voguishthrone · 2 years
Crack fic where Padme is on Yet Another dangerous political mission and Anakin is there guarding her again and somehow they accidentally get married by the local customs and they’re initially going to get it annulled but then they realize they can just go “yes we accidentally got Random Planet Married but it’s not worth the hassle to get Random Planet Divorced so we’re just leavin it” and they can be married and play it off as if it’s just one of their funny little mission fails
And then they start testing the boundaries of what they can play off for laughs by telling everyone “I’m just being a good spouse to my bestie who I accidentally married but there’s totally nothing real going on between us lol no forbidden romance here”
Obi Wan kind of wants to murder them both because honestly him covering for those two dumbasses is the only reason neither of them have faced consequences for this yet. Ahsoka and the entire 501st are watching with space popcorn and having the time of their lives
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voguishthrone · 2 years
"Anakin should have gotten therapy—"
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voguishthrone · 2 years
My reading on the council’s assessment of Anakin goes something like this:
- They were absolutely getting a sense of foreboding with him. It’s not just narrative, it’s magic. It wasn’t particularly specific. Just vibes.
- He’s an exception to the rule but in a composite kind of way. They have their standard policy regarding age and stuff, but they were prepared to see him. If he’d been overage but an orphan, for example, they’d have been more inclined to take him in. If he’d had a good family but been emotionally well adjusted and clearly wanted to be there, they’d be more inclined again.
- So, I kind of summed up the two main sticking points already. But for the first: I do not believe they were like, judging him for missing his mother. In fact I think they had no desire at all to separate him from a mother he was missing and did not think that would be good for him. That was precisely the sticking point. That’s kind of what I don’t get, fandom-wise.. what, it was wrong for the jedi to separate them, but it was also wrong of them to not want to? He missed his mother. He wanted his mother. They honed in on that immediately. He didn’t fully want to be there. Of course they were hesitant to be the cause of that separation? Now I know there are takes on the whole attachment thing. But I have seen nothing in the text to indicate that they inherently look down on people raised in small families so whatever.
This is genuinely how I read it. Anakin standing there thinking he wants his mom, the jedi feeling that, and thinking well then he should be with his mom.
- This is An Interpretation, but frankly the more I sit with it the more convinced I am: Anakin was already touching the dark side as will bby grogu. This is not because he was an evil nine year old, this is because he was instinctively reaching into the force with his fear, which is part of how they define the darkside- use of the force being inherently tied to emotions according to the very basic worldbuilding. The use of the force is not a simple safe thing. It will return what you feed it. I imagine it like creating neural pathways, feedback loops. They ask him how he feels and he says he feels cold, and the cold is completely consistently associated with the darkside in the world building.
I think they understood that he was traumatized. They know how fucking trauma works, their people regularly inject themselves into warzones and shit. They got that he was anxious. They knew it meant that for him it would be more difficult for him to learn to use the force in a healthy way that would not exacerbate his anxiety. That his starting place was disadvantaged. And that deepening his connection to the force would fuck him up even more if they weren’t careful. That it made force training dangerous for him. And for others, because power is always dangerous for others, that’s what makes it power.
TL;DR I read it as them seeing that Anakin would probably be better off with his mom and therapy, not cosmic powers. and they were right.
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voguishthrone · 2 years
Order 66 AU where Palpatine made one (1) fatal mistake and that was putting the Jedi into the military to whittle them down before his big damn triumph. You know. Like canon. Except that friendship is magic and love overcomes all odds and the Jedi have been right down there in the trenches saving clones, sharing their joys and griefs, and dying for them, while what's Palpatine and the Senate done for them lately, hm?
Palpatine: Execute Order 66!
Cody: . . . Yes my lord.
Cody: Welp guess we're Separatists.
Obi-Wan: We're what.
Cody: I presume you'll be taking control of the droid armies now?
Obi-Wan: What.
Cody: Or is the plan for Generals Windu or Yoda to handle that?
Obi-Wan: ... what....
Cody: Gotta say, sir, you should've done this years ago. The infiltration plot didn't need to go this long.
Obi-Wan: Infil--?
Cody: At least the rest of the war should take about a week without having to answer to the Republic's politicians.
Obi-Wan: . . . Hello, Force? It's me, Obi-Wan. I have a few questions...
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voguishthrone · 2 years
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voguishthrone · 2 years
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voguishthrone · 2 years
Disney needs to stop hammering this crunch of 50 years and do a Star Wars show set 100/150/200 years back. Give us Jedi Temple experience, give us Elderly Jedi and awkward, adventurous Archivists, give us missions against slavery in Hutt Space and Spice Syndicates in the Deep Undercity of Coruscant, give us a Chancellorship election scandal and the previous generation of hidden Sith and a galaxy full of rambunctious Jedi crossing paths. Give us new characters and new stories to fall in love with, give us Jedi who are going to live full and die well before the galaxy goes to absolute shit. Give us Jedi that will never know that their bright stories, their bright age, is coming to an end. That they are the second to last generation. Give us Yoda being dogged by feral baby younglings and Junior padawans learning how to drive a speeder in class and an entirely different jedi council having boring meetings and receiving completely banthashite mission reports and Knights gossiping in the cafeteria and senior padawans getting bailed out of jail. Give us - give us a lineage, five generations and a few branches strong, so we get retired grandmasters and fledging initiates and a temple teacher and a couple of knights and three padawans of different ages and follow their stories and tie together this Jedi community so we can all fucking weep and scream because you keep showing us this loss over and over and I'm tired of seeing The Loss, damnit, I want to see What Was Lost. I want you to feed me so much growth and happiness that my heart gets carved out in whole new ways when I go back to the older shows and the origionals. Leave the Skywalker Saga and The Empire and give me the goddamn Jedi Era.
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voguishthrone · 2 years
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clone wars screencap redraw 18
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voguishthrone · 2 years
i dont know how to describe it but in so many different fandoms there's always this one character that has all nuance & interest from their characterisation stripped away for this. woobified guy who is simultaneously the most competant character & also the character that needs to be rescued and saved by every character around them (at the cost of THOSE character's characterisations as well) & its so bizarre. like what do you get out of doing this other than an incredibly boring character that has almost no similarities to their canon counterpart
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voguishthrone · 2 years
like- the order has its flaws but also so does every institution??? On the whole they’re good??
I hate to break it to you but a lot of you don’t actually hate the Jedi Order, you just hate the fandom-constructed image of the Order.
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voguishthrone · 2 years
Hot Take:  Every interaction Anakin has with Mace Windu, from their playful banter in TCW to the gentle praise for Anakin on Vanqor to the stern and absolutely deserved, “Take a seat, young Skywalker” in ROTS, is one you could have written for Anakin and Obi-Wan to have the same exact tone and dynamic.  They did not have a uniquely antagonistic relationship, Mace did not cause Anakin to fall, Mace never mistreated him, and Anakin was not afraid of him, he teased Mace and interrupted Mace’s speeches and Anakin treated him exactly like he did Obi-Wan.  Mace Windu and Anakin were absolutely fine with each other.
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voguishthrone · 2 years
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voguishthrone · 2 years
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his reassuring serve
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voguishthrone · 2 years
do u ever see a theory and ur like ‘nah the writers aren’t that clever’
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voguishthrone · 2 years
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crappy bioshock doodles GO!!!
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voguishthrone · 2 years
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Hurry, Mr. B! Angels are waiting for our kisses. (◡‿◡✿) ♥
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voguishthrone · 2 years
@tvccreator @cottoniko
i cannot remain silent about this anymore.
all my friends are so skilled and creative and intelligent and incredible and they deserve so much recognition for their work and all the happiness in the world
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