers? playing hard to get~? ❞ ❝ come here… warm your hands. ❞ ❝ my marks suit you. ❞ ❝ holy shit… i love stockings. ❞ ❝ if i break them with my teeth… will you hate me? ❞ ❝ i really… want everyone to know i’m yours. ❞ ❝ i like my reflection a little more with you all over me. ❞ ❝ a—ah! a bite?! ❞ ❝ the more the merrier, don’t you think? ❞ ❝ i got a new apartment, and i need someone to put clothes on the floor. ❞ ❝ let’s climb into the backseat… ❞ ❝ oh, look! my hand fits perfectly in your back pocket! ❞ ❝ look at the mirror… don’t you look cute? i know you do… ❞
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simple yet specific relationships & reverse starters meme!
send one of the followings emojis or prompts if you have ideas for relationships & plots when it comes to our muses, but you don't know how to start! in return, i'll go through either yours or my prompts and try to send you something to work with your wishes! feel free to send more of them at the same time too!!
note: with "my muse", we mean the sender's
🙂 a simple first meeting should work
🤭 my muse wants to know yours better
🤗 my muse doesn't know yours, but heard of them /pos
🤔 my muse doesn't know yours, but heard of them and has no strong feelings about them. yet.
😄 my muse is related or friend of someone your muse is friends with
😕 my muse is related or friend of someone your muse dislikes
😍 my muse is related or friend of someone your muse loves
🐶 they could be friends!!!!
🐺 they were friends in the past, but lost contact with eachother
🐣 they're family!!!
🐔 my muse is a distant relative of yours
🐴 my muse is a fan of yours
🦝 my muse is an old friend who yours didn't see in a while
🐭 our muses are online friends
❤️ my muse wants to kiss yours (in a romantic way)
💙 my muse has a one sided crush on yours
💚 our muses are exes
🧡 my muse used to have a crush on yours some time ago
💛 my muse wants to kiss yours (mostly in a sexy kind of way)
💜 our muses had a one night stand
🖤 our muses are fuckbuddies
🥄 my muse doesn't know yours, but heard of them /neg
🔨 they should beat eachother up
💣 my muse hates yours
🗡️ our muses hate eachother
🔪 my muse is scared of yours
⛏️ they were friends in the past, but they had a serious fight
🪓 my muse wants to kill yours
📅 they're forced to cooperate
📋 my muse wants yours to work for them
📚 our muses know eachother from school
📊 our muses know eachother from work
📌 my muse works for yours
📭 your muse works for mine
📖 my muse is or was your muse's teacher
🍉 they should work together to beat someone else up
🍋 our muses are in a fake relationship
🍏 my muse needs yours to pretend to be their partner
🍒 my muse is famous, and i'd love to see yours reaction to see them
🍓 my muse is a troublemaker and yours find them after a fight
🍇 my muse is sad for any reason and crosses paths with yours
🍊 my muse catches yours doing something illegal
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Nancy shook her head. Some of this was adding up and some of it wasn't.
"So you weren't bit when you became a cowboy...sorry, you kinda lost me there a minute. You'll have to excuse me." The name he brought up was unusual but she had thought for sure that the Terran myth was dead. Apparently it had kicked back up again. "Huh. I read that Terran was shot but...news can be wrong." She wasn't up for dealing with him any longer after the last statement and rolled her eyes. "Oh for fucks sake. They call me in for a vampire like incident and its just some asshole. Sorry to have bothered you." She had a lot more writing to do as well as research to update. Nancy didn't want to deal with her vampire table partner anymore so she downed her drink, stood up and went to go pay her bar tab.
He smiled, "Nah, ain't a touchy subject. "I was born seventy-six years inta the eleventh century. I'm nine hundred an' forty-eight years old. I got sired nine hundred an' sixteen years 'go." he told her. He chuckled. He wanted to see how much she actually knew about the supernatural world - he was going to name drop. If she hadn't heard of this person, then it means she never watched TV, read the newspaper, stayed off social media. And though it wasn't publicly known what this person was, in the supernatural world it was. As is the town and castle that was built inside a bubble dimension.
"I was Sired by Terran Nytefyer," he finally said.
"An' a'course I eat an' drink," he looked at her. "I'mma Livin' Vampire, not a undead one."
He smirked at her, but there was a serious tone to his next words. "Oh, I can definitely be a threat if'n I must, especially if'n someone hurts anyone I care 'bout, er innocent people."
Tolaas tilted his head. He squinted at her, trying to think of what kind of 'activity' would have drawn her attention here. "Oh!" he explained as a light bulb went off. "Ya talkin' bout the rash a people that've gotten bit in the neck, an' it's resulted in at least one death?" Tolaas nodded. "Yeah, it's some fuckin moron wearing porcelain fangs. Stupid fucker's been scarin' people and accidentally punctured someone's artery causin' them ta bleed out." He lifted a hand and waved it back and forth. "Ain't somethin' ya gotta worry 'bout. 'caause the police have his DNA, they just can't find 'im."
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Happy Pride yall <3 It's been a hell of a week for me mentally and I'm just happy to be here.
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Send me a question you have always wanted to know about my muse.
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