virtuallylewd 11 months
what the hell is going on in Tumblr
Downloading guys off google Images and rubbing their tum-tum's is so relaxing and wholesome 馃ズ
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virtuallylewd 2 years
Did you know that tumblr makes it so you can鈥檛 comment until you follow a blog for two weeks?
Is this true?! I had no idea
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virtuallylewd 2 years
sometimes I鈥檓 kinda blown away with how many people wanna talk to me
it makes me feel really good about myself
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virtuallylewd 2 years
I love your simp videos.
Any chance of another in the future?
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virtuallylewd 2 years
oh my god I just realized I have a little unofficial dog mom group at my local park
I don鈥檛 even know these people鈥檚 names, but I see them every day so our dogs can hang out
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virtuallylewd 2 years
Homestuck porn shoot?
Lewdstuck was the irl porn section of homestuck. A lot of them were kind (and smoking hot) people.
it鈥檇 be kinda fun to do Homestuck cosplay again
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virtuallylewd 2 years
As someone who would someday like to try vtubing wither as a side thing or full. I have no idea where to start
YouTube has some really helpful resources!
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virtuallylewd 2 years
I was just curious, what does the use of the 鈾狅笍 (black spade just in case the emote doesn't send properly) mean on your profiles?
Is it what I think it is or is it just because you like how it looks?
It looks like a butt plug! I was also a Homestuck in the past, love symbolism & think the casino aesthetic is really pretty 馃グ it also is the symbol of a succubus tail!
It鈥檚 my oshi mark to show you鈥檙e a fan of me, and find other people in the community!
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virtuallylewd 2 years
If you could change one thing about your avatar what would it be
I designed my OC with future proofing in mind! I wouldn't change anything, except the outfits. ^_^ I just like the variety though, I'd still stick to the same color palettes to keep my branding consistent
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virtuallylewd 2 years
Since I've been playing more vrchat I wanted to actually do the vr element of it instead of desktop and recommendations for gear in that sense.
I'd recommend the Vive or Index! I currently use an Index
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virtuallylewd 2 years
Something else that's also stupid is that prices for bits and subs appear to be different between desktop and the mobile app. /M
I think it's more expensive on mobile because of Apple demanding a cut
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virtuallylewd 2 years
Did you know that you are a really good girl? It's true! /M
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virtuallylewd 2 years
How often do you get horny and on a scale of 1 to 10 how horny are you at those moments
I鈥檓 always at 69% horny
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virtuallylewd 2 years
I should also add that I feel like even if it was skewed the other way, with bits being the slightly more favored one, that gifted subs is the over time the better one.
If a gifted sub gets converted into a normal monthly subber, then you're instantly much better off.
If 10 of 50 choose to keep the sub going, then you're getting $25 extra from the gifted subs. /M
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virtuallylewd 2 years
VL hurry a very sexy woman is using your server as her breeding grounds and she is taking all your fans! I say you become her pet then you will share fans and become the most unstoppable team ever
every sexy woman belongs to me
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virtuallylewd 2 years
The economics of Twitch with bits vs subs is a funny one to me.
It makes more economical sense for me to gift subs over donating bits. 11,500 bits costs me the same as 50 gifted subs. But even with Twitch taking 50% from the subs, then you still get 125 vs 115 dollars. /M
tbh I鈥檓 a little number dyslexic, so it鈥檚 hard for me to remember what鈥檚 worth what lol
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virtuallylewd 2 years
Do you allow clipping on twitch VODs? I was trying to clip some stuff to make some high quality Shitposts, but it won鈥檛 let me do it from the VOD.
Still kinda new to twitch so I may be doing something wrong.
NOOOO you absolutely can, and I encourage & am really grateful for it! Maybe you have to be a sub? Honestly, I鈥檝e been out of the loop so long I鈥檓 not sure either. I鈥檓 a Twitch noob again
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