virtuorco-blog · 5 years
@burstbombbitch can't stop me from having a good time
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virtuorco-blog · 5 years
It would make sense that she surrounded herself with the purest symbol of femininity, purity, beauty. The flowers, stars in their own right that the land created for her littered her field. All the glamour and glitz of show business didn’t taint her humble abode. Admirable. 
He sniffs the floral aromas and wonders if it is anything as sweet as the real thing. It’s possible. Sniff...
Fingertips touch the pristine picket fence, the ideal compliment to her dollhouse home. Much time is spent getting to know her exterior before she arrived. He would make his presence known only after, just happened to stop by. 
Lono retreats, hiding away among nature. His kind has never practiced this technique in the past on fish, but he has it down already.
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virtuorco-blog · 5 years
Startled by the noise of a garbage can crashing on the floor, a lone Octoling flinched and turned around to the source of the sound. Fortunately, she was lightly armed and prepared for unexpected events such as this.
She slowly approaches the alley while slowly reaching for her lower back for something under her ridiculously expensive Toni Kensa black bomber jacket, pressing her back against the wall on the lip of the alley and slowly peek into the alley.
The beast’s tarlike formation barely takes a recognizable shape. Only the maw manages to hold itself together, conical points jutting out as its teeth. It proceeds to chomp on some of the spilled trash ravenously, not noticing the voyeur joining the scene. Not enough. It picks up another trashcan and shakes it in frustration.
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virtuorco-blog · 5 years
@virtuorco 💖
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    “String instruments kind of sound like honey, don’t you think?”
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“ Yes, the right instruments sound like honey, and others sound like so much more with the right frequency. I can only imagine what it was like for musicians in the ancient times, harnessing what could only be seen by others as the nectar of the gods in intangible form... ”
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virtuorco-blog · 5 years
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virtuorco-blog · 5 years
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𝐎𝐍  𝐌𝐘  𝐎𝐖𝐍.   hello  gamers   ,   my  name  is  milk   &   this  is  a  brand  new  agent  8   blog   !   if  you’re  interested  in  interacting  with  an  quiet   &   anxious  octoling   ,   give  this  post  a  rb   !   laws   &   dossier.
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virtuorco-blog · 5 years
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virtuorco-blog · 5 years
Melo is not like, absolutely horrible. Even though he might think himself more than the average tolerable person, he’s alright. He can respect that.
“Oh well I guess that legitimized your fashion statement a little. I still question the choice of the fish’s design… it’s a bit unsettling. Doesn’t it scare some?”
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virtuorco-blog · 5 years
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Land Cetaceans are so damn weird I had to draw out how they work!!! Blowholes aren’t necessary for survival since they live above water these days but there’s no reason for them to disappear either. They still use them to communicate in native languages and breathe while submerged/eating/drinking (talking while eating is still considered impolite). In whale form it is the primary way of obtaining oxygen.
The air passage that links to the hole splits into lungs and a “blubber sac” which contains a supply of converted whale oil for various uses. A plug exists to prevent improper exchange between the organs, and the lungs can be sealed off from the mouth, freeing it to be used for separate functions. The “whale oil” is limited. Oil converts from blubber over an extended period of time, the biproduct of burning fats into energy. In the event of a shortage, the sac can hold non-hostile liquids like Cephalopod ink or water. A muscle empties the sac’s contents forcefully through the blowhole.
For some species, the setup may have a slightly different arrangement, but the functions are generally the same.
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virtuorco-blog · 5 years
“Oh shut your mouth.” Carolina glared at the not inkling in front of her. She was in full agent gear and kept a hand on her heroshot. “Last time I saw you, you attacked me with some freaky inky stuff. And I think you do have answers. So spill.”
A sharp snort expels from his single nostril, dismissing her request. “With my mouth shut, I’m afraid you wouldn’t understand anything I’d try to tell you. I’d only be wasting our time.”
He rested his elbows on a small file cabinet. Her decision to show up in battle gear surprised Melo slightly. It was a tossup whether or not the hero of Inkopolis would be terribly prudent after her fairly weak display of combat prowess previously. What she just said puts him back in this conundrum.
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virtuorco-blog · 5 years
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virtuorco-blog · 5 years
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Eight-ton orca leaps 15ft into the air to finally capture dolphin he wanted for dinner after two-hour chase
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virtuorco-blog · 5 years
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virtuorco-blog · 5 years
@alphaservnetwork liked for a starter
Grumbling, rumbling, voices hungering for flesh to consume reverberating through the alleyway. Closer to the source is darkness, tendrils and waves of tar-like substance bubbling up from a crack in the wall. If there was any thought that this might be a harmless occurrence--an illusion or aberration--in this strange and diverse world of sea creatures, one of the tendrils outstretch and punt a nearby garbage can out of the way. A gaping maw tries to form, armed to the teeth to consume any prey in its path.
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virtuorco-blog · 5 years
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Melo sighs. “ What? Back looking for more answers? I can assure you, there are none here for you. Or perhaps this is about my class--though I didn’t take you for the musical type... ”
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virtuorco-blog · 5 years
@agenthuit​ mistakenly thinks Melo is valid 
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“ Do you realize that it’s hard for anyone to take you seriously with that... thing on your head? ”
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virtuorco-blog · 5 years
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Melo spends a lot of his downtime doing “research” on psychoacoustics. Ever since he’d learned about the effects music has on cephalopods, he’s been looking into what those effects are and the limitations. He keeps the details of his methods to himself but he gets to talking about his interests if the other person seems sophisticated enough for him.
His ability to make his own ink react to his music is a start that has put him down a path where he has less regards for others unless they could be of some use to his work. It has made him fairly successful in concerts but he always strives to outdo himself in that regard. He knows the industry is fickle.
More importantly, his long term goal is to permanently affect how his ink works through sound. He has already found a way to alter himself, but it isn’t enough. He must fix his damaged airways or consider it all a waste of his time.
Melo is less concerned about the events of squids and octos around him and shutting himself off from the world has made him less empathetic towards them. Experimenting is a means to an end, and so those that are unfortunate enough to be selected for his tests often end up worse off if not incapacitated. This only means that he might be able to fix them with the right frequency, but that's only if his theory is correct. Thankfully he hasn’t done this to many individuals. Melo is by no means a heartless machine hellbent on destroying thousands of organisms to reach some greater goal. If it were to cost that much, he might despair that his morality is not that far gone.
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